Ruby code to check for Integer [duplicate] - ruby

I need a function, is_an_integer, where
"12".is_an_integer? returns true.
"blah".is_an_integer? returns false.
How can I do this in Ruby? I would write a regex but I'm assuming there is a helper for this that I am not aware of.

Well, here's the easy way:
class String
def is_integer?
self.to_i.to_s == self
>> "12".is_integer?
=> true
>> "blah".is_integer?
=> false
I don't agree with the solutions that provoke an exception to convert the string - exceptions are not control flow, and you might as well do it the right way. That said, my solution above doesn't deal with non-base-10 integers. So here's the way to do with without resorting to exceptions:
class String
def integer?
[ # In descending order of likeliness:
/^[-+]?[1-9]([0-9]*)?$/, # decimal
/^0[0-7]+$/, # octal
/^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/, # hexadecimal
/^0b[01]+$/ # binary
].each do |match_pattern|
return true if self =~ match_pattern
return false

You can use regular expressions. Here is the function with #janm's suggestions.
class String
def is_i?
!!(self =~ /\A[-+]?[0-9]+\z/)
An edited version according to comment from #wich:
class String
def is_i?
/\A[-+]?\d+\z/ === self
In case you only need to check positive numbers
if !/\A\d+\z/.match(string_to_check)
#Is not a positive number
#Is all good ..continue

You can use Integer(str) and see if it raises:
def is_num?(str)
rescue ArgumentError, TypeError
It should be pointed out that while this does return true for "01", it does not for "09", simply because 09 would not be a valid integer literal. If that's not the behaviour you want, you can add 10 as a second argument to Integer, so the number is always interpreted as base 10.

Ruby 2.6.0 enables casting to an integer without raising an exception, and will return nil if the cast fails. And since nil mostly behaves like false in Ruby, you can easily check for an integer like so:
if Integer(my_var, exception: false)
# do something if my_var can be cast to an integer

"12".match(/^(\d)+$/) # true
"1.2".match(/^(\d)+$/) # false
"dfs2".match(/^(\d)+$/) # false
"13422".match(/^(\d)+$/) # true

You can do a one liner:
str = ...
int = Integer(str) rescue nil
if int
int.times {|i| p i}
or even
int = Integer(str) rescue false
Depending on what you are trying to do you can also directly use a begin end block with rescue clause:
str = ...
i = Integer(str)
i.times do |j|
puts j
rescue ArgumentError
puts "Not an int, doing something else"

class String
def integer?
return true
rescue ArgumentError
return false
It isn't prefixed with is_. I find that silly on questionmark methods, I like "04".integer? a lot better than "foo".is_integer?.
It uses the sensible solution by sepp2k, which passes for "01" and such.
Object oriented, yay.

The Best and Simple way is using Float
val = Float "234" rescue nil
Float "234" rescue nil #=> 234.0
Float "abc" rescue nil #=> nil
Float "234abc" rescue nil #=> nil
Float nil rescue nil #=> nil
Float "" rescue nil #=> nil
Integer is also good but it will return 0 for Integer nil

I prefer:
class String
def number?
rescue ArgumentError, TypeError
and then:
[218] pry(main)> "123123123".number?
=> true
[220] pry(main)> "123 123 123".gsub(/ /, '').number?
=> true
[222] pry(main)> "123 123 123".number?
=> false
or check phone number:
"+34 123 456 789 2".gsub(/ /, '').number?

A much simpler way could be
/(\D+)/.match('1221').nil? #=> true
/(\D+)/.match('1a221').nil? #=> false
/(\D+)/.match('01221').nil? #=> true

Personally I like the exception approach although I would make it a little more terse:
class String
def integer?(str)
!!Integer(str) rescue false
However, as others have already stated, this doesn't work with Octal strings.

This might not be suitable for all cases simplely using:
"12".to_i => 12
"blah".to_i => 0
might also do for some.
If it's a number and not 0 it will return a number. If it returns 0 it's either a string or 0.

def isint(str)
return !!(str =~ /^[-+]?[1-9]([0-9]*)?$/)

Here's my solution:
# /initializers/string.rb
class String
IntegerRegex = /^(\d)+$/
def integer?
# any_model_or_controller.rb
'12345'.integer? # true
'asd34'.integer? # false
And here's how it works:
/^(\d)+$/is regex expression for finding digits in any string. You can test your regex expressions and results at
We save it in a constant IntegerRegex to avoid unnecessary memory allocation everytime we use it in the method.
integer? is an interrogative method which should return true or false.
match is a method on string which matches the occurrences as per the given regex expression in argument and return the matched values or nil.
!! converts the result of match method into equivalent boolean.
And declaring the method in existing String class is monkey patching, which doesn't change anything in existing String functionalities, but just adds another method named integer? on any String object.

