what ps -e -o user:20, pid means? - shell

I have a already written script which has this line PID = ps -e -o user:20,pid,cmd
Could anybody explain me the meaning of this line? I am bit confused with user:20 part

ps is a command name used to show processes running in the system currently.
-e is a "short" option which means that all processes should be listed.
-o user:20,pid,cmd is an option which sets expected format of lines to be printed on screen, i.e. we want the first column to contain usernames (who own the processes) padded to 20 characters, the second column to show process IDs and the third column to contain command names which have been used to start the processes. Just that.
Also, you can simply try to run this yourself in your terminal: ps -e -o user:20,pid,cmd and see what happens.

From ps's man page:
-o format
User-defined format. format is a single argument in the form of a blank-separated or comma-separated list, which offers a way to specify
individual output columns. The recognized keywords are described in the STANDARD FORMAT SPECIFIERS section below. Headers may be renamed (ps
-o pid,ruser=RealUser -o comm=Command) as desired. If all column headers are empty (ps -o pid= -o comm=) then the header line will not be
output. Column width will increase as needed for wide headers; this may be used to widen up columns such as WCHAN (ps -o pid,wchan=WIDE-
WCHAN-COLUMN -o comm). Explicit width control (ps opid,wchan:42,cmd) is offered too. The behavior of ps -o pid=X,comm=Y varies with
personality; output may be one column named "X,comm=Y" or two columns named "X" and "Y". Use multiple -o options when in doubt. Use the
PS_FORMAT environment variable to specify a default as desired; DefSysV and DefBSD are macros that may be used to choose the default UNIX or
BSD columns.
Explicit width control (ps opid,wchan:42,cmd) is offered too.
So you'll get a user column with 20-char's width.

ps - This command report a snapshot of the current processes.
-e , This options helps to select all processes.Identical to -A.
-o , This options helps to specify user-defined format.
user:20 ,
This will help to format the output of ps command.The user:20 will add some extra 20 space character betweens the columns. Below the example will help you to find the difference.
jdeveloper#jdeveloper ~ $ ps -e -o user:20,pid
root 2926
jdeveloper 2948
root 3255
root 3570
root 3802
jdeveloper 3825
jdeveloper 3860
Now , lets try with 10 character space padding in response.
jdeveloper#jdeveloper ~ $ ps -e -o user:10,pid
root 2926
jdeveloper 2948
root 3255
root 3570
root 3802
jdeveloper 3825
jdeveloper 3863
Find more about ps command using man command.Try
jdeveloper#jdeveloper ~ $ man ps
Hope it will help you.


how to fix featureCounts in miniconda (Linux) with error "featureCounts: invalid option -- 'r'"

featureCounts was called under minconda in Linux subsystem on a Windows 10 computer.
featureCounts -a /mnt/d/.../__.txt -F SAF -readExtensions3 200 -o ___.tsv -O file1.bam file2.bam file3p.bam file4.bam file5.bam file6.bam file7.bam file8.bam
This always results in an error message
featureCounts: invalid option -- 'r'
Version 2.0.1
Usage: featureCounts [options] -a <annotation_file> -o <output_file> input_file1 [input_file2] ...
## Mandatory arguments:
-a <string> Name of an annotation file. GTF/GFF format by default. See...
And then reprinting the required and optional arguments for featureCounts function.
Does anyone know what does the error message "invalid option --'r'" mean? And how can I fix it?
Is there any difference between calling featureCounts in command prompt (or Terminal on Mac) and calling it in Linux/miniconda3?
It seems that you mistyped option name, it should be --readExtension3 with two dashes in front of it and without 's' in the end. I had a similar problem with --fraction which led me here!

what shasum: elasticsearch-5.0.0.deb.sha1: no properly formatted SHA1 checksum lines found means?

