Simple working Spring MVC / Maven configuration - spring

I’ve been trying to set up a Spring MVC application from scratch, using Maven, in IntelliJ Idea. I know there are probably some nice Archetypes that can do this for you, but I really want to understand what’s going on. Here’s what I want to do:
Create a simple web application that shows displays “Hello World” under https://localhost:8080/, using an embedded Tomcat (with the Maven plugin). So, one controller, one request mapping, and one template. I’ve been able to get the spring application to boot (the Spring logo appears in the console) and Tomcat seems to run as well (the site responds). The problem is, I haven’t been able to get the request to map to my RequestMap method in my Controller. I’m quite sure that the controller isn’t the problem, but that it’s some configuration/setup issue.
Here’s the thing: I’ve been looking at tutorials, StackOverflow, Spring documentation, etc. for hours now, but I haven’t found a source that really explains how to configure a Spring MVC Maven project. Everyone seems to have a different opinion on what XML files you need, what they should be named, and where they should be located. The consensus seems to be that you need a web.xml file in a folder named WEB-INF, but even there, everyone has a different opinion on where that folder should go. I appreciate that there are multiple different ways to do this, and that there’s no “right” way, but in my experience, there are definitely many “wrong” ways =).
My question right now isn’t necessarily how to get my current project running (I don’t mind starting over), but what kinds of config files are out there (web, spring, app-config, servlet, …), what they do, which ones you need, where they need to go, what they should be named, how they connect, etc. Some people also use the Maven Compiler plugin, and others don’t, and nobody says why :D. Essentially: How do I let Spring know where to find controllers, templates, etc., and how to run and deploy all of this on the embedded Tomcat. I would like to find a source that explains the entire core-ecosystem of Spring MVC in a unified way. I have found many sources that provide “how-to” tutorials, but with little to no explanation (like “add the following servlet.xml file to your WEB-INF folder”). So, if your setup slightly differs from the tutorial (e.g. because you are using IntelliJ instead of Eclipse, Tomcat instead of Jetty, embedded Tomcat, a slightly different folder structure) nothing works, and, most importantly, you have no clue why.
Has anyone learned these setup-basics with anything better than copy/pasting or trial & error? :D

Easiest way to start is by using Spring Boot. Go to following link:
Spring initializr
Choose "Web" for "Selected Dependencise" and click "Generate Project". Download of maven project should start after that. Then import that project in IntelliJ IDEA as a Maven project. And that is a good starting point. You'll get main class that you can run and embeded Tomcat will start at 8080 port. Than you can add some controller, template etc...
Also good guides


Customizing Spring Initializr

I am working on bringing up a new team in the Spring Boot ecosystem. I love the Spring Initializr service. We have written custom Gradle plugins for unifying our build systems across many Spring Boot projects. I am looking to provide our team with an Initializr that will take advantage of our build tooling as well as inject some of our business practices into the scaffolding of the project.
With these goals in mind we have decided that extending the wonderful Spring Initializr and running a custom instance locally makes a lot of sense.
Unfortunately, it appears that the Initializr project has very little documentation about customizing it, beyond the basics of editing the YAML configuration and the Templates for the java files, it is difficult (for someone with no Groovy Templating experience) to figure out how to best extend the Initializr such that we maintain much of the functionality but can also extend the site and service appropriately.
We have built the github project from source, and published the artifacts to our local artifactory, and have successfully created our own project that uses those artifacts as a dependency and stands up a mildly customized service (basic HTML and Java source editing, simple YAML configuration).
Can anyone help with even basic resources for extending the functionality of the Initializr? perhaps a roadmap? a project specific forum? really any help is appreciated, my google-foo seems to be failing me.
I know this is a reasonably broad question, but I am failing to get in touch with the right people, or find the resources for this.
So the answer is indeed Gitter. Spring Initializr should be seen at the moment as a service and not a library. We do our best to make sure things are nicely separated but that's not the case yet for everything (read: designed for extension).
We have some plans to allow external components to customize how the project is generated. It would help if you could share your use cases on the gitter channel. Thanks!

Spring insecuremvc - sample files location?

I am trying to use Spring with: gradle, annotations (not xml), springboot, embedded server. Followed the guides of the side; they are great. Now I wanted to try it myself. I am creating a simple MVC (however I do not understand the difference between MVC and web-MVC entirely) - and want to add 'security'.
This example 'insecuremvc' (is maven, is war; instead of gradle/jar; but it is available). I could make it run.
However, where are the sources? I wanted to see them to learn it. It runs in my localhost, magically if said so, only by poms and downloaded jars - while, I could not find the jar of insecuremvc or such.
A similar question did not help. Is there anything fundamental that I have missed?
You wont have sources located in a WAR file as it means a web-archive. You can use the below link to get your sources which are in Groovy.
Source code
If there is anything else, let me know.

