Debugging Jasmine Custom Matcher Messages - jasmine

I have the following code for a Jasmine Custom Matcher, as described here:
testingFunction: function(util, customEqualityTesters) {
return {
compare: function(actual, expected) {
if (expected === undefined) {
expected = '';
var result = {};
result.pass = util.equals(actual.myValue, 1, customEqualityTesters);
if (result.pass) {
result.message = "Passed";
} else {
result.message = "Failed";
return result;
And calling it as such:
.then(function() {
myValue: 1
During debugging, I see that execution goes to my custom matcher but for some reason, neither my Pass or Fail messages get printed to the console.
Any ideas as to why this might be?

For anyone else that may be running into this issue, I figured out that in my jasmineNodeOpts, I was overriding the jasmine print method as such:
// Overrides jasmine's print method to report dot syntax for custom reports
//print: () => {},
Removing that fixed my issue.


egui::TextEdit::singleline with macroquad - not able to edit text

Trying to experiment with egui and macroquad, but can't get elements enabled for edit.
From the standard example:
use macroquad::prelude::*;
async fn main() {
loop {
egui_macroquad::ui(|egui_ctx| {
egui_macroquad::egui::Window::new("egui ❤ macroquad").show(egui_ctx, |ui| {
ui.colored_label(egui_macroquad::egui::Color32::WHITE, "Test");
ui.add(egui_macroquad::egui::TextEdit::singleline(&mut "ku").text_color(egui_macroquad::egui::Color32::RED));
In Cargo.toml:
macroquad = "0.3.25"
egui-macroquad = "0.12.0"
As result:
I see the TextEdit::singleline widget, but can't edit it.
Should I enable it somehow or something else?
Found the solution. Mutable "String" variable must be defined and used for TextEdit::singleline:
use macroquad::prelude::*;
async fn main() {
let mut kuku: String = "ku".to_string();
loop {
egui_macroquad::ui(|egui_ctx| {
egui_macroquad::egui::Window::new("egui ❤ macroquad").show(egui_ctx, |ui| {
ui.colored_label(egui_macroquad::egui::Color32::WHITE, "Test");
ui.add(egui_macroquad::egui::TextEdit::singleline(&mut kuku).text_color(egui_macroquad::egui::Color32::RED));
Now it works, because it takes the values from the widget and assign them to the variable "kuku".

Argument passed to call that takes no arguments.. Firebase

Not sure why i'm getting this.. any suggestions would be grateful!
I ran into issues with my original coding where I had Firebase pod and Firebase Package.. so I started from scratch since that wasnt fixing itself.. now I get this.. and I am at a loss for how to resolve it.
static func fetchUsers() -> AnyPublisher<[UserProfile], Error> {
Future< [UserProfile], Error > { promise in
.getDocuments { (snapshot, error) in
if let error = error {
guard let snapshot = snapshot else {
var users = [UserProfile]()
snapshot.documents.forEach { document in
if let user = try? UserProfile.self){
if users.contains(where: { $ ==}) {return}
} else {
print("Not working")
I believe this is the syntax you're after:
var users = [UserProfile]()
users = snapshot.documents.compactMap { (document) -> UserProfile? in
if users.contains(where: { $ ==}) {
return nil
} else {
return try? UserProfile.self)
Also be aware that when you iterate something in Swift and encounter a false condition on an iteration, return will return out of the greater scope, not just that iteration. Therefore, use continue.
for x in y {
guard x > 0 else {
continue // continues loop
// ...

How do you handle errors inside a Rust filter()?

I'd like to use a filter function that may return an Err result, and bubble it up to the containing function:
.filter(|el| {
if el == "bad" {
} else {
Ok(el < "foo")
I found a good explanation on how to handle this type of case when it comes to map() (using .collect::<Result<...>>()): How do I stop iteration and return an error when Iterator::map returns a Result::Err? but I can't get a similar solution to work for filter().
What's the idiomatic solution here?
I'd probably suggest using filter_map. Your example would look like:
.filter_map(|el| {
if el == "bad" {
} else if el < "foo" {
} else {

How to propagate errors through catchError() properly?

I wrote a function that is pipe-able:
return ((source:Observable<T>) => {
return source.pipe(
catchError((err:any) => {
let msg = '';
if(err && err instanceof HttpErrorResponse)
if(err.status == 0)
msg += "The server didn't respond";
throw {
} as CustomError
I can use this function this way in my HttpService:
return this.http.head<void>(environment.apiUrl + 'some_url/' + id)
catchError((err:CustomError) => {
throw err.msg;
if(err.err.status == HttpStatusCodes.NOT_FOUND)
throw("It doesn't exist.");
It's working great. When I subscribe to checkExist(), I get a good error message, because HandleHttpBasicError first catches an error and throws it to the service's catchError(), which throwes the error message because it was not null.
This way, it allows me to have a global catchError() which handles error messages that will always be the same. In the future, I will do it in a HttpHandler, but that's not the point here.
Is it ok to chain the errors with the throw keyword?
I tried to return Observable.throwError(), but the browser said
Observable.throwError is not a function
My imports are import {Observable, of, throwError} from 'rxjs';.
Isn't it better to do this:
return ((source:Observable<T>) => {
return source.pipe(
catchError((err:any) => {
msg = '';
return of({err, msg} as CustomError)
/* instead of
return Observable.throwError(err) (which doesn't work)
Is it ok to chain the errors with the throw keyword ?
Yes, it's totally fine. rxjs try-catches such cases and converts it into an error notification.
I tryed to return Observable.throwError() but the browser say "Observable.throwError is not a function"
With rxjs6, the Observable prototype is no longer modified to contain operators or these »creation operators«, instead they are exposed as standalone functions. You can read more about it here, but the gist of it is that you'd just return throwError(…), e.g.
return source$.pipe(
catchError(err => err.code === 404
? throwError("Not found")
: throwError(err)

How to avoid nesting do/catch statements in Swift2

I keep wanting to do this:
do {
let result = try getAThing()
} catch {
do {
let anotherResult = try getAnotherThing(result) //Error - result out of scope
} catch {
But seem only to be able to do this:
do {
let result = try getAThing()
do {
let anotherResult = try getAnotherThing(result)
} catch {
} catch {
Is there a way to keep an immutable result in scope without having to nest do/catch blocks? Is there a way to guard against the error similar to how we use the guard statement as an inverse of if/else blocks?
In Swift 1.2, you can separate the declaration of the constant from the assignment of the constant. (See "Constants are now more powerful and consistent" in the Swift 1.2 Blog Entry.) So, combining that with the Swift 2 error handling, you can do:
let result: ThingType
do {
result = try getAThing()
} catch {
// error handling, e.g. return or throw
do {
let anotherResult = try getAnotherThing(result)
} catch {
// different error handling
Alternatively, sometimes we don't really need two different do-catch statements and a single catch will handle both potential thrown errors in one block:
do {
let result = try getAThing()
let anotherResult = try getAnotherThing(result)
} catch {
// common error handling here
It just depends on what type of handling you need.
