Laravel Project Directory Structure - laravel

i have developed a project with default directory structure.
But on production, i don't want public in URL.
What can be done.?
I tried changing the app path, but still not working.

Just copy index.php and .htaccess file from public directory and paste it in project root folter.
Then change bootstrap path in project root folder index.php file like below,
require __DIR__.'/bootstrap/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/bootstrap/app.php';


How do I access Codeigniter 4 base url on live server?

I uploaded Codeigniter 4 to a shared hosting in a subdirectory.
I can access the installation (the default controller) if I go to
but how can I access the default controller if I want to use
I already added in App.php as baseurl. But currenty I'm getting a page not found error.
Try this okay.
I hope it will work
I discovered that when I try to point all my url to public/index.php in my project it return error 404 based on it can't find my controller after rewriting my .htaccess to point to public/index.php in my project root directory.
This is how I solved my problem =>
I move the index.php and the default .htaccess from public directory to my project root directory then I edit the index.php to locate my app directory
index.php Default find this line
// This is the line that might need to be changed, depending on your folder structure.
$pathsPath = FCPATH . '../app/Config/Paths.php';
Change it to
// This is the line that might need to be changed, depending on your folder structure.
$pathsPath = FCPATH . './app/Config/Paths.php';
I hope this work for you

How to run Laravel from root directory, not from public?

By default, Laravel project is run from the public directory. For this, I must enter http://localhost/public/.
How do I configure Laravel so that the website will appear to be from http://localhost/?
•Go to mainproject/public>>
a. .htacess
b. favicon.ico
c. index.php
d. robots.txt
e. web.config
1.cut these 5 files from the public folder, and then paste on the main project folder that’s means out side of public folder… mainproject/files
2.Next after paste ,open index.php ,modify
•require __DIR__.'/…/bootstrap/autoload.php'; to
•require __DIR__.'/bootstrap/autoload.php';
$app = require_once DIR.'/../bootstrap/app.php'; to
$app = require_once DIR.'/bootstrap/app.php';
you can also watch this video for better understanding----------------
Setup your webserver (probably Apache or NginX) to use the public folder of your laravel app as root directory. Or use a public_html folder and symlink it to your public folder, which basically does the same.
open your project in visual studio code
in new terminal type
php artisan serve
and goto

How to host laravel web application in Shared Hosting

I have developed a web application using Laravel 5.8, now I want to host that to a shared web server. What will be the folder structure and exact what to configure.
I have created a folder named laravel and kept all the project folders into that laravel folder, except project's public folder. I kept all the files and folders of public folder into public_html folder.
I have configured the index.php file of public_html folder as below.
a. require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';
require __DIR__.'/../laravel/bootstrap/autoload.php';
b. $app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../laravel/bootstrap/app.php';
$app->bind('path.public', function() {
return __DIR__;
*** I have solved the problem myself.
Step 1: I have found and installed laravel app into public_html folder from the cPanel
Step 2: Then I have moved everything into a folder named laravel except public folder into a new folder outside public_html folder
Step 3: Then I have moved everything from public folder into public_html folder
Step 4: Later I have followed the 2nd step above
Step 5: Then I have changed folder permission for storage folder and it works fine.
Step 6: Finally I have kept all other files and folders of the app developed in my local server into this newly installed app directories
Laravel default structure always better. its depend on your hosting place.
if your hosting place support for laravel framework then use default structure automatically public word redirect to project path.
Or if you need to ignore Public word in your Url
Copy all files form files put in to one folder ex:psl
copy public folder paste in to folder directory
change the index.php file in two place
require __DIR__.'/psl/bootstrap/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/psl/bootstrap/app.php';
I had similar errors on my deploy and then I noticed that the path is kind of wrong:
require __DIR__.'/../laravel/bootstrap/autoload.php';
the leading / changes to the root of the drive, and then the .. are not doing anything. Removing that leading / on both require __DIR__ fixed it for me.
if you can not provide a link to the web root of the shared folder!
All except the Public folder to move to a higher level, such as a folder laravel -
(Maybe on hosting your folder - public. not a folder public_html)
Change file publi_html/index.php
require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';
require __DIR__.'/../laravel/bootstrap/autoload.php';
And line
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../laravel/bootstrap/app.php';
$app->bind('path.public', function() {
return __DIR__;
Change file laravel/server.php
require_once __DIR__.'/public/index.php';
require_once __DIR__.'/index.php';

