I'm trying to find a good method to consume asynchronously from an input queue, process the content using several workers and then publish to an output queue. So far I've tried a number of examples, most recently using the code from here and here as inspiration.
My current code doesn't appear to be doing what it should be however, increasing the number of workers doesn't increase performance (msg/s consumed or published) and the number of goroutines remains fairly static whilst running.
func main() {
maxWorkers := 10
// channel for jobs
in := make(chan []byte)
out := make(chan []byte)
// start workers
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for i := 1; i <= maxWorkers; i++ {
defer wg.Done()
go processor(in, out)
// add jobs
go collector(in)
go sender(out)
// wait for workers to complete
The collector is basically the example from the RabbitMQ site with a goroutine that collects messages from the queue and places them on the 'in' channel:
forever := make(chan bool)
go func() {
for d := range msgs {
in <- d.Body
log.Printf("[*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C")
The processor receives an 'in' and 'out' channel, unmarshals JSON, performs a series of regexes and then places the output into the 'out' channel:
func processor(in chan []byte, out chan []byte) {
var (
// list of regexes declared here
for {
body := <-in
jsonIn := &Data{}
err := json.Unmarshal(body, jsonIn)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Failed to decode:", err)
content := jsonIn.Content
//process regexes using:
//jsonIn.a = r1.FindAllString(content, -1)
jsonOut, _ := json.Marshal(jsonIn)
out <- jsonOut
And finally the sender is simply the code from the RabbitMQ site, setting up a connection, reading from the 'out' channel and then publishing to a RMQ queue:
for {
jsonOut := <-out
err = ch.Publish(
"", // exchange
q.Name, // routing key
false, // mandatory
DeliveryMode: amqp.Persistent,
ContentType: "text/json",
Body: []byte(jsonOut),
failOnError(err, "Failed to publish a message")
This is a pattern that I'll be using quite a lot, so I'm spending a lot of time trying to find something that works correctly (and well) - any advice or help would be appreciated (and in case it isn't obvious, I'm new to Go).
There are a couple of things that jump out:
Done within main function
for i := 1; i <= maxWorkers; i++ {
defer wg.Done()
go processor(in, out)
The defer here is executed when main returns so it's not actually indicating when processing is complete. I don't think this'll have an effect on the performance profile of your program though.
To address this you could pass in wg *sync.WaitGroup to your processor so your processor can indicate when it's done.
CPU Bound Processing
Parsing messages and performing Regex is a cpu intensive workload. How many cores is your machine? How is throughput affected if you run your program on two separate machines, does throughput 2x? What if you double your amount of cores? What about running your program with 1 worker vs 2 processor workers? does that double throughput? Are you maxing out your rabbitmq local instance? is it the bottleneck??
Setting up benchmarking and load testing harnesses should allow you to setup experiments to see where your bottle necks are :)
For queue based services it's pretty easy to setup a test harness to fill rabbitmq with a set backlog and benchmark how fast you can process those messages, or to setup a load generator to send x messages/second to rabbitmq and observe if you can keep up.
Does rabbitmq have good visibility into message processing throughput? If not I frequently add a counter to go code and then log the overall averaged throughput on an interval to get a rough idea of performance:
start := time.Now()
updateInterval := time.Tick(1 * time.Second)
numIn := 0
for {
select {
case <-updateInterval:
log.Infof("IN - Count: %d", numIn)
log.Infof("IN - Througput: %.0f events/second",
case e := <-msgs:
in <- d.Body
Suppose you have a basic toy system that finds and processes all files in a directory (for some definition of "processes"). A basic diagram of how it operates could look like:
If this were a real-world distributed system, the "arrows" could actually be unbounded queues, and then it just works.
In a self-contained go application, it's tempting to model the "arrows" as channels. However, due to the self-referential nature of "generating more work by needing to list subdirectories", it's easy to see that a naive implementation would deadlock. For example (untested, forgive compile errors):
func ListDirWorker(dirs, files chan string) {
for dir := range dirs {
for _, path := range ListDir(dir) {
if isDir(path) {
dirs <- path
} else {
files <- path
If we imagine we've configured just a single List worker, all it takes is for a directory to have two subdirectories to basically deadlock this thing.
My brain wants there to be "unbounded channels" in golang, but the creators don't want that. What's the correct idiomatic way to model this stuff? I imagine there's something simpler than implementing a thread-safe queue and using that instead of channels. :)
Had a very similar problem to solve. Needed:
finite number of recursive workers (bounded parallelism)
content.Context for early cancelations (enforce timeout limits etc.)
partial results (some goroutines hit errors while others did not)
crawl completion (worker clean-up etc.) via recursive depth tracking
Below I describe the problem and the gist of the solution I arrived at
Problem: scrape a HR LDAP directory with no pagination support. Server-side limits also precluded bulk queries greater than 100K records. Needed small queries to work around these limitations. So recursively navigated the tree from the top (CEO) - listing employees (nodes) and recursing on managers (branches).
