ASP.NET Boilerplate: What is the best solution for Four eyes principle - aspnetboilerplate

I want to add 4 eyes principle to ASP.NET Boilerplate framework. That means every change on Role, User,.. need to be approved (by another admin) before applied to the system. I have searched for some time but no answer. So what is the best solution for this flow?
Can I create the same tables with Abp tables (dbo.AbpUser_Temp, etc) and the all the changes will be stored in these tables? Is there any better solution?
Example: In the application, Admin1 has created a user named User1. But this user cannot login to the application until he was approved by Admin2.

Simple Workflows
Example: In the application, Admin1 has created a user named User1. But this user cannot login to the application until he was approved by Admin2.
Simple workflows like these can be appropriately handled by a property and a method:
public class User : AbpUser<User>
public bool IsApproved { get; set; }
public void Approve(User approver)
if (approver.Id != CreatorUserId)
IsApproved = true;
Complex Workflows
Complex workflows like "every change" can do this instead of _Temp tables:
public abstract class ChangeBase : Entity<long>, IExtendableObject
public string EntityTypeAssemblyQualifiedName { get; set; }
public string EntityIdJsonString { get; set; }
public long ProposerUserId { get; set; }
public long? ApproverUserId { get; set; }
public string ExtensionData { get; set; }
public class Change : ChangeBase
public Type EntityType => Type.GetType(EntityTypeAssemblyQualifiedName);
public object EntityId => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(EntityIdJsonString, EntityHelper.GetPrimaryKeyType(EntityType));
public bool IsApproved => ApproverUserId.HasValue && ApproverUserId != ProposerUserId;
public IDictionary<string, string> ChangedPropertyValuePairs => JObject.Parse(ExtensionData).ToObject<Dictionary<string, string>>();
public Change(EntityIdentifier changedEntityIdentifier, long proposerUserId, IDictionary<string, string> changedPropertyValuePairs)
EntityTypeAssemblyQualifiedName = changedEntityIdentifier.Type.AssemblyQualifiedName;
EntityIdJsonString = changedEntityIdentifier.Id.ToJsonString();
ProposerUserId = proposerUserId;
ExtensionData = JObject.FromObject(changedPropertyValuePairs).ToString(Formatting.None);
public bool Approve(long approverUserId)
if (approverUserId != ProposerUserId)
ApproverUserId = approverUserId;
return true;
return false;
public class UserAppService // ...
private readonly IRepository<Change, long> _changeRepository;
public UserAppService(
IRepository<User, long> repository,
IRepository<Change, long> changeRepository) // : base(repository)
_changeRepository = changeRepository;
public void ChangeUserName(long userId, string newUserName)
// Validation, etc.
var changedPropertyValuePairs = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ nameof(User.UserName), newUserName }
var change = new Change(
new EntityIdentifier(typeof(User), userId),
public void ApproveChange(long changeId)
// Validation, etc.
var change = _changeRepository.Get(changeId);
if (change.EntityType == typeof(User) && change.Approve(AbpSession.GetUserId()))
var user = Repository.Get((long)change.EntityId);
var changedPropertyValuePairs = change.ChangedPropertyValuePairs;
foreach (var changedProperty in changedPropertyValuePairs.Keys)
switch (changedProperty)
case nameof(User.UserName):
user.UserName = changedPropertyValuePairs[changedProperty];
// ...

For development
Separate staging and production environments. Develop on one box, test it, get it reviewed and then deploy to a production box. Simple, effective and language agnostic advice.
Since ASP.NET Boilerplate framework included Entity Framework. You could also leverage migrations.
After you do your development work, and requires you to "update-database", then your SOP should be to have the admin review the (relatively simple) migrations that will be committed.
I hope that helps.
For application flow
There are probably quite a few ways to actually implement this so I'll cover a simple one get your idea's flowing, but keep in mind: The way you need to implement two person integrity must fit how your operating procedures should work, and not the other way around. Development doesn't drive business operations, business use-cases drive development.
Extending existing Identity* classes. Example: The ApplicationUser class (it may be named differently, but it derives from IdentityUser
Create 2 flags (boolean fields) that must be, and can only be turned 'on' by an administrator
a single administrator can only turn on 1 flag. (Which means you also have to store which administrator turned on which flag.)
The flags can be stored in the existing Abp* tables, or you can create a new table
Add logic so that the user is not allowed to log in unless those 2 flags are both on.
Example: default IdentityUserRole has identified and registered, but can not log in. Once both admin's switch the flags on, elevate the users IdentityUserRole to a role that is allowed to log in.


