I need to create a JMeter script for a batch process. The process will be to check for the file in a inbound folder and then watch for processed folder in the outbound folder.
Is there a way to watch if a file has been processed and is the outbound folder. The file in the outbound folder will have the same name
You can use JSR223 Sampler (or Pre Processor depends on your needs) which check if file exists, for example in Java language:
a = new File("/var/tmp/myFile.txt").exists();
log.info("file exists "+ a);
Other option is execute all in Linux script called by OS Process Sampler.
You can use JMeter's While Controller like:
Add While Controller to your Test Plan
Put the following expression into "Condition" area:
${__groovy(!new File('/path/to/outbound/folder').list().contains('expected_file_name'),)}
Add Test Action sampler as a child of the While Controller and configure it to sleep for i.e. 500 ms
JMeter will "sleep" until expected file will appear in the outbound folder, once it will be there - JMeter will proceed to execution of sampler(s) below the While Controller.
I have to upload audio files in the Jmeter script which is stored in my system. E.g. abc.wav is the file store in the system. But in the script the file name format should be "Testinstanceid__itemid__ interactionid.wav". Here "Testinstanceid" is the dynamic value which we can get from correlation of previous response.
But how I can upload the file with this dynamic value during run time and it will upload correctly in the script.
Thanks in advance
You can copy your abc.wav file to the Testinstanceid__itemid__ interactionid.wav file using JSR223 PreProcessor and Groovy script like:
org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.copyFile(new File('abc.wav'), new File(vars.get('Testinstanceid') + '__itemid__ interactionid.wav'))
once you finish the uploading you can delete the file to free up your drive in JSR223 PostProcessor like:
org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(vars.get('Testinstanceid') + '__itemid__ interactionid.wav'))
where vars stands for JMeterVariables class instance, check out the JavaDoc for all available functions
I have problem with set parametrize $url variable in Jmeter.
I must set parametrize because I will run my project test in three other URL addresses, because application is deployed for 3 others such as production, development and I also would like testing in local.
I have the following CSV file:
${dev} http://10.200.XXX.XX/{$url}
${trial} trial.mycompany.io{$url}
${product} product.mycompany.io{$url}
How can I set this in JMeter, set parametrization my URL variable?
Your question is not very clear, moreover my expectation is that you shouldn't have JMeter variables reference in form of ${variable} in the CSV file, only "plain" data should go there.
With regards to running test on different servers I would go for creating 3 separate CSV files, i.e.
dev.csv with the following contents:
trial.csv with the following contents
product.csv with the following contents
Once done you can add a CSV Data Set Config and set it up like:
And finally add HTTP Request Defaults to your Test Plan to read the values from the relevant CSV file:
So when you run JMeter without any parameters it will pick up dev.csv file and will go to 10.200.XXX.XX host
If you run JMeter like:
jmeter -Jenvironment=trial
it will pick up trial.csv and will go to trial.mycompany.io host
If you run JMeter like:
jmeter -Jenvironment=product
it will pick up product.csv and will go to product.mycompany.io. host
More information:
__P() function
Overriding Properties Via The Command Line
am using JMeter 4.0 and I have been trying to parameterize the filename in "Attach files" option with no success. I am required to use attachments of varying sizes and with each loop a random pdf file (from the set of files saved locally in d drive) to be attached with the email.
I am using a CSV data set config for parameterization and see no issues in using the parameters in Subject line of within the Message.
However, when used with the attach files option, the JMeter test fails to execute with FileNotFoundException as the variable name is substituted as such instead of the pdf filename. Is there a solution?
Error Message: java.io.FileNotFoundException: D:\Data_Jmeter\${AttachFile}.pdf (The system cannot find the file specified)
I cannot reproduce your problem using the following settings:
Where ${path} is set via User Defined Variables on Test Plan level and resolves into "bin" folder of my JMeter installation
The same situation for ${path} variable originating from the CSV Data Set Config
So I would recommend to double check if your ${AttachFile} variable is defined, you can do this using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination
A monthly PDF report is getting downloaded by the HTTP sampler. I'm passing the file path of this report in the prefix of 'Save responses to a file' listener which is a child of the HTTP sampler.
I'm passing the month name variable like ${month} in the file path, to create a folder dynamically as given below.
E:/Work/Monthly Productivity Report/${month}/MONTHLY_PRODUCTIVITY_REPORT_${month}_${__time(yyyyMMdd-hhmmss)}
But the script is throwing errors like unknown source or path not found. Is there any way where I can create new folder dynamically?
Add JSR223 Sampler, choose Language Java and put the code in script window:
String folder = vars.get("folder");
boolean success = (new File(folder)).mkdirs();
return success;
For each test suite run:
JMeter always created a new testresult.csv and needs a blank new folder for report. So it is good to use .bat file to dynamically create the testresult.csv and report folder using this code.
Everytime you run .bat file, you will get new result.csv e.g. TestResults-Sat_09182021_160935_94.csv and new report folder e.g. Reports-Sat_09182021_160935_94
Add below code in Run.bat and open Run.bat:
set mydate=%date:/=%
set mytime=%time::=%
set mydatetime=%mydate:=_%_%mytime:.=_%
jmeter -n -t "F:\WebsitePerformanceTest.jmx" -l "F:\TestResults-%mydatetime%.csv" -e -o "F:\Reports-%mydatetime%"
Enjoy !
I am trying to test an API using Jmeter.
This API take a single file as as a parameter and uploads it to my App
Now I have a folder which contains 1000's of such files.
How do I write a script in Jmeter that picks up 1 file from the folder and then sends a request (i.e. 1 request for each file) and this continues for all the files in the folder?
I would suggest using Beanshell Sampler and ForEach Controller combination like:
Add Beanshell Sampler to your Test Plan
Put the following code into "Script" area:
File folder = new File("c:\\somefolder");
File[] files = folder.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File file) {
return file.isFile();
for (int i=0; i < files.length; i++) {
vars.put("file_" + i, files[i].getAbsolutePath());
The above code will generate JMeter Variables like:
Add ForEach Controller after the Beanshell Sampler and configure it as follows:
Input variable prefix: file
Output variable name: anything meaningful, i.e. currentFile
Check `Add "_" before number
Put the HTTP Request sampler which performs file upload under the ForEach Controller
Put ${currentFile} to "File Path" input
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component guide for comprehensive information on enhancing your JMeter tests with Beanshell
To make JMeter upload all files:
First create a CSV file that contains the file names
Then use a CSV Data Set with 2 columns:
- 1 that will contain the path to files, let's say you name it pathToFile
- 1 that will contain the mime type of the file, let's say you name it mimeType
Then in your HTTP Request , select "Files Upload" Tab and use the variables:
Note you must change:
paramName in the table to match what you have in your form.
path to match your URL suffix
port if different from 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS
I think this can be solved by using the solution provided here :
and keeping the file name like:
where the counter is a counter variable which increments with each request.
Also, files in the folders too are like abc-1.png abc-2.png etc.