Laravel - Merge two tables, then remove entries based on a where query - laravel

I have a database of fruit, and lets say I want all the red fruit from it:
$allfruit = DB::table('fruits')->Where("color","=","red")->paginate(10);
I also have a table of user's least favourite fruit. If a user is logged in I'm trying to pass their ID through to get a list of all their hated fruit:
$leastfav = DB::table('dislikes')->Where("userID","=",Auth::user()->id)->get();
Now what I'd like to do is remove all the entries from $allfruit that appear in the 'dislikes' table with that user's ID.
What I've tried is something like:
$allfruit = DB::table('fruits')->Where("color","=","red")->merge($leastfav)->where(fruits.ID,"!=", "dislikes.fruitID")->paginate(10);
My DB is SQLite if that helps. Thanks

You could use whereNotExists (the inverse of whereExists()):
$allfruitQuery = DB::table('fruits')->where('color', 'red');
if (auth()->check()) {
$allfruitQuery->whereNotExists(function ($query) {
->where('userID', auth()->id())
->whereRaw('fruits.ID = dislikes.fruitID');
$allfuit = $allfruitQuery->paginate(10);
Alternatively, (if you're using 5.2+) you could use when():
$allfuit = DB::table('fruits')->where('color', 'red')
->when(auth()->check(), function ($query) {
$query->whereNotExists(function ($query) {
->where('userID', auth()->id())
->whereRaw('fruits.ID = dislikes.fruitID');


Laravel whereHas Returns all records

I have have 3 tables in my projects they are:
products(can have Multiple Variants)
variants (belongsto product)
product_attributes (this have product_id,attribute_id,value_id)
I want to filter variants from a product by value ids thats comes from form request as example (1,2,6)
I have tried like this:
$poruduct_id = $request->product_id;
$value_ids = $request->value_ids;
$searched_variants = Variant::whereHas('product.attributeValues', function ($query) use ($value_ids, $product_id) {
$query->whereIn('value_id', [$value_ids]);
})->where('product_id', $product_id)->get();
But the problem is the query returns all records from the product. What is the solution to filter exactly the values that the product Variants have?
Thank you.
I have tried like this but nothing changed
$searched_variants = Variant::select('product_id')->whereHas('product.attributeValues', function ($query) use ($value_ids, $product_id) {
$query->whereIn('value_id', [$value_ids]);
->havingRaw('COUNT(*) = ?', [count((array) $value_ids)])
I made it like this : I get the value code that is in for example Large the code is L
get all the codes to controller and executed this query ı hope this helps someone
4.$searchValues = preg_split('/,/', $value_codes_array, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$searchValues = preg_split('/,/', $value_idss, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$variants= Variant::where(function ($q) use ($searchValues) {
foreach ($searchValues as $value) {
$q->orWhere('sku', 'like', "%-{$value}")
->orWhere('sku', 'like', "%-{$value}-%")
->orWhere('sku', 'like', "{$value}-%");
If you have n variants to one product, you query should be like:
Product Model
public function variants: HasMany relationships
$produtc->variants->and here the query function
You need to use it in this way, it should work:
$productId = $request->product_id;
$valueIds = $request->value_ids;
$searchedVariants = Variant::whereHas('product.attributeValues', function ($query) use ($valueIds) {
$query->distinct()->whereIn('value_id', $valueIds);
}, '=', count($valueIds))->where('product_id', $productId)->get();

API filtering with pivot table

I'm using laravel 7 and i've made an API to fetch data with a VUE component.
I want to filter restaurants based on their type of food. So if i query "pizza" i want to show only restaurants that make pizza.
getTypes is a many to many relation.
public function restaurants(Request $request)
$ricerca = $request->input('query');
$users = Restaurant::with(array('getTypes' => function ($query) use ($ricerca) {
$query->where('name', "LIKE", "%" . $ricerca . "%");
return response()->json($users);
I tried this, but this way i don't have access to other genres, if a restaurant make pizza and meat, i don't see meat anymore.
Any advice?
create a many to many relation with restaurant and pizza.
get an array which restaurant make pize,
$array = [];
or simple var
$array = $request('query');
and put this array in query.
$data = Project::whereHas('restorant_pizza', function ($q) use ($array) {
$q->whereIn('restorant_pizza.pizza_id', $array);
I think this idea will help you