Dart with Maven (in Spring Boot App)

I like Dart, I have been playing with it for a while. I'd like to integrate with my Maven web app project based on Spring Boot.
I suppose the correct way is to use dart-maven-plugin. But I'm not sure how to properly glue it in place. Spring Boot has its own structure, Maven as well and Dart makes that none the better.
I will need probably the entry point for Dart part, means Spring Boot templates folder needs to include the html resources from Dart.
I would appreciate any idea, best practices.
PS: the aforementioned dart-maven-plugin is not really vivid, should I be afraid using it at all, as I don't see any progress there, compared to Dart itself.
So this can be solution(note I have only one so called "entry point"- .dart file so far)
normal Dart structure in src/main/dart
user dart-maven-plugin's pub build command into ${}/dart
maven-resources-plugin:copy-resources from ${}/dart/web to ${}/classes/public/
make war
I'm still able to use Intellij's Dart integration from src/main/dart.
The Spring Boot maps classes/public/ folder to / so the dart file and html files are loaded properly.
It's not ideal, but it works so far. Please fell free to write down any comments.
I have tried a few times to use dart in a maven project myself and always ran into some problems. Right now I'm developing my dart apps in a separate module that I build with pub which connects to the maven based java backends with rest.
This has several advantages for me, for example:
I can use pub and avoid problems with outdated maven plugins
I use the serving mechanism that fits best for the static dart code and assets (in my case a docker image with nginx)
I have a clean separation of backend and frontend code with a tailored REST API
As I like the microservice approach I also use spring session together with zuul (via spring-cloud).
If you want to combine dart with generated html from for example JSPs or another templating engine, then this isn't a good approach for you. But IMHO dart is not yet very well suited for these kind of architectures.

Cannot proceed with Spring Roo: Advaned MVC Problems

I was scheduled to begin work on a new project and decided to make my life easier by adopting a new technology that I had no experience with: Spring!
Specifically Spring Roo, and therein lies my problem.
Spring Roo does so much auto-magical stuff that I really do not know how to proceed. As this runs the risk of turning into a rant, let me be more specific and then follow it up with my question:
Spring works great for setting up my classes and persisting them with Hibernate and all that. The main problem I am having is in trying to scaffold my project.
I am working on a project that manages a few "set" references with many-to-many and many-to-one relationships. This immediately will have problem with the scaffolding application.
Trying to add Google Web Toolkit via 'gwt setup' kills the application immediately. Trying to load in Tomcat server becomes impossible and there is no way to undo the process (as far as I know). Now what? I have to restart my project from the original commands and reapply my changes as far as I can tell.
With this being said it seems to me that the best process is to use ROO to generate my project artifacts and then create my own View/Controller setup. Even here I am having problems though, because the tiles configuration seems so obscured from how it works. I am having a hard time figuring out how to take a custom JSP that can process some of these complex many-to-one relationships (AJAX enabled) and add it to my web front.
Are there any guides for this?
FYI: in the existing Roo Generated MVC I tried
Copying over my JSP
Creating a Form Backing Objects that wraps the different entity types
Modifying the views.xml file in the folder to recognize the page
One this was accomplished, though, I have been unsure how to proceed. How do I access my JSP? Manually typing the URL as it is defined in views.xml does not work.
Should I think about abandoning Roo altogether and starting a Spring project from scratch?
Bet way to learn Spring Roo
read documentation (Spring Roo, enter link description here)
experiment with Roo and watch console output. See files that change, what changes if you add new controller etc.
read and discuss matters in SpringSource forum
follow spring-roo tag in SO
Using Spring Roo for scaffolding
user version control system or backup project. If result does not satisfies you - rollback changes.
Eclipse or SpringSource Tool suite have have hiccups (1, 2). Be aware of them. Use mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse and re-import project if necessarily.
know the difference between MVC architectural pattern, Web MVC framework and GWT scaffold application.
know limitations and behaviour of scaffolding (ITDs: GWT Style, Expected GWT Add-On Behaviour, JSP Views)
know how Validation, Data Binding, and Type Conversion works, to use effetely in your views
investigate request pipeline (Adding a custom page in spring roo, Adding new Activity in GWT scaffolded app)

Easiest way to add GWT to a Spring MVC application?

I've got a Spring MVC application and I've decided that I'd like to try using GWT for the front end. I'd like to continue using MVC as I'll also be using Spring Security and some other springy stuff.
I'm aware of the GWT-SL project, and I guess I'll use it. The documentation is light on examples unfortunately.
What I'm wondering now is.... how do I reconfigure my project so that I can use GWT? I'm assuming that I'll lose the ability to run in hosted mode, and I suppose that's ok. Do I just add the GWT and GWT-SL jars, reconfigure my web.xml, and add a package to my project for the GWT code?
I'm using Eclipse 3.4. My existing project is standard web project.
With the new version of the GWT plugin, you'd have all the benefits of the hosted mode browser without having to modify any options. The GWTHandler from the GWT-SL will take care of your rpc call mapping. However, you will have a problem with your existing domain objects structure. You will either have to put them in GWT's 'client' package, or mirror your existing domain objects to enable them to be compiled to javascript. I have been looking for a stable non-invasive framework for doing this, but have yet to find one. Gilead looks promising, but you will have to extend its classes on your domain.
I have posted a view month ago my simple project (3 classes) how to integrate GWT with existing Spring MVC application. Simple sample also provided.
Try it, it is clear and simple:
You won't lose hosted mode. I don't know if you're using the internal server for that - I use -noserver so I can't help you there.
Other than that, I guess the documentation is quite clear. Have you hit any specific problems?
