Ruby execution order in multithreaded program - ruby

In prep for hurricane irma I wrote a quick trash script to download a bunch of exercises off It works, but there's an error at the call to threads.each that I don't understand, all the code up until threads.each is synchronous if I understand correctly, so I'm not sure what the best way to fix is.:
rb:14:in '<main>': undefined method 'each' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
It's interesting to me because I get the error but the program still runs as expected, so I'm sure I'm not writing this properly.
language = ARGV[0]
exercises = `exercism list #{#language}`.split("\n")
threads = do |exercise|
break if exercise == '' do
system("exercism fetch #{language} #{exercise}")

Use next instead of break so that threads is still set if any exercises are blank. break will cancel the whole loop, but next will skip only the current iteration.
Then some threads could still be nil if their exercise is blank, because no thread has started for them. You can use threads.compact.each(&:join) to skip these nil values.
Or if you need the break, then add to threads inside the loop like:
threads = []
exercises.each do |exercise|
break if exercise == ''
threads << do
system("exercism fetch #{language} #{exercise}")


Ruby work distribution fails if threads are generated to fast

I ran into a problem the other day and I spent 2 hours looking for an answer at the wrong place.
In the process I stripped down the code to the version below. The Threading here will work as long as I have the sleep(0.1) in the loop creating the threads.
If the line is omitted, all threads are created - but only thread 7 will actually consume data from the queue.
With this "hack" I do have a working solution but not one I'm happy with. I'm really curious why this happens.
I am using a fairly old version of ruby under windows 2.4.1p111. However I was able to reproduce the same behavior with a new ruby 3.0.2p107 installation
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
#q =
# Get all projects (would be a list of directories)
projects = [*0..100]
projects.each do |project|
#q.push project
def worker(num)
while not #q.empty?
puts "Thread: #{num} Project: #{#q.pop}"
for i in 1..7 do
threads << { worker(i) }
sleep(0.1) # Threading does not work without this line - but why?
threads.each {|thread| puts thread.join }
puts "done"
Fun bug! This is a race condition.
It's not that only thread 7 is doing work it's that all threads are referencing the same variable i in memory (there is only one copy!) so since
the number 7 gets written last (presumedly before any threads have started) they all read the same i==7.
Try this worker function and see if it doesn't clear things up
def worker(num)
my_thread_id = Thread.current.object_id
while not #q.empty?
puts "Thread: #{num} NumObjId: #{num.object_id} ThreadId: #{my_thread_id} Project: #{#q.pop}"
Notice that NumObjId is the same in all threads. They are all pointing to the same number. But the actual ThreadId we get IS different.
If you really do need the number in each thread allocate as many numbers as threads. Something like
ids = (1..7).to_a
ids.each do |i|
threads << { worker(i) }

callcc in ruby cause infinite loop?

I'm trying to review the slides of class. The code is supposed to print "early work" once then followed by "later work" twice(you can set the repeat number of the later work). But I wonder why this code doesn't work, and how can I modify the code? Since now the code will generate infinite loop of "later work" rather than 2(which is supposed to be)
require 'continuation'
def work
p "early work"
here = callcc {|here| here}
p "later work"
return here
def rework(k)
entry = work
k.times do |i|
The code doesn't work because the loop counter in k.times is stuck. Each call to rewinds the program to when callcc returns. So callcc returns again, the later work happens again, work returns again, and k.times starts again. When k.times starts, it resets its loop counter to zero. The infinite loop is because the loop counter is always zero.
To fix the program, we must continue the loop, not restart it. The best fix is to use a fiber, but first, I try to use a continuation. Here's the version that works on my machine:
require 'continuation'
def work
p "early work"
here = callcc {|here| here}
p "later work"
return here
class Integer
def my_times
i = 0
while i < self
yield i
i += 1
def rework(k)
entry = nil
k.my_times do |i|
if i == 0
entry = work
I fix the control flow by calling work inside the loop. When work returns again, I don't reset the loop counter.
I also define my own Integer#my_times and don't use Ruby's Integer#times. If I change the code from k.my_times back to k.times, the loop counter gets stuck again. This exposes a problem with continuation objects in Ruby.
When a continuation rewinds a program, it might rewind or preserve the values of local variables. My program assumes that preserves the loop counter. Matz's Ruby Implementation preserves the loop counter in Integer#my_times, but rewinds the loop counter in Integer#times. This is the only reason why my program can't use Integer#times.
MRI seems to rewind locals in C code (like Integer#times) but preserve locals in Ruby code (like Integer#my_times). This makes a mess of loop counters and other locals. Ruby does not fix this mess, but warns against callcc. Ruby says, warning: callcc is obsolete; use Fiber instead.
Here's the program using a fiber:
def work
p "early work"
here = do
while true
p "later work"
return here
def rework(k)
entry = nil
k.times do |i|
if i == 0
entry = work