To avoid deadlocks - a single workItem channel was used not only by workers to read (get) work, but also to write (delegate) to other idle workers. This approach allowed for fast worker saturation.
Note: not included here, but worth adding, is to use a common API rate-limiter to avoid multiple workers collectively abusing/exceeding any server-side API rate limits.
To start the crawl, create the workers and return a results channel and an error channel. Some notes:
c.in the workItem channel must be unbuffered for delegation to work (more on this later)
c.rwg tracks collective recursion depth for all worker. When it reaches zero, all recursion is done and the crawl is complete
func (c *Crawler) Crawl(ctx context.Context, root Branch, workers int) (<-chan Result, <-chan error) {
errC := make(chan error, 1)
c.rwg = sync.WaitGroup{} // recursion depth waitgroup (to determine when all workers are done)
c.rwg.Add(1) // add to waitgroups *BEFORE* starting workers
c.in = make(chan workItem) // input channel: shared by all workers (to read from and also to write to when they need to delegate)
c.out = make(chan Result) // output channel: where all workers write their results
go func() {
workerErrC := c.createWorkers(ctx, workers)
c.in <- workItem{
branch: root, // initial place to start crawl
for err := range workerErrC {
if err != nil {
// tally for partial results - or abort on first error (see werr)
// summarize crawl success/failure via a single write to errC
errC <- werr // nil, partial results, aborted early etc.
return c.out, errC
Create a finite number of individual workers. The returned error channel receives an error for each individual worker:
func (c *Crawler) createWorkers(ctx context.Context, workers int) (<-chan error) {
errC := make(chan error)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
i := i
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
var err error
defer func() {
errC <- err
conn := Dial("somewhere:8080") // worker prep goes here (open network connect etc.)
for workItem := range c.in {
err = c.recurse(ctx, i+1, conn, workItem)
if err != nil {
go func() {
c.rwg.Wait() // wait for all recursion to finish ...
close(c.in) // ... so safe to close input channel ...
wg.Wait() // ... wait for all workers to complete ...
close(errC) // .. finally signal to caller we're truly done
return errC
recurse logic:
for any potentially blocking channel write, always check the ctx for cancelation, so we can abort early
c.in is deliberately unbuffered to ensure delegation works (see final note)
func (c *Crawler) recurse(ctx context.Context, workID int, conn *net.Conn, wi workItem) error {
defer c.rwg.Done() // decrement recursion count
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err() // canceled/timeout etc.
case c.out <- Result{ /* Item: wi.. */}: // write to results channel (manager or employee)
items, err := getItems(conn) // WORKER CODE (e.g. get manager employees etc.)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, i := range items {
// leaf case
if i.IsLeaf() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case c.out <- Result{ Item: i.Leaf }:
// branch case
wi := workItem{
branch: i.Branch,
c.rwg.Add(1) // about to recurse (or delegate-recursion)
select {
case c.in <- wi:
// delegated to another worker!
case <-ctx.Done(): // context canceled...
c.rwg.Done() // ... so undo above `c.rwg.Add(1)`
return ctx.Err()
// no-one to delegated to (all busy) - so this worker will keep working
err = c.recurse(ctx, workID, conn, wi)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
Delegation is key:
if a worker successfully writes to the worker channel, then it knows work has been delegated to another worker.
if it cannot, then the worker knows all workers are busy working (i.e. not waiting on work items) - and so it must recurse itself
So one gets both the benefits of recursion, but also leveraging a fixed-sized worker pool.
I have this snippet of code which concurrently runs a function using an input and output channel and associated WaitGroups, but I was clued in to the fact that I've done some things wrong. Here's the code:
func main() {
concurrency := 50
var tasksWG sync.WaitGroup
tasks := make(chan string)
output := make(chan string)
for i := 0; i < concurrency; i++ {
// evidentally because I'm processing tasks in a groutine then I'm not blocking and I end up closing the tasks channel almost immediately and stopping tasks from executing
go func() {
for t := range tasks {
output <- process(t)
var outputWG sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
for o := range output {
go func() {
// because of what was mentioned in the previous comment, the tasks wait group finishes almost immediately which then closes the output channel almost immediately as well which ends ranging over output early
f, err := os.Open(os.Args[1])
if err != nil {
s := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for s.Scan() {
tasks <- s.Text()
// and finally the output wait group finishes almost immediately as well because tasks gets closed right away due to my improper use of goroutines
func process(t string) string {
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
return t
I've indicated in the comments where I've implementing things wrong. Now these comments make sense to me. The funny thing is that this code does indeed seem to run asynchronously and dramatically speeds up execution. I want to understand what I've done wrong but it's hard to wrap my head around it when the code seems to execute in an asynchronous way. I'd love to understand this better.
