I love the APDEX report and I would like to perform some aggregations with the raw statistics results from various runs.
This is the oficial page documentation and I'm interested in the table described as
A Statistics table providing in one table a summary of all metrics per transaction including 3 configurable percentiles
Is there any way to get this data as a raw CSV for post processing?
I'm only able to find this processed data inside the output as JS format. And I'm not aware of any listener generating the same kind of results.
After doing some more RTFM I found that
Jmeter listeners do not store results when executed from command line
jtl file can be post processed to generate other reports
with that there is a plugin called jpgc-synthesis that can do that.
Install it and after the test is run launch it from cmd with something like
C:\jmeter\apache-jmeter-3.2\bin\PluginsManagerCMD.bat --tool Reporter --generate-csv c:\jmeter\aggregateResults.csv --input-jtl c:\jmeter\results.jtl --plugin-type AggregateReport
It has all the requests grouped with those columns in a friendly CSV for post processing
You can use Command-Line Graph Plotting Tool in order to be able to generate various reports and charts out of JMeter .jtl results files
The plugin can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager
Upon successful installation you will see JMeterPluginsCMD.bat and JMeterPluginsCMD.sh scripts under JMeter "bin" folder and you will be able to produce something similar to APDEX report with command-line like:
JMeterPluginsCMD.bat --generate-csv test.csv --input-jtl test.jtl --plugin-type SynthesisReport
I am not able to show the report to the management team in proper format. if you guys have any standared format or global format then please suggest me.
JMeter's .jtl results file is basically a CSV file containing Sampler start time, elapsed time, connect time, whether it was successful or not, and so on, the columns can be chosen via Results File Configuration
So you need to ask your management what form of "report" do they expect and generate tables and charts they're looking for.
Some options you can use fully or partially:
JMeter Listeners which can read the .jtl file, do some calculations/plotting and save the output in form of CSV or PNG files
JMeter Plugins Command Line Tool which does the same but provides possibility of automation and some extra charts on top
Graphs Generator Listener
It's possible to generate HTML Reporting Dashboard out of the .jtl results file
There is BlazeMeter Uploader plugin (can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager) which uploads your test results to BlazeMeter and you can export a management-friendly report from there
And last but not the least you can use MS Excel or equivalent to produce whatever output you want
JMeter produces detailed report as dashboard but I would like to create my own summary as a simple HTML page with relevant execution parameters and few samplers statistics in a table. As a global summary, this generation may be triggered once at the end of test plan execution.
Inspired from JMeter JSR223 Listener for ExtentReports needs improvement it looks like possible to integrate such report generation as a JSR223 listener.
If such a listener is the correct option, how to retrieve (or compute again) samplers statistics already available in Aggregate Report listener like count, avarage, min, max, percentil?
Any alternative way is welcomed too. Many thanks in advance
You can generate a CSV version of the Aggregate Report using JMeter Plugins Command Line Tool like:
JMeterPluginsCMD.bat --generate-csv AggregateReport.csv --input-jtl /path/to/your/test/result.jtl --plugin-type AggregateReport
Then you can create a simple HTML page from it using i.e. CSV to HTML Table project or the same FreeMarker engine which JMeter uses for the HTML Reporting Dashboard
We are using Jmeter for non-regression testing. We want a report with all samplers listed, in the order they ran, and with succes or fail. If fail, we want it to list the reason (which asserts failed and why).
This is the behavior we were getting with old Jmeter using a view result tree outputting to a xml file, and then using the XSL Jmeter transform to create a html report.
In the new report framework, I have not been able to find a way to reproduce this. All types of reports seems to do aggregations.
This is something which is available in JMeter out of the box for quite a while.
Given the following test structure and the results in the View Results Tree listener:
Given you run your JMeter test in command-line non-GUI mode like:
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l result.csv
Once test finishes you can open the result.csv file using LibreOffice Calc or Microsoft Excel or equivalent and you will be able to see all the requests in the order in which they were executed with success status, assertion failure message (if present) and other JMeter metrics
You can control which metrics to store in the .jtl results file by amending properties responsible for the Results file configuration
I have done a test JMeter and am able to get results.csv or result.jtl.
How do I load it into JMeter from the GUI and command line?
What do you mean by "load"? You have the results, now you need to analyze them. It can be done in different ways depending on how you plan to represent results and what metrics do you need to report, for example:
Using Microsoft Excel or equivalent like Libre Office Calc
Using JMeter GUI:
Open JMeter GUI
Add Listener of your choice to the Test Plan (for example Aggregate Report is quite good)
Using "Browse" button locate your results file and load it
JMeter will parse the results file, perform necessary calculations and display the metrics. If you need you can click "Save Table Data" to export the results for later re-use
You can plot some charts reflecting the test metrics using Graphs Generator Listener
You can generate HTML Reporting Dashboard like:
jmeter -g your_result_file.jtl -o /where/you/want/the/dashboard/to/be/generated
You can use a 3rd-party analysis service like JAnalyzer or BM.Sense
You need to add listener to create jtl and result files.
Write in listener filename: results.csv
I have a JMeter test plan which is running two thread groups, with each thread group containing a controller and HTTP cookie manager. The controller is a custom controller, but I don't think this should affect JMeter's output.
Outside the two thread groups, I have an Aggregate Report component. Here is a screenshot of my TestPlan:
If I run the test in GUI mode, as you would expect, the Aggregate Report creates an.... aggregate report. That is, the results are aggregated on my test/sample labels, and I get one row for each test, and a range of attributes, as below:
I also have configured this Aggregate Report component to output to a file, by entering a filename in the "Filename" section, and pressing the "Configure" button and checking the attributes I'd like to be output (I've kept it simple for now with just the label, elapsed time and response code).
When I run my test from non-gui mode, this output file is the only way to view the results. However, the output file is rather useless and it does not aggregate the results, but instead gives me output similar to the usual jtl output, i.e. it doesn't aggregate the results at all. Pretty useless. Here is the top few lines of my output file, you can clearly see they are not aggregated:
So, the obvious question, am I doing something wrong here? Why is my aggregate report output not an aggregate report? Surely JMeter has a way for producing aggregate output in non-gui mode, without me adding any plug-in or extensions. For the record I need to script this process at some point, so opening a JTL in gui mode is not acceptable, I need this entire process to occur within non-gui JMeter and scripts.
The values you see in the Aggregate Report GUI are calculated from the raw data which is stored in the .jtl file.
If you need to make the process unattended, depending on metrics you need to obtain here are the options:
Since JMeter 3.0 there is a HTML Reporting Dashboard which contains some tables and charts. You can either generate a dashboard from existing results file or make it a part of your test. See Generating Reports chapter for the relevant commands.
Another way to get basic HTML report is running JMeter via Ant Task or Maven Plugin - in both cases you'll get test output like:
See Five Ways To Launch a JMeter Test without Using the JMeter GUI guide for details on configuring a JMeter test run through Ant and/or Maven. There is a number of pre-defined .xsl stylesheets in "extras" folder, you can take whatever you like and customize if needed.
You can also consider running your JMeter test via Taurus tool, it provides interactive console and web-based reporting and has few more options to export test results.