Can't run multithreading with Celluloid

This simple example I run on jruby, but it only one thread runs
require 'benchmark'
require 'celluloid/current'
TIMES = 10
def delay
sleep 1
# 40_000_000.times.each{|i| i*i}
p 'celluloid: true multithreading?'
class FileWorker
include Celluloid
def create_file(id)
p "Done!""out_#{id}.txt", 'w') {|f| f.write( }
workers_pool = FileWorker.pool(size: 10)
TIMES.times do |i|
# workers_pool.async.create_file(i) # also not happens
future = { }
p future.value
All created files have interval 1 second.
Please help to turn Celluloid into multithreading mode, where all files are created simultaneously.
Indeed, array of "futures" helps!
futures = []
TIMES.times do |i|
futures << { }
futures.each {|f| p f.value }
Thanks jrochkind !
Ah, I think I see.
Inside your loop, you are waiting for each future to complete, at the end of the loop -- which means you are waiting for one future to complete, before creating the next one.
TIMES.times do |i|
# workers_pool.async.create_file(i) # also not happens
future = { }
p future.value
Try changing it to this:
futures = []
TIMES.times do |i|
futures << { }
futures.each {|f| p f.value }
In your version, consider the first iteration the loop -- you create a future, then call future.value which waits for the future to complete. The future.value statement won't return until the future completes, and the loop iteration won't finish and loop again to create another future until the statement returns. So you've effectively made it synchronous, by waiting on each future with value before creating the next.
Make sense?
Also, for short code blocks like this, it's way easier on potential SO answerers if you put the code directly in the question, properly indented to format as code, instead of linking out.
In general, if you are using a fairly widely used library like Celluloid, and finding it doesn't seem to do the main thing it's supposed to do -- the first guess should probably be a bug in your code, not that the library fundamentally doesn't work at all (someone else would have noticed before now!). A question title reflecting that, even just "Why doesn't my Celluloid code appear to work multi-threaded" might have gotten more favorable attention than a title suggesting Celluloid fundamentally does not work -- without any code in the question itself demonstrating!

JS-style async/non-blocking callback execution with Ruby, without heavy machinery like threads?