Ruby 2.4 has Regexp#match?: (with a ?)
def integer?(str)
/\A[+-]?\d+\z/.match? str
For older Ruby versions, there's Regexp#===. And although direct use of the case equality operator should generally be avoided, it looks very clean here:
def integer?(str)
/\A[+-]?\d+\z/ === str
integer? "123" # true
integer? "-123" # true
integer? "+123" # true
integer? "a123" # false
integer? "123b" # false
integer? "1\n2" # false

Expanding on #rado's answer above one could also use a ternary statement to force the return of true or false booleans without the use of double bangs. Granted, the double logical negation version is more terse, but probably harder to read for newcomers (like me).
class String
def is_i?
self =~ /\A[-+]?[0-9]+\z/ ? true : false

For more generalised cases (including numbers with decimal point),
you can try the following method:
def number?(obj)
obj = obj.to_s unless obj.is_a? String
You can test this method in an irb session:
>> number?(7)
=> #<MatchData "7" 1:nil>
>> !!number?(7)
=> true
>> number?(-Math::PI)
=> #<MatchData "-3.141592653589793" 1:".141592653589793">
>> !!number?(-Math::PI)
=> true
>> number?('hello world')
=> nil
>> !!number?('hello world')
=> false
For a detailed explanation of the regex involved here, check out this blog article :)

One liner in string.rb
def is_integer?; true if Integer(self) rescue false end

I'm not sure if this was around when this question is asked but
for anyone that stumbles across this post, the simplest way is:
var = "12"
var.is_a?(Integer) # returns false
var.is_a?(String) # returns true
var = 12
var.is_a?(Integer) # returns true
var.is_a?(String) # returns false
.is_a? will work with any object.


Ruby: Logic of regular expression

Player =, :name, :state, :items, :location)
# Setting game initials
game_condition = 0
player =, "Amr Koritem", :alive, [:knife, :gun])
player.location = :jail5
class Dungeon
attr_accessor :player, :rooms, :prisoners, :gangsmen, :policemen
##counter = 0
def initialize(player)
#player = player
my_dungeon =
if my_dungeon.player.location.to_s.scan(/\D+/) == "jail"
puts "yes"
This code is supposed to print "yes" on the screen, but it doesn't. I changed the == sign to != and surprisingly it printed "yes" !
I thought may be I understood the regular expression wrong so I typed this code:
puts my_dungeon.player.location.to_s.scan(/\D+/)
It prints "jail" on the screen, which means I wasn't wrong, was I ?
Can anyone explain this please ?
As Wiktor's comment says, arrays are always truthy, and scan always returns an array, even if there are no matches. Instead you can use any of the following methods:
str = "jail5"
if str[/\D+/] # => nil or the match contents
if str.match /\D+/ # => nil or MatchData object
if str =~ /\D+/ # => nil or index of the match
unless str.scan(/\D+/).empty?
if str.scan(/\D+/).length > 0
In general when you come across surprising behavior like this you should do a bit of introspection - check what the result value is using print or a breakpoint.

