xoring a slice in Go - algorithm

So I'm trying to xor random, which is 4 bytes, with every four bytes of something. The thing is, I want to change random to ans (which is the result of the xor) and then keep going. So basically the random variable will be a fixed number the first time but will change afterwards until the loop ends. My code seems to have the correct logic, however, I keep getting
(operator ^ not defined on slice)
random := 4 bytes
for j:=0;j<len(something);j+=4{
ans:=something[j:j+4] ^ random
My guess is, slice doesn't allow xor, and something will have to be slice since I'm kind of slicing the array into multiple bytes. Any idea how to solve this problem?

The application should xor the individual bytes. Something like this:
var random [4]byte
for i, b := range something {
random[i&3] ^= b // xor b on element of random
This sets
random[0] = random[0] ^ something[0] ^ something[4] ....
random[1] = random[1] ^ something[1] ^ something[5] ...
... and so on


How does img.At(x, y) correlate with a uint32[][] structure [duplicate]

I am learning Go by going through A Tour of Go. One of the exercises there asks me to create a 2D slice of dy rows and dx columns containing uint8. My current approach, which works, is this:
a:= make([][]uint8, dy) // initialize a slice of dy slices
for i:=0;i<dy;i++ {
a[i] = make([]uint8, dx) // initialize a slice of dx unit8 in each of dy slices
I think that iterating through each slice to initialize it is too verbose. And if the slice had more dimensions, the code would become unwieldy. Is there a concise way to initialize 2D (or n-dimensional) slices in Go?
There isn't a more concise way, what you did is the "right" way; because slices are always one-dimensional but may be composed to construct higher-dimensional objects. See this question for more details: Go: How is two dimensional array's memory representation.
One thing you can simplify on it is to use the for range construct:
a := make([][]uint8, dy)
for i := range a {
a[i] = make([]uint8, dx)
Also note that if you initialize your slice with a composite literal, you get this for "free", for example:
a := [][]uint8{
{0, 1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 6, 7},
fmt.Println(a) // Output is [[0 1 2 3] [4 5 6 7]]
Yes, this has its limits as seemingly you have to enumerate all the elements; but there are some tricks, namely you don't have to enumerate all values, only the ones that are not the zero values of the element type of the slice. For more details about this, see Keyed items in golang array initialization.
For example if you want a slice where the first 10 elements are zeros, and then follows 1 and 2, it can be created like this:
b := []uint{10: 1, 2}
fmt.Println(b) // Prints [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2]
Also note that if you'd use arrays instead of slices, it can be created very easily:
c := [5][5]uint8{}
Output is:
[[0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0]]
In case of arrays you don't have to iterate over the "outer" array and initialize "inner" arrays, as arrays are not descriptors but values. See blog post Arrays, slices (and strings): The mechanics of 'append' for more details.
Try the examples on the Go Playground.
There are two ways to use slices to create a matrix. Let's take a look at the differences between them.
First method:
matrix := make([][]int, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
matrix[i] = make([]int, m)
Second method:
matrix := make([][]int, n)
rows := make([]int, n*m)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
matrix[i] = rows[i*m : (i+1)*m]
In regards to the first method, making successive make calls doesn't ensure that you will end up with a contiguous matrix, so you may have the matrix divided in memory. Let's think of an example with two Go routines that could cause this:
The routine #0 runs make([][]int, n) to get allocated memory for matrix, getting a piece of memory from 0x000 to 0x07F.
Then, it starts the loop and does the first row make([]int, m), getting from 0x080 to 0x0FF.
In the second iteration it gets preempted by the scheduler.
The scheduler gives the processor to routine #1 and it starts running. This one also uses make (for its own purposes) and gets from 0x100 to 0x17F (right next to the first row of routine #0).
After a while, it gets preempted and routine #0 starts running again.
It does the make([]int, m) corresponding to the second loop iteration and gets from 0x180 to 0x1FF for the second row. At this point, we already got two divided rows.
With the second method, the routine does make([]int, n*m) to get all the matrix allocated in a single slice, ensuring contiguity. After that, a loop is needed to update the matrix pointers to the subslices corresponding to each row.
You can play with the code shown above in the Go Playground to see the difference in the memory assigned by using both methods. Note that I used runtime.Gosched() only with the purpose of yielding the processor and forcing the scheduler to switch to another routine.
Which one to use? Imagine the worst case with the first method, i.e. each row is not next in memory to another row. Then, if your program iterates through the matrix elements (to read or write them), there will probably be more cache misses (hence higher latency) compared to the second method because of worse data locality. On the other hand, with the second method it may not be possible to get a single piece of memory allocated for the matrix, because of memory fragmentation (chunks spread all over the memory), even though theoretically there may be enough free memory for it.
Therefore, unless there's a lot of memory fragmentation and the matrix to be allocated is huge enough, you would always want to use the second method to get advantage of data locality.
With Go 1.18 you get generics.
Here is a function that uses generics to allow to create a 2D slice for any cell type.
func Make2D[T any](n, m int) [][]T {
matrix := make([][]T, n)
rows := make([]T, n*m)
for i, startRow := 0, 0; i < n; i, startRow = i+1, startRow+m {
endRow := startRow + m
matrix[i] = rows[startRow:endRow:endRow]
return matrix
With that function in your toolbox, your code becomes:
a := Make2D[uint8](dy, dx)
You can play with the code on the Go Playground.
Here a consive way to do it:
value := [][]string{}{[]string{}{"A1","A2"}, []string{}{"B1", "B2"}}
PS.: you can change "string" to the type of element you're using in your slice.

