Ruby netx command after while loop - ruby

I try to launch one command using while loop and the continue my script, but the loop never finish.Condition is true i don't want to put false because the command has to be executed every 10 minutes.
while true
pid = spawn('xterm -e command')
sleep 600
Process.kill('TERM', pid)
The same bash code work fine because i can execute the next commands of the script using & after done
while : ; do
xterm -e command ; sleep 600 ; done &
echo $! >/tmp/
In ruby does the end statement block the script in my loop ? or the true value is not appropriate here ?

If I understand right you want to create a thread: do
while true
puts 'inside'
puts 'outside'
And output:


wait for a background PID from another background function

Using ksh93 i'm attempting to wait for a background process ,run_cataloguer(), to finish, from within a separate background process ,send_mail(), using the script below:
#!/usr/bin/env ksh
function run_cataloguer
echo "In run_cataloguer()"
sleep 2
echo "leaving run_cataloguer()"
function send_mail
echo "In send_mail()"
sleep 1
echo "Leaving send_mail() "
function wait_for_cataloguer
echo "In wait_for_cataloguer() PID_CAT = $PID_CAT"
wait $PID_CAT
echo "waitRet = $waitRet"
run_cataloguer &
echo "PID_CAT = $PID_CAT"
send_mail &
wait # Wait for all
echo "Finished main"
The following output is seen:
PID_CAT = 1265
In run_cataloguer()
In send_mail()
In wait_for_cataloguer() PID_CAT = 1265
waitRet = 127 # THIS SHOULD be 0
Leaving send_mail()
leaving run_cataloguer()
Finished main
The problem is
waitRet = 127
which means the wait command can't see $PID_CAT, so it doesn't wait for run_cataloguer() to finish and
"leaving send_mail()"
is printed before
"leaving run_cataloguer()"
If I run send_mail in the foreground then waitRet = 0, which is correct.
So, it appears that you cannot wait for a background process from within a separate background process.
Also, if I uncomment the jobs command, nothing is returned , which appears to confirm the previous statement.
If anyone has a solution ,apart form using flag files, :), it would be much appreciated.
It looks like this cannot be done. The solution I used was from Parvinder here:
wait child process but get error: 'pid is not a child of this shell'

Run shell command inside ruby, attach STDIN to command input

I'm running a long-running shell command inside ruby script like this:
Open3.popen2(command) {|i,o,t|
while line = o.gets line
puts line
So I would be able to look at the command output in the shell window.
How do I attach STDIN to command input?
You need to:
Wait for the user input from STDIN
Wait for the output of the command from the popen3 -- o
You may need or other IO scheduler, or some other multi-task scheduler, such as Thread.
Here is a demo for the Thread approach:
require 'open3'
Open3.popen3('ruby -e "while line = gets; print line; end"') do |i, o, t|
tin = do
# here you can manipulate the standard input of the child process
i.puts "Hello"
i.puts "World"
tout = do
# here you can fetch and process the standard output of the child process
while line = o.gets
print "COMMAND => #{line}"
tin.join # wait for the input thread
tout.join # wait for the output thread

trap not working when called as a script; but works on IRB

I am experimenting with multiple processes. I am trapping SIGCLD to execute something when the child is done. It is working on IRB but not when I execute as a ruby script.
pid = fork {sleep 2; puts 'hello'}
trap('CLD') { puts "pid: #{pid} exited with code"}
When I run the above from IRB, I both lines are printed but when I run it as a ruby script, the line within the trap procedure does not show up.
IRB gives you an outer loop, which means that the ruby process doesn't exit until you decide to kill it. The problem with your ruby script is that the main process is finishing and killing your child (yikes) before it has the chance to trap the signal.
My guess is that this is a test script, and the chances are that your desired program won't have the case where the parent finishes before the child. To see your trap working in a plain ruby script, add a sleep at the end:
pid = fork {sleep 2; puts 'hello'}
trap('CLD') { puts "pid: #{pid} exited with code"}
sleep 3
To populate the $? global variable, you should explicitly wait for the child process to exit:
pid = fork {sleep 2; puts 'hello'}
trap('CLD') { puts "pid: #{pid} exited with code #{$? >> 8}" }
If you do want the child to run after the parent process has died, you want a daemon (double fork).
When you run your code in IRB, the main thread belongs to IRB so that all the stuff you’ve called is living within virtually infinite time loop.
In a case of script execution, the main thread is your own and it dies before trapping. Try this:
pid = fork {sleep 2; puts 'hello'}
trap('CLD') { puts "pid: #{pid} exited with code"}
sleep 5 # this is needed to prevent main thread to die ASAP
Hope it helps.

equivalent of backticks operator with ability to display output during execution

I'm looking for something equivalent of the backticks operator (``) with the capability to display output during shell command execution.
I saw a solution in another post:
(Running a command from Ruby displaying and capturing the output)
output = []
IO.popen("ruby -e '3.times{|i| p i; sleep 1}'").each do |line|
p line.chomp
output << line.chomp
p output
This solution doesn't fit my needs since $? remains nil after the shell command execution. The solution I'm looking for should also set $? (returning the value of $?.exitstatus in another way is also sufficient)
First, I'd recommend using one of the methods in Open3.
I use capture3 for one of my systems where we need to grab the output of STDOUT and STDERR of a lot of command-line applications.
If you need a piped sub-process, try popen3 or one of the other "pipeline" commands.
Here's some code to illustrate how to use popen2, which ignores the STDERR channel. If you want to track that also use popen3:
require 'open3'
output = []
exit_status = Open3.popen2(ENV, "ruby -e '3.times{|i| p i; sleep 1}'") { |stdin, stdout, thr|
stdout.each_line do |o|
output << o
puts %Q(Read from pipe: "#{ o }")
puts "Output array: #{ output.join(', ') }"
puts "Exit status: #{ exit_status }"
Running that outputs:
Read from pipe: "0"
Read from pipe: "1"
Read from pipe: "2"
Output array: 0, 1, 2
Exit status: pid 43413 exit 0
The example code shows one way to do it.
It's not necessary to use each_line, but that demonstrates how you can read line-by-line until the sub-process closes its STDOUT.
capture3 doesn't accept a block; It waits until the child has closed its output and exits, then it returns the content, which is great when you want a blocking process. popen2 and popen3 have blocking and non-blocking versions, but I show only the non-blocking version here to demonstrate how to read and output the content as it comes in from the sub-process.
Try following:
output = []
IO.popen("ruby -e '3.times{|i| p i; sleep 1 }'") do |f|
f.each do |line|
p line.chomp
output << line.chomp
p $?
#<Process::Status: pid 2501 exit 0>
Using open3
require 'open3'
output = []
Open3.popen2("ruby -e '3.times{|i| p i; sleep 1}'") do |stdin,stdout,wait_thr|
stdout.each do |line|
p line.chomp
output << line.chomp
p wait_thr.value

How do I get the exit status for a command invoked with IO.popen?

I am using IO.popen to execute a command and am capturing the output like so:
process = IO.popen("sudo -u service_user -i") do |io|
while line = io.gets
How can I capture the exit status of **?
You can capture the exit status of a command invoked via by referencing $? as long as you have closed the pipe at the end of your block.
In the example above, you would do:
process = IO.popen("sudo -u service_user -i") do |io|
while line = io.gets
do_more_stuff if $?.to_i == 0
See Ruby Core Library entry for IO.popen for more information.