I need to write a regex in Ruby that returns true / false

I am trying to write a regex that takes a word and returns true for words starting with a vowel and returns false for words starting with a consonant. I have never written regex before, and I'm a little confused on how to write the expression. This is what I have so far:
def starts_with_a_vowel?(word)
if word.match(/\A+[aeiou]/) == true
return true
return false
Edit: So if word = "boat" , expression should return false. If word = "apple", expression should return true.
word.match? /\A[aeiou]/i is literally all you need. (ruby >= 2.4)
It matches the beginning of the string \A followed by a vowel [aeiou] in a case-insensitive manner i returning a bool word.match?
Before ruby 2.4 you have to use word.match and convert it to a bool, which is easiest done by logically negating it twice with !!
OK.. So.. I never tested the code I formerly wrote.. it was meant only as some suggestion how to use the match with regex, but it not worked at all.. (that code snippet is now attached to the end of my answer fyi)
this here should be the working one:
def starts_with_a_vowel?(word)
..but how it was mentioned by Eric Duminil here below in comments, the method/function is
not needed
!!word.capitalize.match(/\A+[AEIOU]/) can be used directly..
it returns true or false
but there are surely other (maybe better) solutions too..
..and here is the NOT working code, which I formerly wrote:
def starts_with_a_vowel?(word)
return word.match(/\A+[aeiou]/).length > 0
..the match method returns nil when not match and because nil has no length method defined, it raises NoMethodError
Here are a couple of ways to do this.
word = 'Ahoy'
!!(word[0] =~ /[aeiou]/i)
#=> true
word = 'hiya'
!!(word[0] =~ /[aeiou]/i)
#=> false
The regex reads, "match a vowel, case indifferently (/i)". !! converts a thruthy value to true and a falsy value (nil or false) to false:
!!0 = !(!0) = !(false) = true
!!nil = !(!nil) = !(true) = false
word = 'Ahoy'
(word[0] =~ /[aeiou]/i) ? true : false
#=> true
word = 'hiya'
(word[0] =~ /[aeiou]/i) ? true : false
#=> false
You're doing a lot of extra work for no reason. First, you don't need to check for equality with true; just if *expression* does the trick.
But in this case you don't need if at all. A regex match already returns a value that can be interpreted as a Boolean. =~ returns the index of the match as an integer (which is "truthy"); String#match returns a MatchData object (which is also truthy). Everything in Ruby is truthy except false and nil, and nil is what both =~ and String#match return if there's no match. So all you have to do is turn the result of one of those into the corresponding Boolean value, which you can do with !!. For example:
def starts_with_a_vowel? word
!!(word =~ /^[aeiou]/)
That !! is read "not not", by the way. The ! operator by itself treats its argument as Boolean and returns its opposite as an actual Boolean; that is !(some truthy value) returns false (not nil), and !(some falsey value) returns true (not just some truthy value). So applying ! twice turns any truthy value into true and any falsey value (false or nil) into false.
Do you have to use a regular expression? Just asking cause Ruby already provides String#start_with?
vowels = %w(a e i o u)
# => false
#=> true
In Ruby, you almost never need anything to return true or false. For boolean logic and if/case/unless statements, truthy/falsey are good enough. Also, don't forget to use case-insensitive Regex (with //i). A is a vowel :
class String
def starts_with_a_vowel?
self =~ /\A[aeiou]/i
if "Airplane".starts_with_a_vowel?
puts "Indeed"
#=> "Indeed"
If for some reason you really need true/false :
class String
def starts_with_a_vowel?
!(self =~ /\A[aeiou]/i).nil?

Ruby way to check if a string is not blank?

What's the best way to check if a variable is not blank in an else if condition in Ruby (not Rails)?
elsif not variable.to_s.empty?
# do something
elsif !variable.to_s.empty?
# do something
elsif variable.to_s.length > 0
# do something
string = ""
unless string.to_s.strip.empty?
# ...
I just found out that ''.empty? returns true but ' '.empty? returns false. Even to_s.length for ' ' is not zero.
Maybe it is better to use strip as ' '.strip.empty?
You can use either
unless var.empty?
#do sth
unless var == ""
#do sth
or all of these with if and a negator !.
The source of the empty? method is analogous to the following:
def empty?
return length == 0
So, you can safely use
any_string.length != 0
Anyway, using that code inside an else if is a bit verbose, I would encourage you to define the present? method inside the String class.
class String
def present?
Now you can write your code the following way:
if some_condition
# do something
elsif variable.to_s.present?
# do something else
This way you get a clear code, without using negations or unless who are hard to read.
Of course, there is one problem here, I took the present? name (and method) from Rails. present? returns true if the object is not blank, but strings with tabs or spaces (white characters) are considered blanks. So, this present? will return true to for the following strings:
"".present? # => false
" ".present? # => true
"\t\n\r".present? # => true
" blah ".present? # => true
It depends on what you want, high chances are that you want to get true for the first 3 strings, and false for the later. You could use #RamanSM approach and use strip to avoid empty spaces
class String
def present?
now, present? returns false for strings with white spaces
"".present? # => false
" ".present? # => false
"\t\n\r".present? # => false
" blah ".present? # => true
Note: Consider that String.present? is present in the ActiveSupport library (which ships with rails) if you add ActiveSupport or use Rails you should use ActiveSupport implementation instead.
If you prefer if to unless...
If you know your variable will be a String...if str[0]
With nil check...if str && str[0] OR if str&.[](0) (I prefer the latter but it might look odd to some people and requires Ruby >= 2.3).
Also...I'd be very careful about calling #to_s on anything because you could end up with unexpected results. If str turns out to be something that you weren't expecting...
str = false
str.to_s[0] # => 'f' (i.e. truthy)
str.to_s.empty? # => false
str = nil
str.to_s[0] # => nil (i.e. falsey)
str.to_s.empty? # => true
I think this caution applies to usage of #to_s in the other answer here as well. Exceptions can be your friend.
For the string (say abc) which is not defined/undefined we should check for abc.nil?
otherwise abc.blank? will throw (NoMethodError) undefined method empty? for nil:NilClass error

