DataTables server-side filtering by objects in a Many to Many relationship - spring

I have a DataTable in my app which shows all elements from a table (All entities of class Action). This class has an attribute which is a List of Regions mapped as #ManyToMany using Spring JPA, and I'd like to be able to filter by Regions all the data. So if I choose Regions A, B and D, only show those Actions that apply to at least one of them (For example if Action 1 applies to Regions B and C)
So the controller, which looks like this...
#RequestMapping(value = "/rest/actions_datatable", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json")
public DataTablesOutput<Action> getActions(#Valid DataTablesInput input, HttpServletRequest request) {
DataTablesOutput<Action> actions_datatable = actionService.getActions(input);
String[] regionIdsToFilter = request.getParameter("regionfilter").split("[,]");
return actions_datatable;
This is my service
public DataTablesOutput<Action> getActions(DataTablesInput input) {
return actionRepository.findAll(input);
And as a note, ActionRepository extends DataTablesRepository
receives the IDs for those regions I'd like to use to filter my actions, as well as the DataTablesInput object sent by the Javascript code.
What would be the best way to achieve this? It would be easier if the field I'm trying to filter was a simple String, or maybe even an object, but a list of them does look a bit harder for me.


Spring Pagination sorting with cases

I have a problem with Sorting in Spring. I have an enum class
public enum Category {
private static final List<Category> THRILLER;
static {
THRILLER = Arrays.asList(A, F, D);
private static final List<Category> DRAMA;
static {
DRAMA = Arrays.asList(C, E, B);
The Movie Entity:
public class Movie {
private Category category;
private Timestamp realizationDate;
Now I have a rest endpoint that return movies List. I want to Sort this list according to the following order: Movies they belong to THRILLER should be displayed first. When two movies belong to the same category then this should be sorted by realization date.
#GetMapping(value = "/movies")
public ResponseEntity<PagedResources<Movie>> list(#PageableDefault() Pageable pageable) {
I tried it with:
#SortDefault.SortDefaults({SortDefault(sort="category", direction=Sort.Direction.ASC), SortDefault(sort="realizationDate", direction=Sort.Direction.ASC)})
But this Sort the enum only alphabetically.
I need a possibility to do something like: It is possible that I achieve that with Pageable or should I do it another way?
Spring Data directly only supports sorting by simple attributes.
So in order for this to work you need to provide an isThriller attribute.
You can do this with the existing object structure by using:
a) a trigger to fill the column in the database
b) use a view to compute the desired value
c) if you use Hibernate you may use the #Formula annotation to instruct it to compute the value.
In either case you are hardcoding the categories that make up thrillers in a String or in the database.
If you don't want that you could make Category an entity with an isThriller attribute which you then can query and sort by in the usual fashion.
AFAIK Sort in spring pagination sorts fields only in lexicographical order (same like in SQL, uneless you use some procedural version of SQL like PSQL) so you can't introduce some custom logic of sort.
You have two options:
introduce custom procedure/function into your DB and call it from code (ugly & bad approach)
Sort list of movies by playing with lambdas and custom comparators, after fetching it from DB (clean & simpler approach)

Spring Data JPA and Spring Web Updating Entities Avoiding Associations

I have the following entities:
They are both many-to-many:
An area can have many listings
A listing can have many areas
Both Area and Listing have other fields like name, domain, etc.
I'm using Spring Web RestController as a way to update the entities.
For example:
public Area update(#PathVariable Long id, #RequestBody Area update) {
However, as an Area can have many thousands of Listings, it's not practical to pass them all in the update request when I just want to update the Area name and other basic fields in my web application.
For example, the update json in the http request would be:
"id" : 69,
"name" : "San Francisco",
"domain" : "foo",
When serialised, the area instance above will have a listings field equal to null (obviously) and then when saved, all association are remove from this Area.
I'm thinking that I could do a select-then-update set of operations and only update the values necessary but that is cumbersome - especially when there are many dozens of non-association fields.
The question would be: how can I try to keep to the above code and http request and not remove all of the existing Listing associations when saving the input area? Is this possible? I want to update the name and other basic fields but not the association fields.
You can use the BeanUtilBean(org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtilsBean).
Step 1: Create custom beanutilbean class.
public class CustomBeanUtilsBean extends BeanUtilsBean {
public void copyProperty(Object dest, String name, Object value)
throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
super.copyProperty(dest, name, value);
Step 2: In your controller while updating. first get the Area from database & use copyProperties method as shown in below.
public Area update(#PathVariable Long id, #RequestBody Area update) {
Area areaDB = areaRepository.findOne(update.getId());
customBeanUtilsBean.copyProperties(areaDB,update);//it will set not null field values of update to areaDB.
Hope this will helps you..:)
Since you are using spring-data-jpa repository you can write a new method that takes the changed values of Area object with #Modifying and #Query annotations on it.
In the #Query you specify the HQL query with update statement as in here

How to correctly initialize an object that have to contain the data retrieved by 2 methods of my controller in this Spring MVC application?

