Validate Structure Mandatory Attributes in OutSystems - validation

I have a variable with structure type. This structure has some mandatory attributes.
How can I validate if this variable has all mandatory attributes filled out correctly?
Do it manually is not an available option.

Unless the origin of the data in the structure is a screen Form, whereby you can set the appropriate Inputs' Mandatory attribute to True (thus automatically enforcing that something is typed in on submit), the only other way is to check it manually.

Try creating an invisible EditRecords widget and make it the validation parent of all the fields in your struct. Then, make sure your summit button has client side validation, and make sure the fields you want to check are actually mandatory on the struct. Good luck!


I would like to define a component as optionally required (based on another field's value)

I built two custom components using built-in CQ components. The components' JSP's, along with some custom javascript, have a line like below in order to leverage the built-in components (and their formatting, labels, etc.).
<cq:include path="." resourceType="foundation/components/form/dropdown" />
I have one each of my custom dropdown components on a form. I can mark field A and field B as both being required in their respective components' editor dialog. I can provide required messages so that when either field is blank and the form is submitted, I get a message that the fields are required (with my custom messages). However, what I really want to do is hide or disable field B based on the value supplied in field A. I'm handling this manually via jQuery. However, this of course presents a problem on validation. I want field B to be NOT required when it is hidden/disabled and for it to be required when it is enabled/visible. Since the showing/hiding is done client-side, the server-side validation has know knowledge of the change and still expect a value to be provided for field B.
I'm been trying to poke around in the CQ Widgets API to find if there is something I can do on the client side to set/unset the required property so that when the form gets posted it is handled correctly. I'm guessing that there isn't since the validation seems to be happening on post instead of client-side.
Any ideas/thoughts/options?
It turns out that the link from my comment gave me the idea that I can have custom server-side validation for my form, I just wasn't sure how to connect it to the field. It turns out that all I had to do was create a servervalidation.jsp file in my "B" component. CQ will see the servervalidation.jsp and automatically invoke it for my custom component.
I was then able to examine the submitted value of field "A" (by getting the parameter from the request object) and doing some other custom logic for my needs.
I was then able to optionally do this:
FieldDescription field = FieldHelper.getConstraintFieldDescription(slingRequest);
FieldHelper.checkRequired(slingRequest, field);

skip all ModelForm validation conditionally but include it all otherwise

I have a form that has a selector at the top where a user can select none, or choose a couple options where the validation varies depending on the selection.
If they select none, then it needs to save the model ignoring all the fields and just putting in "None" for the one option. If they select one of the others, then it needs to preform validation on all the other fields.
The thing is, the only way for me to get it to save when "None" is selected, is if I set blank=True on all the fields for the model. So I basically have to turn off all the validation.
But then when they select something, I override the clear method and have to do all the validation manually...
Is there any way for me to use all the built in validation based on the option? In other frameworks I've used, there's an array full of rules, and I can just modify that based on whatever and then run the rules automatically off that array.
Is there a method before the clean, clean_fieldname, and any other validation where I can grab the one selected option, and modify the rules for everything else based on it before it does the build in validation?
I just can't seem to figure out how to use the validation in a versatile way in Django. It seems that if I'm not using them in one specific scenario, it falls down to having to do it all manually. I am fairly new to it, so I'm likely missing something.

Expression Engine Channels in CodeIgniter?

I need to build an application wherein the admin must be able to define forms for data entry. The data to be entered is unknown to me. But the system will need to be able to support all the possible form fields (minus hidden fields, I suppose). So text areas, text fields, radios (with ability to specify what the options are), checkboxes, etc. Also, it needs to be able to support line item entries (similar to EE’s Matrix plugin).
Obviously, I don’t want to try to build this from the ground up. Are there any libraries I can use in CI to make life easier for me?
If none exist, what are some database design patterns I should consider for such a problem?
The best database-design for this is the Entity-Attribute-Value Model. For use with a FORM, essentially your form is the ENTITY, the Attribute will have a type (used for deciding how input will be captured, and data interpreted). Make sure that you index properly.
Remember that you'll only need to data to change the form, don't read from this model everytime you need to show a form. Store a flat file (.json is handy) of the finished form and read that when displaying the form.

How to save property after tombstoning?

I have some property OwnerId that has each page in my application. I need these property to create HttpWebRequest and get some data. But when the application deactivated and activated again the page as deleted and created again, so these property is 0. I can't save these property in PhoneApplicationPage.State , because these property is different for different pages, so when I go twice back I can get error. I think to take it property after application activated from NavigationService.BackStack pages.But I'm not sure it is right. How can I do it ?
Aram .. thanks for explaining the question better.
Now, while your application is in the foreground, how are you managing all these different OwnerIDs? A collection? I am guessing you don't have multiple instances of the same page; but rather pass query parameters along to indicate which OwnerID/UserID should be used to display appropriate user info. You could put the whole collection in State dictionaries with a key & hydrate/dehydrate during the application lifecycle. Makes sense?
I'm not 100% clear on whether you need a setting for each page or just a single setting for the app. In either case your best option (IMO) is IsolatedStorageSettings (
If you just need a single setting then there's no problem but if you need one for each page you will need to do something ugly like using the page name as the key.

Drupal: Custom Content Type validation

I've created a custom content type with CCK.
If I need to add some custom code for validating fields of this content type's record form, where do I add the code and which functions are best for this task?
The easiest way would probably be hook_form_alter() and the #validation attribute on the form. You would of cause have to implement this in your own module.
The form api is what you use to validate, you'll be crafting your own validation function. I'm going to assume you are using D6
There's a less painful way:
This module lets you make php code or regex for any given field.
Hope this helps.
To create your own module to implement form validation I suggest this method:
create a new module for content type field validation in drupal