Checking if a variable is an integer

Does Rails 3 or Ruby have a built-in way to check if a variable is an integer?
For example,
1.is_an_int #=> true
"".is_an_int #=> false?
You can use the is_a? method
>> 1.is_a? Integer
=> true
>> "".is_a? Integer
=> false
>> nil.is_a? Integer
=> false
If you want to know whether an object is an Integer or something which can meaningfully be converted to an Integer (NOT including things like "hello", which to_i will convert to 0):
result = Integer(obj) rescue false
Use a regular expression on a string:
def is_numeric?(obj)
obj.to_s.match(/\A[+-]?\d+?(\.\d+)?\Z/) == nil ? false : true
If you want to check if a variable is of certain type, you can simply use kind_of?:
1.kind_of? Integer #true
(1.5).kind_of? Float #true
is_numeric? "545" #true
is_numeric? "2aa" #false
If you're uncertain of the type of the variable (it could be a string of number characters), say it was a credit card number passed into the params, so it would originally be a string but you want to make sure it doesn't have any letter characters in it, I would use this method:
def is_number?(obj)
obj.to_s == obj.to_i.to_s
is_number? "123fh" # false
is_number? "12345" # true
#Benny points out an oversight of this method, keep this in mind:
is_number? "01" # false. oops!
There's var.is_a? Class (in your case: var.is_a? Integer); that might fit the bill. Or there's Integer(var), where it'll throw an exception if it can't parse it.
You can use triple equal.
if Integer === 21
puts "21 is Integer"
A more "duck typing" way is to use respond_to? this way "integer-like" or "string-like" classes can also be used
if(s.respond_to?(:match) && s.match(".com")){
puts "It's a .com"
puts "It's not"
In case you don't need to convert zero values, I find the methods to_i and to_f to be extremely useful since they will convert the string to either a zero value (if not convertible or zero) or the actual Integer or Float value.
"0014.56".to_i # => 14
"0014.56".to_f # => 14.56
"0.0".to_f # => 0.0
"not_an_int".to_f # 0
"not_a_float".to_f # 0.0
"0014.56".to_f ? "I'm a float" : "I'm not a float or the 0.0 float"
# => I'm a float
"not a float" ? "I'm a float" : "I'm not a float or the 0.0 float"
# => "I'm not a float or the 0.0 float"
EDIT2 : be careful, the 0 integer value is not falsey it's truthy (!!0 #=> true) (thanks #prettycoder)
Ah just found out about the dark cases... seems to only happen if the number is in first position though
"12blah".to_i => 12
To capitalize on the answer of Alex D, using refinements:
module CoreExtensions
module Integerable
refine String do
def integer?
rescue ArgumentError
Later, in you class:
require 'core_ext/string/integerable'
class MyClass
using CoreExtensions::Integerable
def method
I have had a similar issue before trying to determine if something is a string or any sort of number whatsoever. I have tried using a regular expression, but that is not reliable for my use case. Instead, you can check the variable's class to see if it is a descendant of the Numeric class.
if column.class < Numeric
In this situation, you could also substitute for any of the Numeric descendants: BigDecimal, Date::Infinity, Integer, Fixnum, Float, Bignum, Rational, Complex
Basically, an integer n is a power of three, if there exists an integer x such that n == 3x.
So to verify that you can use this functions
def is_power_of_three(n)
return false unless n.positive?
n == 3**(Math.log10(n)/Math.log10(3)).to_f.round(2)
Probably you are looking for something like this:
Accept "2.0 or 2.0 as an INT but reject 2.1 and "2.1"
num = 2.0
if num.is_a? String num = Float(num) rescue false end
new_num = Integer(num) rescue false
puts num
puts new_num
puts num == new_num

Checking if a variable is defined?

