Hotel communication microservice - microservices

In a microservice architecture for a hotel I want to create a communication service that will handle all the emails, sms, ... This service should be triggered by asynchronous events.
Should these events be called: SEND_RESERVATION_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL, making the reservation service aware of the email communication. Or should there be a more generic event RESERVATION_CONFIRMED, resulting in a confirmation email?

Should these events be called: SEND_RESERVATION_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL
No. Events should be named as sentences in the past.
making the reservation service aware of the email communication
I would not make that coupling. The reservation service is responsible with reservations, not with methods of notifying the customers.
Or should there be a more generic event RESERVATION_CONFIRMED, resulting in a confirmation email?
Yes, RESERVATION_CONFIRMED seems a good choice; it represent what really had happened and it does not contain indication of what should be done next. The workflow/process of notifying the customer should be managed by another component, i.e. a Saga/Process manager. This Saga would receive the RESERVATION_CONFIRMED event and then would send SEND_RESERVATION_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL command to the responsible microservice.


Choreography Sagas in DDD - Chain of Integration Events?

I'm currently studying Saga pattern. Most examples seem to focus on Orchestration Sagas where we have one central saga execution coordinator service that dispatches and receives messages/events. Unfortunately information on how to implement Choreography Sagas seem to be lacking a bit.
In domain driven design, we have multiple bounded contexts, ideally, where each bounded context is a self contained microservice. If microservice A wants to communicate with another microservice B we use Integration Events. Integration Events are published and subscribed to using some asynchronous communication - RabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus.
Assuming we want to start some Saga, for example, where we have to run transactions on Order Service and Customer Service - how exactly do services communicate with each other? Is it just regular Integration Events or something entirely different?
The way I see it and given picture below (source), Saga would be executed this way:
A new order is created. Status is set to "Pending" and OrderSubmittedDomainEvent domain event is emitted.
Domain event handler receives OrderSubmittedDomainEvent domain event, it then creates and dispatches ReserveCreditIntegrationEvent integration event.
Customer Service receives ReserveCreditIntegrationEvent integration event.
It attempts to reserve customer credit.
If credit is successfully reserved, CustomerCreditReservedDomainEvent domain event is emitted.
Domain event handler received CustomerCreditReservedDomainEvent domain event, it creates and dispatches CreditReservedIntegrationEvent integration event.
Order Service receives CreditReservedIntegrationEvent integration event and sets Order Status to "Confirmed".
saga is completed.
Is this the right approach?
I think using Choreography rather then Orchestration for distributed transactions makes sense if you chose it for the right reasons. For instance, if you need to spare the usually higher effort of implementing a central choreography as you don't need to know what state a transaction is in until it has finished. Or because you know that the order of the transaction workflow is stable and is unlikely to change which would also be on the plus side of choreography. But would be a drawback for Choreography if the order changes frequently because you would need to adapt all microservices in that case...
So you need to know the advantages and drawbacks of the two approaches.
If you chose Choreography for the right reasons I would say that I am missing the compensation logic in your considerations. What if the credit was reserved but then the order fails in the order service? Compensation events need to be considered as well in such cases...
Other than that there is the usual suspects:
such as making sure that each service will reliably send the next event after it processed the received event. For this you could look into the Transactional Outbox pattern.
or making sure that you have deduplication of events implemented in each of the services as for reliable sending of events accross distributed transactions you cannot be a hundred percent sure that an event will only be sent once.
And if you are even interested in an alternative to the Saga pattern you can look into the Routing Slip pattern. It is well suited for distributed transaction workflows that will differ depending on the current use case by avoiding that each service needs to know each route. The sequence of the workflow is attached to the initial message of the transaction and all subsequent messages. Then each service receiving a message with the routing slip performs its tasks and passes the next message including the routing slip to the next station (service) on the list.
Note: I am not sure what exactly you mean by ...IntegrationEvent. I would not differentiate between domain and integration events, all events are relevant from the business perspective in your example otherwise they would not be relevant to other Microservices.