I'm a frontend developer, somewhat familiar with Ruby. I only know how to do Ruby in a synchronous/sequential manner, while in JS i'm used to async/non-blocking callbacks.
Here's sample Ruby code:
results = []
rounds = 5
callback = ->(item) {
# This imitates that the callback may take time to complete
sleep rand(1..5)
results.push item
if results.size == rounds
puts "All #{rounds} requests have completed! Here they are:", *results
1.upto(rounds) { |item| }
puts "Hello"
The goal is to have the callbacks run without blocking main script execution. In other words, i want "Hello" line to appear in output above the "All 5 requests..." line. Also, the callbacks should run concurrently, so that the callback fastest to finish makes it into the resulting array first.
With JavaScript, i would simply wrap the callback call into a setTimeout with zero delay:
setTimeout( function() { callback(item); }, 0);
This JS approach does not implement true multithreading/concurrency/parallel execution. Under the hood, the callbacks would run all in one thread sequentially, or rather interlaced on the low level.
But on practical level it would appear as concurrent execution: the resulting array would be populated in an order corresponding to the amount of time spent by each callback, i. e. the resulting array would appear sorted by the time it took each callback to finish.
Note that i only want the asynchronous feature of setTimeout(). I don't need the sleep feature built into setTimeout() (not to be confused with a sleep used in the callback example to imitate a time-consuming operation).
I tried to inquire into how to do that JS-style async approach with Ruby and was given suggestions to use:
Multithreading. This is probably THE approach for Ruby, but it requires a substantial amount of scaffolding:
Manually define an array for threads.
Manually define a mutex.
Start a new thread for each callback, add it to the array.
Pass the mutex into each callback.
Use mutex in the callback for thread synchronization.
Ensure all threads are completed before program completion.
Compared to JavaScript's setTimeout(), this is just too much. As i don't need true parallel execution, i don't want to build that much scaffolding every time i want to execute a proc asynchronously.
A sophisticated Ruby library like Celluloid and Event Machine. They look like it will take weeks to learn them.
A custom solution like this one (the author, apeiros#freenode, claims it to be very close to what setTimeout does under the hood). It requires almost no scaffolding to build and it does not involve threads. But it seems to run callbacks synchronously, in the order they've been executed.
I have always considered Ruby to be a programming language most close to my ideal, and JS to be a poor man's programming language. And it kinda discourages me that Ruby is not able to do a thing which is trivial with JS, without involving heavy machinery.
So the question is: what is the simplest, most intuitive way to do do async/non-blocking callback with Ruby, without involving complicated machinery like threads or complex libraries?
PS If there will be no satisfying answer during the bounty period, i will dig into #3 by apeiros and probably make it the accepted answer.
Like people said, it's not possible to achieve what you want without using Threads or a library that abstracts their functionality. But, if it's just the setTimeout functionality you want, then the implementation is actually very small.
Here's my attempt at emulating Javascript's setTimeout in ruby:
require 'thread'
require 'set'
module Timeout
#timeouts = Set[]
#exiting = false
#exitm =
#mutex =
at_exit { wait_for_timeouts }
def self.set(delay, &blk)
thrd = Thread.start do
sleep delay
#exitm.synchronize do
unless #exiting
#mutex.synchronize { #timeouts.delete thrd }
#mutex.synchronize { #timeouts << thrd }
def self.wait_for_timeouts
#exitm.synchronize { #exiting = true }
#exitm.synchronize { #exiting = false }
Here's how to use it:
$results = []
$rounds = 5
mutex =
def callback(n, mutex)
-> {
sleep rand(1..5)
mutex.synchronize {
$results << n
puts "Fin: #{$results}" if $results.size == $rounds
1.upto($rounds) { |i| Timeout.set(0, &callback(i, mutex)) }
puts "Hello"
This outputs:
Fin: [1, 2, 3, 5, 4]
As you can see, the way you use it is essentially the same, the only thing I've changed is I've added a mutex to prevent race conditions on the results array.
Aside: Why we need the mutex in the usage example
Even if javascript is only running on a single core, that does not prevent race conditions due to atomicity of operations. Pushing to an array is not an atomic operation, so more than one instruction is executed.
Suppose it is two instructions, putting the element at the end, and incrementing the size. (SET, INC).
Consider all the ways two pushes can be interleaved (taking symmetry into account):
The first one is what we want, but the second one results in the second append overwriting the first.
Okay, after some fiddling with threads and studying contributions by apeiros and asQuirreL, i came up with a solution that suits me.
I'll show sample usage first, source code in the end.
Example 1: simple non-blocking execution
First, a JS example that i'm trying to mimic:
setTimeout( function() {
}, 0);
// 'Will print "hello" first, then "world"'.
Here's how i can do it with my tiny Ruby library:
# You wrap all your code into this... do
# ...and you gain access to the `branch` method that accepts a block.
# This block runs non-blockingly, just like in JS `setTimeout(callback, 0)`.
branch { puts "world!" }
print "Hello, "
# Will print "Hello, world!"
Note how you don't have to take care of creating threads, waiting for them to finish. The only scaffolding required is the { ... } wrapper.
Example 2: synchronizing threads with a mutex
Now we'll assume that we're working with some input and output shared among threads.
JS code i'm trying to reproduce with Ruby:
results = [],
rounds = 5;
for (var i = 1; i <= rounds; i++) {
console.log("Starting thread #" + i + ".");
// "Creating local scope"
(function(local_i) {
setTimeout( function() {
// "Assuming there's a time-consuming operation here."
console.log("Thread #" + local_i + " has finished.");
if (results.length === rounds)
console.log("All " + rounds + " threads have completed! Bye!");
}, 0);
console.log("All threads started!");
This code produces the following output:
Starting thread #1.
Starting thread #2.
Starting thread #3.
Starting thread #4.
Starting thread #5.
All threads started!
Thread #5 has finished.
Thread #4 has finished.
Thread #3 has finished.
Thread #2 has finished.
Thread #1 has finished.
All 5 threads have completed! Bye!
Notice that the callbacks finish in reverse order.
We're also gonna assume that working the results array may produce a race condition. In JS this is never an issue, but in multithreaded Ruby this has to be addressed with a mutex.
Ruby equivalent of the above: 1 do
# Setting up an array to be filled with that many values.
results = []
rounds = 5
# Running `branch` N times:
1.upto(rounds) do |item|
puts "Starting thread ##{item}."
# The block passed to `branch` accepts a hash with mutexes
# that you can use to synchronize threads.
branch do |mutexes|
# This imitates that the callback may take time to complete.
# Threads will finish in reverse order.
sleep (6.0 - item) / 10
# When you need a mutex, you simply request one from the hash.
# For each unique key, a new mutex will be created lazily.
mutexes[:array_and_output].synchronize do
puts "Thread ##{item} has finished!"
results.push item
if results.size == rounds
puts "All #{rounds} threads have completed! Bye!"
puts "All threads started."
puts "All threads finished!"
Note how you don't have to take care of creating threads, waiting for them to finish, creating mutexes and passing them into the block.
Example 3: delaying execution of the block
If you need the delay feature of setTimeout, you can do it like this.
setTimeout(function(){ console.log('Foo'); }, 2000);
branch(2) { puts 'Foo' }
Example 4: waiting for all threads to finish
With JS, there's no simple way to have the script wait for all threads to finish. You'll need an await/defer library for that.
But in Ruby it's possible, and Branch makes it even simpler. If you write code after the{} wrapper, it will be executed after all branches within the wrapper have been completed. You don't need to manually ensure that all threads have finished, Branch does that for you. do
branch { sleep 10 }
branch { sleep 5 }
# This will be printed immediately
puts "All threads started!"
# This will be printed after 10 seconds (the duration of the slowest branch).
puts "All threads finished!"
Sequential{} wrappers will be executed sequentially.
# (c) lolmaus (Andrey Mikhaylov), 2014
# MIT license
class Branch
def initialize(mutexes = 0, &block)
#threads = []
#mutexes = { |hash, key| hash[key] = }
# Executing the passed block within the context
# of this class' instance.
instance_eval &block
# Waiting for all threads to finish
#threads.each { |thr| thr.join }
# This method will be available within a block
# passed to ``.
def branch(delay = false, &block)
# Starting a new thread
#threads << do
# Implementing the timeout functionality
sleep delay if delay.is_a? Numeric
# Executing the block passed to `branch`,
# providing mutexes into the block. #mutexes

