Microsoft.Cis.Monitoring.ConfigReader.DLL can't be loaded - visual-studio

Could not load file or assembly
'Microsoft.Cis.Monitoring.ConfigReader.DLL' or one of its
I'm running an Azure based web application at a large company.
I've tried the fix of forcing 64bit IISExpress. But it still happens. There were no code changes AFAIK that got this to start happening.

I'm not sure how these binaries got there in the first place, but there were several dozen binaries not referenced anywhere in the code in the .BIN folder that shouldn't have been there at all. Renaming the bin folder and recompiling solved the problem. Simply deleting it of course would have worked but renaming it gave me better feedback on what was going on.


Visual Studio: No symbols have been loaded for this project

Yes, I've seen this previous question here and none of the solutions have worked.
On Visual Studio Community 2019 I was debugging a project that I've been working on for years. I have a common library project, that I've built, that I use on multiple solutions - one web, one exe.
In working on the EXE solution, which is one windows app project + about half a dozen other custom libraries, I was debugging along without issue. Changed a bit of code and then started another debugging cycle and suddenly symbols couldn't be loaded for one of the libraries.
If I look in the output folder, the PDB file for the library IS there. If I look in the Debugging Windows... Modules, the library does NOT show up.
If I load up the web project which also uses this library, it debugs fine and the module shows up in the modules window.
I've tried everything in the thread I've referenced above. I've also tried:
Build, Clean, rebuild, in all sorts of different orders - the PDB is ALWAYS there.
Removing and readding references to the project from the EXE
Creating a whole new solution
Going to a different PC entirely - one that I knew was working yesterday - grabbing my latest code, and still the same problem.
Reverting back to several different old branches of code, on BOTH the new machine and the old machine, same issue.
Installing VS updates
Repairing VS
Checking my GAC to make sure there was nothing for these libraries in there
Played with every project setting I could find
Cursing and praying to the programming Gods
I have no clue what to do next. Obviously this one specific project is not loading the DLL, but I can't figure out any possible reason why. The only thing that changed between a successful debug and the missing symbols error was me changing a few lines of code and clicking Run again. (And I even removed the code changes and it still failed.)
I just don't understand what could have caused this, for this singular library, on this single solution.
To anyone who finds this later, I've solved the problem and my code is debugging fine again.
And I have zero clue about what changed, why it started working, or if I even did anything at all. I came back to it the next day, systematically started working through various tests, and suddenly everything was fine - though I didn't do anything differently than the day before.
These are the times that try men's souls.

Visual Studio 2015 debugging: Symbols cannot be loaded until I restart my computer

Recently, whenever I change something in my code, rebuild, and attempt to debug, I get the error "This breakpoint will not currently be hit, No symbols have been loaded for this document."
But then as soon as I restart my computer, everything is fine and I can debug properly. Why is this happening? It's really frustrating having to restart my desktop every time I try to debug my code. I've looked all over stack overflow and MSDN and can't find any solution to my particular problem. Any help is appreciated
"This breakpoint will not currently be hit, No symbols have been loaded
for this document."
(As for this error message, it's common error which has different causes. I can't give the most direct correct answer for this issue, I can only give you some tips for trouble-shooting. In order to avoid losing contact in the round-trip comments, I post those content as answer instead of comments.)
Since VS2015 have been released for long time, I would think this issue is a particular one, not found similar issues online.
First of all, please create a new simple project to check if this issue occurs in new project when debugging.
If it persists in new project, I think this issue has something to do outside environment like VS settings, VS config files or Debug options.
You can try:
1.Go Tools=>Import and Export Settings=>Reset all settings =>No,just reset settings=>Finish
2.Repair VS IDE since it seems to work well in the past, and just got the issue recently, so maybe something is broken for your IDE(In Control Panel find VS2015, right-click=>change=>repair). Also, make sure you have the latest VS2015 Update3 instead of earlier versions.
And if it works well in new project, then maybe the issue is about the whole project or solution itself. You can try:
1.Navigate to solution folder, close all vs instance, delete the .vs, bin and obj folders and restart VS to check if it helps.
2.Make sure you've loaded the required symbols, check the content in your Modules window during debugging, there's possibility you don't load necessary symbols successfully.
3.Check the output folder after your rebuild, check in folder like bin\debug folder if you have both the .exe and .pdb files. And make sure the .exe and .pdb files are up-to-date after your rebuild by checking their Date Modified.
Hope it helps and more info about the project type, dependencies would be better:)