I want to install elasticsearch5.6.4 on ubuntu 17.10. So I downloaded elasticsearch.deb and elasticsearch.deb.sha1. As the sturcture said in this guide, after I run
shasum -a 512 -c elasticsearch-6.2.1.tar.gz.sha512
I have gotten this error:
shasum: elasticsearch-5.6.4.deb.sha1: no properly formatted SHA1 checksum lines found
What does this error mean? and what should I do?
You are correct and I'm a bit puzzled (since I've written that section in the Elastic docs): shasum -a 512 works on other operating systems and checking the man page, I would have thought it should do the same on Ubuntu:
-a, --algorithm 1 (default), 224, 256, 384, 512, 512224, 512256
When verifying SHA-512/224 or SHA-512/256 checksums, indicate the
algorithm explicitly using the -a option, e.g.
shasum -a 512224 -c checksumfile
I'm not sure why shasum -a 512 doesn't work here, but these 3 alternatives all give you the correct result:
shasum -c elasticsearch-6.2.1.deb.sha512 -a 512
shasum -a 512256 -c elasticsearch-6.2.1.deb.sha512
sha512sum -c elasticsearch-6.2.1.deb.sha512
This answer is not so much for the OP (who is hopefully sorted now) but any passers by who encounter the error in the question.
The error
shasum: [CHECKSUM_FILENAME] : no properly formatted SHA[TYPE] checksum lines found
indicates that the checksum file passed to the -c flag is not formatted as
a67eb6eeeff63ac77d34c2c86b0a3fa97f69a9d3f8c9d34c20036fa79cb4214d ./kbld-linux-amd64
the first field is the expected checksum,
the second field is a ' ' character indicating that the file is to be checked as a text file (as opposed to being checked as a binary file or being checking in Universal mode which ignores newlines)
and the third field is the name of the file you likely just downloaded and whose integrity you want to verify
So in the example above the developers who created kbld supplied the above text on their release page to show the checksums that they calculated after they built the kbld binaries for various platforms.
I added the line for the linux build to a file called kbld_v0_7_0.checksum and then I ran the following in the directory where I downloaded the kbld-linux-amd64 binary
$ shasum -c kbld_v0_7_0.checksum -a 256
./kbld-linux-amd64: OK
The OK from shasum shows that the binary that I downloaded, ./kbld-linux-amd64 , generates the same sha256 checksum that was produced when the developers did their build which indicates that the files are, in all likelihood, identical

Getting log entry "disk online" from system log

When a disk inserted to my cluster, i wanna know that.
So i need to listen /var/adm/messages and when i catch !NEW! "online" line i must write it to a different log file.
When disk goes online I get this kind of log entries:
Dec 8 10:10:46 SMNODE01 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] /scsi_vhci/disk#g5000c50095f92a8f (sd69) online
Tail works without -F option. But i need -F option :/
tail messages | grep 408114 | grep '/scsi_vhci/disk#'| egrep -wi --color 'online'
I have 3 uniform words for grep.
1- The id "408114" is unique for online status.
2- /scsi_vhci/disk#
3- online
P.S: Sorry for my english :)
For grep AND use .*:
$ grep 408114.*/scsi_vhci/disk#.*online test
Dec 8 10:10:46 SMNODE01 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] /scsi_vhci/disk#g5000c50095f92a8f (sd69) online
Next time don't edit the question completely but ask another question.

