I noticed that this code doesn't quite work as expected on iOS 11, because the "adjustedContentInset" property value changes as the "navigationBar" shrinks during a scroll:
CGFloat contentInsetTop=[scrollView contentInset].top;
if (#available(iOS 11.0, *))
contentInsetTop=[scrollView adjustedContentInset].top;
[scrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, -contentInsetTop) animated:YES];
... For example, this might start out as 140, then reduce to 88 beyond a minimal scroll offset. This means if you call this, it doesn't actually scroll all the way to the top.
Aside from preserving the original offset in memory from when the UIScrollView loads, is there a way to recover this value later to ensure that it does indeed scroll to top consistently, no matter the "adjustedContentInset"?
Currently, there is indeed no way to do this with iOS 11, I have heard. The only way to do so is to capture the initial value and store it for the life of the navigation/view controller.
I will update my answer accordingly if I hear otherwise, but it will be broken in the base iOS 11 release forever unfortunately.
I had this same problem with a Large Title in iOS 11, and the following code worked for me.
The following code first scrolls the offset a reasonable size above where you want to be. The value -204.666666666667 was the tallest value from setting the Accessibility > Larger Text > Larger Accessibility Sizes to the highest. I'm sure this doesn't cover other possibilities, but it is working for me so far. -CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude is otherwise too problematic.
tableView.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: -204.666666666667), animated: false)
This will now give you back the right adjusted content size. To avoid being scrolled too far higher, i.e. leaving white space, just use the value as follows.
var contentOffset = CGPoint.zero // Just setting a variable we can change as needed below, as per iOS version.
if #available(iOS 11, *) {
contentOffset = CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: -tableView.adjustedContentInset.top)
} else {
contentOffset = CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: -tableView.contentInset.top)
tableView.setContentOffset(contentOffset, animated: false)
In summary, set the offset higher first (-204.666666666667 in my case, or just -300 or whatever), then that readjusts the adjustedContentInset.top to include the Large Title, scroll bar, etc., then you can now set the content offset as needed.
I'm trying to programmatically resize macOS windows. Similar to Rectangle.
I have the basic resizing code working, for example, move the window to the right half, and when there is only one screen it works fine, however when I try to resize with two screens (in a vertical layout) the math does not work:
public func moveRight() {
guard let frontmostWindowElement = AccessibilityElement.frontmostWindow()
else {
let screens = screenDetector.detectScreens(using: frontmostWindowElement)
guard let usableScreens = screens else {
print("Unable to obtain usable screens")
let screenFrame = usableScreens.currentScreen.adjustedVisibleFrame
print("Visible frame of current screen \(usableScreens.visibleFrameOfCurrentScreen)")
let halfPosition = CGPoint(x: screenFrame.origin.x + screenFrame.width / 2, y: -screenFrame.origin.y)
let halfSize = CGSize(width: screenFrame.width / 2, height: screenFrame.height)
frontmostWindowElement.set(size: halfSize)
frontmostWindowElement.set(position: halfPosition)
frontmostWindowElement.set(size: halfSize)
print("movedWindowRect \(frontmostWindowElement.rectOfElement())")
If my window is on the main screen then the resizing works correctly, however if it is a screen below (#3 in the diagram below) then the Y coordinate ends up in the top monitor (#2 or #1 depending on x coordinate) instead of the original one.
The output of the code:
Visible frame of current screen (679.0, -800.0, 1280.0, 775.0)
Raw Frame (679.0, -800.0, 1280.0, 800.0)
movedWindowRect (1319.0, 25.0, 640.0, 775.0)
As far as I can see the problem lies in how Screens and windows are positioned:
I'm trying to understand how should I position the window so that it remains in the correct screen (#3), but having no luck so far, there doesn't seem to be any method to get the absolute screen dimensions to place the screen in the correct origin.
Any idea how can this be solved?
I figured it out, I completely missed one of the functions used in the AccessibilityElement class:
static func normalizeCoordinatesOf(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGRect {
var normalizedRect = rect
let frameOfScreenWithMenuBar = NSScreen.screens[0].frame as CGRect
normalizedRect.origin.y = frameOfScreenWithMenuBar.height - rect.maxY
return normalizedRect
Basically, since everything is calculated based on the main screen then there is no other option than to take the coordinates of that one and then offset to get the real position of the screen element.
