What are some 'Rule of thumb' to follow when creating your folder structure for your MEAN stack project - mean-stack

Over the past 3 months, I have been learning the MEAN stack for a class that I am undertaking at University. During this time, I have focused on tutorials as a source of learning to grasp the MEAN stack.
I’ve been beginning to notice that some tutorials have slight variations in their folder structure to others.
Below are two project structures that I’ve worked on.
Example 1: Photo of file structure example 1
Example 2: Photo of file structure example 2
I know this is a subjective area, so my question today is, What are some of the ‘rules of thumb’ to follow when creating your folder structure for your MEAN stack project.

with open source , you put the rules which make you comfort and create your own structure there's no rule for this and all instructors just they create what they like because there's no standard structure, so choose what you like. this is my opinion.


Algorithm to recursively search Git repo for a string

I am working on a project to automate the code review process for a team of engineers. Basically, what happens is every time an engineer makes a change to a file, before those changes are pushed to Github, they need to figure out what other files are being impacted by that change and add the engineers in charge of those files to view and approve that change. Right now, the person who made the change would manually do the following things: check which function the change occurred in, use the text search feature of an IDE (such as VS code) to see where that function is being used in the entire repo, go through all those search results and check which functions in other files is calling the original function, and then do a search for those functions. They would recursively search for functions until one of a group of designated files called "base files" appear in the search results. Separate engineers are in charge of separate base files, so once a base file appears in the search process, the person who made the change would need to add the engineer in charge of that base file to approve the change because the functionality of that file is potentially impacted by that change. We are trying to find a way to automate these manual steps.
I was wondering if there are any known algorithms that can be used to accomplish something like this. I am thinking of using graphs or trees, but I am not sure which specific graph or tree algorithms I should use.
Hmm, searching for strings is not good enough.
mark all base files
make call graph, directed graph (might not be acyclic)
do a BFS from changed file and log all Base files
Doxygen can generate some call graphs, or maybe there already is some Clang/LLVM call graph builder.

Looking for a Jekyll generator to create blog pages from the rows of a csv file in _data folder

The title says it all.
The 'why would you want to do that" is simple. My team all edit a shared csv file and I use it as input for my dashboard. It's crude but it works and more importantly it respects the way people work. Nobody has to learn new software etc.
I currently display the data I need on static pages but increasingly, I'm thinking the dataset I'm using would map really nicely to to a blog structure.

d3/cola: Layout configuration for UML-like diagram

I am trying to build a graphql schema visualizer using something other than viz.js (the library is too large and adds 1MB to the bundle). I was recommended webcola and it seems to be a very powerful library.
I have gotten to a point where the necessary elements are being rendered and linked correctly. My next step is to get the layout right. I would like to do something similar to graphql-voyager (uses viz.js).
Here is a codesandbox of what I have so far:
EDIT: My question is, how could I lay out what I have similarly to graphql-voyager? I would like help setting the right constraints and applying whichever algorithm necessary to position the nodes and routing the edges accordingly.
GraphQL Voyager author here :)
Before switching to viz.js we tried lots of other possible solutions for almost a month. Here is the article about our journey: https://medium.freecodecamp.org/how-we-got-1-500-github-stars-by-mixing-time-tested-technology-with-a-fresh-ui-b310551cba22
TL;DR; Graph drawing is rocket-science
Moreover, since Voyager release (2 years ago), we evaluated even more libraries with the exact same result.
As a side project, we are working on the Graphviz fork aggressively shrunk to just meet Voyager requirements. Our end goal is to rewrite the required parts in pure JS and embed it directly into Voyager.
ATM it's in early PoC stage and we are not ready to release it yet.

Joomla model associations

I have been working with CakePHP which has model associations such as hasMany, belongsTom etc...
Now I am working with Joomla and need this type of functionality.
All I need is a point the right direction such as a link describing it as I cannot seem to find something about it on Google.
take care,
There' is a world of difference between the two, and goes far beyond a simple answer on SO. The API Docs are quite extensive, and there are many decent examples. Developing a Model-View-Controller (MVC) Component for Joomla!2.5 will likely also give you some good reference. Additionally, with 9000+ open source extensions available, it's usually quite easy to find one that comes close to what you want to do in order to have some sample code to work from.

Naming convention for images in a large website

This is a question about organising lots of images in a web project. Say you had the following two icons in a web project that represeneted, for example, a product selected or a product not selected:
What would you name them?
Seems a simple question, but I suspect naming images is something of an art.
For example:
star_active.png and star_inactive.png: Seems fair enough but what if you want to replace the star at a later date with a circle say. Then your name is misleading so you would have to rename it and then update all your css etc.
product_selected.png and product_unselected.png: Great for the when used for the specific action of selecting a product but what if I wanted to use the same image for a different purpose. Then the name is confusing and too specific.
Should the image size be part of the image name? eg. someImage_16.png
What is the best naming convention you have found for naming images?
You're asking for a naming convention that predicts future attributes and applications of the file so that you never have to update the file name. That is impossible. You have to rely on your own intuition when you initially name the files.
There is no way around it. If you end up changing either a file or it's application so drastically that the file name no longer accurately reflects its use, then you will either need to keep the misleading name or replace it throughout your files.
Most decent text editors should be able to easily do the latter across multiple files.
The only alternative is to assign names which are not descriptive from the start, which is obviously not a good idea.
Listen to Kobi and look into sprites, or if you're averse to sprites, do it the way Arvin said for the reasons given.