EF Core 5 Duplicating Records in the Many-to-Many Relationship

I'm having trouble implementing the many-to-many relationship using the Entity Framework Core 5 in Visual Studio.
I have the classes:
public class Medico
public Medico()
this.Especialidades = new HashSet<Especialidade>().ToList();
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Nome { get; set; }
public int CRM { get; set; }
public List<Especialidade>Especialidades { get; set; }
public class Especialidade
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Descricao { get; set; }
public IList<Medico>Medicos { get; set; }
And the Create method:
public async Task<IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,Nome,CRM")] Medico medico)
var lstTags = Request.Form["chkTags"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstTags))
int[] splTags = lstTags.ToString().Split(',').Select(Int32.Parse).ToArray();
if (splTags.Count() > 0)
var medicoEspecialidades = await _context.Especialidades.Where(t => splTags.Contains(t.Id)).ToListAsync();
foreach (var me in medicoEspecialidades)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(medico);
But when I run Create, it returns me with the following error:
"Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Especialidades' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF."
If I turn off the Identity_Insert of the Specialty table in the bank, it even inserts, but duplicates the records in the Specialty table.
I've been researching and trying to find a solution for 2 days now. Can someone who has been through this give me a hand?
The application source code is here:
The approach looks Ok, though I would check to ensure that the medico being passed in does not have any Especialidade somehow coming in from the client as these would be detached entities. The error seems to imply that Medico may have a detached Especialidade in its collection. If the checked values represents everything that should be tracked, then this collection should be cleared and the Especialidade references added.
Do you have any explicit mapping configuration for either of these entities? If not I would highly recommend using one for Many-to-Many relationships as sometimes EF can default to unexpected schema assumptions when working off convention, especially in Code First if that is the case. I would look at your schema carefully to ensure it is matching what would be expected for a Many-To-Many. For example, what is the linking table name for Medico-Especialidade? Is there an entity defined for it in the configuration? This is entirely optional and EF should work it out, however if you do have explicit mapping that might not be configured correctly, tripping up the relationships.
One other detail giving off a smell:
public Medico()
this.Especialidades = new HashSet<Especialidade>().ToList();
public List<Especialidade>Especialidades { get; set; }
This should be:
public ICollection<Especialidade> { get; set; } = new HashSet<Especialidade>();
EF can work with lists, but when it comes to proxies and the behind the scenes EF is doing with entities it is generally better to declare your collection references as ICollection rather than concrete classes. ToListing a HashSet merely produces a List, so either = new HashSet<Especialidade>() or = new List<Especialidade>() will do. The difference would merely be the behaviour of the collection when you are populating it after "newing" up a Medico, or deserializing one.

MVC3 + Simple Membership: Accessing User Profiles Through Entity Framework

I'm using the SimpleMembership.MVC3 package with my MVC3 application and I want to be able to access users from the table through Entity Framework
In examples for doing this with MVC4, you can simply create a POCO to mirror the User table that's been generated, add your DbSet in your DbContext implementation and then query the DbSet like you normally would, ie: context.Users.
This collection is always returning 0 items for me even though there are rows in the table. What am I doing wrong? Here's what I got so far:
public class User
public int Id { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public class TestContext : DbContext
public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
In my service:
model.Accounts = context.Users.ToList();
You do not create your a POCO that mirrors the User table in order to access it directly from EF. There is already a POCO created by the Internet template when you created the project, which you can customize as described here. This same article also shows how you can access the user information by accessing EF directly. You do not create your own context, there is one already in place that you use. Here is a code snippet from that article.
var context = new UsersContext();
var username = User.Identity.Name;
var user = context.UserProfiles.SingleOrDefault(u => u.UserName == username);
var email = user.Email;
The article also has links to download the source code that demonstrates the details on how to do this.
I circumvented the membership classes entirely and implemented a pure EF membership system. I leveraged the System.Web.Helpers Crypto helpers to handle password hashing and just create the AuthCookie when needed.

