Can I create gradle task in plugin with dependsOn parameter? - gradle

I'm creating a gradle plugin as below
class MyPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project project) {
project.extensions.create('testCoverageVerificationTask', TestCoverageVerificationPluginExtension)
project.tasks.create('testCoverageVerification', TestCoverageVerificationTask)
And to use it, I need to add these to my build.gradle
apply plugin: my.package.MyPlugin
testCoverageVerificationTask {
myreport = "testing report"
testCoverageVerification.dependsOn "myDependentTask"
However, I'm thinking it would be better to have the dependsOn as another parameter within the testCoverageVerificationTask so that it doesn't need to be defined separately. Is that feasible?
note: normal Task Definition could do this
task myTask(dependsOn: 'compile') {
doLast {
println 'I am not affected'
But I can't do
testCoverageVerificationTask(dependsOn: "myDependentTask") {
myreport = "testing report"

Task task = project.tasks.create('testCoverageVerification', TestCoverageVerificationTask)


How to run certain task with gradle

I try to investigate a Gradle and follows some tutorials, but I have confused with the following:
I created are a couple of simple tasks:
task startProcess{
println 'startProcess'
task doStep2{
println 'Step2'
task doStep3{
println 'Step3'
task finishProcess{
println 'finishProcesss'
And try to execute one of them:
gradle finishProcess
Or with defaultTasks with command gradle build:
defaultTasks `finishProcess`
task startProcess{
println 'startProcess'
task doStep2{
println 'Step2'
task doStep3{
println 'Step3'
task finishProcess{
println 'finishProcesss'
In both options, I got the same result:
> Configure project :
How to execute exactly one of them?
You have to use register, I think if you did not use it, You're only asking Gradle to execute these tasks.
for example
tasks.register('startProcess') {
doLast {
println 'startProcess'
tasks.register('doStep2') {
doLast {
println 'Step2'
tasks.register('doStep3') {
doLast {
println 'Step3'
tasks.register('finishProcess') {
doLast {
println 'finishProcesss'
tasks.named("build") { finalizedBy("finishProcess") }
Registering these tasks, you will be able to call each one indivadually.
If you want to link a specific task, with a build task for example.
Then you can use finalizedBy like the following.
tasks.named("build") { finalizedBy("finishProcess") }
This will call the finishProcess task, whenever build is triggered.
I strongly recommend the official gradle documintation for more information about tasks.

Configuration inheritance and resolution

I have some trouble with gradle and I don't know why this doesn't work:
Project A with 2 sub-project B and C
B and C have a configuration named masterConfiguration and superConfiguration (who extend masterConfiguration)
I add some dependencies in both.
When I do this:
All is fine, and I have all files from superConfiguration and masterConfiguration.
Now, the problem.
I create a configuration (projectAConfiguration) in the project A (the rootProject).
This configuration extends superConfiguration from B and C.
I add no new dependencies in this one.
If I do this:
I have nothing. I don't understand why?
settings.gradle =>
include 'B'
include 'C'
build.gradle =>
configurations {
def rootConfiguration = configurations.projectAConfiguration
subprojects {
configurations {
superConfiguration {
extendsFrom masterConfiguration
rootConfiguration.extendsFrom configurations.superConfiguration
dependencies {
masterConfiguration 'group:artifactid:version'
superConfiguration 'anotherGroup:anotherArtifactid:version'
println configurations.superConfiguration.resolvedConfiguration.files
println configurations.projectAConfiguration.resolvedConfiguration.files
I have solve my problem with this solution :
Add task on all subproject.
task resolveMyConf {
doLast {
it.ext.confResolve = it.configurations.superConfiguration..resolvedConfiguration.files
and in the project A
task resolveAllConf {
suprojects.each {
dependsOn it.resolveMyConf
doLast {
//and now, we can collect all task result
I don't know if it's good, maybe there is a better solution. But it works.
You can get the configuration of a sub-project just by referencing the project in the same way as you would declare a dependency to it. You don't need to create another configuration that extends it.
For example (Groovy DSL):
// Root project A
task printConfigurationB {
doLast {
println project("B").configurations.superConfiguration.resolve()

How to ignore dependsOn failure because some subprojects don't have the defined task

I have a multi-project gradle build where not all of the subprojects have the same plugin, but I would like to define tasks in the root build.gradle file like this:
subprojects {
task continuousBuild(dependsOn: ["clean", "check", "jacocoTestReport", "integrationTests"]
Not all subprojects have "jacocoTestReport" or "integrationTests" defined, but this task will fail because of that fact. How do I configure this to work, and frankly, why is the default behavior so strict?
This is what ended up working for me:
task continuousBuild(dependsOn: ['clean', 'check']) {
def uncommonTasks = ['jacocoTestReport', 'integrationTests']
dependsOn += tasks
.findAll { uncommonTasks.contains(name) }
And I forgot that I actually needed to run integrationTests in a doLast, which looks like this:
task continuousBuild(dependsOn: ['clean', 'check']) {
dependsOn += tasks
.findAll { 'jacocoTestReport' == name) }
if (tasks.findByName('integrationTests')) {
doLast {

How do I create my own configuration block with a Gradle script plugin?

Our company has a Gradle script plugin with a number of tasks in it. For instance, it includes the Jacoco afterEvaluate block from this answer:
def pathsToExclude = ["**/*Example*"]
jacocoTestReport {
afterEvaluate {
classDirectories = files(classDirectories.files.collect {
fileTree(dir: it, exclude: pathsToExclude)
We would like to take that pathsToExclude variable and define that in our build.gradle file and have the rest of the logic in a script plugin (let's call it company-script-plugin.gradle. For instance:
apply from:
companyConfiguration {
pathsToExclude = ["**/*Example*"]
Our initial thought was to add a task in the build script so that we could get a companyConfiguration
task companyConfiguration {
ext.pathsToExclude = []
However, we think that this is a hacky workaround because running the task doesn't do anything. What is the proper way to create my own configuration block?
We'd like it to be as simple as possible, and to be a script plugin (rather than binary plugin) if possible.
Here you've an example how it can be done:
apply plugin: CompanyPlugin
companyConfiguration {
pathsToExclude = ['a', 'b', 'c']
class CompanyPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project p) {
println "Plugin ${getClass().simpleName} applied"
p.extensions.create('companyConfiguration', CompanyConfigurationExtension, p)
class CompanyConfigurationExtension {
List<String> pathsToExclude
CompanyConfigurationExtension(Project p) {
task printCompanyConfiguration {
doLast {
println "Path to exclide $companyConfiguration.pathsToExclude"
Also, please have a look at the docs.

Custom Gradle Plugin Exec task with extension does not use input properly

I am following the Writing Custom Plugins section of the Gradle documentation, specifically the part about Getting input from the build. The following example provided by the documentation works exactly as expected:
apply plugin: GreetingPlugin
greeting.message = 'Hi from Gradle'
class GreetingPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project project) {
// Add the 'greeting' extension object
project.extensions.create("greeting", GreetingPluginExtension)
// Add a task that uses the configuration
project.task('hello') << {
println project.greeting.message
class GreetingPluginExtension {
def String message = 'Hello from GreetingPlugin'
> gradle -q hello
Hi from Gradle
I'd like to have the custom plugin execute an external command (using the Exec task), but when changing the task to a type (including types other than Exec such as Copy), the input to the build stops working properly:
// previous and following sections omitted for brevity
project.task('hello', type: Exec) {
println project.greeting.message
> gradle -q hello
Hello from GreetingPlugin
Does anyone know what the issue could be?
It is not related to the type of the task, it's a typical << misunderstanding.
When you write
project.task('hello') << {
println project.greeting.message
and execute gradle hello, the following happens:
configuration phase
apply custom plugin
create task hello
set greeting.message = 'Hi from Gradle'
executon phase
run task with empty body
execute << closure { println project.greeting.message }
in this scenario output is Hi from Gradle
When you write
project.task('hello', type: Exec) {
println project.greeting.message
and execute gradle hello, the following happens
configuration phase
apply custom plugin
create exec task hello
execute task init closure println project.greeting.message
set greeting.message = 'Hi from Gradle' (too late, it was printed in step 3)
the rest of workflow does not matter.
So, small details matter. Here's the explanation of the same topic.
void apply(Project project) {
project.afterEvaluate {
project.task('hello', type: Exec) {
println project.greeting.message