Ruby's speed of threads

I have the following code to thread-safe write into a file:
threads = []
##lock_flag = 0
##write_flag = 0
def add_to_file
old_i = 0 "numbers.txt", "r" ) { |f| old_i = } "numbers.txt", "w+") { |f| f.write(old_i+1) }
#puts old_i
end "numbers.txt", "w") { |f| f.write(0) } unless File.exist? ("numbers.txt")
2000.times do
threads << {
done_flag = 0
while done_flag == 0 do
print "." #### THIS LINE
if ##lock_flag == 0
##lock_flag = 1
if ##write_flag == 0
##write_flag = 1
##write_flag = 0
done_flag = 1
##lock_flag = 0
threads.each {|t| t.join}
If I run this code it take about 1.5 sec to write all 2000 numbers into the file. So, all is good.
But if I remove the line print "." marked with "THIS LINE" is takes ages! This code needs about 12sec for only 20 threads to complete.
Now my question: why does the print speed up that code so much?
I'm not sure how you can call that thread safe at all when it's simply not. You can't use a simple variable to ensure safety because of race conditions. What happens between testing that a flag is zero and setting it to one? You simply don't know. Anything can and will eventually happen in that very brief interval if you're unlucky enough.
What might be happening is the print statement causes the thread to stall long enough that your broken locking mechanism ends up working. When testing that example using Ruby 1.9.2 it doesn't even finish, printing dots seemingly forever.
You might want to try re-writing it using Mutex:
write_mutex =
read_mutex =
2000.times do
threads << {
done_flag = false
while (!done_flag) do
print "." #### THIS LINE
write_mutex.synchronize do
read_mutex.synchronize do
done_flag = true
This is the proper Ruby way to do thread synchronization. A Mutex will not yield the lock until it is sure you have exclusive control over it. There's also the try_lock method that will try to grab it and will fail if it is already taken.
Threads can be a real nuisance to get right, so be very careful when using them.
First off, there are gems that can make this sort of thing easier. threach and jruby_threach ("threaded each") are ones that I wrote, and while I'm deeply unhappy with the implementation and will get around to making them cleaner at some point, they work fine when you have safe code.
(1..100).threach(2) {|i| do_something_with(i)} # run method in two threads
or'myfile.txt', 'r').threach(3, :each_line) {|line| process_line(line)}
You should also look at peach and parallel for other examples of easily working in parallel with multiple threads.
Above and beyond the problems already pointed out -- that your loop isn't thread-safe -- none of it matters because the code you're calling (add_to_file) isn't thread-safe. You're opening and closing the same file willy-nilly across threads, and that's gonna give you problems. I can't seem to understand what you're trying to do, but you need to keep in mind that you have absolutely no idea the order in which things in different threads are going to run.