How to suppress the general information for top command

I wish to suppress the general information for the top command
using a top parameter.
By general information I mean the below stuff :
top - 09:35:05 up 3:26, 2 users, load average: 0.29, 0.22, 0.21
Tasks: 1 total, 0 running, 1 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 2.3%us, 0.7%sy, 0.0%ni, 96.3%id, 0.8%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 3840932k total, 2687880k used, 1153052k free, 88380k buffers
Swap: 3998716k total, 0k used, 3998716k free, 987076k cached
What I do not wish to do is :
top -u user | grep process_name
top -bp $(pgrep process_name) | do_something
How can I achieve this?
Note: I am on Ubuntu 12.04 and top version is 3.2.8.
Came across this question today. I have a potential solution - create a top configuration file from inside top's interactive mode when the summary area is disabled. Since this file is also read at startup of top in batch mode, it will cause the summary area to be disabled in batch mode too.
Follow these steps to set it up..
Launch top in interactive mode.
Once inside interactive mode, disable the summary area by successively pressing 'l', 'm' and 't'.
Press 'W' (upper case) to write your top configuration file (normally, ~/.toprc)
Exit interactive mode.
Now when you run top in batch mode the summary area will not appear (!)
Taking it one step further...
If you only want this for certain situations and still want the summary area most of the time, you could use an alternate top configuration file. However, AFAIK, the way to get top to use an alternate config file is a bit funky. There are a couple of ways to do this. The approach I use is as follows:
Create a soft-link to the top executable. This does not have to be done as root, as long as you have write access to the link's location...
ln -s /usr/bin/top /home/myusername/bin/omgwtf
Launch top by typing the name of the link ('omgwtf') rather than 'top'. You will be in normal top interactive mode, but when you save the configuration file it will write to ~/.omgwtfrc, leaving ~/.toprc alone.
Disable the summary area and write the configuration file same as before (press 'l', 'm', 't' and 'W')
In the future, when you're ready to run top without summary info in batch mode, you'll have to invoke top via the link name you created. For example,
% omgwtf -usyslog -bn1
576 syslog 20 0 264496 8144 1352 S 0.0 0.1 0:03.66 rsyslogd
If you're running top in batch mode (-b -n1), just delete the header lines with sed:
top -b -n1 | sed 1,7d
That will remove the first 7 header lines that top outputs and returns only the processes.
It's known as the "Summary Area" and i don't think there is a way at top initialization to disable those.
But while top is running, you can disable those by pressing l, t, m.
From man top:
'l' - Load Avg/Uptime On (thus program name)
't' - Task/Cpu states On (1+1 lines, see '1')
'm' - Mem/Swap usage On (2 lines worth)
'1' - Single Cpu On (thus 1 line if smp)
This will dump the output and it can be redirected to any file if needed.
top -n1 |grep -Ev "Tasks:|Cpu(s):|Swap:|Mem:"
To monitoring a particular process, following command is working for me -
top -sbn1 -p $(pidof <process_name>) | grep $(pidof <process_name>)
And to get the all process information you can use the following -
top -sbn1|sed -n '/PID/,/^$/p'
egrep may be good enough in this case, but I would add that perl -lane could do this kind of thing with lightning speed:
top -b -n 1 | perl -lane '/PID/ and $x=1; $x and print' | head -n10
This way you may forget the precise arguments for grep, sed, awk, etc. for good because perl is typically much faster than those tools.
On a mac you cannot use -b which is used in many of the other answers.
In that case the command would be top -n1 -l1 | sed 1,10d
Grabbing only the first process line (and its header), only logging once, instead of interactive, then suppress the general information for top command which are the first 10 lines.

Hex Dump Specific Parts of File - Bash

I'm trying to write a bash script to audit hard drives that have been wiped to ensure the wiping system is working properly. I would like to find a way to hex dump specific parts of a drive without having to hex dump the entire drive and extract the parts I'd like (as this seems to run for too long to make the script worth writing). Ideally, I'd be able to grab parts from the beginning, middle, and end of the drive.
I would like to take the output of the hex dump and check it for the existence of only one character (indicating the drive has been successfully wiped). This part, I can handle, but I thought it may affect any advice I may get.
I've used head piped into xxd to get the beginning of the file which has worked, but I'm still stuck on the other parts. I've tried using tail to just get the end of the drive, but that doesn't seem to work quickly either. Is it possible to do this efficiently? Possibly using dd or something else and pipe it into a hex editor? I've looked through options for xxd as well as hexdump to no avail. If someone could point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated!
xxd has options to skip a ways into the file (-s) and dump a limited length (-l). If you use its plain hex (-p) option, you may be able to use grep to find any anomalies:
$ xxd -s 8192 -l 256 -p /dev/disk3s2 | grep [^0]
od has similar skip (-j) and limit length (-N). Similarly, dd has skip= and count= (although these are counted in blocks, not bytes; you can change the block size with bs=).
EDIT: Since xxd -p is giving weird results (not stopping at what should be the end of the device), I'd recommend running some tests to figure out what's going on. First, back up anything important on the computer, because if something is weird at the device access level, it's possible that some of these tests might overwrite something unexpected, possibly even on another disk.
Next, try dumping to the end of the device with different tools, and see if they all behave the same way:
xxd -s 65451982336 /dev/sdb | more # This *should* dump 512 bytes (32 lines) then stop, but apparently keeps going
od -xv -j 65451982336 /dev/sdb | more # This also *should* dump 512 bytes then stop
dd if=/dev/sdb skip=127835903 | xxd | more # This again should do the same thing (note that the skip value is in 512-byte blocks)
Do the other tools read past what fdisk reports as the end of the disk? If all three read more data, I'm going with the "fdisk is wrong/misleading" answer. You can test further by writing some nonzero data past the "end" and seeing what the results are:
dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sdb seek=127835903 count=2
...then repeat the various dump commands. If they show two blocks (=64 lines) of random data followed by zeroes, I'm pretty sure the device is bigger than you think it is.
I am not near my shell, but something along these lines should get you started:
dd if=/dev/hda1 | hexdump -C | grep [^00]
will print all non-zero bytes.
dd if=/dev/hda1 | od -x -j100
will give you a hexadecimal dump with offsets, starting 100 bytes in.