Your main goroutine is doing a couple of things sequentially and others concurrently, so I think your order of execution is off
f, err := os.Open(os.Args[1])
if err != nil {
s := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for s.Scan() {
tasks <- s.Text()
Shouldn't you move this up top? So then you have values sent to tasks
THEN have your loop which ranges over tasks 50 times in the concurrency named for loop (you want to have something in tasks before calling code that ranges over it)
go func() {
// because of what was mentioned in the previous comment, the tasks wait group finishes almost immediately which then closes the output channel almost immediately as well which ends ranging over output early
The logic here is confusing me, you're spawning a goroutine to wait on the waitgroup, so here the wait is nonblocking on the main goroutine - is that what you want to do? It won't wait for tasksWG to be decremented to zero inside main, it'll do that inside the goroutine that you've created. I don't believe you want to do that?
It might be easier to debug if you could give more details on the expected output?
I am trying to parallelize a recursive problem in Go, and I am unsure what the best way to do this is.
I have a recursive function, which works like this:
func recFunc(input string) (result []string) {
for subInput := range getSubInputs(input) {
subOutput := recFunc(subInput)
result = result.append(result, subOutput...)
result = result.append(result, getOutput(input)...)
func main() {
output := recFunc("some_input")
So the function calls itself N times (where N is 0 at some level), generates its own output and returns everything in a list.
Now I want to make this function run in parallel. But I am unsure what the cleanest way to do this is. My Idea:
Have a "result" channel, to which all function calls send their result.
Collect the results in the main function.
Have a wait group, which determines when all results are collected.
The Problem: I need to wait for the wait group and collect all results in parallel. I can start a separate go function for this, but how do I ever quit this separate go function?
func recFunc(input string) (result []string, outputChannel chan []string, waitGroup &sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitGroup.Done()
for subInput := range getSubInputs(input) {
go recFunc(subInput)
outputChannel <-getOutput(input)
func main() {
outputChannel := make(chan []string)
waitGroup := sync.WaitGroup{}
go recFunc("some_input", outputChannel, &waitGroup)
result := []string{}
go func() {
nextResult := <- outputChannel
result = append(result, nextResult ...)
Maybe there is a better way to do this? Or how can I ensure the anonymous go function, that collects the results, is quited when done?
recursive algorithms should have bounded limits on expensive resources (network connections, goroutines, stack space etc.)
cancelation should be supported - to ensure expensive operations can be cleaned up quickly if a result is no longer needed
branch traversal should support error reporting; this allows errors to bubble up the stack & partial results to be returned without the entire recursion traversal to fail.
For asychronous results - whether using recursions or not - use of channels is recommended. Also, for long running jobs with many goroutines, provide a method for cancelation (context.Context) to aid with clean-up.
Since recursion can lead to exponential consumption of resources it's important to put limits in place (see bounded parallelism).
Below is a design patten I use a lot for asynchronous tasks:
always support taking a context.Context for cancelation
number of workers needed for the task
return a chan of results & a chan error (will only return one error or nil)
var (
workers = 10
ctx = context.TODO() // use request context here - otherwise context.Background()
input = "abc"
resultC, errC := recJob(ctx, workers, input) // returns results & `error` channels
// asynchronous results - so read that channel first in the event of partial results ...
for r := range resultC {
// ... then check for any errors
if err := <-errC; err != nil {
Since recursion quickly scales horizontally, one needs a consistent way to fill the finite list of workers with work but also ensure when workers are freed up, that they quickly pick up work from other (over-worked) workers.
Rather than create a manager layer, employ a cooperative peer system of workers:
each worker shares a single inputs channel
before recursing on inputs (subIinputs) check if any other workers are idle
if so, delegate to that worker
if not, current worker continues recursing that branch
With this algorithm, the finite count of workers quickly become saturated with work. Any workers which finish early with their branch - will quickly be delegated a sub-branch from another worker. Eventually all workers will run out of sub-branches, at which point all workers will be idled (blocked) and the recursion task can finish up.
Some careful coordination is needed to achieve this. Allowing the workers to write to the input channel helps with this peer coordination via delegation. A "recursion depth" WaitGroup is used to track when all branches have been exhausted across all workers.
