Not able to open vb6 output file - vb6

I am new to Visual basic 6 and I use it to run a code (not written by me) for my data analysis. One of the output file is tmaze1.1.rmap
I am not able to open this file. what I know is, it has values in a 64 by 48 array.
I tried opening it through notepad, wordpad etc but it only shows symbols.
Please help.

Try opening the file with a Hex editor. Google "free hex editor" to download one if you don't already have one installed. The Hex editor will allow you to read the values inside the file.


Is there integrity check in PE files?

I am trying to edit some portable executable file with text editor.
In the top of the file a backward compatibility string is supposed to display messages on DOS systems.
This program cannot be run in DOS mode.(click the link to see screenshot)
I first tried to edit this string by replacing a char (not removing or adding : just replacing to not change the file size). Then when I try to execute the file windows return an error saying I can't run this app on my computer.
I also tried to edit the padding at the very end of the file and the error is the same.
I suppose an integrity check is performed. Did someone already read about this? If you did, do you know if/where the file hash is stored in it?
A text editor is not appropriate for editing binary files. Use a hex editor instead.

In DBF, "Ñ" character is showed as "¥"

I open a DBF file in Visual FoxPro and it shows "Ñ" character as "¥". I haven't created that DBF, I just open it and read it.
My question is: Is there any way to show those "¥" characters correctly in FoxPro? Or does it mean that this DBF file was created wrongly?
You probably need to know which encoding was used when the file was saved, depending on the version number of the file. Also the MSDN has a dedicated page about this topic.
In specific the first paragraph might be for your interest:
When you create .dbf files, Visual FoxPro automatically gives them
code page marks so that you can tell which code pages they use.
However, if you use .dbf files from previous versions of FoxPro, they
might not have code page marks. You can determine whether a .dbf file
has a code page mark by using the CPDBF( ) function after opening the
file or by having Visual FoxPro check when you open the file.
You need to set the proper code page of your DBF file.
To know it, open the file with DBF Commander Pro, click 'Tools -> Set Codepage', then try to set the proper encoding by choosing various encodings from the list (leave 'Preview' check box turned on):
The program has 30-day fully functional trial period, so you can do your task at no charge.

Mac Terminal: How to view a microsoft word file? (It says it is binary)

So I was writing a paper on Microsoft Word and the file is corrupt now. I'm trying to see if I can open the file using vim, but it says it is binary. Is there any command or any way to convert it into text so that I can just vim myfile.doc and copy the text contents? I tried doing a cp myfile.doc myfile.txt to change the extension but it still says it's binary.
A doc file is a proprietary format by Microsoft. Docx formats are xml based but neither can be read directly using a text editor. If your file is corrupt you're probably going to have a lot more luck try to find the autosave location or try and recover the document using the tool office provides. In future remember to back up your work ;)
/usr/bin/strings may be helpful -- built-in to OS X. Hope you can recover your paper.
.doc or .docx is not a plane txt file. It has several formatting and a bit of binary and in .docx xml factor included.
You can go for OpenOffice which is Free.
You might try using Antiword to convert to .txt if it can still access the file properly.
Word itself has an option to "Recover Text From Any File" which is worth trying if you haven't done so already. When you open the file in Word, if it doesn't recognise the format, you should see a conversion dialog and the option is in there. You might have to check the "Confirm conversion at open" option (e.g. "Word Preferences->General->Confirm conversion at open" on Mac Word 2011, "File->Options->Advanced->General->Confirm file format conversion on open" on Windows Word 2010.

How to close a PDF file using Ruby?

I have been working on Vanilla, a LaTex preprocessor. I and most people open their PDF files to see how their output looks like. But sometimes, we forget to close it down before starting the compiling process again. If the PDF file is open, then the LaTex compiler complains that it cannot write to that file. So I want to add code to the preprocessor which will look if the output PDF file is open and it will close the PDF file if it is open. I have been looking everywhere to see how to go about doing it. I am not an expert in Ruby. I don't want to kill the whole process of Acrobat32.exe or any other PDF viewing program used to view that file because the user might have other PDFs open in the same program. I just need a way to kill the process of that one PDF file. So can anyone suggest me a way to do it?
Can't you just move the old file first, remove it if possible, and then generate a new version of the same PDF with the name you want?

.vcf file not opening

I am trying to create a .vcf file programmatically in C#, and writing a bunch of strings in the correct format in that file. But when i try to open it manually, the following message appears. Could not start Microsoft Outlook.The file maynot exist, you may not have permission to open it, or it may be open in another program.
But when i create a text file manually write the same bunch of strings in the vcard format and change the extension to .vcf and then open the file, it opens properly with outlook
Any help!!!
You don't say so explicitly, so I have to ask: have you elimated all of the suggestions Outlook gives you? The file isn't currently still open with a lock by your program? The file permissions are such that it can be read by the outlook user? The file does exist?
This reply may help someone. I got a similar error, the problem for me was that there was no data in the vcf file. As soon as i printed the VCARD info after the headers (and then opened the resultant vcf file) the error disappeared.
My error
Verify you used CrLf for line terminiators in your code. If you use Environment.NewLine or just \n's, that may be the problem.
You probably saved the file as UTF-8 or Unicode. To test, open the file in VS in binary, delete the first three bytes and see if the file opens.
Had a very similar problem when constructing a .vcf file from a vCard string. The contact form would be completely blank when opening in Outlook. I solved the problem by converting the string to a UTF8 Encoded Byte Array.
byte[] vCard = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(vCardString);
