Spring HttpRequestHandler + XMLHttpRequest - ajax

i have a problem HttpRequestHandler does not receive any data when i send post data by javascript. i want to receive value of content, but it does not work.
Here is javascript code:
function utils_saveElementAndGetId(url,content) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
xhr.open("post", url, false);
if (xhr.status != 200) {
alert(xhr.status + ': ' + xhr.statusText)
} else {
return xhr.responseText
here is code of HttpRequestHandler:
public class HeaderServlet implements HttpRequestHandler {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HeaderServlet.class);
TemplateDao templateDao;
HeaderElementDao headerElementDao;
CheckboxElementDao checkboxElementDao;
public HeaderServlet(TemplateDao templateDao, HeaderElementDao headerElementDao, CheckboxElementDao checkboxElementDao) {
this.templateDao = templateDao;
this.headerElementDao = headerElementDao;
this.checkboxElementDao = checkboxElementDao;
public void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
String content = req.getParameter("content");
HeaderElement headerElement = new HeaderElement(content);
Long templateId = (Long) req.getSession().getAttribute("id");
Template template = templateDao.get(templateId);
headerElement.template = template;

I have solved the problem , the problem was in javascript side , i have just forgot to add xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type",


JUnit4 with Mockito for unit testing

public class DgiQtyAction extends DispatchAction {
private final Logger mLog = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
public ActionForward fnDgiQty(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
ActionErrors errorMessage = new ActionErrors();
errorMessage.add(Globals.MESSAGE_KEY, new ActionMessage(EcoConstants.error_message,EcoConstants.SESSION_TIMEOUT));
saveMessages(request, errorMessage);
return mapping.findForward(EcoConstants.SESSION_FORWARD);
String ecoPidID = (String) request.getParameter(EcoConstants.ecopidid);
String pidId = ESAPI.encoder().encodeForHTML((String) request.getParameter(EcoConstants.pidid));
mLog.debug("pidid --------" + pidId);
mLog.debug("ecopidpid --------" + ecoPidID);
ArrayList dgiQty = new ArrayList();
NeedDgiForm niForm = new NeedDgiForm();
try {
NeedDgiBD niBD = new NeedDgiBD();
if (ecoPidID != null) {
dgiQty = niBD.getDgiQty(ecoPidID);
if (dgiQty.size() != 0) {
if (dgiQty.get(0).toString().equals(EcoConstants.hundred)) {
niForm.setGlqtyList(new ArrayList());
request.setAttribute(EcoConstants.pidId, pidId);
return mapping.findForward(EcoConstants.SuccessInfo);
} else {
mLog.debug("fnBug 1----------------> " + dgiQty.get(0));
mLog.info("dgiQty sizeeeee: :" + dgiQty.size());
} catch (Exception e) {
//log.error("General Exception in DgiQtyAction.fnDgiQty: "
// + e.getMessage(), e);
request.setAttribute(EcoConstants.ERROR_MESSAGE, e.getMessage());
return mapping.findForward(EcoConstants.ERROR_PAGE);
mLog.debug("pidid after wards--------" + pidId);
request.setAttribute(EcoConstants.pidId, pidId);
request.setAttribute(mapping.getAttribute(), niForm);
return mapping.findForward(EcoConstants.SuccessInfo);
public class DgiQtyActionTest {
ActionMapping am;
ActionForm af;
DgiQtyAction dat;
private MockHttpSession mocksession;
private MockHttpServletRequest mockrequest;
private MockHttpServletResponse mockresponse;
public void fnDgiQty() throws Exception
mocksession = new MockHttpSession();
mockrequest = new MockHttpServletRequest();
mockresponse = new MockHttpServletResponse();
((MockHttpServletRequest) mockrequest).setSession(mocksession);
RequestContextHolder.setRequestAttributes(new ServletRequestAttributes(mockrequest));
Encoder instance = ESAPI.encoder();
dat.fnDgiQty(am,af,mockrequest, mockresponse);
I wrote the unit test case for above class. i ran this code through jenkins and used sonarqube as code coverage.I need to cover the ESAPi encoder for the parameter, it got build success but the coverage percentage doesn't increase. i couldn't found the mistake in it. pls help me guys. Thanks in Advance

