Running SQL file in command line using sqlplus result with an error - oracle

Using ORACLE 12.0c and SQL Developer.
I try to run a SQL file (myfile.sql) in command line using sqlplus:
sqlplus username/password#schema #myfile.sql resulted with an error.
I run only sqlplus with connection parameters sqlplus username/password#schema and still receive an error (see screenshot).
Typing the username and password didn't help as well.
Only running sqlplus and supply the database domain, port and database name I managed to connect and run the file.
The database is defined in SQL Developer, but I don't see it in TNSNames.ora.
What am I missing?

I give credit to #thatjeffsmith and the answer is... see screenshot:


Oracle cannot get sqlldr to reach listener, get ORA-12514 error

Every time I try to run the following sqlldr command on a terminal only oracle 19c system:
sqlldr username/password#$HOSTNAME/$ORACLE_SID control=rules.ctl log=backup_error_logs.txt data=output.csv errors=1000000
I get the following error message:
ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
Things I have tried:
Verified that the listener is operable and listener.ora file is properly formatted with lsnrctl.
Verified the connection and oracle environment variables are working as the following sqlplus command runs without problem:
sqlplus username/password#$HOSTNAME/$ORACLE_SID
Verified the tnsname.ora is running properly configured with the following tnsping command:
tnsping $ORACLE_SID
Cannot think of anything else to try or to check. Does anyone have any advice without resorting to the GUI tools?
Could be a problem of quotes in the variables, the behavior of both tools is different regarding quotes.

I am able to connect to Oracle Db using Toad but connection using sqlplus is not working. Getting TNS timeout error

I am able to connect to Oracle DB using Toad with Datasource name and username/password. Oracle client 12 as Oracle driver. oracle database path is set properly in the environment variables. sqlnet.ora, listener.ora and tnsnames.ora is present in ORACLE\ORANT\NETWORK\ADMIN folder and configured properly. I tried to query using Sqlplus in cmd prompt using following command:
connect User/
I am getting ORA-12170: TNS Connect timeout error. Please help.
In SQL*Plus, just need to connect using the TNS alias.
connect user/password#tns_alias
If your password contains specific characters like # or ! probably you are getting the error for this

Why can I log in with SQL Developer but not with SQL*Plus?

I'm trying to connect to from SQL*Plus and get error ORA-12154, but I can connect from SQL Developer without any error. I can tnsping and also lsnrctl is okay and the listener is up and running.
I can connect as sys like sqlplus sys as sysdba which works fine; but with another user I do sqlplus username and when I type the password it gives me:
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
SQL*Plus interprets an # symbol as the start of a TNS alias. If your password has that in it then it will be interpreted that way even if you are not trying to connect over SQL*Net, but with a local connection. So if you do:
sqlplus user/p#ssword
... then it will take just the p as the password, and the #ssword as the alias, so it will try to find a TNS alias of ssword in your tnsnames.ora file. Since that doesn't exist, you'll get the "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified" error.
That applies when you put your password in at the prompt too, so if you do:
sqlplus user
Enter password: p#ssword
you'll get the same thing. You can connect by enclosing the password in double-quotes:
sqlplus user
Enter password: "p#ssword"
but you can't do that with the unprompted version.
You're probably better off changing your password to something without that particular character if you want to be able to connect from SQL*Plus as well as from other clients that don't interpret TNS in the same way.
SQL Developer, for example, accepts the password and connection settings as separate fields; it isn't trying to parse the string you entered to identify its components, so it doesn't get confused. Even if you tell SQL Developer to connect using a TNS alias, it will use the tnsnames.ora value you select from its drop-down list, it won't try to take it from the user or password fields.
This one worked for me ( and was easier to implement from my behalf )
From : TNSPING OK but sqlplus gives ORA-12154?
Create an environment variable TNS_ADMIN that points to the directory where your tnsnames.ora file resides. Then try to connect with sqlplus.
TNS_ADMIN = D:\oracle\12.1.0\dbhome_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\tnsnames.ora
If that works, then my guess is you maybe installed the Oracle client software too, and when you run sqlplus, it looks for the tnsnames.ora file in your client home.
-- Instructions for Adding the Environment variable TNS_ADMIN in windows
Go to control panel / system
select Advanced system settings
Select "Advanced" tab, and the environment variable button is at the bottom.
create new variable TNS_ADMIN and give the path where the .ora files are stored. e.g. C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\client_1\network\admin

Error while restoring oracle 10g .dmp file in oracle database 12c

I've got a .dmp file created with Oracle 10g containing the database of one of my clients. I can't for the life of me get it set up with my 12c installation. I can connect to my db using https://localhost:5500/em
I've created a user 'BOB' in my desired PDB and granted import, read and write permissions. Next I try to import using the following command:
impdp BOB/password#//localhost:1521/pdbname full=y directory=dpdump_dir dumpfile=BOB.dmp
However this gives me the following errors:
UDI-12541: operation generated ORACLE error 12541
ORA-12541: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
In the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora i have EZCONNECTOR and ports 1521. Does anyone know how to get this to work?
Many thanks in advance,
First ensure that you can do tnsping for pdbname to ensure db connect :- $ tnsping bdbname
If you get details of connection string by tnsping, you can try command with following format:
impdp bob/password# directory=dpdump_dir dumpfile=BOB.dmp
I have removed "full=y" as it's not required if you are not restoring full database, specially it used apply with imp/exp utility.
You should remember that pdbname is being specified as a dbname/service_name in your example. You can confirm service_name by following command:
$ lsnrctl services; /* You can get service name and put it on your impdp command. */
In addition, you can try without specifying ip,port and dbname as you are working in localhost itself:
$ impdp bob/password directory=dpdump_dir dumpfile=BOB.dmp
First of all, you should check the connection
sqlplus> BOB/password#localhost:1521/pdbname
If you cannot connect, please connect with sys / as sysdba
Then using command:
SQL> alter session set container=pdbname
SQL> alter pluggable database pdbname open
Then quit and try to your command again. :)

Can't get full dump using cmd:Invalid Username/Password error

I'm trying to get a full dump of a certain database called HQBASE. I write the following command in cmd
exp userid=sys/123456 FULL=Y FILE=C:\HQ_FULL.DMP
but I get invalid username/password:logon denied error
If I connect to the database through SQLPLus or any other IDE with the same credentials I get no error and connected.
I think your syntax may be wrong. I checked some examples and they suggest that user/password is the first parameter, without specifier:
exp sys/123456 FULL=Y FILE=C:\HQ_FULL.DMP
