Some pages are not loading in Sonarqube 5.6.6 - sonarqube

Suddenly I'm experiencing a huge problem in my Sonar. I cannot access some of the main pages under my projects.
For example, once I click on the project,
home page not loading
Measures page not loading
Code page loading but once I click on any class, it's not opening and after a while, giving an error saying "Request cannot be processed. Try again later."
List item
But if I do any analysis from Sonar-runner it's executing successfully. I don't see any other issues excepts things I pointed above.
I have taken following actions to rectify the issue but still no luck.
Enabled debug logs to see any errors - cannot see any
Did MySQL optimizations - still no luck
Increased Sonar java heap size
Installed another Sonarqube instance on another CentOS 7.4 fresh server and restored DB dump from old one. - still, the issue is same
Finally, I have upgraded the new instance to Sonar 6.5. -but nothing changed and my issues still there.enter image description here
Appreciate if somebody guides me to fix this issue. Since I cannot go for a fresh installation because I need all my History data.
Thank you.

I could fixed this issue. I assumed this is something issue with the network response due to packet filtering or something else.
First I installed sonar in my local machine and then tried to execute Sonar-Runner analysis and then checked and it worked well.
Then I have realized this is something related to my remote network. therefore I have installed the Sonar in different location (Data center) and its also working.
Thanks to everyone for the guidance and I leave this post here so anyone can read later if they have the same issue.


Moved to SonarQube 6.7 so not able to find from where we can get issues fixed in one go

We were initially using Sonar 5.* version.
When we fixed or introduced any issue on the dashboard page itself we got the status that how many issues are fixed or resolved.
However after the UI has been changed in latest version on the home page we don't the get count of how many issues fixed. We have to go to Activity tab then set date range and then graph shows the information on hower
Our requirement is to capture a screenshot and send mail automatically. So with new upgrade we are currently not able to achieve that as the information is not fetched by giving URL in code
I don't think it's a good idea to depend on the UI of a tool to build your own tool on top of it, using the API seems a better idea in my opinion.
In your case, I would recommend you to use the web service api/issues/search?componentKeys=PROJECT_KEY& resolutions=FIXED, you'll be able to get the number of fixed issues by getting the value from total of the paging node.

undefined method Joomla\Registry\Registry::getValue()

I'm having an issue with a Joomla site, It was recently upgraded to Joomla 3.0 but now the home page hows the error "undefined method Joomla\Registry\Registry::getValue()", the only issue is it does not tell me which files are throwing this error.
I have run a file search in cPanel and a grep at command line to find any files with "getValue" in them but all responses are 0. I've even checked the database, just in case a previous developer put it in there but I have nothing.
I've searched the web, checked error logs, disabled plugins and pretty much bashed my skull against the wall for the last week to no avail.
Can anyone help?
I working on the updated site here:
In the backend of your Joomla site, try going to System > Global Configuration > Server, change the error reporting to Maximum and see if you get more details about the source of the problem.
If still no joy, check your server error logs.
Good luck!

Can't update data from sonarqube server

When sonarlint eclipse ask me to refresh my sonarqube data (Update all projects binding), I get the following error :
Unable to update data from server 'cerbere'
Unable to move C:\workspace neon\.sonarlint\work\cerbere\.sonartmp_1776998337301134698\4346381085123285128
to C:\workspace neon\.sonarlint\storage\cerbere\global
As I also upgraded to latest version of sonarlint (2.1.0), I don't know if this caused my problem, that I hadn't had before.
I have to manually move the data to fix it.
Thank you.
As #Simon told me, it was a space in path problem.

Fatal error: Class 'Magpleasure_Filesystem_Helper_Data' not found

I'm getting an error in the admin page when I try to login, it was working fine and I would like to know if you can please help find out what may be causing the error and how to fix it. The error is:
Fatal error: Class 'Magpleasure_Filesystem_Helper_Data' not found in /home/site/public_html/app/Mage.php on line 546
The admin page is only showing the header and the error line code, the search box but the search box is not giving any results neither. However, the front of the store is working find, no issues in front. Please help, thank you
Best Regards,
99% that you were hacked and that you didn't apply the two patches which were released by magento some weeks ago...
I have seen that issue 1 day ago at a client side of mine and they also didn't apply the patch.
check also this:
It also happened to me. Did not install the security patches.
Follow the steps from this post:
Remove all files: app/code/community/Magpleasure/Filesystem/
Clear your cache, login should be possible now.
Check for new "Admin Users"
Patch your System with SUPEE-5344!
This happened to my site AGAIN, even after removing the magepleasure files, and then installing the 2 security patches.
I looked in the community and local folders as noted above in the way that I fixed this the first time around. This time there was one called Ma2.
I deleted the files from both places and deleted the cache folder contents on the server. I was then able to get the backend again. There was another unauthorized user, deleted it.
There is a remaining problem though. Anybody know where to look to fully delete the problem?
This is Compiler Error edit index.php, there just comment out following lines
$compilerConfig = MAGENTO_ROOT . '/includes/config.php'; if
(file_exists($compilerConfig)) {
include $compilerConfig; }
it will fix now..
This looks like an extension has been installed but not completely. The error is because Magento is trying to find the file Magpleasure_Filesystem_Helper_Data which I guess will either be under code base local or community app/code/local/Magpleasure/Filesystem/Helper/Data.php but the file is not there.
I would suggest reinstalling the extension either by magento connect or locally and deploy to your system and if you are still having issues contacting the developer directly may be your best bet.

500 Internal Server Error after installing VS10sp1-KB983509

When I tried to use an Ajax control toolkit, I get a grey out error and searching around they said installing VS10 Service pack could help to solve the problem. So I did install it and now I got a serious problem:
I can no longer load the website that I can load normally before, it shows this error:
Server Error. 500 - Internal server error.
I tried many ways and finally found this one looks quite close to what happened to me:
And I tried what it suggested:
go to C:\Windows\system32\mcfc42.dll-> properties\security\Edit\Add
Iwam_computername or computername\Iwam_computername
Also added:
Allow Full control to all.
Restart server. But still the same problem. Please help me to fix this problem, unfortunately my server did not install backup option before I install VS SP1 so I could not recover to the previous point. Any solution ? If I cannot access it, no way I can code and test my website...
I found the solution for this. At first, to narrow down the problem I load the website at server side (not at client side) then I see this error lines in my web.config file, I think when I click at property at project in VS and choose .net 4.0 then back to 3.5 it add some duplicate to my web.config file. I just add all the first lines related to .net 3.5 and keep the xml format correct then it works fine now! Many thanks !!
