Ignite Web Session Clustering design delima - session

I have design question about Ignite web session clustering.
I have springboot app with UI. It clustered app ie multiple instance of springboot app behind the load balancer. I am using org.apache.ignite.cache.websession.WebSessionFilter()to intercept request and create\manage session for any incoming request.
I have 2 option
Embed the ignite node inside springboot app. So have these embedded ignite node (on each springboot JVM) be part of cluster. This way request session is replicated across the entire springboot cluster. On load balancer I don’t have to maintain the sticky connection. The request can go to any app in round robin or least load algorithm.
Few considerations
Architect is simple. I don’t have worry about the cache being
down etc.
Now the cache being embedded, its using CPU and memory
from app jvm. It has potential of starving my app of resources.
Have ignite cluster running outside of app JVM. So now I run client node in springboot app and connect to main ignite cluster.
Few considerations
For any reason, if the client node cannot connect to main ignite
cluster. Do I have to manage the session manually and then push
those session manually at later point to the ignite cluster??
If I manage session locally I will need to have sticky connection on
the load balancer. Which I want to avoid if possible.
I am leaning to approach 2, but want to make it simple. So if client node
cannot create session (override
org.apache.ignite.cache.websession.WebSessionFilter()) it redirects
user to page indicating the app is down or to another app node in
the cluster.
Are there any other design approach I can take?
Am I overlooking anything in either approach?
If you have dealt with it, please share your thoughts.
Thanks in advance.

if you have a local cache for sessions and sticky sessions why do you need to use ignite at all?
However, It's better to go with ignite, your app will have HA, if some node is failed, the whole app still will work fine.
I agree you should split app cluster and ignite cluster, however, I think you shouldn't care about the server and client connection problems.
This kind of problems should lead to 500 error, would you emulate main storage if you DB go down or you can't connect to it?


High availability in web application with Spring boot

We are developing a web server which allows user to submit spark jobs to run a hadoop cluster, and the web server will help to create a new cluster and keep monitoring the job.
We deployed the web server in 3 nodes and put a loader balancer in front of them.
The High Availability requirement is that once user has submitted the job, there must be one server keep monitoring it, in case the server is done, then another server should take this task and monitoring the job, so that it has no any impact to user.
Is there any suggested way to do that? What I could think is put all job information to some central storage(a table in a database), and all server keep polling the job info from the table, using distributed lock to ensure there will be only one and always be one server lock each row in the table hence monitoring that job.
Looks like hazelcast solution sounds ok.
high availability singleton processor in Tomcat
And still checking whether this is the best when doing in AWS.

I am new to distributed cache, and confused about choosing the better option and how to handle the cluster

My application receives requests (varying from 1 to 500) from multiple clients using socket connection. These requests are xml files that are to be stored in distributed cache for further consumption by external application. There is no database in this application. Also the client requests could be simultaneous, hence the cache should handle multi threaded application. Could some one advise me on below questions:
• How to choose if internal cache within application is enough or set up external cache cluster? (does it cause any overhead ? if the application is destroyed then do we loose cache?)
• Which distributed cache has to be chosen?(application is completely java based spring boot)
• Application will not be deployed in cloud, but can we choose any cloud cache cluster? like Cache as a Service (CaaS)
• How many nodes cluster is required? How do we decide this?

Java web application short lived caching

I need to develop a Spring web application that needs to query a legacy system based on certain criteria (location). In order to reduce the load on the legacy system we wanted to extract data every 30 seconds for all locations in a single query and keep in-memory to serve client requests. Clients gets refreshed periodically (every minute). Web application does not write anything to the database.
The application is deployed to a tomcat cluster with at least two nodes.
In the above scenario what is the best way to implement in-memory data-store? We want to execute the query in only one tomcat node (say primary) and synchronize data to the other node (say secondary). When the primary node goes down, the secondary node should start executing the query to serve clients.
In the above scenario what is the best way to implement in-memory data-store?
You could use any distributed cache, such as, EHCACHE or Terracotta. With the right configuration, the cached data will be replicated to all the servers in the Tomcat cluster.
We want to execute the query in only one tomcat node.
Since you are using a Tomcat cluster, the clustered servers are most likely already behind a load balancer of some sort and your application is likely accessed as http://www.domain.com. This means, every request to a URL on www.domain.com is being routed to one of the clustered servers automatically by the load balancer.
A simple strategy would be to refresh the cache using an HTTP call, such as, curl http://www.domain.com/cache/refresh. Since this call will go through the load balancer, it will be automatically routed to one of the servers in the Tomcat cluster whenever invoked.
Now, just configure a cronjob to hit the cache refresh URL at your desired frequency. The cronjob can be configured on one of your servers, or use one of the many available web-based cron services.

