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Closed 5 years ago.
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Say, there is single elevator which is at Ground-Level in a building of G+24.
A man on G+7 calls elevator to go down (presses down button).
Ergo, the elevator will show up-arrow till G+7 then toggle to down arrow, as it is supposed to go down from there.
If a man at G+2 presses up arrow button (lift just started moving up and has not crossed G+2),
will elevator/lift actually open at G+2?
if it will, what if person at G+2 presses button to go to G+20?
what will be the path of elevator (as in G -> G+2 -> ...)?
I am very confused how exactly elevators/lifts handle these cases!
As a programmer, you use statistics and modeling (best case) or made-up assumptions based on your own subjective experience.
In your example the programmer would use the assumption (or the statistics) that most people who want to go down want to go down all the way to ground level or parking. Couple that with the assumption that people who want to enter an elevator on the 2nd floor (íf the building is a tall one) want to go up.
You would therefore not stop before going as far down as the lowest floor input by the people in the elevator.
Basically, the general answer is you use statistics of movements. Those differ between different buildings. If the building is new and there is no data yet you look at what is on the floor and try to make predictions about movements. Basically, you create a model of people's movements. Then you try to create an optimization function that minimizes waiting time, for example, or queue size, or energy consumption.
You may also take into account time of day. For example, in a business tower you may optimize for going up during the morning rush hour, and for going down in the late afternoon/early evening.
Modeling, simulation and statistics are key to finding good algorithms in such scenarios.
Add to that conditions. For example, you may set the condition to the optimization that nobody should wait for longer than 20 seconds, even if the overall efficiency would go down. For example, if all traffic is on the lower floors and there is a single person on on the 50th floor. It might be most efficient to ignore him/her for an hour, but that's not acceptable. Or an elevator that senses it is full may not stop except on the floor selected by people inside of it.
You can find courses on how to do modeling on the Internet, for example. on education sites such as edX. Here is an example (the course is closed but still accessible): "Mathematical Modeling Basics -- Use mathematics to create models to solve real-life problems."
Here is an example for a paper (of which there are many!) on how to model elevators: "Modeling Elevator System With Coloured Petri Nets" (PDF)
Just to show that this modeling approach is indeed actually used in practice, here is an example of a software (Oasys MassMotion) and how it could be used to model elevators: "Oasys Software Blog: Modelling Lifts"
That is the computer science graduate way of doing this. What works almost as well in practice and requires a lot less skills and knowledge is that you come up with whatever you feel like (making common sense assumptions) and if somebody (in charge) complains you adjust the algorithm :-)
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Closed 6 years ago.
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We have 10 kinds of toy,and every kind include 10 toys.
We will distribute toys to 100 children.Every child have different degree of satisfaction for 10 kinds. Tip:In the real project we will have 300000+ children records in my database.
My Question is:How to measure and define the best solution for distribution?
And how to get the result?Please give me a hint.
Some friends suggest me to try KM algorithm, I'm not sure it will work for me.
This problem is hard because you haven't decided what you want to optimize, and because many optimization methods will be expensive to run if you have 300K children - or customers - to worry about.
What do you want to optimize? If you try and optimize the sum of some set of per-child satisfaction score, can you really compare the subjective satisfaction of two different children, let alone add them up to produce anything sensible? If you decide on such a system, can you prove that it cannot be distorted by children who decide to lie about their satisfactions, for instance saying that they will be devastated if they don't get one particular toy?
What if somebody decides that the sum of satisfaction scores isn't the right metric, but instead that you should minimize the dis-satisfaction of the most dis-satisfied child?
What if somebody decides that inequality is the real problem, so if there is one very happy child, you should take away their toy and give it to somebody else to minimize the difference in satisfaction between the most and least satisfied child?
What if somebody decides that some children count more than other children, because of something their great-grandparents did, or didn't do?
Just to not be completely negative, here is a cheap scheme, and an attempt to prove a property about it. Put the children in random order and allocate the toys as if each child were to choose according to their preferences in this order - so each child would get the toy they most preferred according to the toys left when they came to choose.
One property you might want for a method of choosing is that, after the toys were distributed, children wouldn't find that they could trade toys amongst themselves to produce a better distribution, making you look silly (aka not a pareto optimal solution). Suppose that such a pattern of trades was possible among the children in this scheme. Consider the trading child who came first among these children in the initial randomization. They chose the toy they wanted most from all those available, so there is in fact nothing the other trading children could offer them that they would prefer. So this scheme is at least not vulnerable to later trades.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm working in a team that's been consistently and fairly successfully working in an agile approach, and this has been working great for the current project until now, for our initial work, as we incrementally build the product.
We're now moving into the next phase of this though, and the management are keen for us to set some specific deadlines ourselves, for when we'll be in a position to demo and sell this to real customers, on the order of months.
We have a fairly well organised large backlog for each of the elements of functionality we'd like to include, and a good sense of the prioritisation of these individual bits of functionality.