Configure AutoMapper to return Mock in test layer

In my app, all domain classes follow the standardization:
All implement the interface IEntity
Id properties are protected*
The properties of type IList are protected and initialized in the constructor.
Below is a classic example of a domain entity:
public class CheckListItemTemplate : IEntity
public virtual int Id { get; protected set; }
public virtual string Text { get; set; }
public virtual CheckListItemTemplate Parent { get; set; }
public virtual IList<CheckListItemTemplate> Itens { get; protected set; }
public CheckListItemTemplate()
Itens = new List<CheckListItemTemplate>();
public void AddItem(CheckListItemTemplate item)
item.Parent = this;
*This is because the id is generated by the database and not run the risk of some developer trying to set this property.
Test project
We have a fake generic repository used in the tests:
public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T>
where T : class, IEntity
private readonly IDictionary<int, T> _context = new Dictionary<int, T>();
public void Delete(T obj)
public void Store(T obj)
if (obj.Id > 0)
_context[obj.Id] = obj;
var generateId = _context.Values.Any() ? _context.Values.Max(p => p.Id) + 1 : 1;
var stub = Mock.Get<T>(obj);
stub.Setup(s => s.Id).Returns(generateId);
_context.Add(generateId, stub.Object);
// ..
As you can see in the Store*, all test objects (of type IEntity) should be a Mock**. This is because in UI project, when we save an object NHibernate updating the property Id. In testing project we have to do this manually, and we have no way to set the property Id with a new value, so the solution was mock the entire object to the Get property Id correspond to the new Id . Exactly what does this line stub.Setup(s => s.Id).Returns(generateId).
*By convention, objects with Id <= 0 are new and Id> 0 are existing objects in the database.
**For Mock I use Moq.
Id as protected
The biggest problem occurs because of Id property and the fact that is protected.
When we talk about the designer, is a great approach but this brings huge inconvenience when we test our application.
For example, in a test that I'm writing I need my Fake repository with some data already populated.
Follow me. I have the following classes (+ CheckListItemTemplate shown above.)
public class Passo : IEntity
public int Id { get; protected set; }
public virtual IList<CheckListItemTemplate> CheckListItens { get; protected set; }
public class Processo : IEntity
public virtual int Id { get; protected set; }
public virtual Passo Passo { get; set; }
public virtual IList<CheckListItem> CheckListItens { get; protected set; }
After saving the Processo, the first Passo is associated with the Processo: (sorted by Ordem field following field CreateAt)
model.Passo = PassoRepositorio.All().OrderBy(p => p.Ordem).ThenBy(p => p.CreateAt).First();
Parallel.ForEach(Mapper.Map<IList<CheckListItem>>(model.Passo.CheckListItens), (it) => model.AddCheckListItem(it));
This code is running whenever you save a new Processo. For any test that creates a new Processo, this code will be executed!
If we have to create a test that creates a new Processo, our first goal is to populate the PassoRepositorio repository with some dummy data*, with Passos and CheckListItemTemplates specifically for the above code does not fail**.
*To populate objects with dummy data I use AutoFixture.
** Will fail if no Passo is found in the repository .First() and this Passo has no checklist Mapper.Map(model.Passo.CheckListItens).
So we need a repository of Passos and each Passo with a list of CheckListItens.
Remember that every object IEntity should be an Mock<> so we can mock property Id
First attempt
First configure my TestInitialize to populate my repository with some dummy data:
var fix = new Fixture();
var listPassos = fix.Build<Mock<Passo>>()
.Do((passo) => {
passo.SetupProperty(x => x.Nome, fix.Create<string>());
passo.SetupGet(x => x.CheckListItens).Returns(
fix.Build<CheckListItemTemplate>() // Needs to a Mock<>
.With(p => p.Texto)
foreach (var item in listPassos)
Then I can run the tests:
public void Salvar_novo_processo_modificar_data_atendimento_passo_atual()
// Arrange
var fix = new Fixture();
var vm = fix.Create<ProcessoViewModel>();
Controller.salvar(vm); // Problem here. (For convert ProcessoViewModel to Processo I use a AutoMaper. In repository needs destination to be a Mock<Processo>
var processo = Repository.Get(p => p.DataEntrada == vm.DataEntrada && p.ProximoAtendimento == vm.ProximoAtendimento);
We create a list of 10 Passo where each Passo is actually is a Mock<>, great! But:
For each Passo have a list of 5 'Mock' items, and each Id should be 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (in that order). How to achieve this? How to obtain this list of IList<Mock<>> inside a Mock<> with Id already filled? That is, the configuration
passo.SetupGet(x => x.CheckListItens).Returns( ???
The responsible for creating objects in my controller, basically uses AutoMapper to convert my ViewModel object to an object that can be persisted Model in my repository:
model = Mapper.Map<TModel>(vm);
The problem is that my repository Fake can not save an object IEntity, just Mock<IEntity>. How to configure AutoMapper to always return a Mock<>?
Answer for Question 1: In case this helps, you can use a closure to maintain a running counter to use as an id. For example:
class MyTestClass
int _runningCounter = 0;
public void SomeTest()
/* ... some other code including mock creation ...*/
someMock.Setup(m => m.ReturnNewWidgetEntity())
.Returns(() => new WidgetEntity{ Id= ++_runningCounter });
Each time ReturnNewWidgetEntity is called on the mocked object, the Id property will be set to an increased number.
Answer for Question 2: I would suggest that rather than having a concrete dependency on the Mapper class, you replace this with an injected dependency on IMapperEngine. Richard Dingwall explains the technique here:
Basically you register Mapper.Engine as the singleton implementation of IMapperEngine in your container and then in your unit tests mock it so that it gives you the required Mock<> classes.
I hope one or both of these answers at least give you food for thought. It was a bit difficult to follow your whole example, to be honest!

