What version of Visual Studio is msbuild 14.0 part of? - visual-studio

I need MSBUILD 14.0 and am willing to install Visual Studio to get it.
What version of Visual Studio do I need to install to get MSBUILD 14.0?
It looks like the MSBUILD version number and the Visual Studio name do not match.

Starting in Visual Studio 2013, the MSBuild Toolset version is the same as the Visual Studio version number. So if you have Visual Studio 2015 you should have MSBuild 14.0 already on your system.


What's the version history of MSBuild?

What is the version history of MS Build?
I see that my .NET Framework installation folders have a version 4.something where as the Visual Studio 2017 Community folder and the .NET Core (v1.0) folder have the latest version 15.1.458.
I looked up the releases on github and I see that a version 14 predates the version 15 major but there's no version 4 till the end of the release history on github.
Can someone provide a chronological record of versions?
Can someone provide a chronological record of versions?
It related to the version of Visual Studio and .net framework. If you are in the old version Visual Studio, like Visual Studio 2012, the MSBuild version is v4.0.30319, which comes from .net framework.
Starting with Visual Studio 2013, the 2013 version of MSBuild will ship as a part of Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. This transition allows us to more rapidly evolve MSBuild.
You can check the blog MSBuild is now part of Visual Studio! for some more details.
So, now the MSBuild’s New Binaries Location and version:
Visual Studio 2013: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\MSBuild.exe MSBuild version:12.0
Visual Studio 2015: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\MSBuild.exe MSBuild version:14.0
Visual Studio 2017: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe MSBuild version:15.0
Visual Studio 2019: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe MSBuild version:16.0
Notice: Community may be replaced with Enterprise (in 2017 and 2019) depends on your Visual Studio type.
Hope this helps.

Generating Setup Project from visual studio community installer

I have generated visual studio installer from Microsoft visual studio community version. i want to ask is there any difference of installer generated from visual studio community version and visual studio enterprise version OR visual studio ultimate version ?
The installer project extension is the same, assuming that's what you're referring to. There are no extra (or missing) features that depend on your version of Visual Studio.

How to select the Visual Studio version to use on the build machine?

We have a buildmachine that currently has installed Visual Studio 2010 to compile our application.
Now we have moved to Visual Studio 2015 and developers have installed it on their machines and modified the solution so it works with 2015 but the previous versions will continue to build with 2010.
I was going to install Visual Studio 2015 on the build machine but I don't know how the build machine will know that the previous branches must be built with 2010 and the new ones with 2015. With some Msbuild settings? Just looking at the sln? By other means?
With some Msbuild settings? Just looking at the sln? By other means?
Open your .sln file with Notepad. Look for Format Version on the first line which correlates with a Visual Studio version.
•Format Version 11.00 is Visual Studio 2010
•Format Version 12.00 is Visual Studio 2013 && Visual Studio 2013
For visual studio 2013 and visual studio 2015, we could find the visual studio version on the third line. like this:
visual studio 2013: VisualStudioVersion = 12.0.30501.0
visual studio 2015: VisualStudioVersion = 14.0.25420.1
As far as I know it does it looking at the ToolsVersion on every .csproj. VisualStudio is not required as MsBuild and the compiler come with the .Net Framework.

Visual Studio 2013 and Cmake?

I have been using 2010 on a project. The project was built using cmake, when cmake chose to use the compiler Visual Studio 2010. Now I intend to move the whole set up of the project to Visual Studio 2013.
So, today I installed Visual Studio 2013. But when I try to use cmake to build the project for visual studio 2013, in the compiler list of cmake I cannot see any compiler of Visual studio 2013, the latest are Visual Studio 2012, Visual Studio 2012 win64, Visual Studio 2012 ARM.
Is there no exclusive compiler for Visual Studio 2013? Does the same compiler work for both VS2012 and VS2013? If Visual Studio 2013 indeed has an exclusive compiler, why can't cmake find the that compiler?
Try updating your CMake version.
The Configue dialog in cmake-gui for CMake 3.1 lists the respective entries as Visual Studio 12 2013:
In older CMake versions (older than 3.0) the entries omitted the year and showed only the version number, so the entry just reads Visual Studio 12.
If your CMake version is even older, there might not be support for Visual Studio 2013 at all. However, you should still be able to open project files generated for an older Visual Studio version. This might require an additional conversion step by Visual Studio, which might mess things up.
Upgrading CMake is definitely the preferred solution.

Boost Building using visual studio 2005

I am trying to build boost, I have both visual studio 2005 and visual studio 2010 installed on my machine when I ran bootstrap.bat it by default taken visual studio 2010. How do I force this to build with visual studio 2005
On bjam (or b2) command-line try adding the following "toolset=msvc-8.0"
