How to set form data for a Joomla subform? - joomla

I'm trying to create a Joomla (3.x) component and struggling with using subforms. There doesn't seem to be much documentation for using subforms besides e.g.
For my component I have one parent table and some associated database rows from a child table.
The idea is to display an edit form for that parent table using Joomla's XML syntax for forms and in that edit form also display a subform with multiple items (the associated rows from the child table).
I would like to be able to modify the parent table fields but also in one go the associated child table rows (of course one could just edit each row associated to the parent table individually but I'm guessing that would be a terrible user experience). Or am I approaching this thing the wrong way?
Now, I know how to implement/show a subform and also know how to show the parent table fields and populate those fields with the right data. But how do I populate or refer to the subform using the parent form?
I have this function inside my component model (which inherits from JModelAdmin).
protected function loadFormData()
$data = JFactory::getApplication()->getUserState('', array());
if (empty($data))
$data = $this->getItem();
// how to refer to subform fields inside $data?
return $data;
I know if a field is called name or title I can just change the $data object after $this->getItem(), e.g. $this->set('name', 'John Doe').
Let's say the field of type subform has a name attribute of books and I wanted to insert one or more rows, how would I refer to it? I've tried dot syntax in various forms, e.g.: $data->set('books.1.childfield') or $data->set('books.pages1.childfield'). But it doesn't seem to refer to the right form.
There is of course getForm function in the same model file, however I do not think a subform should be loaded independently of the containing parent form?
public function getForm($data = array(), $loadData = true)
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$form = $this->loadForm('com_mycomp.parent', 'parent', array('control' => 'jform', 'load_data' => $loadData));
if (empty($form))
return false;
return $form;
Already answered my own question.

Never mind. I figured it out after taking a break for some time and trying again (inspecting the form inputs again and taking a deep breath).
This is the format used:
'nameofsubformfield0' => [
'fieldwithinsubform' => 'value-of-field-within-subform'
This seems to work! I'm using this within getItem function now. Just have to loop and put loop counter in place of the zero after nameofsubformfield. See code below for some context (function resides in parent model).
public function getItem($pk = null)
$data = parent::getItem((int)$pk);
if (empty($data))
return false;
$childModel = JModelLegacy::getInstance('child', 'MycompModel');
$rowChildren = $childModel->getChildrenByParentID((int)$data->get('id'));
$childArray = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($rowChildren); $i++)
$childArray['children'. $i] = [
'name' => $rowChildren[$i]['name']
$data->set('children', $childArray);
return $data;


Laravel single blade file used for create and show

Is it possible and recommended that I have one lets say form.blade.php with html form file used for create new data and show existing data by ID.
I want to create this becouse file for insert and dispaly is the some. I want to avoid DRY.
Example: I have product categories, when I create a new category I need create.blade.php a file containing an html form. Now I want to use that same file to display the details of that category that will populate the fields in the fields by the given ID
// Create
public function create()
return view('admin.category.form');
// Show
public function show(Category $category)
$category = Category::find($category);
return view('admin.category.form', [
'category' => $category
Or is it better to make a separate file for insert and separet file for show?
I read somewhere when you want to use same blade file then you can write in your create method as
public function create()
return view('admin.category.form',[
'category' => new Category()

How to compare two objects and get different columns in Laravel

I have two objects of the same record which I am getting from the database. One is before the update, and the other is after the update. I want to know the column values which are changed during this update query.
$before_update = DeliveryRun::find($id);
$before_update->name = $request->input('name');
$after_update = DeliveryRun::find($id);
compare($before_update, $after_update)
I would define a method on your DeliveryRun model which can be used to compare objects of the same type.
Lets say we want to be able to do something like $deliveryRun->compareTo($otherDeliveryRun). That seems like a nice fluid syntax and reads well in my opinion.
What we want to do is get the attributes and their values for the DeliveryRun we're calling compareTo on and then compare them against the attributes and values for the DeliveryRun we provide as an arguement to the compareTo method.
class DeliveryRun extends Model
public function compareTo(DeliveryRun $other)
$attributes = collect($this->getAttributes())
->map(function ($attribute, $key) use ($other) {
if ($attribute != $other->$key) {
return $key = $attribute;
})->reject(function ($attribute, $key) {
return !$attribute || in_array($key, ['id', 'created_at', 'updated_at']);
return $attributes;
The above gets the attributes for the current ($this) DeliveryRun, converts the array returned from getAttributes() to a collection so we can use the map() function and then loops over each attribute on the DeliveryRun model comparing the key and value of each against the $other DeliveryRun model provided.
The reject() call is used to remove attributes which are the same and some attribute keys which you might not be interested in leaving you just the attributes that have changed.
I am saving object in other variable before update $before_update = $delivery_run; but after update $before_update variable I also gets updated
If I am understanding you correctly, you're still comparing the same object to itself. Try something like the following.
$before = clone $delivery_run; // use clone to force a copy
$delivery_run->name = 'something';
$difference = $before->compareTo($delivery_run);
I would consider using getChanges() as suggested by #Clément Baconnier if all you're doing is looking to get the changes of an object straight after the object has been saved/updated.

