Query failing with "ERROR: Canceling query because of high VMEM usage" - greenplum

We have small array of gpdb cluster. in that, few queries are failing
System Related information
gp_vmem_protect_limit= 2700MB
TOTAL segment = 8 Primary + 8 mirror = 16
Used this calc : http://greenplum.org/calc/#
The query failed with the error message shown below:
ERROR: XX000: Canceling query because of high VMEM usage. Used: 2433MB, available 266MB, red zone: 2430MB (runaway_cleaner.c:135) (seg2 slice74 DATANODE01:40002 pid=11294) (cdbdisp.c:1320)
We tried :
changed following parameters
statement_mem from 125 MB to 8GB
Not sure what exactly needs to change here.still, trying to understand root cause of error.
Any help in it would be much appreciated ?

gp_vmem_protect_limit is for per segment. You have 16segments. based on your segments and vm_protect, you need 2700MB X 16 total memory.


Redis high memory usage for almot no keys

I have a redis instance hosted by heroku ( https://elements.heroku.com/addons/heroku-redis ) and using the plan "Premium 1"
This redis is usued only to host a small queue system called Bull ( https://www.npmjs.com/package/bull )
The memory usage is now almost at 100 % ( of the 100 Mo allowed ) even though there is barely any job stored in redis.
I ran an INFO command on this instance and here are the important part ( can post more if needed ) :
# Server
# Memory
# Keyspace
# Replication
I have a really hard time figuring out how I can be using 95 Mo with barely 50 object stored. These objects are really small, usually a JSON with 2-3 fields containing small strings and ids
I've tried https://github.com/gamenet/redis-memory-analyzer but it crashes on me when I try to run it
I can't get a dump because Heroku does not allow it.
I'm a bit lost here, there might be something obvious I've missed but I'm reaching the limit of my understanding of Redis.
Thanks in advance for any tips / pointer.
We had to upgrade our Redis instance to keep everything running but it seems the issue is still here. Currently sitting at 34 keys / 34 Mo
I've tried redis-cli --bigkeys :
Sampled 34 keys in the keyspace!
Total key length in bytes is 743 (avg len 21.85)
9 strings with 43 bytes (26.47% of keys, avg size 4.78)
0 lists with 0 items (00.00% of keys, avg size 0.00)
0 sets with 0 members (00.00% of keys, avg size 0.00)
24 hashs with 227 fields (70.59% of keys, avg size 9.46)
1 zsets with 23 members (02.94% of keys, avg size 23.00)
I'm pretty sure there is some overhead building up somewhere but I can't find what.
I'm actually blind : used_memory_lua_human:267.85M in the INFO command I run when first creating this post and now used_memory_lua_human:89.25M on the new instance
This seems super high, and might explain the memory usage
You have just 45 keys in database, so what you can do is:
List all keys with KEYS * command
Run DEBUG OBJECT <key> command for each or several keys, it will return serialized length so you will get better understanding what keys consume lot of space.
Alternative option is to run redis-cli --bigkeys so it will show biggest keys. You can see content of the key by specific for the data type command - for strings it's GET command, for hashes it's HGETALL and so on.
After a lot of digging, the issue is not coming from Redis or Heroku in anyway.
The queue system we use has a somewhat recent bug where Redis ends up caching a Lua script repeatedly eating up memory as time goes on.
More info here : https://github.com/OptimalBits/bull/issues/426
Thanks for those who took the time to reply.

Coredump size different than process virtual memory space

I'm working on OS X 10.11, and generated dump file in the following manner :
1. ulimit -c unlimited
2. kill -10 5228 (process pid)
and got dump file with the rolling attributes : 642M Jun 26 15:00 core.5228
Right before that, I checked the process total memory space using vmmap command to try and estimate the expected dump size.
However, the estimation (238.7Mb) was much smaller than the actual size (642Mb).
Can this gap be explained ?
REGION TYPE SIZE COUNT (non-coalesced)
=========== ======= =======
Activity Tracing 2048K 2
Kernel Alloc Once 4K 2
MALLOC guard page 16K 4
MALLOC metadata 180K 6
MALLOC_SMALL 56.0M 4 see MALLOC ZONE table below
MALLOC_SMALL (empty) 8192K 2 see MALLOC ZONE table below
MALLOC_TINY 8192K 3 see MALLOC ZONE table below
Stack 8192K 2
__DATA 1512K 44
__LINKEDIT 90.9M 4
__TEXT 8336K 44
shared memory 12K 4
=========== ======= =======
TOTAL 238.7M 110
=========== ======= ========= ========= ====== ======
DefaultMallocZone_0x100e42000 72.0M 7096 427K 0% 6
coredump can, and does, filter the process memory. See the core man page:
Controlling which mappings are written to the core dump
Since kernel 2.6.23, the Linux-specific /proc/PID/coredump_filter file can be used to control which memory segments are written to the core dump file in the event that a core dump is performed for the process with the corresponding process ID.
The value in the file is a bit mask of memory mapping types (see mmap(2)). If a bit is set in the mask, then memory mappings of the corresponding type are dumped; otherwise they are not dumped. The bits in this file have the following meanings:
bit 0 Dump anonymous private mappings.
bit 1 Dump anonymous shared mappings.
bit 2 Dump file-backed private mappings.
bit 3 Dump file-backed shared mappings.
bit 4 (since Linux 2.6.24)
Dump ELF headers.
bit 5 (since Linux 2.6.28)
Dump private huge pages.
bit 6 (since Linux 2.6.28)
Dump shared huge pages.
bit 7 (since Linux 4.4)
Dump private DAX pages.
bit 8 (since Linux 4.4)
Dump shared DAX pages.
By default, the following bits are set: 0, 1, 4 (if the CONFIG_CORE_DUMP_DEFAULT_ELF_HEADERS kernel configuration option is enabled), and 5. This default can be modified at boot time using the coredump_filter boot option.
I assume OS X behaves similarly.

