How to build relational graph using elasticsearch data - elasticsearch

We are building log analytics applicaton in which we are using Graylog & Elasticsearch. Since I have installed Elasticsearch but somehow I want to take the data from elasticsearch and create relational graphs with the data on my own instead of using Xpack-Graph.
i could have used xpack graph api and do http calls to get data but its not free ware and i'm not sure that we will be able to buy one licence
is there any other alternative for xpack graph api which is free ??
or can i query directly to elastic using aggregation if so how feasible it is?? can yo share me some resource on this
Kindly share your thoughts on this.


How to know where the Elastic Search Hits are coming from

I have elastic search cluster.
Currently designing a python service for client for read and write query to my elastic search. The python service will not be maintained by me. Only internally python service will call our elastic search for fetching and writing
Is there any way to configure the elastic search so that we get to know that the requests are coming from python service, Or any way we can pass some extra fields while querying based on that fields we will get the logs
There is no online feature in elasticsearch to resolve your request. (you want to check the source and add fields to query).
but there is a solution for audit logs.
What you can do is placing a proxy in front of it and do the logging there, we have an Apache in front of our Elastic clusters to enable SSL-offloading there and add logging and ACL possibilities.

Is there application client for ElasticSeach 6.4.3 (similar to DBvear)

I tried to see my node data from application client (like DBvear), but I didn't found information about that. someone found way to connect DBvear to this version or to see the data by similar application?
I believe what you are looking for is GUI for Elasticsearch.
Typically the industry calls the elasticsearch stack as ELK stack and I believe what you are looking for is the K part of it which is Kibana.
I'm not sure if you are asking for SQL feature but if you are thinking to make use of the SQL feature you can check the Elasticsearch SQL plugin.
Other widely used client application for elasticsearch is Grafana. There are others available too(I think Splunk, Graylog, Loggly) but I believe Kibana and Grafana are the best bet.
Hope this helps!
Actually no, I using elastic search as a Database in different deployments and I don't want to maintenance Kibana instance (i prefer to see all the data in tool like DBvear)

Can i use Kibana UI for client's ? Is it open source?

I am new to kibana the requirement is to build an analytical dashboard, so we are thinking of uploading the data into elastic search and give access to only visualization of kibana to build reports and use the different dashboards. I have googled and found some links for building custom dashboards using kibana plugin but We don't need any customization so we wanted to use the same kibana UI. Please share your thoughts.
Elasticsearch and Kibana are both open-source.
If you want to prevent your users from read/writing to cluster but allow them to create visualisations and dashboards then you can do so by using a basic license and setting up Role-based access control. You'll need to give them full access to .kibana index. Have a look at Elastic subscriptions to understand the different types of licenses (subscriptions).
If they only want to view and not create visualisations/dashboards, then create a RO (read-only) user with limited privileges i.e read-all but no-write permissions.
Can i use Kibana UI for client's ? Is it open source?
Yes, Kibana is open source. You need a server to host Kibana for free, or you can buy some special option like 10 nodes ES server and Kibana with SAML (Platinium plan).
The name you are looking for is Elastic stack not solo Kibana.
For example Kibana needs Elasticsearch always.
Some features are in paid versions only, or in some free additional plugins.

how to implement elasticsearch

can kibana's console (in Dev Tools) be used for writing and implementing elasticsearch ? I am new to elasticsearch and very confused when it comes to doing hands-on it. thank you in advance.
kibana Dev tools makes calling elastic search API's easier so you can develop what ever you want in kibana Dev tools to make aggregation call or make query string to call the API's.
on the other hand you should use it with an SDK in your application like Elasticsearch JS for javascript so you can use the developed queries and aggregations in kibana to be used in your application and more you can monitor your shards health or put mapping for your indexes and more of functionality which can be found in Documentation, Although, you can find JS API's Documentation here
You can use Kibana Dev Tools to invoke REST API commands to perform cluster level actions such as taking snapshots, restore etc and also index simple documents. But, if you are looking to writing data to Elastic on a regular basis like ingesting server/ app logs or server metrics (CPU, memory, Disk usage etc) you should look at installing filebeats or metricbeats.

Elastic search with Google Big Query

I have the event logs loaded in elasticsearch engine and I visualise it using Kibana. My event logs are actually stored in the Google Big Query table. Currently I am dumping the json files to a Google bucket and download it to a local drive. Then using logstash, I move the json files from the local drive to the elastic search engine.
Now, I am trying to automate the process by establishing the connection between google big query and elastic search. From what I have read, I understand that there is a output connector which sends the data from elastic search to Google big query but not vice versa. Just wondering whether I should upload the json file to a kubernete cluster and then establish the connection between the cluster and Elastic search engine.
Any help with this regard would be appreciated.
Although this solution may be a little complex, I suggest some solution that you use Google Storage Connector with ES-Hadoop. These two are very mature and used in production-grade by many great companies.
Logstash over a lot of pods on Kubernetes will be very expensive and - I think - not a very nice, resilient and scalable approach.
Apache Beam has connectors for BigQuery and Elastic Search, I would definitly perform this using DataFlow so you donĀ“t need to implement a complex ETL and staging storage. You can read the data from BigQuery using BigQueryIO.Read.from (take a look to this if performance is important BigQueryIO Read vs fromQuery) and load it into ElasticSearch using ElasticsearchIO.write()
Refer this how read data from BigQuery Dataflow
Elastic Search indexing
UPDATED 2019-06-24
Recently this year was release BigQuery Storage API which improve the parallelism to extract data from BigQuery and is natively supported by DataFlow. Refer to for more details.
From the documentation
The BigQuery Storage API allows you to directly access tables in BigQuery storage. As a result, your pipeline can read from BigQuery storage faster than previously possible.
I have recently worked on a similar pipeline. A workflow I would suggest would either use the mentioned Google storage connector, or other methods to read your json files into a spark job. You should be able to quickly and easily transform your data, and then use the elasticsearch-spark plugin to load that data into your Elasticsearch cluster.
You can use Google Cloud Dataproc or Cloud Dataflow to run and schedule your job.
As of 2021, there is a Dataflow template that allows a "GCP native" connection between BigQuery and ElasticSearch
More information here in a blog post by
Further documentation and step by step process by google