(To include context support and error chaining - I updated your getSubInputs function to take a ctx and return an optional error):
func recFunc(ctx context.Context, input string, in chan string, out chan<- string, rwg *sync.WaitGroup) error {
defer rwg.Done() // decrement recursion count when a depth of recursion has completed
subInputs, err := getSubInputs(ctx, input)
if err != nil {
return err
for subInput := range subInputs {
rwg.Add(1) // about to recurse (or delegate recursion)
select {
case in <- subInput:
// delegated - to another goroutine
case <-ctx.Done():
// context canceled...
// but first we need to undo the earlier `rwg.Add(1)`
// as this work item was never delegated or handled by this worker
return ctx.Err()
// noone available to delegate - so this worker will need to recurse this item themselves
err = recFunc(ctx, subInput, in, out, rwg)
if err != nil {
return err
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// always check context when doing anything potentially blocking (in this case writing to `out`)
// context canceled
return ctx.Err()
case out <- subInput:
return nil
Connecting the Pieces:
recJob creates:
input & output channels - shared by all workers
"recursion" WaitGroup detects when all workers are idle
"output" channel can then safely be closed
error channel for all workers
kicks-off recursion workload by writing initial input to input channel
func recJob(ctx context.Context, workers int, input string) (resultsC <-chan string, errC <-chan error) {
// RW channels
out := make(chan string)
eC := make(chan error, 1)
// R-only channels returned to caller
resultsC, errC = out, eC
// create workers + waitgroup logic
go func() {
var err error // error that will be returned to call via error channel
defer func() {
eC <- err
var wg sync.WaitGroup
in := make(chan string) // input channel: shared by all workers (to read from and also to write to when they need to delegate)
workerErrC := createWorkers(ctx, workers, in, out, &wg)
// get the ball rolling, pass input job to one of the workers
// Note: must be done *after* workers are created - otherwise deadlock
in <- input
errCount := 0
// wait for all worker error codes to return
for err2 := range workerErrC {
if err2 != nil {
log.Println("worker error:", err2)
// all workers have completed
if errCount > 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("PARTIAL RESULT: %d of %d workers encountered errors", errCount, workers)
log.Printf("All %d workers have FINISHED\n", workers)
Finally, create the workers:
func createWorkers(ctx context.Context, workers int, in chan string, out chan<- string, rwg *sync.WaitGroup) (errC <-chan error) {
eC := make(chan error) // RW-version
errC = eC // RO-version (returned to caller)
// track the completeness of the workers - so we know when to wrap up
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
i := i
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
var err error
// ensure the current worker's return code gets returned
// via the common workers' error-channel
defer func() {
if err != nil {
log.Printf("worker #%3d ERRORED: %s\n", i+1, err)
} else {
log.Printf("worker #%3d FINISHED.\n", i+1)
eC <- err
log.Printf("worker #%3d STARTED successfully\n", i+1)
// worker scans for input
for input := range in {
err = recFunc(ctx, input, in, out, rwg)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("worker #%3d recurseManagers ERROR: %s\n", i+1, err)
go func() {
rwg.Wait() // wait for all recursion to finish
close(in) // safe to close input channel as all workers are blocked (i.e. no new inputs)
wg.Wait() // now wait for all workers to return
close(eC) // finally, signal to caller we're truly done by closing workers' error-channel
I can start a separate go function for this, but how do I ever quit this separate go function?
You can range over the output channel in the separate go-routine. The go-routine, in that case, will exit safely, when the channel is closed
go func() {
for nextResult := range outputChannel {
result = append(result, nextResult ...)
So, now the thing that we need to take care of is that the channel is closed after all the go-routines spawned as part of the recursive function call have successfully existed
For that, you can use a shared waitgroup across all the go-routines and wait on that waitgroup in your main function, as you are already doing. Once the wait is over, close the outputChannel, so that the other go-routine also exits safely
func recFunc(input string, outputChannel chan, wg &sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for subInput := range getSubInputs(input) {
go recFunc(subInput)
outputChannel <-getOutput(input)
func main() {
outputChannel := make(chan []string)
waitGroup := sync.WaitGroup{}
go recFunc("some_input", outputChannel, &waitGroup)
result := []string{}
go func() {
for nextResult := range outputChannel {
result = append(result, nextResult ...)
PS: If you want to have bounded parallelism to limit the exponential growth, check this out
I've been attempting to take a swing at concurrency in Golang by refactoring one of my command-line utilities over the past few days, but I'm stuck.
Here's the original code (master branch).
Here's the branch with concurrency (x_concurrent branch).