mod_jk vs mod_cluster

Can someone please tell me the pro's and con's of mod_jk vs mod_cluster.
We are looking to do very simple load balancing.. We are going to be using sticky sessions and just need something to route new requests to a new server if one server goes down. I feel that mod_jk does this and does a good job so why do I need mod_cluster?
If your JBoss version is 5.x or above, you should use mod_cluster, it will give you a better performance and reliability than mod_jk. Here you've some reasons:
better load balacing between app servers: the load balancing logic is calculated based on information and metrics provided directly by the applications servers (bear in mind they have first hand information about its load), in contrast with mod_jk with which the logic is calculated by the proxy itself. For that, mod_cluster uses an extra connection between the servers and the proxy (a part from the data one), used to send this load information.
better integration with the lifecycle of the applications deployed in the servers: the servers keep the proxy informed about the changes of the application in each respective node (for example if you undeploy the application in one of the nodes, the node will inform the proxy (mod_cluster) immediately, avoiding this way the inconvenient 404 errors.
it doesn't require ajp: you can also use it with http or https.
better management of the servers lifecycle events: when a server shutdowns or it's restarted, it informs the proxy about its state, so that the proxy can reconfigure itself automatically.
You can use sticky sessions as well with mod cluster, though of course, if one of the nodes fails, mod cluster won't help to keep the user sessions (as it would happen as well with other balancers, unless you've the JBoss nodes in cluster). But due to the reasons given above (keeping track of the server lifecycle events, and better load balancing mainly), in case one of the servers goes down, mod cluster will manage it better and more transparently to the user (the proxy will be informed immediately, and so it will never send requests to that node, until it's informed that it's restarted).
Remember that you can use mod_cluster with JBoss AS/EAP 5.x or JBoss Web 2.1.1 or above (in the case of Tomcat I think it's version 6 or above).
To sum up, though your use case of load balancing is simple, mod_cluster offers a better performance and scalability.
You can look for more information in the JBoss site for mod_cluster, and in its documentation page.

Load Balancing, Spring Security, ConcurrentSessionFilter

I have a Spring 2.5.6/Flex application setup and running with Spring Security 2.0.4. Recently a load balancer (A Foundry ServerIron 4g http://www.foundrynet.com/products/a...ems/si-4g.html) was put into place and now I am getting cross domain errors. Basically the load balancer is firing off a request to myloadbalancer.abc.com and myrealserver1.abc.com is being returned as the domain name. Spring security is forwarding the request to the real server somehow. How can I get around this?
Also the ConcurrentSessionFilter is no longer working. The application is set up to disable concurrent logons, but this functionality stopped after the application was put behind the load balancer. I believe there are multiple Oracle Application Servers being clustered together as well. I have never dealt with clustering or load balancers before and I wasn't aware that the software had to be written differently in certain areas.
These sound like separate issues to me, but I need help for both.
Concerning your second problem:
If the ConcurrentSessionFilter stopped working (i.e. does not prevent concurrent sessions anymore), that could be due to clustered application containers with sticky sessions.
In such a setup, each of the cluster's nodes works independently and doesn't share state with other nodes. Instead, the load balancer makes sure that existing sessions will always be served by the same node.
Now Spring Security's ConcurrentSessionController works by mapping sessions to principals. The controller itself relies on the HttpSessionEventPublisher sending ApplicationEvents on start and termination of user sessions.
Everything is will work fine if someone intending to open more than one session ends up on the same node he already has a session opened. HttpSessionEventPublisher informs the concurrent session mechanism of the session's creation and authentication will fail because there is already a session associated with this user. On a different node however, there is no session for that user yet, so ConcurrentSessionController does not complain and login succeeds.
Fortunately, solving the problem should be easy: Implement your own SessionRegistry and use a shared data store for all nodes (e.g. the application's database).