Golang BigInt division

I have a problem with function and i don't understand why it happen. The problem is: i have a big number, but when i'm trying to make some operations of division - I have zeros.
The code is:
for {
fmt.Println("number is", number)
// key := number % 10
key := number.Mod(number, big.NewInt(10))
fmt.Println("key", key)
// number = number / 10
first := new(big.Int).Div(number, big.NewInt(10))
fmt.Println("first ", first)
number = first
fmt.Println(number) //number = 0 always as a fisrt variable too
... }
The example of exit is:
number is 6689502913449127057588118054090372586752746333138029810295671352301633557244962989366874165271984981308157637893214090552534408589408121859898481114389650005964960521256960000000000000000000000000000
key 0
first 0
Number is getting on correnctly, Mod operation is seems correctly too. Div operation is not. What the point is? How can i calculate basic divisions of big numbers?
The problem is this line:
key := number.Mod(number, big.NewInt(10))
You call number.Mod() which is Int.Mod() which modifies the receiver which is number, it sets it to the modulus which is 0, so after this number will be zeroed.
You have to use a new big.Int, just as you used for the Div() operation:
key := new(big.Int).Mod(number, big.NewInt(10))
Try it on the Go Playground.
Also note that there is Int.DivMod() which performs both these 2 operations (Div() and Mod()).
Also note that to speed up your loop, you should create and reuse *big.Int values, and not create and throw them away in each iteration. The most trivial is to create and reuse 10:
var ten = big.NewInt(10)
Also create and reuse values for the mod and div results.

What is the fastest way to count all non-zero bytes of a byte slice

I have a byte slice like this:
mbBytes := 1048576
x := make([]byte, 16 * mbBytes)
I'm aware of bytes.Trim(s []byte, cutset string) method that let us slice off all leading and trailing cutset occurrences, but it seems like this method is pretty slow – it takes roughly 80ms to remove all zeros from such slice.
I tried the alternate approach below;
func nonZeroLength(b []byte) int {
a := 0
for _, v := range b {
if v != 0 {
return a
This method is somewhat 8-10x faster than bytes.Trim().
But when slice is filled with a lot of non-zero values – these methods are pretty slow.
Is there any faster algorithm or built-in methods to remove zeros from a byte slice?
As other's pointed out "its true size" and "count all non-zero bytes" are different things, but I'll leave that as terminology.
A fast way to count all non-zero bytes is to use bytes.Count to count the zero bytes and subtract that from the length of the array.
non_zero_count = len(x) - bytes.Count(x, []byte("\x00"))
This is about 10x faster than your function.