How can I check whether a variable is defined in Ruby? Is there an isset-type method available?
Use the defined? keyword (documentation). It will return a String with the kind of the item, or nil if it doesn’t exist.
>> a = 1
=> 1
>> defined? a
=> "local-variable"
>> defined? b
=> nil
>> defined? nil
=> "nil"
>> defined? String
=> "constant"
>> defined? 1
=> "expression"
As skalee commented: "It is worth noting that variable which is set to nil is initialized."
>> n = nil
>> defined? n
=> "local-variable"
This is useful if you want to do nothing if it does exist but create it if it doesn't exist.
def get_var
#var ||=
This only creates the new instance once. After that it just keeps returning the var.
The correct syntax for the above statement is:
if (defined?(var)).nil? # will now return true or false
print "var is not defined\n".color(:red)
print "var is defined\n".color(:green)
substituting (var) with your variable. This syntax will return a true/false value for evaluation in the if statement.
defined?(your_var) will work. Depending on what you're doing you can also do something like your_var.nil?
Try "unless" instead of "if"
a = "apple"
# Note that b is not declared
c = nil
unless defined? a
puts "a is not defined"
unless defined? b
puts "b is not defined"
unless defined? c
puts "c is not defined"
WARNING Re: A Common Ruby Pattern
the defined? method is the answer. See the accepted answer above.
But watch out... consider this common ruby pattern:
def method1
#x ||= method2
def method2
method2 always returns nil.
The first time you call method1, the #x variable is not set - therefore method2 will be run. and
method2 will set #x to nil.
But what happens the second time you call method1?
Remember #x has already been set to nil. But method2 will still be run again!! If method2 is a costly undertaking this might not be something that you want.
Let the defined? method come to the rescue:
def method1
return #x if defined? #x
#x = method2
As with most things, the devil is in the implementation details.
Use defined? YourVariable
Keep it simple silly .. ;)
Here is some code, nothing rocket science but it works well enough
require 'rubygems'
require 'rainbow'
if defined?(var).nil? # .nil? is optional but might make for clearer intent.
print "var is not defined\n".color(:red)
print "car is defined\n".color(:green)
Clearly, the colouring code is not necessary, just a nice visualation in this toy example.
You can try:
unless defined?(var)
#ruby code goes here
=> true
Because it returns a boolean.
As many other examples show you don't actually need a boolean from a method to make logical choices in ruby. It would be a poor form to coerce everything to a boolean unless you actually need a boolean.
But if you absolutely need a boolean. Use !! (bang bang) or "falsy falsy reveals the truth".
› irb
>> a = nil
=> nil
>> defined?(a)
=> "local-variable"
>> defined?(b)
=> nil
>> !!defined?(a)
=> true
>> !!defined?(b)
=> false
Why it doesn't usually pay to coerce:
>> (!!defined?(a) ? "var is defined".colorize(:green) : "var is not defined".colorize(:red)) == (defined?(a) ? "var is defined".colorize(:green) : "var is not defined".colorize(:red))
=> true
Here's an example where it matters because it relies on the implicit coercion of the boolean value to its string representation.
>> puts "var is defined? #{!!defined?(a)} vs #{defined?(a)}"
var is defined? true vs local-variable
=> nil
It should be mentioned that using defined to check if a specific field is set in a hash might behave unexpected:
var = {}
if defined? var['unknown']
puts 'this is unexpected'
# will output "this is unexpected"
The syntax is correct here, but defined? var['unknown'] will be evaluated to the string "method", so the if block will be executed
edit: The correct notation for checking if a key exists in a hash would be:
if var.key?('unknown')
Please note the distinction between "defined" and "assigned".
$ ruby -e 'def f; if 1>2; x=99; end;p x, defined? x; end;f'
x is defined even though it is never assigned!
defined? is great, but if you are in a Rails environment you can also use try, especially in cases where you want to check a dynamic variable name:
foo = 1
my_foo = "foo"
my_bar = "bar"
try(:foo) # => 1
try(:bar) # => nil
try(my_foo) # => 1
try(my_bar) # => nil
Also, you can check if it's defined while in a string via interpolation, if you code:
puts "Is array1 defined and what type is it? #{defined?(#array1)}"
The system will tell you the type if it is defined.
If it is not defined it will just return a warning saying the variable is not initialized.
Hope this helps! :)
Leaving an incredibly simple example in case it helps.
When variable doesn't exist:
if defined? a then "hi" end
# => nil
When variable does exist:
a = 2
if defined? a then "hi" end
# => "hi"