The naive solution is to get the minimum list of stories that would provide a demo-able product, estimate all of those individually, and add them up and combine with our velocity to get a date, and announce we'll be demoing from then. That leaves no leeway though, and seems likely to result in a mad crunch as we get up to deadline time, which I desperately want to avoid.
As an improvement, I'd like to add in some ratio of more optional stories to act as either contingency or bonus improvements, depending on how we progress, but we don't have any idea what ratio would be sensible, or whether this is the standard approach.
I'm also concerned by having to estimate the whole of our backlog all in one go up-front, as that seems very time consuming, and it seems likely that we'll discover more information in the months before we get to that story, which will affect our estimates.
Are there recommended approaches to dealing with setting deadlines to allow for an agile development process? Most of the information I've seen seems to be around handling the situation once you've got a fixed deadline to hit instead. I'd also be interested in any relevant literature or interesting blog posts that cover this issue.
Regarding literature: the best book I know regarding the estimation in software is "Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art" by Steve McConnel. It covers your case. Plus, it describes the difference between estimation and commitment (set-deadline, in other words) and explains how to derive the second from the first reliably.
The naive solution is to get the minimum list of stories that would
provide a demo-able product, estimate all of those individually, and
add them up and combine with our velocity to get a date, and announce
we'll be demoing from then. That leaves no leeway though, and seems
likely to result in a mad crunch as we get up to deadline time, which
I desperately want to avoid.
This is the solution I have used in the past. Your initial estimate is going to be off a bit so add some slack via a couple of additional sprints before setting your release date. If you get behind you can make it up in the slack. If not, your product backlog gives you additional features that you can include in the release if you so choose. This will be dependent on your velocity metric for the team though. Adjust your slack based on how accurate you feel this metric is for the current team. Once you have a target release you can circle back to see if you have any known resource constraints that might affect that release.
The approach you describe is likely to be correct. You may want to estimate for all desirable features, and prioritise UI elements (because investors and customers basically just see the shiny UI), and then your deadline will be that estimated date for completion; then add on some slack in the form of scaling your estimates. Use the ratio between current productivity and your worst period to create a pessimistic estimate. You can use that same ratio to scale shorter estimates (e.g. for your estimate to the minimum feature set).
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Closed 8 years ago.
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How can I distinguish between two different users, like two different neighbours who lives in a same address and goes to the same office, but they have different patterns of driving and have different office schedules. I wanted to find out the probability of two persons who behaves more or less exactly. Depending on the resolution of the map, I wants to figure them, where they are, how often they are. Can I create a pattern ´for each drivers into some signatures, where their identity can be traced upon.
I assume, by the way that you asked your question, that you haven't had any plausible ideas yet. So I'll make an answer which is purely based on an idea that you might like to try out.
I initially thought of suggesting something along the line of word-similarity metrics, but because order is not necessarily important here, maybe it's worth trying something simpler to start. In fact, if I ever find myself considering something complex when developing a model, I take a step back and try to simplify. It's quicker to code, and you don't get so attached to something that's a dead end.
So, how about histograms? If you divide up time and space into larger blocks, you can increment a value in the relevant location for each time interval. You get a 2D histogram of a person's location. You can use basic anti-aliasing to make the histograms more representative.
From there, it's down to histogram comparison. You could implement something real basic using only 1D strips. You know, like sum the similarity measure for each of the vertical and horizontal strips. Linear histogram comparison is super-easy, and just a few lines of code in a language like C. Good enough for proof of concept. If it feels you're on the right track, then start looking for more tricky ideas...
The next thing I'd do is further stratify my data, using days of the week and statutory holidays... Maybe even stratify further using seasonal variables. I've found it pretty effective for forecasting electricity load, which is as much about social patterns as it is about weather. The trends become much more distinct when you separate an influencing variable.
So, after stratification you get a stack of 2D 'slices', and your signature becomes a kind of 3D volume. I see nothing wrong with representing the entire planet as a grid. Whether your squares represent 100m or 1km. It's easy to store this sparsely and prune out anything that's outside some number of standard deviations. You might choose only the most major events for the day and end up with a handful of locations.
You can then focus on the comparison metric. Maybe some kind of image-based gradient- or cluster-analysis. I'm sure there's loads of really great stuff out there. This is just the kinds of starting-points I make, having done no research.
If you need to add some temporal information to introduce separation between people with very similar lives, you can maybe build some lags into the system... Such as "where they were an hour ago". At that point (or possibly before), you probably want to switch from my over-simplified approach of averaging out a person's daily activities, and instead use something like classification trees. This kind of thing is very easy and rapid to develop with a tool like MATLAB or R.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I was going through the definition of Velocity of a project. As per my understanding its the number of story points acheived vs planned in an iteraction.
I am not clear on what is a story point?
