Rename/move (mv) multiple files starting with name - bash

I'm trying to rename multiple files that match a pattern in one directory.
I would like to rename stack_overflow to heap_graph
I have tried the following:
Using rename:
rename stack_overflow heap_graph stack_overflow* # returns 'The syntax of the command is incorrect.'
Using for loop in Bash
# how can I write this in one line? I've tried wrapping in one line, but also does not work
for i in stack_overflow* do
mv "$i" "${i/stack_overflow/heap_graph}"
However, none of these are working.

What you have is a trivial syntax error in the for loop. The rest of your script should work fine without any problem.
for i in stack_overflow*; do
# ^^^ missing semi-colon
# The below condition to handle graceful loop termination when no files are found
[ -f "$i" ] || continue
mv "$i" "${i/stack_overflow/heap_graph}"
As noted by ghoti below if you are in the bourne again shell bash and not the POSIX bourne shell (sh) for which the solution above is portable, you can use special globbing options to avoid the condition of having to deal with case when no files are returned by the glob.
shopt -s nullglob
for i in stack_overflow*; do
mv "$i" "${i/stack_overflow/heap_graph}"
shopt -u nullglob
The -s option sets it and -u unsets it. More on shopt built-in from the GNU bash page

The semi-common utility mmv
is useful for the "multi-move" case you've described.
$ mmv -n 'stack_overflow_*' 'heap_graph__#' # remove -n after testing
mv -- stack_overflow_one.html heap_graph_one.html
mv -- stack_overflow_one.xml heap_graph_one.xml
mv -- stack_overflow_two.xml heap_graph_two.xml
As you can see, it's just calling down to mv multiple times for the
pattern(s) matched.
The * is a wildcard like Bash uses, but it's quote-escaped to be
passed to mmv. The _# is the reference to the match, also escaped
(though the docs suggest #1 would work instead).
This family of commands is also handy for copying (cp) and linking
If you happen to have Zsh (a common Bash upgrade/replacement), you've
already got zmv, which would similarly do the job with:
% zmv -n 'stack_overflow_(*)' 'heap_graph_$1'


Cannot iterate associative array keys in PKGBUILD

I am working with a PKGBUILD file for the AUR. I have a lot of colors that need to be replaced in different files in the $pkgsrc directory and I wanted to use an associative array.
That seems like a fairly clean solution, otherwise I would have many variables and that is less than ideal. Now, I iterate over these with the syntax found in other SO posts:
_blackish_replace() (
shopt -s globstar
for file in "$1"/**/*.scss; do
echo "Replacing colors in file: $file"
for color in "${!_BLACKISH_REPLACEMENTS[#]}"; do
echo "$color"
sed -i "s;$color;${_BLACKISH_REPLACEMENTS["$color"]};gI" "$file"
It looks good to me, and when this is run in a standalone script, it does indeed replace the correct matches in the correct files.
However, when using it from makepkg, it fails silently, hence the four echo calls exhibited.
The first two output newlines. This leads me to believe they are undefined?
The iteration has proved to be working for the glob expansion, however echo "$color" is never reached; the loop iterates nothing.
I thought maybe makepkg was using the system shell, which in that case, running the code directly from my user shell zsh fails with event not found: _BLACKISH_REPLACEMENTS or something alike (off the top of my head).
I asked in the Arch Linux Discord server if makepkg uses the locally available bash, and was assured it does. I am very confused.
It is probably a good idea to turn your array into a sed script before iterating the files:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for k in "${!_BLACKISH_REPLACEMENTS[#]}"; do
shopt -s globstar nullglob
for file in "$1"/**/*.scss; do
sed -i.bak -e "$sed_script" "$file"
Now in a more practical one-liner POSIX-shell friendly call:
find ./ -type f -name '*.scss' -exec sed -i.bak -e 's/#242424/#1C1C1C/g;s/#696969/#5E5E5E/g;s/#555555/#4C4C4C/g;s/#767676/#6B6B6B/g;s/#868686/#787878/g;s/#383838/#2E2E2E/g;s/#636363/#595959/g;s/#101010/#101010/g;s/#373737/#2E2E2E/g;s/#C6C6C6/#BDBDBD/g;s/#313131/#262626/g;s/#333333/#292929/g;s/#C1C1C1/#B8B8B8/g;s/#707070/#666666/g;s/#434343/#383838/g;s/#3E3E3E/#333333/g;s/#3B3B3B/#303030/g;s/#999999/#787878/g;s/#656565/#575757/g;s/#2A2A2A/#1F1F1F/g;' {} \;
To clarify the point of all the above:
As you are unsure about the shell brand running your makepkg, it is a safe route to choose the most portable shell code by sticking to POSIX-shell grammar, common tools and options.
Instead of choosing a quite over-engineered associative array here. The replacement instructions for sed can be layed-out as clearly as your associative array:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# A plain string of sed replacement instructions
# is as compact and more portable than an associative array.
# It also saves from looping over each entry.
_blackish_replace() {
# Instead of iterating a bash specific globstar,
# find -exec can replace it while sticking to the most
# genuine POSIX-shell grammar.
# find and sed tools are used with their most common options
# avoiding gnu-specific extensions.
find "$1" -type f -name '*.scss' -exec \
sed -i.bak -e "$_BLACKISH_REPLACEMENTS" {} \;

