Use ast to get all function calls in a function - go

I'm trying to list all function call in a function using ast. But having trouble understanding how it is suppose to be used. I have been able to get this far.
set := token.NewFileSet()
packs, err := parser.ParseFile(set, serviceFile, nil, 0)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Failed to parse package:", err)
funcs := []*ast.FuncDecl{}
for _, d := range packs.Decls {
if fn, isFn := d.(*ast.FuncDecl); isFn {
funcs = append(funcs, fn)
I have inspected funcs. I get to funcs[n1].Body.List[n2].
But after this i don't understand how i'm suppose to read the underlaying (got it from evaluation in gogland) to get name of the function being called.

you can use ast.Inspect for that and use a switch on the type of the node.
for _, fun := range funcs {
ast.Inspect(fun, func(node ast.Node) bool {
switch n := node.(type) {
case *ast.CallExpr:
fmt.Println(n) // prints every func call expression
return true

Ok so what i found is that you have to a lot of casting to actually extract the data.
Here is an example on how to do extract the func call in a func.
for _, function := range funcs {
func extractFuncCallInFunc(stmts []ast.Stmt) {
for _, stmt := range funcs {
if exprStmt, ok := stmt.(*ast.ExprStmt); ok {
if call, ok := exprStmt.X.(*ast.CallExpr); ok {
if fun, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
funcName := fun.Sel.Name
I also found this with kind of help with finding out what you need to cast it to.


How to create a new instance of a struct that is read from file

I know this may seem like bad design (and I wish I didn't need to do this), but I need to read a struct that is generated automatically at run time and create a new instance of it.
The struct that I create I only need limited metadata of so that it can be passed to the Gorm Gen FieldRelateModel method (from here) where 'relModel' is the new instance I am hoping to make (see below):
FieldRelateModel = func(relationship field.RelationshipType, fieldName string, relModel interface{}, config *field.RelateConfig) model.CreateFieldOpt {
st := reflect.TypeOf(relModel)
if st.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
st = st.Elem()
fieldType := st.String()
if config == nil {
config = &field.RelateConfig{}
if config.JSONTag == "" {
config.JSONTag = ns.ColumnName("", fieldName)
return func(*model.Field) *model.Field {
return &model.Field{
Name: fieldName,
Type: config.RelateFieldPrefix(relationship) + fieldType,
JSONTag: config.JSONTag,
GORMTag: config.GORMTag,
NewTag: config.NewTag,
OverwriteTag: config.OverwriteTag,
Relation: field.NewRelationWithModel(relationship, fieldName, fieldType, relModel),
I am able to parse the struct and get its metadata using ast and reflect (see below), but I don't know how I can do the last step so that the 'structInstance' I return is valid when passed as the 'relModel' to the 'FieldRelateModel' function/option.
func StructExtract(filePath string) (any, error) {
file, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close()
fset := token.NewFileSet()
f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, filePath, file, parser.AllErrors)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var structType *ast.StructType
// Iterate over the top-level declarations in the file
for _, decl := range f.Decls {
// Check if the declaration is a GenDecl (which can contain structs)
genDecl, ok := decl.(*ast.GenDecl)
if !ok {
// Iterate over the GenDecl's specs
for _, spec := range genDecl.Specs {
// Check if the spec is a TypeSpec (which can contain structs)
typeSpec, ok := spec.(*ast.TypeSpec)
if !ok {
// Check if the TypeSpec's type is a struct
structType, ok = typeSpec.Type.(*ast.StructType)
if !ok {
if structType == nil {
fmt.Println("No struct found in file.")
return nil, err
structInstance := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(structType)).Elem().Interface()
return structInstance, nil
Here is a go playground that I thought might make it easier if someone were to help, however, due to the nature of the problem it won't be able to run within the playground (for various reasons).

Create map of functions in another file with Go

How can I create a map from all of the functions found in another file in Go? It's pretty easy to get the names of them using the following code, but I haven't found a way to get the actual functions, or for the desired code to work.
fileSet := token.NewFileSet()
ast, err := parser.ParseFile(fileSet, "funcFile.go", nil, 0)
if err != nil {
for key := range ast.Scope.Objects {
fmt.Println(key) //
Desired result:
imports ...
func returnTrue () bool {return true}
func CreateFuncMap () {
fns := make(map[string]func(bars []Types.MarketData) bool)
otherFuncs := getFuncsFromFile("funcFile.go")
for _, fn := range otherFuncs {
fns[fn.Name] = fn