I'm building a SwiftUI macOS app.
I've got a basic Rectangle shape with a drag gesture on it.
In the onEnded handler, I am wanting to determine if the user has effectively tapped on the object. I do this by checking that the width and height of the translation are both zero.
(There are reasons I'm not using a tap gesture).
.size(.init(width:50, height: 50))
.onChanged { gesture in
// Ommited
.onEnded { gesture in
print("startLocation", gesture.startLocation)
print("start", gesture.location)
print("translation", gesture.translation)
if gesture.translation == .zero {
I'm getting issues where translations are being reported with unexpected values.
The values reported differ based on where I click in the rectangle.
Here's a set of groups of individual clicks. The translation is derived from the startLocation and location fields.
You can see variation between the startLocation and the location fields. If it was a very small variation I could debounce, however the fact that sometimes I get a value of 3 makes me wonder why such a variation could happen (I'm being over the top careful to execute the click without movement).
Does anyone know why this variation is creeping in?
startLocation (263.5149841308594, 144.3092803955078)
start (263.51495361328125, 144.30926513671875)
translation (-3.0517578125e-05, -1.52587890625e-05)
startLocation (276.2882995605469, 144.43479919433594)
start (276.288330078125, 144.434814453125)
translation (3.0517578125e-05, 1.52587890625e-05)
startLocation (274.3827209472656, 162.3402557373047)
start (274.38275146484375, 162.34027099609375)
translation (3.0517578125e-05, 1.52587890625e-05)
startLocation (264.81805419921875, 167.47662353515625)
start (264.81805419921875, 167.47662353515625)
translation (0.0, 0.0)
startLocation (254.5931396484375, 135.4690399169922)
start (254.5931396484375, 135.46905517578125)
translation (0.0, 1.52587890625e-05)
startLocation (259.1647033691406, 140.26919555664062)
start (259.16473388671875, 140.26919555664062)
translation (3.0517578125e-05, 0.0)
As pointed out below, the value of 3 is actually 3e-05 = 0.00003 which I missed at the time of writing. However, still looking for information as to why the tap gesture will have zero translation on repeated clicks in some points of the Rectangle, but have a non zero translation in others.
How about this?
if gesture.translation.width/UIScreen.main.bounds.width < 0.05 &&
gesture.translation.height/UIScreen.main.bounds.height < 0.05
print("tap") // 0.01 ~ 0.05
This way works, regardless of the size of the device and width & height, it is always constant as it falls in percentages.
In iOS when I put marker and mapView location, the map does not display centered, but if I move the phone to landscape and rotate again to portrait the map center displays fine.
In Android works fine.
You can get more information in this GitHub issue:
I have personally faced this and discovered that it's basically a layout problem on iOS. The height and width attribute values supplied to the MapView's XML element are somewhat differently treated by iOS. The solution to our problem, as described in the question itself is resizing the map on runtime (as rotating the screen makes it go through a resizing routine). Applying this absurd logic at the beginning of the map render, solves the problem.
This is how I did it:
Provide the width value of the MapView in XML:
<maps:mapView width="100%" mapReady="onMapReady" />
and set the height of the map inside onMapReady method, with a 100 millisecond delay.
/* if you want to set height in DIP */
setTimeout(() => this.mapView.height = 500, 100);
or if you want to set height in percentage
/* [0.85 means 85% here] */
setTimeout(() => this.mapView.height = {
unit: '%',
value: 0.85
}, 100);
100 millisecond delay makes it go through the resize effect. Tested on iOS 12.1
The goal: Have a scroll view that displays an array of uiimageviews (photos) that you can horizontally scroll through them
How I understand to do this: Make the frame (CGRect) of each uiimageview the height and width of the scroll view, the y value to 0 on each, and set the first imgViews x value to 0. For every imgView after that, add the width of the scrollview to the x value. In theory, this would line the imgViews (Photos) up next to each other horizontally and not allow for any vertical scrolling or zooming, purely a horizontal photo viewer.