Memory Size Errors When Running Magento's cron.sh

We have set the nginx user to run the following command at 5 minute intervals.
sh /var/www/magento/cron.sh
This was executed fairly successfully for some time. Within the last month or so, it has begun to error out each time due to memory limit. I've increased the memory limit but that's only caused a higher limit that gets reached. It seems that there must be a bigger problem. The error is consistently as follows.
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 262144 bytes exhausted
(tried to allocate 7680 bytes) in /var/www/magento/app/Mage.php on line 589
Below are the crons that magento has set to run every five minutes:
job: xmlconnect_notification_send_all
model: xmlconnect/observer::scheduledSend
file: /var/www/magento/app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/etc/config.xml
job: newsletter_send_all
model: newsletter/observer::scheduledSend
file: /var/www/magento/app/code/core/Mage/Newsletter/etc/config.xml
job: enterprise_staging_automates
model: enterprise_staging/observer::automates
file: /var/www/magento/app/code/core/Enterprise/Staging/etc/config.xml
Your error message has all the answers
Allowed memory size of 262144 bytes exhausted
While 262144 bytes seems like a big number, it's only 256KB, or around .25 MB
I believe the Magento documents recommend a memory limit of 256MB, with 512MB being a far more common in the wild. You'll need make sure your command PHP version (or the command line PHP launched by cron.sh) has it's memory_limit ini set correctly. One common pitfall here is to omit the M, or to use MB
; Will not do what you want it to
So make sure your configuration file is set something like this
This is a server setup issue. Your php CLI memory_limit is set too low.
Bounce it up to 256M.
If you're not running your own server, then you need to contact your hosting provider.

memory limit in Node.js (and chrome V8)

In many places in the web, you will see:
What is the memory limit on a node process?
and the answer:
Currently, by default V8 has a memory limit of 512mb on 32-bit systems, and 1gb on 64-bit systems. The limit can be raised by setting --max-old-space-size to a maximum of ~1gb (32-bit) and ~1.7gb (64-bit), but it is recommended that you split your single process into several workers if you are hitting memory limits.
Can somebody confirm this is the case as Node.js seems to update frequently?
And more importantly, will it be the case in the near future?
I want to write JavaScript code which might have to deal with 4gb of javascript objects (and speed might not be an issue).
If I can't do it in Node, I will end up doing in java (on a 64bit machine) but I would rather not.
This has been a big concern for some using Node.js, and there are good news. The new memory limit for V8 is now unknown (not tested) for 64bit and raised to as much as 32bit address space allows in 32bit environments.
Read more here: http://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=847
Starting nodejs app with a heap memory of 8 GB
node --max-old-space-size=8192 app.js
See node command line options documentation or run:
node --help --v8-options
I'm running a proc now on Ubuntu linux that has a definite memory leak and node 0.6.0 is pushing 8gb. Think it's handled :).
Memory Limit Max Value is 3049 for 32bit users
If you are running Node.js with os.arch() === 'ia32' is true, the max value you can set is 3049
under my testing with node v11.15.0 and windows 10
if you set it to 3050, then it will overflow and equal to be set to 1.
if you set it to 4000, then it will equal to be set to 51 (4000 - 3049)
Set Memory to Max for Node.js
node --max-old-space-size=3049
Set Memory to Max for Node.js with TypeScript
node -r ts-node/register --max-old-space-size=3049
See: https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-node/issues/261#issuecomment-402093879
It looks like it's true. When I had tried to allocate 50 Mb string in buffer:
var buf = new Buffer(50*1024*1024);
I've got an error:
FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_2 Allocation failed - process out of memory
Meantime there was about 457 Mb of memory usage by Node.js in process monitor.

How is the Page File available calculated in Windows Task Manager?

In Vista Task Manager, I understand the available page file is listed like this:
Page File inUse M / available M
In XP it's listed as the Commit Charge Limit.
I had thought that:
Available Virtual Memory = Physical Memory Total + Sum of Page Files
But on my machine I've got Physical Memory = 2038M, Page Files = 4096M, Page File Available = 6051. There's 83M unaccounted for here. What's that used for. I thought it might be something to do with the Kernel memory, but the number doesn't seem to match up?
Info I've found so far:
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa965225(VS.85).aspx for more info.
Page file size can be found here: Computer Properties, advanced, performance settings, advanced.
I think you are correct in your guess it has to do something with the kernel - the kernel memory needs some physical backup as well.
However I have to admit that when trying to verify try, the numbers still do not match well and there is a significant amount of memory not accounted for by this.
I have:
Available Virtual Memory = 4 033 552 KB
Physical Memory Total = 2 096 148 KB
Sum of Page Files = 2048 MB
Kernel Non-Paged Memory = 28 264 KB
Kernel Paged Memory = 63 668 KB