Partial model validation in create/update scenarios

I have a model for a User generated by EF from an existing database:
public class User
public int Id { get;set; }
public string Name { get;set; }
public string Password { get;set; }
public DateTime Created { get;set; }
public DateTime LastModified { get;set; }
I've been then creating a UserModel and applying data annotations to add validation. I use AutoMapper to translate between User and UserModel.
I am now trying to create the views, with the following business rules:
when creating a user, the Created and LastModified fields should not appear in the UI, but they should both be set prior to the model being saved in the repository;
when editing a user, the Created and LastModified fields should not appear in the UI, but the Created field should be left unchanged and the LastModified field should be updated prior to the model being saved in the repository;
when editing a user, if the password field is not touched, then the Password field in the model is not changed; if the password field contains a value, that should be used to update the model.
So how can I achieve this, with as little code duplication as possible? For instance, should I have an EditUserModel and a CreateUserModel, inheriting from a base UserModel which has the fields common to both (Id, Name, Password)? Should either model have any reference to Created/LastModified? And particularly, how can I handle the password change requirement?
This is how I usually deal with this situation. For the view model, I'm using only one, the EditUserModel, since it really doesn't pay off to maintain 3 classes only 1-2 properties are different and in my opinion the view model isn't THAT important, I'm just being pragmatic. In your case the EditUserModel should look something like this
public class EditUserModel
public int Id {get;set} //used when modifying user
public string Name {get;set;}
public string Password {get;set;}
public string ConfirmPassword {get;set;} //this is optionally
This model gets passed to a controller and I'd personally use a DDD approach (as a mindset) and have let's say a domain model which looks like this (it's based on code i'm actually using)
public class Password
public Password(string value,string salt)
//you can apply basic validation rules if you want\\
Hash=(salt+value).Sha256(); //a variant of hashing and an extension method
public string Hash {get;private set;}
public string Salt {get;private set;}
public class Member
public Member(string name, Password pwd)
Created= DateTime.Now;
public Member(int id,DateTime created,string name,Password p)
Id = id;
Created = created;
_name = name;
_password = p;
public int Id { get; set; }
private string _name;
public string Name
get { return _name; }
LastModified = DateTime.Now;
_name = value;
private Password _password;
public Password Password
get { return _password; }
_password = value;
LastModified = DateTime.Now;
public DateTime Created {get;private set;}
public DateTime LastModified {get;private set;}
First time when creating a user
var user= new Member(model.Name,new Password(model.Password,"a salt"));
When updating
var user= repository.GetUser(int id);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Password)) user.Password= new Password(model.Password,"a salt");
In the repository (note that I don;t have much experience with EF so this code surely can be optimized)
public void Save(Member user)
using (var dc = new DbContext())
if (user.Id==0)
//do insert, all this can be handled via automapper
var u= new User();
//do edit
var u= dc.Users.First(d=>d.Id==user.Id);
//map values \\
dc.Users.SaveChanges();// EF should detect if something was changed and save only changes
public Member GetUser(int id)
//get User from DbContext \\
var m= new Member(id,user.Created,user.Name,new Password(user.Password,"my salt"));
return m;
This is hasty code and all can be improved but let me tell why such 'complicated' approach. First of all we have a clearer differention between the layers responsabilities, the view model handles all required to display and to send back data to controller and the domain model is not mingled with the persistence model (EF model). You can change pretty easily the password hashing techqnique and teh creates/last modified stuff is handled where changes really occur. When you start adding more functionality this design will make it much easier for you.
The main goal is clarity and maintainability and dependeing on the usage you can take another approach like updating the user via commands (you send to repository a command to change the name or the password)
Ok i'm finished now :)
For the first 2 questions, the Created and LastModified fields should be defined as readonly in the model or not mapped at all and you could use INSERT and UPDATE triggers in your database to set their values.
Another possibility is to override the SaveChanges method in your data context and invoke the corresponding method on your entity in order to set the values of those properties just before inserting or updating.
when editing a user, if the password field is not touched, then the
Password field in the model is not changed; if the password field
contains a value, that should be used to update the model.
You could try handling this requirement at the mapping layer.