bash moving files to subdirectories according to their name

I have files that are named like this:
... and a directory-structure like this:
- 000
- 001
- 999
- 000
- 001
- 999
No I want to move the files to their corresponding subdirectories. Means
A-1230.pdf goes into A -> 123
B-2450.pdf goes into B -> 245
And so on.
I tried the following with bash:
mv +([A-Z]-[0-9][0-9][0-9]*.pdf) $1/$2$3$4
But that's not working. How do I use backreferences and capturing groups in bash correctly?
Thanks for any help!
Regex support in bash is used with [[ $string =~ $regex ]], and places capture groups in the array BASH_REMATCH.
for file in ?-*.pdf; do
[[ $file =~ ([[:alpha:]])-([[:digit:]]{3}).* ]] || continue
mkdir -p -- "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}/${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" || continue
mv -- "$file" "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}/${BASH_REMATCH[2]}/"
What you are attempting to achieve is what is called back-referencing. Unfortunately, there is no such concept for globular expressions. Expressions such as:
mv (*).pdf $1/
cp ([0-9])-(*).txt $2-$1.text
are simply not possible in any shell (bash, zsh, ksh, csh).
Workarounds exist by looping over every file and post process it a bit:
for file in [A-Z]-[0-9][0-9][0-9]*.pdf; do
dir="${file:0:5}"; dir="${dir/-/\/}"
mkdir -p "$dir"
mv "$file" "$dir"
or a bit more intelligently as is done by Charles Duffy
ZSH developed, for tasks like this, a set of separate tools (zcp, zmv and zln) which allow back referencing. So your task could be performed as:
zmv -n '([A-Z])-([0-9][0-9][0-9])[0-9].pdf' '$1/$2/'
The -n flag shows what it will do but not actually perform the action as it acts as a dry-run. remove the flag to perform the actual moves.
note: ZSH does not have back-referencing for globular expressions. Notice the single quotes used in the zmv example above. They prohibit globbing. The FROM and DEST part are arguments past to those tools. The tools are also not found in any $PATH as they are part of the zsh system. This in contrast to cp, mv and ln which are actual binaries.

Rename all files with the name pattern *.[a-z0-9].bundle.*, to replace the [a-z0-9] with a given string

On building apps with the Angular 2 CLI, I get outputs which are named, for instance:
What I'm looking to do is create a bash script to rename the files, replacing the digits between the first two . with some given generic string. Tried a few things, including sed, but I couldn't get them to work. Can anyone suggest a bash script to get this working?
In pure bash regEx using the =~ variable (supported from bash 3.0 onwards)
for file in *.js
[[ $file =~ \.([[:alnum:]]+).*$ ]] && string="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
mv -v "$file" "${file/$string/$string_to_replace_with}"
For your given input files, running the script
$ bash
inline.d41d8cd.bundle.js -> inline.sample.bundle.js
main.6d2e2e89.bundle.js -> main.sample.bundle.js
Short, powerfull and efficient:
Use this (perl) tool. And use Perl Regular Expression:
rename 's/\.\X{4,8}\./.myString./' *.js
rename 's/\.\X+\./.myString./' *.js
A pure-bash option:
shopt -s extglob # so *(...) will work
generic_string="foo" # or whatever else you want between the dots
for f in *.bundle.js ; do
mv -vi "$f" "${f/.*([^.])./.${generic_string}.}"
The key is the replacement ${f/.*([^.]./.${generic_string}.}. The pattern /.*([^.])./ matches the first occurrence of .<some text>., where <some text> does not include a dot ([^.]) (see the man page). The replacement .${generic_string}. replaces that with whatever generic string you want. Other than that, double-quote in case you have spaces, and there you are!
Edit Thanks to F. Hauri - added -vi to mv. -v = show what is being renamed; -i = prompt before overwrite (man page).