How to create data into junction table many to many relationship without create data into the junction point to

It inserts both table inside tags and tagables, what i want is just to insert into tagables ( junction ) table. Cause before it insert into tagables, theres code to check first if tag will insert into tags table already exist or not, if exist just grab the id. To make it simple to my problem. i just don't include code to check if tags is exist or not.
post model
public function tags(){ return $this->morphToMany( Tag::class, 'tagable', 'tagables', null, 'tag_id ); }
post controller
// tags table theres a row id 1 with name greeting
$post = Post::create( ['body' => 'Hello World'] );
$post->tags()->create( ['tag_id' => 1] );
// posts table
// tags table
//tagables table
I think the simplest way do this to start by creating the tag with the eloquent method 'firstOrCreate', and then when you already have a new tag or existing tag you can add this tag to a new Post. The code may look like something like this:
class Tag extends Model
protected $guarded = [];
public function posts()
return $this->morphedByMany(Post::class, 'taggable');
$tag = Tag::firstOrCreate(
['tag_name' => 'traveling'],
$post = $tag->posts()->create([
'body' => 'My new interesting post',

Populating $attributes with values from the previous model?

I've got a Laravel project (actually a Laravel Nova project) that involves entering a lot of data. To save some time I'd like to pre-fill some of the fields in my form, based on the logged in user's last entry.
I can pre-fill fields via the $attributes variable on my model, called Product, like so:
protected $attributes = [
'category' => 'ABC'
And I can do this for more dynamic data in the constructor like so:
function __construct() {
$this->attributes['category'] = Str::random();
But I'm not quite sure how I'd go about this when I want to retrieve what the user entered last time. For example, I'd like to do this:
function __construct() {
$user = auth()->user()->id;
$last = Product::where('created_by', $user)->latest()->first();
$this->attributes['category'] = $last['category'] ?? null;
However that ends up in an infinite loop. Same if I call $this->where('created_by' ...
Is there a way I can set $attributes of a new Product based on the last Product created by the user?
Nova fields have resolveUsing method, so in your case if you want to populate Text field:
Text::make('Category')->resolveUsing(function () {
return optional(auth()->user()->products()->latest()->first())->category;
I found the solution in the Nova Defaultable package.
Once you add the necessary traits, you can just add ->defaultLast() to a resource field and it'll default to the last set value. This also works for relationships which is perfect for my use case.

Querying database with select2 based on selection from previous select2

I'm working on a symfony project (using Doctrine as well) and I'd like to implement a staggered search on one of the pages, per example:
User searches for an author in the first select2 box (which is pulling data from DB via Ajax), and once an item is selected, there is a second select2 box called title, which I would like to display only titles belonging to the selected author.
Here's the controller side code (both Ajax and controller) for the initial box. Any ideas how I could construct the query for the second select2?
The part that related to the initial select2 that queries the DB for the results and autosuggested items:
public function searchAjaxAuthorAction()
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$term = $this->get('request')->query->get('term');
$limit = $this->get('request')->query->get('page_limit', 1);
$rep = $em->getRepository('StephenPersianArtBundle:Main');
$entities = $rep->createQueryBuilder('m')
->where('m.orig_author LIKE ?1')
->orderBy('m.orig_author', 'ASC')
$entities = $rep->createQueryBuilder('m')
$entities = $entities->execute();
$resultset = array();
foreach($entities as $entity){
$resultset[] = array(
//'id' => $entity->getId(),
'id' => $entity->getOrigAuthor(),
'text' => $entity->getOrigAuthor()
$return = json_encode($resultset);//jscon encode the array
return new Response($return,200,array('Content-Type'=>'application/json'));
There's also another part related to this that basically loads data into a table based on the item selected in the select2, but I don't consider this relevant for the issue I'm having as all this is happening before the final query is completed.
Any help will be much appreciated!