POST Multipart file as form data to a REST service

I am trying to POST multipart file as a form data to a REST service which returns me a url after it saved at REST service end. In postman the request look like this.
I have a Spring Boot service which has a method to get Multipart file form frontend via jquery fileuploader. I need to post the file to the above URL which postman sends and saves in there end. I think i have to construct form data in my Spring boot service. Below are few snaps of the Spring boot service.
Controller end.
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/file-upload/{profileName:.+}")
public Attachment uploadFile(#RequestParam("file") MultipartFile input,
#PathVariable("profileName") String profileName) throws IOException {
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
if (input != null) {
log.info("Upload a new attachment item" + input.getName());
byte[] fileByteArray = input.getBytes();
socialMediaService.uploadMedia(input, profileName);
return attachment;
public String uploadMedia(MultipartFile input, String profileName) {
String mediaUploadPath = "wall_attach/lenne-public";
Map < String, String > params = new HashMap < > ();
String mediaUploadFullPath =
UrlBuilder.build(System.getenv(Constants.HUBZILLA_URL), mediaUploadPath, params);
if (!isRestServiceProvided) {
restService = new RestService(RequestType.POST, mediaUploadFullPath);
MultipartEntityBuilder builder = restService.getEntityBuilder();
try {
builder.addBinaryBody("userfile", input.getBytes(), ContentType.DEFAULT_BINARY, input.getOriginalFilename());
} catch (IOException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
String strResp = restService.execute(profileName, Constants.HUBZILLA_PW);
return strResp;
return null;
RestService class
public class RestService {
private Logger log;
private HttpClient client = null;
private HttpRequest request = null;
private RequestType reqType = null;
private String body;
MultipartEntityBuilder builder = null;
public RestService() {
this.log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RestService.class);
* Create REST service with external parameters.
* #param reqType RequestType
* #param client HttpClient
* #param request External HttpRequest
public RestService(RequestType reqType, HttpClient client, HttpRequest request, Logger log) {
this.reqType = reqType;
this.client = client;
this.request = request;
this.log = log;
* Create REST service string parameters.
* #param reqType RequestType
* #param fullPath Full path of REST service
public RestService(RequestType reqType, String fullPath) {
this.client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
this.reqType = reqType;
this.log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RestService.class);
if (reqType == RequestType.GET) {
this.request = new HttpGet(fullPath);
} else if (reqType == RequestType.POST) {
this.request = new HttpPost(fullPath);
} else if (reqType == RequestType.DELETE) {
this.request = new HttpDelete(fullPath);
* Execute REST service without authentication.
* #return - Result of the service.
public String execute() {
return execute(null, null);
* Execute REST web service with basic authentication.
* #return - Result of the service.
public String execute(String user, String password) {
try {
if (user != null && password != null) {
StringBuilder authString = new StringBuilder();
String authBase = new String(
String authType = "Basic ";
String authHeader = authType + authBase;
request.setHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, authHeader);
HttpResponse response = null;
if (this.reqType == RequestType.GET) {
HttpGet get = (HttpGet) request;
response = client.execute(get);
} else if (this.reqType == RequestType.POST) {
HttpPost post = (HttpPost) request;
if (body != null) {
StringEntity stringEntity = new StringEntity(body);
if (builder != null) {
HttpEntity entity = builder.build();
response = client.execute(post);
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException();
if (response != null && (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == Status.OK.getStatusCode()
|| response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == Status.CREATED.getStatusCode())) {
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
return EntityUtils.toString(entity);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("External service call failed ", e);
return null;
public void setBody(String body) {
this.body = body;
public MultipartEntityBuilder getEntityBuilder() {
this.builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
return this.builder;
My problem is not getting any result after I executed the rest service upload media method. But it worked perfectly via postman.
Can anybody let me know what am I missing? Is the way I constructed the form data in java correct?
Thank you in advance.
Try adding consumes parameter in #RequestMapping like this (consumes = "multipart/form-data")
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = "multipart/form-data" ,value = "/file-upload/{profileName:.+}")
public Attachment uploadFile(#RequestParam("file") MultipartFile input,
#PathVariable("profileName") String profileName) throws IOException {
There is another relevant issue here:
Trying to upload MultipartFile with postman
Please read the comments under answer in this link.
Hope it helps!

Issue with spring boot post call. Unable to call controller from client side

I am bit new to spring boot and I have developed the following logic:
Here is my requirement. Just I wanted to upload images to tomcat server for that I have tried this logic with spring boot
public class MyApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
new File(UploadController.uploadDir).mkdirs();
SpringApplication.run(MyApplication.class, args);
public class UploadController() {
public String get(Model model) {
return "abc";
#RequestMapping(value = "/upload", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String uploadFiles(#RequestParam("uploadedFiles") MultipartFile[] uploadedFiles) throws IOException {
for(MultipartFile f : uploadedFiles) {
File file = new File(uploadDir + f.getOriginalFilename());
return "redirect:/";
Here, get request is working fine. Here is the code for get
public static String get() throws IOException {
HttpURLConnection conn = null;
BufferedReader br = null;
try {
URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/test");
conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
if (conn.getResponseCode() != 200) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed : HTTP error code : " + conn.getResponseCode());
br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader((conn.getInputStream())));
return br.readLine();
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
} finally {
if (null != conn) {
if (null != br) {
But I am not sure how can I call post method. I tried with same logic with POST as request type. BUt not able to upload the images. Can anyone post me the code for upload from client side?
With JSP and Javascript, code will look like below:
JSP code:
<input name="media[]" type="file" id="xmlTemplate" multiple>
Javascript code:
var data = new FormData();
jQuery.each($('input[name^="media"]')[0].files, function(i, file) {
data.append("uploadedFiles", file);
var json = '{' + .... + ']}';//Some JSON I was also passing alongwith files
data.append('estimateInfo', new Blob([json], {
type: "application/json"
type : "POST",
processData: false,
dataType: 'json',
data: data,
cache: false,
contentType: false,
url: 'createEstimates',
success: function(result) {
error: function(result) {
Controller code:
#RequestMapping(value = "/createEstimates", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = { "multipart/form-data" })
public EstimateResponse createEstimates(HttpServletRequest request,
#RequestPart("estimateInfo") EstimateInfo estimateInfo, #RequestPart("uploadedFiles") MultipartFile... files) {
If you want to send from Java client, then you can refer to Upload Files Programmatically