EF and repository pattern - ending up with multiple DbContexts in one controller - any issues (performance, data integrity)?

Most of my knowledge of ASP.NET MVC 3 comes from reading through the book Pro ASP.NET MVC 3 Framework by Adam Freeman and Steven Senderson. For my test application I have tried to stick to their examples very closely. I am using the repository pattern plus Ninject and Moq which means that unit testing work quite well (i.e. without needing to pull data from the database).
In the book repositories are used like this:
public class EFDbTestChildRepository
private EFDbContext context = new EFDbContext();
public IQueryable<TestChild> TestChildren
get { return context.TestChildren; }
public void SaveTestChild(TestChild testChild)
if (testChild.TestChildID == 0)
context.Entry(testChild).State = EntityState.Modified;
And here is the DbContext that goes with it:
public class EFDbContext : DbContext
public DbSet<TestParent> TestParents { get; set; }
public DbSet<TestChild> TestChildren { get; set; }
Please note: to keep things simple in this extracted example I have left out the interface ITestChildRepository here which Ninject would then use.
In other sources I have seen a more general approach for the repository where one single repository is enough for the whole application. Obviously in my case I end up with quite a list of repositories in my application - basically one for each entity in my domain model. Not sure about the pros and cons about the two approaches - I just followed the book to be on the safe side.
To finally get to my question: each repository has its own DbContext - private EFDbContext context = new EFDbContext();. Do I risk ending up with multiple DbContexts within one request? And would that lead to any significant performance overhead? How about a potential for conflicts between the contexts and any consequences to the data integrity?
Here is an example where I ended up with more than one repository within a controller.
My two database tables are linked with a foreign key relationship. My domain model classes:
public class TestParent
public int TestParentID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Comment { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<TestChild> TestChildren { get; set; }
public class TestChild
public int TestChildID { get; set; }
public int TestParentID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Comment { get; set; }
public virtual TestParent TestParent { get; set; }
The web application contains a page that allows the user to create a new TestChild. On it there is a selectbox that contains a list of available TestParents to pick from. This is what my controller looks like:
public class ChildController : Controller
private EFDbTestParentRepository testParentRepository = new EFDbTestParentRepository();
private EFDbTestChildRepository testChildRepository = new EFDbTestChildRepository();
public ActionResult List()
return View(testChildRepository.TestChildren);
public ViewResult Edit(int testChildID)
ChildViewModel cvm = new ChildViewModel();
cvm.TestChild = testChildRepository.TestChildren.First(tc => tc.TestChildID == testChildID);
cvm.TestParents = testParentRepository.TestParents;
return View(cvm);
public ViewResult Create()
ChildViewModel cvm = new ChildViewModel();
cvm.TestChild = new TestChild();
cvm.TestParents = testParentRepository.TestParents;
return View("Edit", cvm);
public ActionResult Edit(TestChild testChild)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
TempData["message"] = string.Format("Changes to test child have been saved: {0} (ID = {1})",
return RedirectToAction("List");
catch (DataException)
//Log the error (add a variable name after DataException)
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to save changes. Try again, and if the problem persists see your system administrator.");
// something wrong with the data values
return View(testChild);
It's not enough to have an EFDbTestChildRepository available but I also need an EFDbTestParentRepository. Both of them are assigned to private variables of the controller - and voila, it seems to me that two DbContexts have been created. Or is that not correct?
To avoid the issue I tried using EFDbTestChildRepository to get to the TestParents. But that obviously will only bring up those that are already hooked up to at least one TestChild - so not what I want.
Here is the code for the view model:
public class ChildViewModel
public TestChild TestChild { get; set; }
public IQueryable<TestParent> TestParents { get; set; }
Please let me know if I forgot to include some relevant code. Thanks so much for your advice!
There won't be a performance problem (unless we are talking about nanoseconds, instantiating a context is very cheap) and you won't have damaged your data integrity (before that happens you'll get exceptions).
But the approach is very limited and will work only in very simple situations. Multiple contexts will lead to problems in many scenarios. As an example: Suppose you want to create a new child for an existing parent and would try it with the following code:
var parent = parentRepo.TestParents.Single(p => p.Id == 1);
var child = new Child { TestParent = parent };