Story Point is an "arbitrary" unit of work assigned to a particular task or story.
It can be the number of man-hours the team (or the team leader) estimated the task/story would take, but it could be just any other unit of work/time.
The specific unit used for a Story Point is somewhat arbitrary in a sense that it doesn't even need to translate into a precise amount of man hours (or of work days or what not). The only requirement is that the Story Points reflect the estimated amount of a work each task or story will require in a consistent fashion.
If the story point are assigned in such a consistent fashion, story points become a useful metric for measuring progress on the overall project. Also, if the amount of work programmers can perform during a given span of time (say during a 2 weeks "sprint") is expressed in story points, it is possible to plan the list of stories that can be delivered during the sprint (if all goes well ;-) )
A story point is something used by the scrum to estimate work effort on a story. It's an arbitrary measure such as person-hours, or a simple {easy-peasy, one-for-the-graduate, medium, guru, crikey-thats-a-toughie, near-impossibility} ({1, 3, 9, 27, 81} sort of thing) selection.
Hence a fairly simple story (hello, world) might be one story point, while a more complex one (a Facebook clone) would be many more.
Really good teams will maintain a history of stories and their points (both estimated and actual).
That way, you can just go find an earlier story similar to the one you're estimating and use its actual point count (found once the story had finished) as a baseline for the current story.
See this entry in the Agile FAQ for more detail, or the top page for lots of other goodies.
It is the complexity of story that is used to measure the team velocity. Normally, it is not precised hours the story will need because you can't know specially when you are a new agile team. But with time you will be able to more precisely assign a number to story because you learn with time.
Since main purpose of point is to get an estimation to measure your speed therefore you keep in mind the complexity of story (e.g, implementation time + team skills + knowledge + experience in the domain ,etc )
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm not entirely sure this is the correct stack exchange subsite to post this question to, but...
I'm looking for an algorithm that I can use to determine with a decent amount of certainty if a given piece of audio is music or not. Just a boolean result is fine, I don't need to know the key, bpm or anything like that, I just need to be able to determine if it appears to be music (as opposed to speech). Programming language is irrelevant, but I'll end up converting it to Python.
In a phrase, Fourier analysis. Look at the power of different frequencies over time. Here's speech, and here's violin playing. The former shows dramatic changes with every syllable; the 'flow' is very disjoint and could be picked up by an algorithm which took the derivative of the different frequency bands as a function of time. In paradigmatic music, on the other hand, the transitions are much smoother and the tones are purer (less 'blur' in the graph). See also the 'spectrogram' wikipedia page.
What you could do is set up a few Karplus Strong resonance rings and through the audio through them, and just monitor the level of energy in each ring
if it is Western music, it is pretty much all tuned to 12-TET, ie logarithmic 12 tone scale based around concert pitch A4#440Hz
so just pick 3 or 4 notes equally spaced through the octave eg C5, (omit C# D D#) E5 (omit F F# G) G#5 (omit A A# B)
and at least one of those rings will be flaring regularly -- whichever key the music is in, it's probably going to hit one of those notes quite a lot
ideally do it for a bunch of notes, but if you need this real-time it can get a bit heavy feeding your audio simultaneously into 50 rings
alternatively you could even use a pitch detector and catalogue recorded pitches, and look at ratios of log(noteAfreq):log(noteBfreq) see whether they are arranging themselves into low order fractions like 3:4 += 0.5%. but I don't think anyone has built a decent polyphonic pitch detector -- it is practically impossible.
Melodyne might have pulled it off
If it's just a vocal signal you can e-mail me.
For some reason this question has attracted a large number of really bad answers.
Use pyAudioAnalysis. Also, Google "audio feature analysis".
On its surface, this sounds like a hard problem, but there's been an explosion of great work on classifiers in the past 20 years, so many well-documented solutions exist. Most classifiers today usually can figure this out with an error rate of only a few percent. Some classifiers can even figure out what genre of music it is.
Most current algorithms for doing this break down into detecting a bunch of statistical representations of the input audio (features), and then doing a set of automatic classifications of the inputs based on previous training data.
pyAudioAnalysis is one library for extracting these features and then training a kNN or other mixed model based on the detected features. There are many more comparable libraries, such as Essentia for C++. Essentia also has Python bindings.
An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis: Applications in Signal Processing and Music Informatics is a good introductory book.
Look for a small "First differential" over a sequence of FFTs that are in the range of music tones (ie: 1024 samples per chunk run through FFT, then plot chunk1-chunk0,chunk2-chunk1,...). As a first approximation, this should be enough to detect simple things.
This is the sort of algorithm that could be tweaked forever, even in genre-specific ways. Music itself is generally periodic as well, so coming up with a way to run FFTs over the FFTs. And the idea to look for a consistent twelfth root of two spread of outstanding frequencies sounds really plausible.
I bet you were hoping to find this sitting in an free Python library for you to simply drop a file into. :-)