Blank Allure report - maven

I'm using Allure report tool with Maven+TestNG, but get an empty template. Can't understand what's wrong. Could someone explain why is this happened?
There is my pom file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!--only for 1.3.* TestNG adapters. Since 1.4.0.RC4, the listener adds via ServiceLoader-->
I do clean test site and after that io.qameta.allure:allure-maven:serve.
There are console output:
first command results
second command result

Seems like a misconfiguration. You've mixed up 2 different versions of Allure, including adaptors. Check the official Allure docs.


My maven-cucumber-selenium-junit-allure project doesn't generate allure-results

I created an automated-test project you can see below my maven pom.xml.
If I run mvn clean test command, allure-results aren't generated but test cases run.
I read through allure documentation and looked for the solution but it doesn't work for me.
What could be the problem?
Here is my pom.xml content:
<project xmlns=""
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
-Dcucumber.options="--plugin io.qameta.allure.cucumber4jvm.AllureCucumber4Jvm"
The is a temporal directory what is generated when you build the project. Don't use that folder to store your results. Creates a folder in the root project and put the allure results in that dir.

How to inherit property values from a parent pom

I know this should be trivial (even default behavior) but it is NOT working. I found some similar inheritance topics but none specific to inheriting elements of the properties tag.
Parent property defined as myprop.version. In the parent I could access the version as ${myprop.version}.
Child using the version number directly works fine. Child using ${myprop.version} totally breaks maven.
What am I misunderstanding? Can this be fixed?
In parent (bom-pom-master project) POM:
In Child POM:
NOTE: Only some of my projects need the spring-boot-maven-plugin, so it seems to me that it should NOT be included in the parent. Am I wrong?
EDIT: As requested I am adding below the full parent and child POMs "as they were" before attempting inheritance.
Parent inherited by every project, NOT JUST those that need the spring-boot-maven-plugin, so any change must still work with every type of project, from library JAR, self-running Spring Boot JAR apps with Tomcat embedded, REST webapp WAR apps that are deployed to a Tomcat server (this particular child), and full webapps deployed to a Tomcat server. All of those are inheriting from this master bom pom.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- apache commons -->
<!-- Log4j -->
<!-- JJWT, library to add JWT bearer token support -->
<!-- Jackson JSON -->
<!-- server -->
<!-- spring -->
<!-- junit -->
Child REST WAR pom that gets deployed on Tomcat. The critical element is at the bottom where version is specified as 2.6.3. In Eclipse that tag is not needed but for some reason it is essential to IntelliJ. The failure that prompted this post was when I defined a property containing this value in the parent and tried to use it as ${my.version} in place of 2.6.3 in the child.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<description>Common Services DB REST service</description>
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<!-- starters -->
<!-- Our library(ies) -->
<!-- MsSQL -->

Maven test not creating allure results

I have a setup that's using TestNG and Allure reports, which works fine when I run the test from IntelliJ. I had a look at the run configuration and all it does is a build before executing the test. That process then creates the allure results in the allure-results folder.
I had a look at this question (Allure results don't generate on Maven build), but that didn't solve the problem for me.
Is there something missing from my pom file?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- This goal adds Groovy test sources to the project's test sources. -->
<goal>compileTests</goal> <!-- Compiles tests -->
<!-- generates stubs in target/generated-sources/groovy-stubs/test, only needed when
compiling Java code that depends on Groovy code -->
<goal>removeTestStubs</goal> <!-- remove generated stubs from sources list -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
The problem for me was in the gmaven-plugin part of the pom. I updated that and also changed my project to only have groovy classes (no java classes). My working pom file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- -->
<!-- -->

Set up hot reload with parameters with Maven and Spring

I have a maven generated project. This is my pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- -->
I build it using this command:
#mvn package -PLOCAL
And run using this command:
java -jar target/abacus-web-0.1.jar
I have an src/main/resources/ file, where my local properties are set. The application must use this file to work properly.
It works fine, build and running goes ok. The problem is I can not use hot reloading. Documentation says:
Developer tools are automatically disabled when running a fully packaged application. If your application is launched from java -jar or if it is started from a special classloader, then it is considered a “production application”.
To use hot-reloading, I mustn't use java -jar, but only mvn utilities.
I tried to run mvn spring-boot:run -PLOCAL, but it does not use properties file and crashes. Hot to run maven and use my properties file?
Hi try to add the profile definition to the POM.
And than call it with the profile:
mvn spring-boot:run

How to reduce copying resources time for running code?

I have used JAVA for framework coding.Copying resources taking more time for running code (almost 6 to 7 min). I am running my code using maven command
mvn clean compile test.
I am using below pom.xml for dependency management.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Source directory configuration -->
<!-- Following plugin executes the testng tests -->
<!-- Suite testng xml file to consider for test execution -->
<!-- <suiteXmlFile>testng.xml</suiteXmlFile> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
how to reduce the time for execution?
Please let me know any other information required.
If you do a mvn clean compile test than your running parts double etc. It is sufficient just to run mvn clean test. In this compile phase is included.
See more details in the build life cycle documentation.