In a Go slice, why does s[lo:hi] end at element hi-1? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 1 year ago.
Improve this question
According to the Tour of Go, in a Go slice s, the expression s[lo:hi] evaluates to a slice of the elements from lo through hi-1, inclusive:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
p := []int{0, // slice position 0
10, // slice position 1
20, // slice position 2
30, // slice position 3
40, // slice position 4
50} // slice position 5
fmt.Println(p[0:3]) // => [0 10 20]
In my code example above, "p[0:3]" would seem to intuitively "read" as: "the slice from position 0 to position 3", equating to [0, 10, 20, 30]. But of course, it actually equates to [0 10 20].
So my question is: what is the design rationale for the upper value evaluating to hi-1 rather than simply hi? It feels unintuitive, but there must be some reason for it that I'm missing, and I'm curious what that might be.
Thanks in advance.
This is completely a matter of convention, and there are certainly other ways to do it (for example, Matlab uses arrays whose first index is 1). The choice really comes down to what properties you want. As it turns out, using 0-indexed arrays where slicing is inclusive-exclusive (that is, a slice from a to b includes element a and excludes element b) has some really nice properties, and thus it's a very common choice. Here are a few advantages.
Advantages of 0-indexed arrays and inclusive-exclusive slicing
(note that I'm using non-Go terminology, so I'll talk about arrays in the way that C or Java would talk about them. Arrays are what Go calls slices, and slices are sub-arrays (ie, "the slice from index 1 to index 4"))
Pointer arithmetic works. If you're in a language like C, arrays are really just pointers to the first element in the array. Thus, if you use 0-indexed arrays, then you can say that the element at index i is just the element pointed at by the array pointer plus i. For example, if we have the array [3 2 1] with the address of the array being 10 (and assuming that each value takes up one byte of memory), then the address of the first element is 10 + 0 = 10, the address of the second is 10 + 1 = 11, and so on. In short, it makes the math simple.
The length of a slice is also the place to slice it. That is, for an array arr, arr[0:len(arr)] is just arr itself. This comes in handy a lot in practice. For example, if I call n, _ := r.Read(arr) (where n is the number of bytes read into arr), then I can just do arr[:n] to get the slice of arr corresponding to the data that was actually written into arr.
Indices don't overlap. This means that if I have arr[0:i], arr[i:j], arr[j:k], arr[k:len(arr)], these slices fully cover arr itself. You may not often find yourself partitioning an array into sub-slices like this, but it has a number of related advantages. For example, consider the following code to split an array based on non-consecutive integers:
func consecutiveSlices(ints []int) [][]int {
ret := make([][]int, 0)
i, j := 0, 1
for j < len(ints) {
if ints[j] != ints[j-1] + 1 {
ret = append(ret, ints[i:j])
i = j
ret = append(ret, ints[i:j])
(this code obviously doesn't handle some edge cases well, but you get the idea)
If we were to try to write the equivalent function using inclusive-inclusive slicing, it would be significantly more complicated.
If anyone can think of any more, please feel free to edit this answer and add them.
The Go Programming Language Specification
Slice types
Slice expressions
For a string, array, pointer to array, or slice a, the primary
a[low : high]
constructs a substring or slice. The indices low and high select which
elements of operand a appear in the result. The result has indices
starting at 0 and length equal to high - low.
For convenience, any of the indices may be omitted. A missing low
index defaults to zero; a missing high index defaults to the length of
the sliced operand
For arrays or strings, the indices are in range if 0 <= low <= high <=
len(a), otherwise they are out of range. For slices, the upper index
bound is the slice capacity cap(a) rather than the length. A constant
index must be non-negative and representable by a value of type int;
for arrays or constant strings, constant indices must also be in
range. If both indices are constant, they must satisfy low <= high. If
the indices are out of range at run time, a run-time panic occurs.
For q := p[m:n], q is a slice of p starting at index m for a length of n-m elements.

How to translate Text to Binary with Cocoa?