I am pretty new in Spring MVC and I have the following doubt about how correctly achieve the following task.
I am working on a web application that implement a user registration process. This registration process is divided into some consecutive steps.
For example in the first step the user have to insert a identification code (it is a code that identify uniquely a user on some statal administration systems) and in the second step it have to compile a form for his personal data (name, surname, birth date, and so on).
So, actually I have the following controller class that handle these steps:
public class RegistrazioneController {
private LoadPlacesService loadPlacesService;
#RequestMapping(value = "/iscrizioneStep1")
public String iscrizioneStep1(Model model) {
return "iscrizioneStep1";
#RequestMapping(value = "/iscrizioneStep2", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String iscrizioneStep2(Model model, HttpServletRequest request, #RequestParam("cf") String codicFiscale) {
System.out.println("INTO iscrizioneStep2()");
//String codicFiscale = request.getParameter("cf");
System.out.println("CODICE FISCALE: " + codicFiscale);
model.addAttribute("codicFiscale", codicFiscale);
return "iscrizioneStep2";
#RequestMapping(value = "/iscrizioneStep3", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String iscrizioneStep3(#ModelAttribute("SpringWeb")Step2FormCommand step2Form, ModelMap model, HttpServletRequest request) {
System.out.println("INTO iscrizioneStep3()");
System.out.println("NOME: " + step2FormCommand.getName());
return "iscrizioneStep3";
Into the iscrizioneStep2() it is retrieved the first code (#RequestParam("cf") String codicFiscale).
Into the iscrizioneStep3() it is retrieved a command object containing the data inserted into the form of the view in which this form was submitted, this one:
#ModelAttribute("SpringWeb")Step2FormCommand step2FormCommand
It works fine.
Now my problem is that I have another object named Step3View that have to be initialized with the aggregation of the #RequestParam("cf") String codicFiscale object retrieved into the iscrizioneStep2() method and the #ModelAttribute("SpringWeb")Step2FormCommand step2FormCommand retrieved into the iscrizioneStep3() method.
This Step3View class simply contain the String codicFiscale and all the fields of the Step2FormCommand class.
Now my doubts are: what is the best way to handle this situation? Where have I to declare this Step3View object? at controller level? (so I can use it in all my controller methods?). Have I to annotate this class with #Component (or something like this) to inject it in my controller?
What is the best solution for this situation?
I think in order to get an answer you need to understand the question and ask the right question. I think your question is "how do I pass a parameter from one page to another page in SpringMVC?". You specifically want to know how to pass the "cf" param, but readers here will tend to pass over questions that are too specific because it takes too much time to figure out what you want.
In answer to that, see Spring MVC - passing variables from one page to anther as a possible help.
Also, there are many good answers about this question for JSP in general, which can be worked into the SpringMVC architecture. See How to pass value from one jsp to another jsp page? as a possible help.

How to change the display name of a model in Spring MVC

I am working with a Spring MVC project and I can't figure out how to change the String representation of a Model in the Views.
I have a Customer model that has a ONE_TO_MANY relationship with a WorkOrder model. On the workorders/show.jspx the Customer is displayed as a String that is the first and last name, email address, and phone number concatenated.
How do I change this? I thought I could just change the toString method on the Customer, but that didn't work.
One solution would be to change/push-in show() to WorkOrderController to map a rendered-view-tag to what you would like to see.
#RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", produces = "text/html")
public String show(
#PathVariable("id") Long id,
Model uiModel)
final WorkOrder workOrder = WorkOrder.findWorkOrder(id);
uiModel.addAttribute("workOrder", workOrder);
uiModel.addAttribute("itemId", id);
// Everything but this next line is just ripped out from the aspectJ/roo stuff.
// Write a method that returns a formatted string for the customer name,
// and a customer accessor for WorkOrder.
uiModel.addAttribute("customerDisplay", workOrder.getCustomer().getDisplayName());
return "workorders/show";
Put/define a label in your i18n/ file for customerDisplay.
Then in your show.jspx, you can access the mapping with something like... (The trick is similar for other views.)
<field:display field="customerDisplay" id="s_your_package_path_model_WorkOrder_customerDisplay" object="${workorder}" z="user-managed" />
I'm new to Roo, so I'd love to see a better answer.
We found a good solution. There are toString() methods for all the models in ApplicationConversionServiceFactoryBean_Roo_ConversionService.aj
You can just push the method for the Model you want into and modify it. In my case I added this:
public Converter<Customer, String> getCustomerToStringConverter() {
return new org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter<, java.lang.String>() {
public String convert(Customer customer) {
return new StringBuilder().append(customer.getId()).append(' ').append(customer.getFirstName()).append(' ').append(customer.getLastName()).toString();
Spring uses this for all the view pages so this will change the String representation of your model across your whole app!

In Spring MVC 3, how do I bind an object to a query string when the query string parameters don't match up with the object fields?

A 3rd party is sending me part of the data to fill in my domain object via a query string. I need to partially fill in my domain object, and then have the user fill in the rest via a form. I don't have any control over the query string parameters coming in, so I can't change those, but I'd really like to be able to use Spring MVC's data binding abilities, rather than doing it by hand.
How can I do this?
To add some complication to this, some of the parameters will require extensive processing because they map to other objects (such as mapping to a user from just a name) that may not even exist yet and will need to be created. This aspect, I assume, can be handled using property editors. If I run into trouble with this, I will ask another question.
Once I have a partially filled domain object, passing it on to the edit view, etc. is no problem, but I don't know how to properly deal with the initial domain object population.
The only thing I have been able to come up with so far is to have an extra class that has it's properties named to match the inbound query parameters and a function to convert from this intermediary class to my domain class.
This seems like a lot of overhead though just to map between variable names.
Can you not just have the getter named differently from the setter, or have 2 getters and 2 setters if necessary?
private int spn;
// Standard getter/setter
public int getSpn() {
return spn;
public void setSpn(int spn) {
this.spn = spn;
// More descriptively named getter/setter
public int getShortParameterName() {
return spn;
public void setShortParameterName(int spn) {
this.spn = spn;
Maybe that is not standard bean convention, but surely would work?
