Why is make complaining "Nothing to be done for 'clean' "? - makefile

I want make to remove all files except the source files and the make rule file (i.e. the file named makefile), so I added a phony rule at the end of my makefile:
$(shell ls | grep -v "[.][ch]" | grep -v makefile | xargs rm)
This does what I intend. But make always complains
make: Nothing to be done for 'clean'.
After I run make clean. Why does this message appear? And how can I make it disappear?

The use of $(shell ...) is unnecessary. It runs the command, then the output is used as if it was part of the Makefile. There is no output, so the resulting rule is:
i.e. the actual list of commands to update the clean target is empty.


Makefile: variables don't get expanded correctly

I am having a problem with this Makefile structure.
make commit.install should create foo.txt and then put it into some folder. However, make doesn't call the target that creates foo.text. This means I have to call make foo.txt to create the file itself and then call make commit.install to copy this over. I think there is a problem with make not expanding variable dependencies.
src.install: ${INSTALLSRC}
mkdir -p result
for f in ${INSTALLSRC}; do \
cp -a $$f result/.; \
commit.install: src.install
echo "finished"
rm -rf result
include ../common.mk
include Makefile
echo "hello world" > foo.txt
include ../../common.mk
The problem is that you define INSTALLSRC after the rule that has it as a prerequisite. So when Make evaluates the prerequisite list, the variable is empty, so Make sees no need to build foo.txt. This would have been pretty obvious if you had simplified this collection of makefiles.
The fix is simple; swap the two lines in inner/common.mk:
include ../../common.mk
and GNUMakefile:
include Makefile
include ../common.mk

Recursive Makefile always remakes targets

I am trying to create a Makefile target which will call itself with different options.
# Include config.mk which sets design-specific variables
`include $(CONFIG)
# This command runs the script once with current options
$(LOG_DIR)/compare.log: $(RESULTS_DIR)/final.bin
tclsh $(UTILS_DIR)/script.tcl | tee $#
# Alias for above command
compare: $(LOG_DIR)/compare.log
# This command runs make once for each config file
.PHONY: compare_all
for config in designs/*/config.mk; do \
$(MAKE) CONFIG=$$config compare; \
The problem is that the compare_all target works as expected, but it always thinks that the sub-make targets are out-of-date.
When I run, for example
make CONFIG=designs/a/config.mk compare
make CONFIG=designs/b/config.mk compare
make CONFIG=designs/c/config.mk compare
I get:
make: Nothing to be done for 'compare'.
make: Nothing to be done for 'compare'.
make: Nothing to be done for 'compare'.
But when I run make compare_all -n, I get
tclsh utils/script.tcl | tee logs/a/compare.log
tclsh utils/script.tcl | tee logs/b/compare.log
tclsh utils/script.tcl | tee logs/c/compare.log
showing that it's going to rebuild all designs even though they're already up-to-date.

Why does make copy a file onto another file? (Target depends on an entire folder.)

I have a directory with test inputs and outputs. I wanted make to automatically test my program against this directory after build, for convenience. Thus I needed to somehow force the test target of Makefile to depend on the entire testing directory (it's called good, because it contains valid inputs and outputs for the program)
I read this question and the accepted answer and the comments about deleted files under this answer: Makefile rule that depends on all files under a directory (including within subdirectories) And, incorporating advice from this answer & comments, I came out with this:
my#comp:~/wtfdir$ cat Makefile
test : test.sh $(shell find good)
For the sake of MCVE, test.sh is very rudimentary:
my#comp:~/wtfdir$ cat test.sh
echo "blah"
However, I noticed, this behaves in a rather unexpected way:
my#comp:~/wtfdir$ ls good
test1 test1.out
my#comp:~/wtfdir$ make
my#comp:~/wtfdir$ touch good/test1
my#comp:~/wtfdir$ make
cp good/test1 good/test1.out
Why (expletive redacted) does modifying test1 cause make to overwrite test1.out with test1??? I'm not a big fan of data losses, you know.
What's going on here?
Your Make appears to be GNU Make. Here's why this happens. Your recipe:
test : test.sh $(shell find good)
adds to the prerequisites of test every file and directory that is listed
by find good in the current directory, which happen to be:
So to make target test, Make begins by determining if any of the specified
or built-in recipes require it to rebuild any of the prerequsities:
test.sh good good/test1 good/test1.out
Among its built-in recipes it finds:
%.out: %
# recipe to execute (built-in):
#rm -f $#
cp $< $#
as you can verify by running:
$ make --print-data-base | grep -A4 '%.out'
The rule for this recipe is matched by:
good/test1.out: good/test1
and by doing:
$ touch good/test1
you have made good/test1.out out of date with respect to good/test1.
So make executes the recipe:
#rm -f good/test1.out
cp good/test1 good/test1.out
the visible output of which is what you observed:
cp good/test1 good/test1.out
Then it proceeds with the recipe for test:
There is always a risk of such booby-traps if you write a makefile that blindly
generates at runtime some set of preqrequisites or targets you don't know beforehand.
You could avoid this one in particular by explicitly deleting the offending
implicit pattern rule in your makefile by writing:
%.out: %
with no recipe. And you can avoid all possible booby-traps of this sort by disabling all
built-in recipes, with:
$ make --no-builtin-rules ...
but that will require you to write for yourself any builtin-recipes that your
makefile relies on.
The best solution for you is probably to amend your makefile as follows:
PREREQS := $(shell find good)
test : test.sh $(PREREQS)
Then the last line explicitly specifies an empty recipe
for each of the $(PREREQS), and Make will not consult any pattern rules for targets
that have explicit recipes.
You should additionally make test a phony target:
.PHONY: test
for the avoidance of the booby-trap where something creates a file called test in the build directory.

