Imperavi redactor.js table plugin with bullets - html-lists

I would like to add an unordered list in the table of the Redactor WYSIWYG-editor but I cannot get it work. Other formatted text like bold, links etc. work. It just does not seem to work in the table plugin. Did anyone manage to do so?

Yes, I got the same issue and my plugin version is 2.11. In this plugin I have to modify some code to make it work.
Go to line number 6913 where you will find the code
list: function() {
in toggle function comment out the following block of code:
if (this.utils.inBlocks(['table', 'td', 'th', 'tr']))
Then later you need to comment 1 more line at line number 6996:
After commenting out the above code you will be able to put ordered/unordered lists in table.


SPSS Output modify - deleting footnotes

When generating tables in SPSS with the calculation of the mode it will show a footnote when multiple modes are present ("a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown").
There is a way to hide this footnote, but the hidden footnote will still take up an empty row in the output. For processing reasons I would like to delete the footnote entirely.
I have been trying to do this with the Output Modify command in the syntax, but can't get it to work. There are commands for selecting the footnotes:
And for deleting objects:
{YES }
But trying to combine these does not yield the wanted result. Is what I am trying to do possible? Or maybe a suggestion for another solution?
Thanks in advance!
try adding "NOTESCAPTIONS = NO" at the end of your OUTPUT MODIFY syntax.
that should remove all notes and captions in the output.
no need to use "DELETEOBJECT" subcommand.

iText7 html to pdf conversion with target-counter having dynamic target value not working

I have been looking into why the page numbers in my generated toc are not working on the latest (3.0.3) version of htmlpdf - even though the release note state that this is now supported.
The devil is in the detail, as noted in the example ( the following works very well:
.preface::before {
content: target-counter(url('#id1'), page) ' ';
But as soon as you change this to something more dynamic, in order to not have to not have to specify an entry for each topic you would like to have in the TOC it fails.
.preface::before {
content: target-counter(attr(href), page) ' ';
As also indicated in the logging by the following line:
WARN com.itextpdf.html2pdf.attach.impl.layout.PageTargetCountRenderer - Cannot resolve target-counter value with given target "attr(href)"
It looks like the "attr(href)" is taken as a literal and not resolved to the context it is being used in, eg. in this case extracting the tag's href value and using that to find the right page number.
Could this be fixed somehow - or can this be covered by some custom coding?
Using the latest version of the renderer (3.0.5 at the time of writing) effectively supports this properly!

How to properly scraping filtered content using XPath Query to Google Sheet?

So, this is about a content from a website which I want to get and put it in my Google Sheets, but I'm having difficulty understanding the class of the content.
target link:
This number is what I want to get from. Picture 1: The part which i want to scrape
And this is what the code looks like in inspector. Picture 2: The code shown in inspector
The target is inside a span attribute but the span attribute looks very difficult to me, so I tried to simplify it using this line of code here =IMPORTXML("","//table[#class='quote-horizontal regular']//tr/td/span")
Picture 3: List is shown when putting the code
After some tries, I am able to get the right target, but it confuse me, Im using this code =IMPORTXML("","//table[#class='quote-horizontal regular']//tr/td/span[#class='last original'][1]")
Picture 4: The right target is shown when the xpath query is more specified
As what you can see in 2nd Picture, 'last original' is not really the full name of the class, when I put the 'last original ng-binding' instead it gave me an error saying imported content is empty
So, correct me if my code is wrong, or accidental worked out somehow because there's another correct way?
How about this answer?
Modified formula 1:
When the name of class is last original and last original ng-binding, how about the following xpath and formula?
=IMPORTXML(A1,"//span[contains(#class,'last original')][1]")
In this case, the URL of is put in the cell "A1".
In this case, //span[contains(#class,'last original')][1] is used as the xpath. The value of span that the name of class includes last original is retrieved. So last original and last original ng-binding can be used.
Modified formula2:
As other xpath, how about the following xpath and formula?
It seems that the value is included in the metadata. So this sample retrieves the value from the metadata.
To complete #Tanaike's answer, two alternatives :
=IMPORTXML(B2;"//span[#class='year high']")
"Year high" seems always equal to the current stock index value.
Or, with value retrieved from the script element :
Note : since I'm based in Europe, you need to replace ; with , in the formulas.