Go: Implementing a ManyDecode for a "set" of individual results

I have implemented a very simple Decode method (using gob.Decoder for now) - this works well for single responses - it would even work well for slices, but I need to implement a DecodeMany method where it is able to decode a set of individual responses (not a slice).
Working Decode method:
var v MyType
_ = Decode(&v)
func Decode(v interface{}) error {
buf, _ := DoSomething() // func DoSomething() ([]byte, error)
// error handling omitted for brevity
return gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(buf)).Decode(v)
What I'm trying to do for a DecodeMany method is to deal with a response that isn't necessarily a slice:
var vv []MyType
_ = DecodeMany(&vv)
func DecodeMany(vv []interface{}) error {
for _, g := range DoSomething() { // func DoSomething() []struct{Buf []bytes}
// Use g.Buf as an individual "interface{}"
// want something like:
var v interface{} /* Somehow create instance of single vv type? */
_ = gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(g.Buf)).Decode(v)
vv = append(vv, v)
Besides not compiling the above also has the error of:
cannot use &vv (value of type *[]MyType) as type []interface{} in argument to DecodeMany
If you want to modify the passed slice, it must be a pointer, else you must return a new slice. Also if the function is declared to have a param of type []interface{}, you can only pass a value of type []interface{} and no other slice types... Unless you use generics...
This is a perfect example to start using generics introduced in Go 1.18.
Change DecodeMany() to be generic, having a T type parameter being the slice element type:
When taking a pointer
func DecodeMany[T any](vv *[]T) error {
for _, g := range DoSomething() {
var v T
if err := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(g.Buf)).Decode(&v); err != nil {
return err
*vv = append(*vv, v)
return nil
Here's a simple app to test it:
type MyType struct {
S int64
func main() {
var vv []MyType
if err := DecodeMany(&vv); err != nil {
func DoSomething() (result []struct{ Buf []byte }) {
for i := 3; i < 6; i++ {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
v := MyType{S: int64(i)}
if err := gob.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(v); err != nil {
result = append(result, struct{ Buf []byte }{buf.Bytes()})
This outputs (try it on the Go Playground):
[{3} {4} {5}]
When returning a slice
If you choose to return the slice, you don't have to pass anything, but you need to assign the result:
func DecodeMany[T any]() ([]T, error) {
var result []T
for _, g := range DoSomething() {
var v T
if err := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(g.Buf)).Decode(&v); err != nil {
return result, err
result = append(result, v)
return result, nil
Using it:
vv, err := DecodeMany[MyType]()
if err != nil {
Try this one on the Go Playground.

Dynamic return type in a function

I have a function that is called from an other package. This function parses a text string received in the argument and returns a splice of structs. These structs are, in my case, 7 and all differ in some fields. I'm trying to return an interface{} type but I'd like to be able to assert the type on the receiving end as I need to do other operations on that struct.
So far I've got to this point (the function are meant to be in different packages):
func Process(input string) interface{} {
// ...
switch model {
case 1:
output := model1.Parse(input) // this function returns a []MOD1 type
return output
case 2:
output := model2.Parse(input) // this function returns a []MOD2 type
return output
// other cases with other models
func main() {
// ...
output := package.Process(input) // now output is of type interface{}
// I need the splice because I'll publish each element to a PubSub topic
for _, doc := range output {
obj, err := json.Marshal(doc)
if err != nil {
// err handling
err = publisher.Push(obj)
if err != nil {
// err handling
Now in main() I'd like output to be of type []MOD1, []MOD2, ..., or []MOD7.
I've tried the to use the switch t := output.(type) but t exists only in the scope of the switch case and it doesn't really solve my problem.
func main() {
output := package.Process(input)
switch t := output.(type) {
case []MOD1:
output = t // output is still of type interface{}
case []MOD2:
output = t
I need this because in the main func I have to do other operations on that structure and eventually Marshall it into a JSON. I've thought of marshalling the structs in the Process func and return the []byte but then I'd need to unmarshall in main without knowing the struct's type.
Change Process1 to return a []interface{}:
func Process(input string) []interface{} {
// ...
switch model {
case 1:
output := model1.Parse(input)
result := make([]interface{}, len(output))
for i := range result {
result[i] = output[i]
return result
case 2:
// other cases with other models
Work with the []interface{} in main:
output := package.Process(input)
for _, doc := range output {
obj, err := json.Marshal(doc)
if err != nil {
// err handling
err = publisher.Push(obj)
if err != nil {
// err handling

What is the "idiomatic" version of this function?

Trying to understand the mentality of Go. I wrote the following function which looks for *.txt files of a folder that have a date in the filename, get the latest date and return that date.
func getLatestDate(path string) (time.Time, error) {
if fns, e := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(path, "*.txt")); e == nil {
re, _ := regexp.Compile(`_([0-9]{8}).txt$`)
max := ""
for _, fn := range fns {
if ms := re.FindStringSubmatch(fn); ms != nil {
if ms[1] > max {
max = ms[1]
date, _ := time.Parse("20060102", max)
return date, nil
} else {
return time.Time{}, e
What would be the more idiomatic version of this function, if there is one?
Here is my take
Use MustCompile to compile a static regexp. This will panic if it doesn't compile and saves an error check
Hoist compiling the regexp out of the function - you only need it compiled once. Note that I've called it with a lowercase initial letter so it won't be visible outside the package.
Use an early return when checking errors - this saves indentation and is idiomatic go
Use named return parameters for those early returns - saves defining nil values for types and typing in general (not to everyone's taste though)
return time.Parse directly which checks the errors (you weren't before)
The code
var dateRe = regexp.MustCompile(`_([0-9]{8}).txt$`)
func getLatestDate(path string) (date time.Time, err error) {
fns, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(path, "*.txt"))
if err != nil {
max := ""
for _, fn := range fns {
if ms := dateRe.FindStringSubmatch(fn); ms != nil {
if ms[1] > max {
max = ms[1]
return time.Parse("20060102", max)
Here's how I would have written it. Don't ignore errors, use guard clauses for error handling, and don't recompile regexps inside a loop.
var datePat = regexp.MustCompile(`_([0-9]{8}).txt$`)
func getLatestDate(path string) (time.Time, error) {
fns, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(path, "*.txt"))
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
max := time.Time{}
for _, fn := range fns {
if ms := re.FindStringSubmatch(fn); ms != nil {
if t, err := time.Parse("20060102", ms[1]); err == nil && t.After(max) {
max = t
return max, nil