I've been asked to deploy, but I cant make the magic happen

I've added a couple of lines to a file, let's say it builds to be foo.dll. It's part of more then one dll file, but it's the core dll. What I did was that I added a couple of lines so it should add some log data to the database. It should not affect any other files what so ever.
So i tried to deploy it. We don't have the magical one click deploy, we are just copying the right files to the right place.
So now, since i have a change in foo.dll, i thought for myself that i just could copy foo.dll and the server would be happy.
I was wrong. Browsing the website i now get "Generic Errors", dont know what that is. I've also tried to copy all the new dll files (4 i total) but that did not solve the problem either.
The error it gives are
Http Error 404.0 not found
Module: ISS Web Core
Notification: MapRequestHandler
Handler: Static File
Error Code: 0x80070002
replacing the new foo.dll with the old one solves the problem. and i've tried to restart the webserver. :-(
I asume you have "published" and not just "compiled" your Web?
You also need to take care off the "Solution Configurations": Debug and Release.
In a normal publish process you would change the configuration to release and publish your project into another folder.
After you have done that you just need to collect the desired files and upload them.
Keep in mind that you need the newest version of you web project. Maybe there are some changes online that your local project hasn'T. This would cause such problems.
We don't have the magical one click deploy
Why not? It's not magic, and it's pretty easy to set up. Get any continuous integration software (I would recommend BuildMaster since I am a developer for it and it's free now) and you'll never have this problem again.

How come my vs2010 installer project keeps moving the locations of some of the referenced dlls from a subfolder to the main application folder?

I have a weird situation where I need to reference 2 microsoft dlls of different version #s with the same name. So, the older ones go in an application subfolder and the new ones go in the application folder. If I don't separate them like this they overwrite each other because they have the same name. I'm manually loading the older ones in my program.
Anyways, something queer is happening. I was clicking around on the installer project in solution explorer and before my very eyes the dlls I told the project to put in the subfolder moved back to the main application folder! I don't know how to replicate this but it has happened to me 3 times already. One time I deployed an msi where it had done this and I didn't catch it, and the customers weren't too happy. I should be clear that much of the time the dlls stay where they're told.. this happens only sometimes. Also 3 of the 4 dlls move back (if it happens) and one always seems to stay in the subfolder.
Has anyone had this happen before? Can I fix it? Is it a bug?

Unable to copy file to server on build. Access to path is denied

I have a solution in Visual Studio that is comprised of 5 projects. The projects build to assemblies (.dll). I have the output path of each project set to \my-web-server\wwwroot\bin, which works fine on one project. In the properties for all of my projects, I have the output path set to the same directory, but when I try building all but one of the projects, I get the error:
Unable to copy file "obj\Release\Index.dll" to "\my-web-server\wwwroot\bin\Index.dll". Access to the path '\my-web-server\wwwroot\bin\Index.dll' is denied.
I assume it could be an issue with permissions, because my organization keeps things locked down, but I have no control over granting permissions. Any help in the right direction is much appreciated.
It must've been something silly. I deleted the .dll manually, then rebuilt. Looks like everything's working normally. Thanks.
The solution for me was to delete everything in bin and obj folders in every project. Just ran this powershell script as described here.
I had the same issue. A copy of Visual Studio (devenv.exe) was still running invisible in the background keeping the particular dll locked.
Delete all DLLs from the bin folder and build the solution.
just had the same issue, built a new project/solution, got it all working and then added to TFS.
Unfortunately I did not clean the build before adding and this meant some files that should not have been under source control were and were then read only(not checked out).
Manually deleting the files before rebuilding fixed the issue.
Most likely a program is running using that library.
This happens to me when running something to debug, and I forget to close it (not attached to IDE debugger).
And since this looks like a website, it is potentially due to the website being hosted from the development build folder, and someone is accessing it.
Similar to what Aequitarum said, it's mostly likely a locked file because it's in use. Since you have multiple projects, you mostly likely have references between them. And since you have all the projects outputting to the same folder any of the referenced projects will most likely get copied more than once if you have those files set to be deployed in the child project. (In a C# web application, you can view the properties of the reference and look at the "Copy Local" property.) And if you have the MsBuild project set to use multiple processors for the build, two child projects are both trying to copy the file at approximately the same time and one is erring out.
It's a very unique situation, but it is possible.
Working solution
Just go to Task Manager and search Detail (if its Win10) and search with your application name (for easy search just look at your windows user id wise)
And right click shows properties. just give the permission like Administrator access.
That's all its working fine for me. ( I was struggling for 1 week and its killed more my time)
It looks like WSearch Service locks up the files and does not release them. I disabled the service on WINDOWS 10 and was able to rebuild the solution.