Google sheets api adding multiple rows

I'm trying to figure this out and I must be overlooking something basic. (It took me WAAAY longer than it should have just to realize I hadn't added the trigger.)
When forms are submitted, if that page runs out of rows, it automatically expands. I have a reconciliation page where it is pulling the submitted data over line by line and analyzing it for discrepancies (the form collects billable time and tasks.)
So while the Form Responses 1 page will expand, I want to use a trigger on form submit to add a line to the reconciliation page and copy the formulas down. I can't seem to get the line to add though. Looking at the google page for expanding the number of rows, I'm not sure what I am doing wrong there either but I THINK I need to add more java features to my computer.
If I simply copy and paste the example into a new sheet, most of the code is black instead of the standard editor colors. Saving pops up "Missing ; before statement. (line 1, file "Code")"
Line one is simply "import*;"
So zerothly: Whats the most basic code I can use to add that blank row?
Then first: Do I need to import a bunch of stuff to get this (adding rows) to work?
Second: If so, and I transfer ownership of the sheet to someone, do they need to do the imports also?
Third: If so, and I want to do edits on another device, will I need to do imports there too?
Fourth: The example uses Update() but I can't seem to find an Update() function in javascript or googlesheets api documentation.
This is the code I am trying and variations commented out which doesn't seem to work:
function onFormSubmit(e) {
Logger.log('form submit triggered')
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive()
var sss = sheet.getSheetByName('Reconciliation')
var col2 = sss.getRange("B:B");
var col2val = col2.getValues();
var counter = 0;
var sssrange = sss.getDataRange();
// sss.Rows = sss.getLastRow() + 1 //Object does not allow properties to be added or changed if I uncomment - this seems to match the google example line though
var newsssrange = sssrange.offset(1,0); // didn't actually think this would work (since it also had the .update() part that previously didn't work for me) but came across it and was getting desparate.
// sss.setRowCount(sss.getLastRow() + 1); // TypeError: Cannot find function setRowCount in object Sheet.
Logger.log(sss.getLastRow()); //=8
// sss.Update();//TypeError: Cannot find function Update in object Sheet.
Sigh... I am still wondering how to add more rows but I did answer my original need of adding a single line since form submits only add a single line. So I'm going to answer it since I had done so many searches and for some reason this never came up, maybe someone will find this useful if they are having the same issue.
function onFormSubmit(e) {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive()
var sss = sheet.getSheetByName('Reconciliation')
Note that this adds a single blank line. If you run it a second time it won't add a second blank line as appendRow() adds after the last line with data. If you put a string in there or something and run it over and over you will get multiple lines.
I really would like to know about adding multiple lines though also since that will come up and I still seem to be missing something, probably obvious.
Did you know that arrayformula woluld make new lines automatically.? If you paste this formula in Sheet2:
and then paste new values in Sheet1 range A:A, then new rows would be added on Sheet2.

Access to iterated controls in repeated sections in Orbeon

When setting repeated content in a section in Orbeon each control is repeated and the their names are the same. How do I access the the control from the first, second...etc instance of a control from each iterated section? I'm thinking along the lines of $control-name[instance#] or something similair.
The following works, given this form:
$name[2]: return the second value
string-join($name, ', '): join all values with commas
count($name): return the number of values
See also the relevant documentation.
To access this value in "bind" section, you can use a relative path , like ../name=''.
TO access this value in "body" section, then you can use context()/../name.
If you are trying to make anything different, be more specific and this answer can be edited to be according to what you want.