Consuming Soap Service in spring boot application

I need to consume a soap service in spring boot. How can i do that easily using annotations like we do for Rest. I need to send headers, form the body for my service. Please help me with the solution
public String sendMessage(String processInstanceId) {
WebServiceTemplate webServiceTemplate = new WebServiceTemplate();
String request = "<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:" + "SOAP='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'>" + "<SOAP:Body>"
+ "<SendMessage xmlns='http://schemas.cordys.com/bpm/execution/1.0'>" + "<receiver>" + processInstanceId
+ "</receiver>" + "<message overwrite='false' />" + "</SendMessage>" + "</SOAP:Body>"
+ "</SOAP:Envelope>";
SendMessageAPI sendMessageObject = new SendMessageAPI();
StreamSource source = new StreamSource(new StringReader(request));
StreamResult result = new StreamResult(System.out);
System.out.println("called service" + request);
source, result);
return "Success";
You may use Spring Web Service where it's present the WebServiceTemplate similar to the RestTemplate
In order to add SOAP Header and/or HTTP Header you can implement the WebServiceMessageCallback interface.
Here a simple example for adding HTTP Headers
The WebServiceMessageCallback implementation (note I'm using Axiom as MessageFactory)
public class WsHttpHeaderCallback implements WebServiceMessageCallback
private String headerKey;
private String headerValue;
private String soapAction;
public WsHttpHeaderCallback(String headerKey, String headerValue, String soapAction)
this.headerKey = headerKey;
this.headerValue = headerValue;
this.soapAction = soapAction;
public WsHttpHeaderCallback()
public void doWithMessage(WebServiceMessage message) throws IOException, TransformerException
addRequestHeader(headerKey, headerValue);
if (StringUtils.hasText(this.soapAction))
AxiomSoapMessage axiomMessage = (AxiomSoapMessage) message;
private void addRequestHeader(String headerKey, String headerValue)
TransportContext context = TransportContextHolder.getTransportContext();
WebServiceConnection connection = context.getConnection();
if (connection instanceof HttpComponentsConnection)
HttpComponentsConnection conn = (HttpComponentsConnection) connection;
HttpPost post = conn.getHttpPost();
post.addHeader(headerKey, headerValue);
else if( connection instanceof ClientHttpRequestConnection )
ClientHttpRequestConnection conn = (ClientHttpRequestConnection)connection;
conn.getClientHttpRequest().getHeaders().add(headerKey, headerValue);
The WebServiceMessageCallback usage:
WebServiceResponse resp = (WebServiceResponse)webSvcTemplate.marshalSendAndReceive(wsUrl, request, new WsHttpHeaderCallback(headerKey, headerValue, "http://ws.com/soapAction") );
I hope it's usefull

How to reproduce this cURL request using Spring RestTemplate?

I am trying to achieve GET request calls containing a request body. Yeah, I know. So here is my problem.
I have a Spring MVC controller responding fine to the following pseudo-command:
curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:9098/a/{aID}/b/{bID}/c -d '{"header":{"foo":"foofoofoo","timestamp":"2015-06-23T03:45:43-04:00"}}'
I am trying to reproduce this call from another spring mvc app using RestTemplate.exchange, but keep getting a 400 bad request error on the client side app -- the server side application doesn't seem to log any error regarding the call.
The client side controller
public String getC(
#PathParam(value = "aID") String aId,
#PathParam(value = "bID") String bId) {
ResponseEntity<String> result = null;
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(serverApplicationUrlLocalhost9098);
String finalUrl = url.toString();
try {
org.springframework.http.MediaType mediaType = org.springframework.http.MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON;
List<org.springframework.http.MediaType> accepts = new ArrayList<org.springframework.http.MediaType>();
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
Foo foo = new Foo();
HttpEntity<Foo> request = new HttpEntity<Foo>(foo, headers);
result = restTemplate.exchange(finalUrl, HttpMethod.GET, request, String.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error calling REST service: " + finalUrl, e);
return result.getBody();
For the purpose of testing, I have a private class Foo
private class Header {
private String foo = "foofoofoo";
private String timestamp = "2015-06-23T03:45:43-04:00";
public String getFoo() {
return foo;
public void setFoo(String foo) {
this.foo = foo;
public String getTimestamp() {
return timestamp;
public void setTimestamp(String timestamp) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
private class Foo {
private Header header = new Header();
public Header getHeader() {
return header;
public void setHeader(Header header) {
this.header = header;