Looping through files of specified extensions in bash

I am trying to loop through files of a list of specified extensions with a bash script. I tried the solution given at Matching files with various extensions using for loop but it does not work as expected. The solution given was:
for file in "${arg}"/*.{txt,h,py}; do
Here is my version of it:
for f in "${arg}"/*.{epub,mobi,chm,rtf,lit,djvu}
echo "$f"
When I run this in a directory with an epub file in it, I get:
So I tried changing the for statement:
for f in "${arg}"*.{epub,mobi,chm,rtf,lit,djvu}
Then I got:
I also get the same result with:
for f in *.{epub,mobi,chm,rtf,lit,djvu}
So it seems that the "${arg}" argument is unnecessary.
Although either of these statements finds files of the specified extensions and can pass them to a program, I get read errors from the unresolved *. filenames.
I am running this on OS X Mountain Lion. I was aware that the default bash shell was outdated so I upgraded it from 3.2.48 to 4.2.45 using homebrew to see if this was the problem. That didn't help so I am wondering why I am getting these unexpected results. Is the given solution wrong or is the OS X bash shell somehow different from the *NIX version? Is there perhaps an alternate way to accomplish the same thing that might work better in the OS X bash shell?
This may be a BASH 4.2ism. It does not work in my BASH which is still 3.2. However, if you shopt -s extglob, you can use *(...) instead:
shopt -s extglob
for file in *.*(epub|mobi|chm|rtf|lit|djvu)
#David W.: shopt -s extglob for f in .(epub|mobi|chm|rtf|lit|djvu) results in: 089281098X.epub #kojiro: arg=. shopt -s nullglob for f in "${arg}"/.{epub,mobi,chm,rtf,lit,djvu} results in: ./089281098X.epub shopt -s nullglob for f in "${arg}".{epub,mobi,chm,rtf,lit,djvu} results in: 089281098X.epub So all of these variations work but I don't understand why. Can either of you explain what is going on with each variation and what ${arg} is doing? I would really like to understand this so I can increase my knowledge. Thanks for the help.
In mine:
for f in *.*(epub|mobi|chm|rtf|lit|djvu)
I didn't include ${arg} which expands to the value of $arg. The *(...) matches the pattern found in the parentheses which is one of any of the series of extensions. Thus, it matches *.epub.
shopt -s nullglob
for f in "${arg}"/*.{epub,mobi,chm,rtf,lit,djvu}
Is including $arg and the slash in his matching. Thus, koriro's start with ./ because that's what they are asking for.
It's like the difference between:
echo *
echo ./*
By the way, you could do this with the other expressions too:
echo *.*(epub|mobi|chm|rtf|lit|djvu)
The shell is doing all of the expansion for you. It's really has nothing to do with the for statement itself.
A glob has to expand to an existing, found name, or it is left alone with the asterisk intact. If you have an empty directory, *.foo will expand to *.foo. (Unless you use the nullglob Bash extension.)
The problem with your code is that you start with an arg, $arg, which is apparently empty or undefined. So your glob, ${arg}/*.epub expands to /*.epub because there are no files ending in ".epub" in the root directory. It's never looking in the current directory. For it to do that, you'd need to set arg=. first.
In your second example, the ${arg}*.epub does expand because $arg is empty, but the other files don't exist, so they continue not to expand as globs. As I hinted at before, one easy workaround would be to activate nullglob with shopt -s nullglob. This is bash-specific, but will cause *.foo to expand to an empty string if there is no matching file. For a strict POSIX solution, you would have to filter out unexpanded globs using [ -f "$f" ]. (Then again, if you wanted POSIX, you couldn't use brace expansion either.)
To summarize, the best solutions are to use (most intuitive and elegant):
shopt -s extglob
for f in *.*(epub|mobi|chm|rtf|lit|djvu)
or, in keeping with the original solution given in the referenced thread (which was wrong as stated):
shopt -s nullglob
for f in "${arg}"*.{epub,mobi,chm,rtf,lit,djvu}
This should do it:
for file in $(find ./ -name '*.epub' -o -name '*.mobi' -o -name '*.chm' -o -name '*.rtf' -o -name '*.lit' -o -name '*.djvu'); do
echo $file

Bash variable returns "command not found" in OSX Terminal

I tried using some variables to rename a few files, but it failed miserably. I've tried different ways of getting it to work, but to no avail. As far as I understand the documentation, this is the correct way of doing things - however now I'm stumped...
Here's the code (as written in the file
for f in $OLDPREF*; do mv $f $(echo $f | sed 's/^$OLDPREF/$NEWPREF/g'); done
Here's the error message:
usage: mv [-f | -i | -n] [-v] source target
mv [-f | -i | -n] [-v] source ... directory
Initially I thought the problem lay in using variables with what I assume are the regular expressions, but as can be seen from the error messages, the problem lies where the variables are first declared.
What's going on here?
This can be done entirely in the shell, which also avoids the possible problem of escaping metacharacters for the sed substitution patterns. It is also blazingly fast because it saves two forks per file renamed.
for f in "$OLDPREF"*; do
mv "$f" "$NEWPREF${f#$OLDPREF}"
If you want to learn more about removing suffixes and prefixes from shell variable values, read up the POSIX spec on parameter expansion (which all of zsh, ksh, mksh, and bash support).
PS: The only way you can get an error like line 2: NEWPREF: command not found is if you had whitespace after NEWPREF and before the =. It looks very much like your program as posted is not exactly the program you ran. Did you type it instead of cut'n'paste it?
Alright so assuming you don't require POSIX, and guessing about certain other details, here's the same thing with general corrections applied.
shopt -s nullglob
for f in "$oldperf"*; do
mv -- "$f" "${f/#"$oldpref"/$newpref}"
for f in "$oldpref"*; do
[ -e "$f" ] || break
mv -- "$f" "${newpref}${f#"$oldpref"}"
