Oracle Forms Builder: Cannot Execute Query - oracle

I am using this code fragment:
in WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE of my form module.
I also changed the text items of my data block into display items.
The problem is that when I start running my form module, it displays an error stating:
FRM-40106: No navigable items in destination block.
It doesn't have "Enabled" and "Keyboard Navigable" property.
The reason I changed it to display items is because I don't want the user to click and edit the text on the item.
Is there any way can I get through this problem? or should I just stick with text items?
Screenshot: Form Module on Web Browser

make your destination block's all item Display Item, except leave one of them as Text Item ( preferably the first one in the physical sequence of items [topmost or leftmost]). And then, set that text item's Update Allowed and Insert Allowed property to No from Database section of Property Palette.


How to change the property class for row in data blocks using oracle form builder?

I want to make the row change color when clicking on it. I want to change it using property pallete.
If your mean to paint an individual row of a Database Block with "Number of Records Displayed" >0 ;
open up Property Palette,
go to Records node,
and toggle "Current Record Visual Attribute Group" then set as a
Visual Attribute as you wish as previously created.

How to click on Web Table column's Web Button in following case?

I have one web table, in this I want to delete particular record by clicking on record's delete button.
I got the value of row but I am not able to perform click on web button of particular row and also there is 2 buttons in one column.
How to click on delete icon of particular row?
You need to set a reference to the item within the specific row and then click on it - something like this:
Set oLink = Browser("myBrowser").Page("myPage").WebTable("myTable").ChildItem(iRow,8,"Link",0)
You will potentially need to amend the "Link" and the number 8 in your own code. iRow represents the row you are trying to interact with.
Essentially what this code does is set an object reference to the first item of type "Link", in column 8 of the table, then uses a Click event to select it. If your delete icon is a WebButton, then replace "Link" with "WebButton" for example. The final 0 in the command tells UFT to select the first element matching the object type - you might need 1 if your two icons are in the same column of the table.
Let me know if that helped.

Jqgrid - How to create a custom add-button that you can supply of parameters

When you create a jqgrid there is a default button on the bottom of the grid that allows you to create new records.
However, when you open the modal, all input fields are empty.
In my situation I need this button, but I also need the exact same thing but with the possibilty of adding a few parameters so some of the fields are already filled in. The parameters would come from the selected row at that moment.
Like when I click a row where the date is set to 01/01/2099 i need the add-modal to open with the date already set to that date.
You can use beforeShowForm or afterShowForm to make any changes in the Add Form during opening. For example you can read the values from currently selected row and fill some fields of the form with new values. To be open Add form on click or double-click on the row you need just call editGridRow inside of onSelectRow/ondblClickRow callback.

Add record with ID, selecting NAME from another table

Can anyone, please, help me with Libreoffice Base form creation?
I have the following tables:
And I'm trying to add a form to enter new RESOURCES record with the following fields: [RESOURCE_NAME], [CURRENCY_NAME] and [AMOUNT]. But after 10+ tries I have not succeeded. I have tried adding it via wizard, selecting RESOURCES as main form and CURRENCIES as subform and vice versa. I have tried VIEWS and forms based on them. These tries only gave to me or no possibility to enter new record, either creation of the new CURRENCY.
I don't need to create new currency via this form, I only want to enter new Resource (only enter once, not to modify, not to delete). Since I don't want to remember all the ID's I want to select currency name via DropDown list.
Can anyone provide instructions about how to do it, please?
You do not need a subform for this - just create your form document with RESOURCES as the main form (only form).
You will need a listbox to enter the currency item. A listbox has two fields, a display field and a field that is saved in the table. You will set it up to display CURRENCY_NAME and store CURRENCY_ID.
When you create a listbox, the wizard that pops up may get you what you want. If the wizard falls short:
Make sure the form document is open in design mode: on the "Form Controls" toolbar, the leftmost/topmost icon of a pencil with a triangle should be depressed. If this icon is grayed out, close your document, right-click on its name and choose "Edit".
Right-click on the listbox and choose "Control"; this will open the properties window
On the tab "Data" change the "Type of list contents" to "Sql"
The Bound Field should default to 1. If it isn't 1, change it to 1.
Close the properties window and save your form. It should work as you want now.
If you want a listbox inside a tablegrid: after you create the table, with the form in edit mode, right-click on the column name you want to change and choose "Replace with" and then "listbox".
Edited to include comment by OP about bound field needing to be 1

Xpages link to open document view

I want to add an option to the row of the view: the possibility to open the document when clicking on the row. It is possible? How can I achieve this?
Add displayAs="link" to viewColumn. Then it is rendered as link and opens the document if you click on it. You can also choose to open it in edit or read mode.
Set the attributes in properties panel:
You can open the corresponding document clicking somewhere on a viewPanel's row (not just on a column's link) if you add a rowAttrs property.
Add the following code to your viewPanel:
value="'#{javascript:row.getOpenPageURL(null, true)}', '_self')"
rendered="#{javascript:!(row.isCategory() | row.isTotal()) }">
Set viewPanel's row variable to var="row". The attribute attr gets rendered for all rows which are represent a document. It adds an individual onclick event to those rows and executes CSJS code defined in value. This CSJS code contains a SSJS part which inserts the URL of the document as's parameter.
If you set getOpenPageURL's second parameter to false then document will be opened in edit mode.
Look here for a detailed description.
I think there is no easy way ;-) Maybe JQuery is your friend to add a on click event to the row with needed