Sum of Items field in collection of collections

I'm trying to see if it's possible, but I would like to get the sum of a field in an item in a collection of collections.
I have the following in my controller:
$prefiltered_contacts = Contact::with(['donations' => function ($query) use ($request) {
$query->whereMonth('date_received', $request->month)
->whereYear('date_received', $request->year);
$contacts = $prefiltered_contacts ->filter(function ($contact) {
return $contact->donations->isNotEmpty();
My donation class has the following:
public function monetary_donations(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Payments_Distribution', 'donation_id','id');
Now the last part of this is that in the Payments_Distribution class, there is a field titled amount.
If I was coming directly from the Donation model, I would access the sum of the monetary donations as $donation->monetary_donations->sum('amount'); and I would receive the sum. But how would I go about doing this from the Contact model? Or is that even possible given that it would need to go through a collection of donations to get to the collection of monetary_donations? I'm trying to get a report of all Contacts donations (and monetary donations) and output a subtotal of the monetary_donations for that specific period.
Sum accepts a closure as the argument. So you could do something like this:
$sum = $donations->sum(function ($donation) {
return $donation->monetary_donations->sum('amount');
Or 1 level higher (from $contacts):
$sum = $contacts->sum(function ($contact) {
return $contact->donations->sum(function ($donation) {
return $donation->monetary_donations->sum('amount');
I would also recommend eager loading your relationships and filtering out contacts without donations with SQL rather than collections:
$contacts = Contact::with(['donations' => function ($query) use ($request) {
->whereMonth('date_received', $request->month)
->whereYear('date_received', $request->year);
->whereHas('donations') // Filter out those without donations with SQL

Laravel include relationship result if one exists

I am trying to write a query where all items are returned (products) and if a relationship exists for that particular item (many to many) then that information is included too. When I include the relationship at the moment on the query it only returns items that have that relationship rather thatn every single item, regardless of whether that relationship exists or not.
Here is my query at the moment:
public static function filterProduct($vars) {
$query = Product::query();
if((array_key_exists('order_by', $vars)) && (array_key_exists('order', $vars))) {
$query = $query->orderBy($vars['order_by'], $vars['order']);
if(array_key_exists('category_id', $vars) && $vars['category_id'] != 0) {
$query = $query->whereHas('categories', function($q) use ($vars) {
return $q->where('id', $vars['category_id']);
if(array_key_exists('manufacturer_id', $vars)) {
$query = $query->whereHas('manufacturer', function($q) use ($vars) {
return $q->where('id', $vars['manufacturer_id']);
$query = $query->whereHas('options', function($q) use ($vars) {
As you can see, when an item has the 'options' relationship I need to have that particular row include details of that relationship in the returned date. With the code as it is though it is only returning items that have this relationship rather than every single item.
Can someone advise me as to how this is achieved please?
I feel a bit stupid as it was so simple but it was solved by adding this:
$query = $query->with('options');

Where NOT in pivot table

In Laravel we can setup relationships like so:
class User {
public function items()
return $this->belongsToMany('Item');
Allowing us to to get all items in a pivot table for a user:
However what if I want to get the opposite of that. And get all items the user DOES NOT have yet. So NOT in the pivot table.
Is there a simple way to do this?
Looking at the source code of the class Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder, we have two methods in Laravel that does this: whereDoesntHave (opposite of whereHas) and doesntHave (opposite of has)
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE ((SELECT count(*) FROM roles WHERE user.role_id = AND id = 1) < 1) AND ...
User::whereDoesntHave('Role', function ($query) use($id) {
this works correctly for me!
For simple "Where not exists relationship", use this:
Sorry, do not understand English. I used the google translator.
For simplicity and symmetry you could create a new method in the User model:
// User model
public function availableItems()
$ids = \DB::table('item_user')->where('user_id', '=', $this->id)->lists('user_id');
return \Item::whereNotIn('id', $ids)->get();
To use call:
It's not that simple but usually the most efficient way is to use a subquery.
$items = Item::whereNotIn('id', function ($query) use ($user_id)
->where('user_id', '=', $user_id);
If this was something I did often I would add it as a scope method to the Item model.
class Item extends Eloquent {
public function scopeWhereNotRelatedToUser($query, $user_id)
$query->whereNotIn('id', function ($query) use ($user_id)
->where('user_id', '=', $user_id);
Then use that later like this.
$items = Item::whereNotRelatedToUser($user_id)->get();
How about left join?
Assuming the tables are users, items and item_user find all items not associated with the user 123:
'item_user', function ($join) {
$join->on('', '=', 'item_user.item_id')
->where('item_user.user_id', '=', 123);
this should work for you
$someuser = Auth::user();
$someusers_items = $someuser->related()->lists('item_id');
$all_items = Item::all()->lists('id');
$someuser_doesnt_have_items = array_diff($all_items, $someusers_items);
Ended up writing a scope for this like so:
public function scopeAvail($query)
return $query->join('item_user', '', '<>', 'item_user.item_id')->where('item_user.user_id', Auth::user()->id);
And then call:
Works for now, but a bit messy. Would like to see something with a keyword like not:
Basically Eloquent is running the above query anyway, except with a = instead of a <>.
Maybe you can use:
->whereRaw('orders.user_id =');
This code brings the items that have no relationship with the user.
$items = $this->item->whereDoesntHave('users')->get();