When I execute the concurrent code with go run jira_open_comment_emailer.go, the defer wg.Done() never executes if the JIRA issue is added to the channel here, which causes my wg.Wait() to hang forever.
The idea is that I have a large amount of JIRA issues, and I want to spin off a goroutine for each one to see if it has a comment I need to respond to. If it does, I want to add it to some structure (I chose a channel after some research) that I can read from like a queue later to build up an email reminder.
Here's the relevant section of the code:
// Given an issue, determine if it has an open comment
// Returns true if there is an open comment on the issue, otherwise false
func getAndProcessComments(issue Issue, channel chan<- Issue, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
// Decrement the wait counter when the function returns
defer wg.Done()
needsReply := false
// Loop over the comments in the issue
for _, comment := range issue.Fields.Comment.Comments {
commentMatched, err := regexp.MatchString("~"+config.JIRAUsername, comment.Body)
checkError("Failed to regex match against comment body", err)
if commentMatched {
needsReply = true
if comment.Author.Name == config.JIRAUsername {
needsReply = false
// Only add the issue to the channel if it needs a reply
if needsReply == true {
// This never allows the defered wg.Done() to execute?
channel <- issue
func main() {
start := time.Now()
// This retrieves all issues in a search from JIRA
allIssues := getFullIssueList()
// Initialize a wait group
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Set the number of waits to the number of issues to process
// Create a channel to store issues that need a reply
channel := make(chan Issue)
for _, issue := range allIssues {
go getAndProcessComments(issue, channel, &wg)
// Block until all of my goroutines have processed their issues.
// Only send an email if the channel has one or more issues
if len(channel) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Script ran in %s", time.Since(start))
The goroutines block on sending to the unbuffered channel.
A minimal change unblocks the goroutines is to create a buffered channel with capacity for all issues:
channel := make(chan Issue, len(allIssues))
and close the channel after the call to wg.Wait().
Given a (partially) filled buffered channel in Go
ch := make(chan *MassiveStruct, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
ch <- NewMassiveStruct()
is it advisable to also drain the channel when closing it (by the writer) in case it is unknown when readers are going read from it (e.g. there is a limited number of those and they are currently busy)? That is
for range ch {}
Is such a loop guaranteed to end if there are other concurrent readers on the channel?
Context: a queue service with a fixed number of workers, which should drop processing anything queued when the service is going down (but not necessarily being GCed right after). So I am closing to indicate to the workers that the service is being terminated. I could drain the remaining "queue" immediately letting the GC free the resources allocated, I could read and ignore the values in the workers and I could leave the channel as is running down the readers and setting the channel to nil in the writer so that the GC cleans up everything. I am not sure which is the cleanest way.
It depends on your program, but generally speaking I would tend to say no (you don't need to clear the channel before closing it): if there is items in your channel when you close it, any reader still reading from the channel will receive the items until the channel is emtpy.
Here is an example:
package main
import (
func main() {
var ch = make(chan int, 5)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for range make([]struct{}, 2) {
go func() {
for i := range ch {
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
ch <- i
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
Here, the program will output all the items, despite the fact that the channel is closed strictly before any reader can even read from the channel.
There are better ways to achieve what you're trying to achieve. Your current approach can just lead to throwing away some records, and processing other records randomly (since the draining loop is racing all the consumers). That doesn't really address the goal.
What you want is cancellation. Here's an example from Go Concurrency Patterns: Pipelines and cancellation
func sq(done <-chan struct{}, in <-chan int) <-chan int {
out := make(chan int)
go func() {
defer close(out)
for n := range in {
select {
case out <- n * n:
case <-done:
return out
You pass a done channel to all the goroutines, and you close it when you want them all to stop processing. If you do this a lot, you may find the golang.org/x/net/context package useful, which formalizes this pattern, and adds some extra features (like timeout).
I feel that the supplied answers actually do not clarify much apart from the hints that neither drain nor closing is needed. As such the following solution for the described context looks clean to me that terminates the workers and removes all references to them or the channel in question, thus, letting the GC to clean up the channel and its content:
type worker struct {
submitted chan Task
stop chan bool
p *Processor
// executed in a goroutine
func (w *worker) run() {
for {
select {
case task := <-w.submitted:
if err := task.Execute(w.p); err != nil {
case <-w.stop:
logger.Warn("Worker stopped")
func (p *Processor) Stop() {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&p.status, running, stopped) {
for _, w := range p.workers {
w.stop <- true
// GC all workers as soon as goroutines stop
p.workers = nil
// GC all published data when workers terminate
p.submitted = nil
// no need to do the following above:
// close(p.submitted)
// for range p.submitted {}