Visual Studio 2017 tooltip color issue - visual-studio

I am using the Color Theme Editor extension for Visual Studio 2017, and I'm having trouble changing the color of a particular section in the editor tooltips.
In the example below, I cannot figure out how to customize the bit with the white background - the method signature from the tooltip showing method overloads.
I have figured out how to customize pretty much everything else with the tooltips, except for that highlighted section. For example, Environment -> Tooltip will set the background of the entire tooltip (strangely enough the Environment -> Tooltip -> Background setting doesn't seem to do anything...).
Does anyone happen to know how to control the colors for the text highlighted in white in the example?

It looks like that particular color is messed up when you change theme.
Restart Visual Studio and then the color should be OK.

I get the same issue when I change the Tooltip text background with Color Theme Editor extension. And I have submit this issue to Q&A of Color Theme Editor extension for Visual Studio 2017.

Still a problem in Visual Studio Community 2019 v16.3.6; still the same solution (restarting) works.


Visual Studio 2022 Theme Not Colorizing Tabs

I have a VS 2022 Theme that doesn't address the Tabs toolbar colors. I have a VSTheme Project for it, so can fix it, but I don't know where the colors are in the "All Elements" tab.
Does anyone know how to colorize these elements in the VSTheme Project Editor?
Seems the majority of the color settings are called "FileTab" (example, to change the background color, look for FileTabActiveGroupBackground).
Here is a broken down screenshot of some of the color controls:

How to customize Visual Studio 2015 collapsed method preview box

I don't know what the office name of this feature is, but in Visual Studio 2015 you get a neat preview dialog when hovering your mouse over a collapsed method or function. The preview dialog will show the first 20 or so lines of that method/function. What I want to do is customize the background color that preview dialog/popup. I cannot for the life of me find the appropriate Fonts and Colors setting which controls this and I don't know what to look for in the Visual Studio Color Theme Editor either.
Here is a picture of what I am referring to:
I have a customized dark theme but want to change the sickly, pale brownish-yellow color of the highlighted preview dialog to make the code more readable.
Any suggestions as to what color/theme settings I'd change? I don't want to just apply a different theme. I want to customize my current one.

Is there plugins/addons for visual studio 2010 to change the code and text editor's background color?

I have been looking for , lets use the word "mods", for visual studio left and right to be able to change the background and font color of the code editor for quite a while now. This is a simple question and hopefully not a duplicate of Is it possible to change backround color of editor and autocomplete tooltips in Visual Studio?. If I can refine my question a bit more, is it possible to manually change the background color of the code and text editor, or does mods or plugins or addons exist somewhere to do this feature for me? My eyes are straining on the white background...
I am using visual studio 2010
From the main menu, go to Tools -> Options. From there open up Environment -> Fonts and Colors. If you don't want to spent the time configuring it that way (which would be completely understandable), download the theme editor, or pick and download a nice theme at

How to set editor tooltip color and background in Visual Studio 2010?

i am using black scheme and set up color setting for editor tooltips:
Sample preview is correct but actual result is different:
Is it possible to set up tooltip colors in Visual Studio 2010 properly?
After installing the Productivity Power Tools and following this post it is at least possible to read the signatures again, but that post gives me little hope how to fix the other color settings.
Edit: Installing CSharpIntellisencePresenter makes the Auto-Complete readable in a dark theme, see this question
I tried using Hack-It to enable the "Custom..." buttons with VS2008 and changed color settings were saved (still present after a VS restart).
But I was not changing the colors for the correct item I guess.
I am using Visual Assist and I think the 'Editor Tooltip' is not the item I want to change the colors from.
You could give it a try...
Anyone knows from which item I must change colors to affect Visual Assist tool tips when hovering a function ?
For Visual Assist tooltip I need to change Windows theme...

How to change font color in Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint 2010 Feature Designer?

Within VS2010 I'm using a dark/pastel color scheme. SP2010 Feature Designer has a Manifest tab with a Preview of Packaged Manifest read-only XML pane.
As you can see from the two screenshots, there is text in the pane, but it's basically invisible due to the background pane color.
Is there any way to change the font color, from that light gray to something else? I've tried changing several display items within Tools\Options\Environment\Fonts and Colors with no luck.
As a last resort, is there a way to change the pane background color? (although I guess it'll change that for the whole VS IDE)
Thanks all.
Feature manifest preview, unselected:
Feature manifest preview, selected:
In the end I've found a workaround for this ... for whoever (?) might care.
Download Visual Studio Color Theme Editor extension.
If you need help choosing some specific UI color, download any desktop color picker tool, i.e. Just Color Picker.
From a VS SharePoint project, open some Feature manifest or Package manifest preview so to apply and check the ongoing results.
From within VS, create a new custom theme based on Default. Sort the items by name and look for the couple ProjectDesignerBackgroundGradientBegin/End.
Change both to some darker color, like 475B7E.
This is how it looks like:
Being a Dark Theme sort of guy I've settled on using the Visual Studio 2012 Dark Theme for Visual Studio 2010 which provides a great new look for VS2010.
You'll also need to install the Visual Studio Color Theme Editor and then import the [VS2012-Dark-for-2010.vstheme] file using the Theme, Customize Colors..., Import Theme meu options.