I'm making a simple Cocoa program that can encode text to binary and decode it back to text. I tried to make this script and I was not even close to accomplishing this. Can anyone help me? This has to include two textboxes and two buttons or whatever is best, Thanks!
There are two parts to this.
The first is to encode the characters of the string into bytes. You do this by sending the string a dataUsingEncoding: message. Which encoding you choose will determine which bytes it gives you for each character. Start with NSUTF8StringEncoding, and then experiment with other encodings, such as NSUnicodeStringEncoding, once you get it working.
The second part is to convert every bit of every byte into either a '0' character or a '1' character, so that, for example, the letter A, encoded in UTF-8 to a single byte, will be represented as 01000001.
So, converting characters to bytes, and converting bytes to characters representing bits. These two are completely separate tasks; the second part should work correctly for any stream of bytes, including any valid stream of encoded characters, any invalid stream of encoded characters, and indeed anything that isn't text at all.
The first part is easy enough:
- (NSString *) stringOfBitsFromEncoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding
ofString:(NSString *)inputString
//Encode the characters to bytes using the UTF-8 encoding. The bytes are contained in an NSData object, which we receive.
NSData *data = [string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
//I did say these were two separate jobs.
return [self stringOfBitsFromData:data];
For the second part, you'll need to loop through the bytes of the data. A C for loop will do the job there, and that will look like this:
//This is the method we're using above. I'll leave out the method signature and let you fill that in.
- …
//Find out how many bytes the data object contains.
NSUInteger length = [data length];
//Get the pointer to those bytes. “const” here means that we promise not to change the values of any of the bytes. (The compiler may give a warning if we don't include this, since we're not allowed to change these bytes anyway.)
const char *bytes = [data bytes];
//We'll store the output here. There are 8 bits per byte, and we'll be putting in one character per bit, so we'll tell NSMutableString that it should make room for (the number of bytes times 8) characters.
NSMutableString *outputString = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:length * 8];
//The loop. We start by initializing i to 0, then increment it (add 1 to it) after each pass. We keep looping as long as i < length; when i >= length, the loop ends.
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
char thisByte = bytes[i];
for (NSUInteger bitNum = 0; bitNum < 8; ++bitNum) {
//Call a function, which I'll show the definition of in a moment, that will get the value of a bit at a given index within a given character.
bool bit = getBitAtIndex(thisByte, bitNum);
//If this bit is a 1, append a '1' character; if it is a 0, append a '0' character.
[outputString appendFormat: #"%c", bit ? '1' : '0'];
return outputString;
Bits 101 (or, 1100101)
Bits are literally just digits in base 2. Humans in the Western world usually write out numbers in base 10, but a number is a number no matter what base it's written in, and every character, and every byte, and indeed every bit, is just a number.
Digits—including bits—are counted up from the lowest place, according to the exponent to which the base is raised to find the magnitude of that place. We want bits, so that base is 2, so our place values are:
2^0 = 1: The ones place (the lowest bit)
2^1 = 2: The twos place (the next higher bit)
2^2 = 4: The fours place
2^3 = 8: The eights place
And so on, up to 2^7. (Note that the highest exponent is exactly one lower than the number of digits we're after; in this case, 7 vs. 8.)
If that all reminds you of reading about “the ones place”, “the tens place”, “the hundreds place”, etc. when you were a kid, it should: it's the exact same principle.
So a byte such as 65, which (in UTF-8) completely represents the character 'A', is the sum of:
2^7 × 0 = 0
+ 2^6 × 0 = 64
+ 2^5 × 1 = 0
+ 2^4 × 0 = 0
+ 2^3 × 0 = 0
+ 2^2 × 0 = 0
+ 2^1 × 0 = 0
+ 2^0 × 1 = 1
= 0 + 64 +0+0+0+0+0 + 1
= 64 + 1
= 65
Back when you learned base 10 numbers as a kid, you probably noticed that ten is “10”, one hundred is “100”, etc. This is true in base 2 as well: as 10^x is “1” followed by x “0”s in base 10, so is 2^x “1” followed by “x” 0s in base 2. So, for example, sixty-four in base 2 is “1000000” (count the zeroes and compare to the table above).
We are going to use these exact-power-of-two numbers to test each bit in each input byte.
Finding the bit
C has a pair of “shift” operators that will insert zeroes or remove digits at the low end of a number. The former is called “shift left”, and is written as <<, and you can guess the opposite.
We want shift left. We want to shift 1 left by the number of the bit we're after. That is exactly equivalent to raising 2 (our base) to the power of that number; for example, 1 << 6 = 2^6 = “1000000”.
Testing the bit
C has an operator for bit testing, too; it's &, the bitwise AND operator. (Do not confuse this with &&, which is the logical AND operator. && is for using whole true/false values in making decisions; & is one of your tools for working with bits within values.)
Strictly speaking, & does not test single bits; it goes through the bits of both input values, and returns a new value whose bits are the bitwise AND of each input pair. So, for example,
& 00101011
Each bit in the output is 1 if and only if both of the corresponding input bits were also 1.
Putting these two things together
We're going to use the shift left operator to give us a number where one bit, the nth bit, is set—i.e., 2^n—and then use the bitwise AND operator to test whether the same bit is also set in our input byte.
//This is a C function that takes a char and an int, promising not to change either one, and returns a bool.
bool getBitAtIndex(const char byte, const int bitNum)
//It could also be a method, which would look like this:
//- (bool) bitAtIndex:(const int)bitNum inByte:(const char)byte
//but you would have to change the code above. (Feel free to try it both ways.)
//Find 2^bitNum, which will be a number with exactly 1 bit set. For example, when bitNum is 6, this number is “1000000”—a single 1 followed by six 0s—in binary.
const int powerOfTwo = 1 << bitNum;
//Test whether the same bit is also set in the input byte.
bool bitIsSet = byte & powerOfTwo;
return bitIsSet;
A bit of magic I should acknowledge
The bitwise AND operator does not evaluate to a single bit—it does not evaluate to only 1 or 0. Remember the above example, in which the & operator returned 33.
The bool type is a bit magic: Any time you convert any value to bool, it automatically becomes either 1 or 0. Anything that is not 0 becomes 1; anything that is 0 becomes 0.
The Objective-C BOOL type does not do this, which is why I used bool in the code above. You are free to use whichever you prefer, except that you generally should use BOOL whenever you deal with anything that expects a BOOL, particularly when overriding methods in subclasses or implementing protocols. You can convert back and forth freely, though not losslessly (since bool will change non-zero values as described above).
Oh yeah, you said something about text boxes too
When the user clicks on your button, get the stringValue of your input field, call stringOfBitsFromEncoding:ofString: using a reasonable encoding (such as UTF-8) and that string, and set the resulting string as the new stringValue of your output field.
Extra credit: Add a pop-up button with which the user can choose an encoding.
Extra extra credit: Populate the pop-up button with all of the available encodings, without hard-coding or hard-nibbing a list.