This simple code won't work because parent is already attached to the context inside of parentRepo but childrenRepo.SaveTestChild will try to attach it to the context inside of childrenRepo which will cause an exception because an entity must not be attached to another context. (Here is actually a workaround because you could set the FK property instead of loading the parent: child.TestParentID = 1. But without a FK property it would be a problem.)
How to solve such a problem?
One approach could be to extend the EFDbTestChildRepository by a new property:
public IQueryable<TestParent> TestParents
get { return context.TestParents; }
In the example code above you could then use only one repository and the code would work. But as you can see, the name "EFDbTest Child Repository" doesn't really fit anymore to the purpose of the new repository. It should be now "EFDbTest ParentAndChild Repository".
I would call this the Aggregate Root approach which means that you create one repository not for only one entity but for a few entities which are closely related to each other and have navigation properties between them.
An alternative solution is to inject the context into the repositories (instead of creating it in the repositories) to make sure that every repository uses the same context. (The context is often abstracted into a IUnitOfWork interface.) Example:
public class MyController : Controller
private readonly MyContext _context;
public MyController()
_context = new MyContext();
public ActionResult SomeAction(...)
var parentRepo = new EFDbTestParentRepository(_context);
var childRepo = new EFDbTestChildRepository(_context);
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
This gives you a single context per controller you can use in multiple repositories.
The next step might be to create a single context per request by dependency injection, like...
private readonly MyContext _context;
public MyController(MyContext context)
_context = context;
...and then configuring the IOC container to create a single context instance which gets injected into perhaps multiple controllers.
Do I risk ending up with multiple DbContexts within one request?
Yes. Each instance of a repository is going to instantiate its own DbContexts instances. Depending on the size and use of the application, this may not be a problem although it is not a very scalable approach. There are several ways of handling this though. In my web projects I add the DbContext(s) to the Request's Context.Item collection, this way it is available to all classes that require it. I use Autofac (similar to Ninject) to control what DbContexts are created within specific scenarios and how they are stored, e.g. I have a different 'session manager' for a WCF context to the one for a Http context.
And would that lead to any significant performance overhead?
Yes, but again not massively if the application is relatively small. As it grows though, you may notice the overhead.
How about a potential for conflicts between the contexts and any
consequences to the data integrity?
One of the reasons for using an ORM like this is so that changes can be maintained within the DbContext. If you are instantiating multiple context instances per request you lose this benefit. You wouldn't notice conflicts or any impact of the integrity per se unless you were handling a lot of updates asynchronously.
As promised I post my solution.
I came across your question because I was having trouble with the IIS application pool memory growing beyond limits and having multiple DBContexts was one of my suspects. In retrospect it is fair to say that there were other causes for my trouble. However, it challenged me to find a better layer based design for my repository.
I found this excellent blog: Correct use of Repository and Unit Of Work patterns in ASP.NET MVC leading me to the right direction. The redesign is based on the UnitOfWork pattern. It enables me to have just one constructor parameter for all my controllers instead of "never ending constructor parameters". And after that, I was able to introduce proactive caching as well, which solved a great deal of the earlier mentioned trouble I was having.
Now I only have these classes:
See the referred blog for complete information and implementation of these classes. Just to give an example, IUnitOfWork contains repository definitions for all entities that I need, like:
namespace MyWebApp.Domain.Abstract
public interface IUnitOfWork : IDisposable
IGenericRepository<AAAAA> AAAAARepository { get; }
IGenericRepository<BBBBB> BBBBBRepository { get; }
IGenericRepository<CCCCC> CCCCCRepository { get; }
IGenericRepository<DDDDD> DDDDDRepository { get; }
// etc.
string Commit();
The Dependency Injection (DI) is just one statement (I use Ninject):
The Controllers-constructors are maintainable:
public class MyController : BaseController
private MyModel mdl = new MyModel();
private IUnitOfWork _context;
public MyController(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
_context = unitOfWork;
// intialize whatever needs to be exposed to the View:
mdl.whatever = unitOfWork.SomeRepository.AsQueryable();
// etc.
Within the Controller I can use _context to access all repositories, if needed. The nice part of it, is that it needs just a single Commit()-call to save changed data for all repositories:
