How to set Cmder to not wrap text output - windows

The default setting for Cmder is to wrap text output. But how to set Cmder do not wrap text output?
The Cmder, i meant :

As of now, I don't believe there is a way to disable text wrapping.
Someone did open an issue related to disabling line wrapping.
However, as featured in ConEmu's Roadmap:
Current ConEmu version allows neither horizontal scrolling nor setting horizontal buffer size.

Try running command mode, then you will see parameters below.
Status for device CON:
Lines: xxxx
Columns: xxxx
Keyboard rate: xx
Keyboard delay: x
Code page: xxx
Remember the value of Columns, just in case you want to roll it back. Now execute command mode 1000 and the Column parameter should change to 1000. (or use any higher number till you get desired result)
This also works on cmd and powershell.


Programatically change font size in a linux terminal using python

In Ubuntu gnome-terminal it can be done by doing Ctrl + or Ctrl -
Is there a way to write a python script that when executed would resize the font size of the terminal it is executed from?
I need this in order to display images in terminal with high resolution using timg.
Checking the source (vte and gnome-terminal), looks like there's no way to do this. Other terminals (e.g., xterm) can do this using escape sequences. See XTerm Control Sequences:
OSC Ps ; Pt ST
Set Text Parameters. For colors and font, if Pt is a "?", the
control sequence elicits a response which consists of the con-
trol sequence which would set the corresponding value. The
dtterm control sequences allow you to determine the icon name
and window title.
Ps = 5 0 -> Set Font to Pt. These controls may be disabled
using the allowFontOps resource. If Pt begins with a "#",
index in the font menu, relative (if the next character is a
plus or minus sign) or absolute. A number is expected but not
required after the sign (the default is the current entry for
relative, zero for absolute indexing).
vte recognizes the 50, but that (like a lot of other xterm features) is just a stub that doesn't do anything. The xterm sources include a 20-year old script which demonstrates the feature (see
Rather than using an escape sequence, you might be able to use the wmctrl tool (which could ask the window manager to negotiate with the terminal). Some have done that with other terminals, e.g, terminology (but ultimately using an escape sequence).
vte does have some code which might be accessible from a python script, using g_signal_connect to associate decrease-font-size and increase-font-size signal (see source code). The signal code is what you're using with the keyboard. But how you might determine the object pointer from a script starting outside the terminal emulator isn't clear.
There is no easy way to do this across terminals. Terminals support so called control sequences, which can set a bunch of options, like text color and others, but there is no control sequence for setting the font size. See for example and for what kind of actions are supported.

Keyboard characters in script record

I am using script to record a terminal session. However, inside my recorded text file, the text input and output is interlaced with strange characters that look like:
^M^[[K^[[A^[[C^ $vim session ^M
[noeol] 3L, 855C^
I think these correspond to return keys and other keyboard commands. Is there a way to not record these during a script session?
In the example given,
^M^[[K^[[A^[[C^ $vim session ^M
[noeol] 3L, 855C^
you have a mixture of cursor-movement and other escape-sequences. The ^[ is the escape character, and ^M is carriage return. As noted, script records everything sent to the terminal, and full-screen programs such as vim will always use these escape sequences. For instance, picking it apart
clears the line,
moves the cursor,
switches the terminal to the alternate screen,
sets scrolling margins
sets modes (12 for blinking cursor, 25 to ensure the cursor is visible). Oddly, vim next stops blinking the cursor, resets video attributes with
before moving the cursor to the upper left
and clearing the screen, and then hides the cursor again before
[noeol] 3L, 855C
jumping to the lower left of the screen and printing a message (for reference, XTerm Control Sequences). So there is a lot going on, and it is not simply printing the screen left-to-right and top-to-bottom.
Since you are using script, it captures the output into a "typescript" file. If you want to filter those into readable form, a pager such as less using its -R option works passably well—but it misses things. The terminal emulator (with the same screensize) is the best way I know to filter the results, e.g, using a program which sends the characters to the terminal slowly. If you want plain text, select/paste from a replay (using ^S and ^Q to stop/resume) might be a way to go.
A UNIX terminal has two modes, canonical and non-canonical (also known as 'cooked' and 'raw').
The script program works by inserting itself into the message queue stack between the terminal driver and the shell (that's simplified).
The shell thinks it is talking to a terminal when it is talking with script. So what you see is what the shell sees, the raw terminal characters.
Try strings typescript

how to get current terminal color pair in bash

I would like to query and store the current terminal color pair in BASH e.g.:
#some ANSI colour escape sequences
def="\033[0;00m" # default
echo -e "Change to ${red} red to ${def} default to ${blu} blue."
# now store the current color (which happens to be blue) e.g.:
echo -e "Change to ${grn} green and back to what I had before ${cur}"
echo -e "This would be in blue if variable cur contained e.g.: 0;34m."
echo -e "Back to default${def}"
exit 0
The answer that eludes me is how to capture the current color
The question was about the current color, not the cursor position.
Both are "nonstandard" (though the latter, cursor position report is implemented by anything which has a valid claim to "VT100 emulator").
However, xterm implements a set of escape sequences referred to as dynamic colors, which predate the ANSI color functionality. Those set the working colors including text foreground and background. I modified this in 2002 to allow an application to send the sequence with a "?" rather than a color to tell xterm to return the color value, e.g.,
OSC 1 1 ? ST
using the notation given in XTerm Control Sequences
You can't; there is no standard control sequence to report the current cursor attributes.
What does exist, however, is a sequence to save and restore the current cursor position and attributes:
\e7 (DECSC) will save the cursor position and attributes.
\e8 (DECRC) will restore the saved cursor position and attributes.
There is no standard way to restore only the cursor attributes; however, as rici mentioned, you can get a report of the current position using \e[6n (DSR), then use the response to manually "un-restore" the cursor position after restoring its position and attributes.
Again, though, it's probably easier (and better) to just keep track of the colors in your application, rather than making the terminal responsible for that.
It's important to understand that the terminal state has nothing to do with bash. Bash doesn't care. It simply reads from stdin and writes to stdout and stderr. (See Note 1)
All terminal effects are implemented by the terminal emulator you happen to be using, of which there are many. In a graphical environment, you might be using, for example, xterm or konsole. You'll need to search the documentation for those emulators for specific terminal control codes which they interpret.
As far as I know, there is no standard code to get a report of the current terminal state, other than the cursor position (ESC[6n).
So your best bet is to remember the changes you made when you make them.
You can find a list of the standard codes implemented by the Linux console using man console_codes (although few people use the Linux console these days); most of those are also interpreted by xterm and other graphical consoles. There's an list of xterm sequences in Thomas Dickey's xterm site; it's a more or less de facto standard for terminal emulators but, as I said, you'll need to search in each emulator's documentation for idiosyncratic control sequences.
In interactive mode, bash uses a library called readline to help it handle some terminal effects. In particular, readline tries to maintain the current console cursor position, although it is easy to fool it. In PS1 you need to surround console control sequences with \[ and \] precisely because readline does not know that they are control sequences.
What I understood, is that u are asking to to get the default profile color of the user, of which u have change color of!
Eg: User is using 'Bright Green font color on Black background', you change it to 'Red font color on White background'. Now how to get/know the default colors and set them back to it!
You can use the sequence \033[0m in bash [also for command prompt (batch scripting) / powershell (ps scripting)]

Resize terminal from command?

I'm using cygwin but, is it possible to resize the terminal window via a command rather than doing it myself every time I open it? Some scripts I want to be a certain size for my own benefit.
The 'CSI t' sequence can be used for that on xterm-compatible terminals. Search for XTWINOPS for details.
For example, to resize to 50 rows and 80 columns.
echo -ne '\e[8;50;80t'
This works for me on bash.exe : 80,50
to set 80 columns and 50 rows.
Note that mode and are not the same in this case.
You can't resize the default terminal, since it's just windows' native 'cmd'. Alternatively, I saw this new addition of late: Not particularly sure whether you can resize that reminal from commandline though. It's still a windows console application.

Setting terminal to show latest output in another color

Is there a way to set the mac terminal to output its lastest output in a different color?
I am tired of wasting time looking for the last command when the terminal gets filled.
No, but you could arrange for your prompt to be in a different color. You could also split the pane; the bottom will scroll with the output while the top stays wherever it was.