remove Laravel 4.2 /public from url

I uploaded my laravel 4.2 project on my shared webhost. now I have to go to to see the view . But I dont want ant public folder in my address . I used so many suggested .htaccess files but they didn't work for me.
Does any one know other solutions ? (not using .htaccess file) ... for example any laravel config that can help me...
Normally you need the htaccess file to point to the public folder. But you can copy the content of the public folder in your root folder and change the app path to it.
Copy your index file in your root folder and add this to your index.php file:
// set the public path to this directory
$app->bind('path.public', function() {
return __DIR__;
Here is solution I recently found and worked on my local host (I wish and think this works on shared webhost too). I hope it helps someone if has the same problem :
laravel 4 remove public from the URL
Follow the steps below to achieve this.
Step 1
Move everything from public folder to the root directory
Step 2
Now delete the empty ‘public’ folder.
Step 3
Edit the file bootstrap/paths.php
Find the following line
'public' => __DIR__.'/../public',
and replace it with:
'public' => __DIR__.'/..',
Step 4
Modify index.php in root
Find the following line
require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';
and replace it with:
require __DIR__.'/bootstrap/autoload.php';
Now in the same file find the following line
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/start.php';
and replace it with:
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/bootstrap/start.php';
That’s all. Browse to your Laravel installation without public in the URL and make sure it works.

Uploading Laravel Project onto Web Server

I am trying to upload my Laravel project onto my web server, but my past two attempts have been unsuccessful. I believe I am not uploading the files to the right location.
This is my web server's structure ->
Am I correct to say that I need to upload ALL of my laravel files into public_html?
This is my Laravel project's directory :
EDIT : I have now added all the files onto the root folder, and public into public_html, however none of my routes seem to work. (They work perfectly on localhost). Everything throws a 404
No, but you have a couple of options:
The easiest is to upload all the files you have into that directory you're in (i.e. the cPanel user home directory), and put the contents of public into public_html. That way your directory structure will be something like this (slightly messy but it works):
app/ <- your laravel app directory
bootstrap/ <- your laravel bootstrap directory
public_html/ <- your laravel public directory
artisan <- your project's root files
You may also need to edit bootstrap/paths.php to point at the correct public directory.
The other solution, if you don't like having all these files in that 'root' directory would be to put them in their own directory (maybe 'laravel') that's still in the root directory and then edit the paths to work correctly. You'll still need to put the contents of public in public_html, though, and this time edit your public_html/index.php to correctly bootstrap the application. Your folder structure will be a lot tidier this way (though there could be some headaches with paths due to messing with the framework's designed structure more):
laravel/ <- a directory containing all your project files except public
public_html/ <- your laravel public directory
I believe - your Laravel files/folders should not be placed in root directory.
e.g. If your domain is pointed to public_html directory then all content should placed in that directory. How ? let me tell you
Copy all files and folders ( including public folder ) in public_html
Copy all content of public folder and paste it in document root ( i.e. public_html )
Remove the public folder
Open your bootstrap/paths.php and then changed 'public' => __DIR__.'/../public', into 'public' => __DIR__.'/..',
and finally in index.php,
require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/start.php';
require __DIR__.'/bootstrap/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/bootstrap/start.php';
Your Laravel application should work now.
If you are trying to host your Laravel app on a shared hosting, this may help you.
Hosting Laravel on shared hosting #1
Hosting Laravel on shared hosting #2
If you want PHP 5.4 add this line to your .htaccess file or call your hosting provider.
AddType application/x-httpd-php54 .php
In Laravel 5.x there is no paths.php
so you should edit public/index.php and change this lines in order to to pint to your bootstrap directory:
require __DIR__.’/../bootstrap/autoload.php’;
$app = require_once __DIR__.’/../bootstrap/app.php’;
for more information you can read this article.
Had this problem too and found out that the easiest way is to point your domain to the public folder and leave everything else the way they are.
All of your Laravel files should be in one location.
Laravel is exposing its public folder to server. That folder represents some kind of front-controller to whole application. Depending on you server configuration, you have to point your server path to that folder. As I can see there is www site on your picture. www is default root directory on Unix/Linux machines.
It is best to take a look inside you server configuration and search for root directory location. As you can see, Laravel has already file called .htaccess, with some ready Apache configuration.