need clarification on microservices

I need some clarifications on microservices.
1) As I understand only choreography needs event sourcing and in choreography we use publish/subscribe pattern. Also we use program likes RabbitMQ to ensure communication between publisher and subscribers.
2) Orchestration does not use event sourcing. It uses observer pattern and directly communicate with observers. So it doesn't need bus/message brokers (like RabbitMQ). And to cooridante all process in orchestration we use mediator pattern.
Is that correct?
In microservice orchestration , a centralized approach is followed for execution of the decisions and control with help of orchestrator. The orchestrator has to communicate directly with respective service , wait for response and decide based on the response from and hence it is tightly coupled. It is more of synchronous approach with business logic predominantly in the orchestrator and it takes ownership for sequencing with respect to business logic. The orchestration approach typically follows a request/response type pattern whereby there are point-to-point connection between the services.
In, microservice choreography , a decentralized approach is followed whereby there is more liberty such that every microservice can execute their function independently , they are self-aware and it does not require any instruction from a centralized entity. It is more of asynchronous approach with business logic spread across the microservices, whereby every microservice shall listen to other service events and make it's own decision to perform an action or not. Accordingly, the choreography approach relies on a message broker (publish/subscribe) for communication between the microservices whereby each service shall be observing the events in the system and act on events autonomously.
TLDR: Choreography is the one which doesn't need persistance of the status of the process, orchestration needs to keep the status of the process somewhere.
I think you got this somewhat mixed up with implementation details.
Orchestration is called such, because there is a central process manager (sometimes mentioned as saga, wrongly imho) which directs (read orchestrates) operations across other services. In this pattern, the process manager directs actions to BC's, but needs to keep a state on previous operations in order to undo, roll back, or take any corrective or reporting actions deemed necessary. This status can be held either in an event stream, normal form db, or even implicitly and in memory (as in a method executing requests one by one and undoing the previous ones on an error), if the oubound requests are done through web requests for example. Please note that orchestrators may use synchronous, request-response communication (like making web requests). In that case the orchestrator still keeps a state, it's just that this state is either implicit (order of operations) or in-mem. State still exists though, and if you want to achieve resiliency (to be able to recover from an exception or any catastrophic failure), you would again need to persist that state on-disk so that you could recover.
Choreography is called such because the pieces of business logic doing the operations observe and respond to each other. So for example when a service A does things, it raises an event which is observed by B to do a follow up actions, and so on and so forth, instead of having a process manager ask A, then ask B, etc. Choregraphy may or may not need persistance. This really depends on the corrective actions that the different services need to do.
An example: As a practical example, let's say that on a purchase you want to reserve goods, take payment, then manifest a shipment with a courier service, then send an email to the recipient.
The order of the operations matter in both cases (because you want to be able to take corrective actions if possible), so we decide do the payment after the manifestation with the courier.
With orchestration, we'd have a process manager called PM, and the process would do:
PM is called when the user attempts to make a purchase
Call the Inventory service to reserve goods
Call the Courier integration service to manifest the shipment with a carrier
Call the Payments service to take a payment
Send an email to the user that they're receiving their goods.
If the PM notices an error on 4, they only corrective action is to retry to send the emai, and then report. If there was an error during payment then the PM would directly call Courier integration service to cancel the shipment, then call Inventory to un-reserve the goods.
With choreography, what would happen is:
An OrderMade event is raised and observed by all services that need data
Inventory handles the OrderMade event and raises an OrderReserved
CourierIntegration handles the OrderReserved event and raises ShipmentManifested
Payments service handles the ShipmentManifested and on success raises PaymentMade
The email service handles PaymentMade and sends a notification.
The rollback would be the opposite of the above process. If the Payments service raised an error, Courier Integration would handle it and raise a ShipmentCancelled event, which in turn is handled by Inventory to raise OrderUnreserved, which in turn may be handled by the email service to send a notification.

User credentials in messages in event driven architecture with Kafka

My first attempt to implement a microservice architecture using events with Kafka.
I have problems finding out how can I check for user credentials in a event.
My application is simple:
a service that controls users with email and passwords, able to create, edit and delete them.
a service that sends emails from those users.
My idea is to call create an event with a json like.
"content":"this is my emails body"
Once I create this event at the second service, how can I validate with event that the user exist in the first service? I could easily do this wiht a REST communication but I would like to find out how to communicate responses between services with events messages.
You would need to either cache all user accounts in the second service (by consuming all user topic records), or perform an external lookup upon consuming email records. Messaging and RESTful services aren't necessarily exclusive.
FWIW, at least encrypt passwords before sending over unsecured/plaintext topics

Microservices architecture event collaboration pattern

Martin Fowler's description of the Event Collaboration pattern ( appears to imply that requisite external data (data from other services) that is needed for a service to function should be replicated and maintained within the service.
This seems to imply that we should not resort issuing explicit queries.
For example:
Say you have a communications service that is responsible for sending emails to clients and is dependent order information (that lives in the order service) to send an order confirmation email.
With Event Collaboration, the communications service will have some internal representation of all orders that it will have built up by consuming relevant order creation/modification events.
In this example a query to retrieve order details will not be necessary to generate the confirmation email.
Are there any instances in which we would use explicit query messages rather than data replication when adopting the Event Collaboration pattern?
i think even in this case, what i would have done is create a consumer of OrderPlaced event in Order Microservice Only. That event processor will read all the details from order create a MailToBeSent event and write it on a Topic or Queue , which CommunicationService should listen and send the email.
Communication Service should not understand , how to create a email based on order(as core purpose of cummunication service is to send emails).
Design wise also communication service should not require to change every time you add a new service which want a mail sending functionality.

Data sharing with microservices

I am implementing an event-driven microservice architecture. Imagine the following scenario:
Chat service: Ability to see conversations and send messages. Conversations can have multiple participants.
Registration-login service: Deals with the registration of new users, and login.
User service: Getting/updating user profiles.
The registration-login service emits the following event with the newly created user object:
The chat service then listens on registration-new and stores some fields of user in its own redis cache. It also listens on login-success and stores the token, and on logout-success to delete the token.
The user service has the following event: user-updated. When this is fired, a listener in the chat service updates the data corresponding to the user id in redis. Like the chat service, the user service also listens on login-success and logout-success and does the same thing as what the chat service does.
My question is the following: is this a good way to do this? It feels a bit counterintuitive to be sharing data everywhere. I need some advice on this. Thank you!
Seems that there's no other way. Microservices architecture puts lots of stress in avoiding data sharing so as to not create dependencies. That means that each microservice will have some data duplicated. That also means that there must exist a way of getting data from other contexts. The preferred methods strive for eventual consistency, such as sending messages to event sourcing or AMQP systems and subscribing to them. You can also use synchronous methods (RPC calls, distributed transactions). That creates additional technologic dependencies, but if you cannot accept eventual consistency it could be the only way.