The storyboard setup: I am creating my scrollview in a xib file (It’s a custom uiCollectionViewCell), with these constraints:
— Top space to cell (0)
— Trailing space to cell (0)
— Leading space to cell (0)
— Height of 400
— Bottom space to a view (0)
—— (See Below for img)
Laying out the UIImgViews:
func layoutScrollView() {
for (index, img) in currentImages.enumerate() {
let imgView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: CGFloat(index) * scrollView.bounds.width, y: CGFloat(0), width: scrollView.bounds.width, height: scrollView.bounds.height))
imgView.contentMode = .ScaleAspectFill
imgView.image = img
scrollView.contentSize = CGSize(width: imgView.frame.width * CGFloat(index), height: scrollView.bounds.height)
My suspicion: I suspect the issue is stemming from the auto layout constraints i’ve specified, but (considering Im asking a SO question) not sure
If there is a better way to do this (really the correct way) please let me know! I have been trying to wrap my head around this for a few days now.
I appreciate all responses! Thanks for reading
I tried paulvs approach of setting setNeedsLayout & layoutIfNeeded before the "for" loop, and still no luck. Here is (out of three images selected) the second photo displaying. It seems that both the first and second photos are way longer than the content view and that would move the middle view over (Squished).
Your code looks fine except for a few details (that may be causing the problem):
before accessing the scrollView's frame (a good place would be before the for-loop).
This is because when using Autolayout, if you access a view's frame before the layout engine has performed a pass, you will get incorrect frames sizes/positions.
Remove these lines from inside the for-loop:
scrollView.contentSize = CGSize(width: imgView.frame.width * CGFloat(index), height: scrollView.bounds.height)
and place this line after (outside) the for loop:
scrollView.contentSize = CGSize(width: imgView.frame.width * CGFloat(currentImages.count), height: scrollView.bounds.height)
I was using apple's scrollview sample code PhotoScroller for my app using numerous images (and by recycling logic)
in UIScrollView. I implemented that in my app and it works fine.
Now Im working in an app similar to the above, but with the
difference, loading images in grid like view. When I happen to use the
same sample code, every thing works fine except the recycling logic.
I think there is some problem with my frame set which don't tell the
xcode, the visible region.
Please some one temme how to set the visible set for the grid View
structure for scrollview? The code I use is,
CGRect visibleBounds = _scrollView.bounds;
// CGRect gridElementvisibleBounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, 212, 200);
int firstNeededPageIndex = floorf(CGRectGetMinX(visibleBounds) -
int lastNeededPageIndex = floorf((CGRectGetMaxX(visibleBounds)-1) -
firstNeededPageIndex = MAX(firstNeededPageIndex, 0);
lastNeededPageIndex = MIN(lastNeededPageIndex, [self imageCount] - 1);
where _scrollView is the UIScrollView instance that I use and the
gridElement that I use is of frame size (0, 0, 212, 200). The number
of grid elements that occupy the scrollView bounds is
3 x 3 (9).
I don't want to use grid like tableViews(AQGridView, etc,.) since Im gonna load more than 500 images.
Please some one help me finding out the thing that I should correct in
the above code.
I nearly fixed the issue by making use of contentOffset to get the visible area.
Here is the piece of code illustrating what I did to make it working.
int firstNeededPageIndex = ((int)_scrollView.contentOffset.y / 960) * 9;
int lastNeededPageIndex = ((int)_scrollView.contentOffset.y / 960) * 9 + 17;
where I found the visible area by getting the contentOffset.y/960 and got the firstNeededPageIndex as given above.
When the scrollview scrolls, the components of the page that is getting to hide contains 9 elements and the successive page(got by lastNeededPageIndex) that is getting to be visible contains no components.
Hence I made it visible by making 18 objects to the visible area while scrolling.
Hence the objects to be visible while scrolling became 0th object to 17th object.
And the result is whenever the scrollview scrolls, 18 components(0 to 17) in the visible area(got through contentOffSet ) are recycled.