Why make '--dry-run' with $(MAKE) in a recipe result in an error?

When I run make --dry-run on
false # $(MAKE)
using GNU Make 4.2.1, I get back the following error. Why?
false # make all
make: *** [Makefile:2: all] Error 1
The -n, -t, and -q options do not affect recipe lines that begin with + characters or contain the strings $(MAKE) or ${MAKE}.
(--dry-run is an alias for -n.)
cd subdir && $(MAKE)
As a special feature, using the variable MAKE in the recipe of a rule alters the effects of the -t (--touch), -n (--just-print), or -q (--question) option. Using the MAKE variable has the same effect as using a + character at the beginning of the recipe line.
Consider the command make -t in the above example. (The -t option marks targets as up to date without actually running any recipes; see Instead of Execution.) Following the usual definition of -t, a make -t command in the example would create a file named subsystem and do nothing else. What you really want it to do is run cd subdir && make -t; but that would require executing the recipe, and -t says not to execute recipes.
The special feature makes this do what you want: whenever a recipe line of a rule contains the variable MAKE, the flags -t, -n and -q do not apply to that line. Recipe lines containing MAKE are executed normally despite the presence of a flag that causes most recipes not to be run.
Your recipe contains $(MAKE), so it gets executed despite --dry-run. false returns an exit status of 1, which is considered an error by make.

Suppress messages in make clean (Makefile silent remove)

I'm wondering how I can avoid some echo in a Makefile :
rm -fr *.o
this rule will print:
$>make clean
rm -fr *.o
How can I avoid that?
To start with: the actual command must be on the next line (or at least that is the case with GNU Make, it might be different with other Make's - I'm not sure of that)
rm -rf *.o
(note, you need a TAB before rm -rf *.o as in every rule)
Making it silent can be done by prefixing a #:
so your makefile becomes
#rm -rf *.o
If there are no *.o files to delete, you might still end up with an error message. To suppress these, add the following
-#rm -rf *.o 2>/dev/null || true
2>/dev/null pipes any error message to /dev/null - so you won't see any errors
the - in front of the command makes sure that make ignores a non-zero return code
In fact I was looking for something else, adding this line to the Makefile :
while execute every step of the "clean" target silently.
Until someone point some drawback to this, I use this as my favourite solution!
I'm responding to this ancient topic because it comes up high in search and the answers are confusing. To do just what the user wants,all that is needed is:
#rm -f *.o
The # means that make will not echo that command.
The -f argument to rm tells rm to ignore any errors, like there being no *.o files, and to return success always.
I removed the -r from the OPs example, because it means recursive and here we are just rming .o files, nothing to recurse.
There's no need for the 2>&1 >/dev/null because with the -f there will be no errors printed.
.SILENT: clean
works in place of the #, but it isn't at the same place in the Makefile as the command that it affects, so someone maintaining the project later might be confused. That's why # is preferred. It is better locality of reference.
If you put an # in front of the command, it doesn't echo onto the shell. Try changing rm to #rm. (Reference)
From the manual: .SILENT is essentially obsolete since # is more flexible.
Much worse is that make prints far too much information. Warning/error/private messages are buried in the output. On the other hand -s (.SILENT) suppresses just anything. Especially the "nothing to be done" and "up to date" messages can be a pain. There is no option to suppress them. You have to filter them out actively or use something like colormake. Here is a solution for grep:
make | egrep -hiv 'nothing to be done|up to date'
But the output will have line numbers. The Perl solution is therefore better, because it suppresses line numbers and flushes stdout immediately:
make | perl -ne '$|=1; print unless /nothing to be done|up to date/i'
Make's a flawed tool. "What’s Wrong With GNU make?" explains this better than I can.
There's a great article on using .SILENT that explains how to conditionally activate it.
I have used that information to put this in my Makefile:
# Use `make V=1` to print commands.
# Example rule, only the #echo needs to be added to existing rules
*.o: %.c
#echo " [CC] $<"
gcc ...
What this does is if you run make normally, normal output is silenced and instead the echo commands work:
$ make
[CC] test.c
[CC] test2.c
But it allows you to debug problems by passing the V=1 parameter, which still shows the [CC] messages as it helps break up the output, but the traditional Makefile output is also visible:
$ make V=1
[CC] test.c
gcc ...
[CC] test2.c
gcc ...
