[prestashop]: bad with html rendering - smarty

i'm using smart to display a bloc of html code .
my problem is that it not interpret my html code.
there is my code
<dl class="accordion">
{foreach $faqs as $allfaq}
and this is the result:

Add nofilter filter:
{$allfaq.content nofilter}


XPath Query for URL Extraction

I need to extract http://site.ru/ from this code:
<div class="one">
<dt class="two">
<span class="name">Site</span>
<dd class="three">
<span class="js-pseudo-link" data-url="rAnDoMlEtTeRsAnDnUmBeRs" style>
<a href="http://site.ru/" class rel="nofollow" target="_blank" style> http://site.ru/ </a>
I use this XPath query: //div//dl//dd//span//a/#href
But it doesn't work. It doesn't return anything.
I'm a newbie in XPath.
Unfortunately, the data source you are looking for is an empty span node (class js-pseudo-link). The data-url attribute has the base64 encoded link you want. This node only gets populated after loading. ImportXML for some reason ignores nodes with no text and there's no way to get it not to do that. To get around this, looks like you'll have to write an apps script that can handle empty nodes or just gets the raw HTML code and parse it.

How to use Microdata for URLs in Joomla?

I read here about Microdata in Joomla. However, I'm not able to produce a link with Microdata.
I want a Microdata output like:
<a itemprop="url" href="http://someurl">
<span itemprop="name">Some Url</span>
I want a link to an organisation from my client's website. My code is:
$microdata = new JMicrodata('Organization');
<div <?php echo $microdata->displayScope();?>>
echo $microdata->content( $this->item->url )->property( 'sameAs' )->display();
// outputs <span itemprop="sameAs">www.url_of_company.com</span>
Both url and sameAs Schema.org properties are of type URL, as per my understanding.
I also tried to wrap it with an anchor tag but Joomla is not producing itemprop along with href attribute in anchor tag.
I must be missing something.
Ok I analysed in libraries/joomla/microdata/microdata.php the method display();
and it doesn't exist any way to produce a <a href="#" > tag, only div, span and meta.
Btw there is a static method called htmlProperty(), with that you can add the property you need.
<?php $microdata = new JMicrodata('Organization'); ?>
<div <?php echo $microdata->displayScope(); ?> >
<a <?php echo JMicrodata::htmlProperty('url'); ?> href="http://google.com">
<?php echo $microdata->content('Google')->property('name')->display(); ?>

I have a script, in yii. That almost does the job, need just a little push

I am not a programmer by any means. I purchased the script and have spent two weeks and many variations trying to get the code to do what I need. It is 'almost' there.
<div id="step-2" style="position:absolute; center:overflow-y:;">
<?php if($images): ?>
<?php foreach ($images as $img => $data): ?>
<a href="javascript:;" class="pin-img">
<img src="<?php echo $img ?>" />
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<h2><?php echo Yii::t('yii', 'No relevant found!') ?></h2>
<?php endif ?>
It returns the images from a site. It only lets me select the first image. Even though all images are displayed. Only one is actually clickable. If I hover over each of the images I see the javascript href. I understand that to be some sort of place holder. that just makes the browser show the hand.
I just need the script to allow each item to be a choice for reaction.
http://silenceisnotawkward.com/Sinapin/Script/# is the live code.
I have made a test user
Password =password in case anyone wants to see what the site does.
http://www.ew.com/ew/ is a good link to pin from website and see the behavior.
I didn't look at your site, but looks like you are confusing your nesting of HTML tags, because you introduced a end-of-dev tag in your link.
<div id="step-2" style="position:absolute; center:overflow-y:;">
<?php if($images): ?>
<?php foreach ($images as $img => $data): ?>
<a href="javascript:;" class="pin-img">
<img src="<?php echo $img ?>" />
<!-- I removed the < / div > from here -->
<?php endforeach; ?>
HINT: I indented the code to make it more readable, Try doing the same with your code you posted and see where it leads you.

How to show content of a a specific URL in Smarty template?

Following is my code snippet from smarty template :
<div id="entrancelist">
<h2 class="heading">My Packages</h2>
{if $user_study_test_packages.test}
<ul class="entrancelist">
{foreach from=$user_study_test_packages.test item="user_test_packages" key=key}
{if $user_test_packages.pack_expiry_date1 >= $current_date }
<div class="fr"><span class="expiry">Expiry : {$user_test_packages.pack_expiry_date}</span></div>
<div class="fr"><span class="expiry_dt">This package is expired on {$user_test_packages.pack_expiry_date}.</span></div>
<p class="descp">{$user_test_packages.test_pack_desc}</p>
<div class="srtest"> </div>
You haven't bought any online test packages
Now what I want to do is reaplace the text "You haven't bought any online test packages" with the content of different URL say www.google.com But I'm not understanding how should I achieve this. Can anyone help me out in this issue? Thanks in advance.
Why not keep PHP separate from the template?
Maybe do this in your php code,
$gcontent = file_get_contents('http://www.google.com');
Then you can use {$gcontent} in your template.
You can even use query string parameters with the URL if you wanted to. More info on the php function.
Something like this works for me in Smarty 3, but some might not consider it very elegant:

Getting the thumbnail URL from getChildrenCategories()

I've been driving myself crazy trying to display thumbnail images for a list of sub categories I'm attempting to display in a footer. I've tried the solution found here: http://www.douglasradburn.co.uk/getting-category-thumbnail-images-with-magento/ but no luck!
Here is the code I am using at the moment. Everything works fine apart from the img src renders empty:
<? $artisans = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load(9)->getChildrenCategories(); ?>
<ul class="artists">
<? $i = 0; foreach($artisans as $artisan):
<img src="<?= $artisan->getThumbnailUrl() ?>" />
<? if(++$i > 7) break; endforeach; ?>
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
SOLUTION (thanks Lucasmus!):
<? $artisans = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load(9)->getChildrenCategories(); ?>
<ul class="artists">
<? $i = 0; foreach($artisans as $artisan): ?>
<img src="<?= Mage::getBaseUrl('media').'catalog/category/'.$artisan->load($artisan->getId())->getThumbnail() ?>" width="96" height="96" />
<? if(++$i > 7) break; endforeach; ?>
There is a good chance that there is not enough information loaded from the childcategory. It could help if you added $artisan->load($artisan->getId()); before getting the actual variables from the $artisan.
If you try $artisan->getThumbnail() instead of $artisan->getThumbnailUrl()? I think that is the correct attribute name.
yeah but the $artisan->getThumbnailUrl() calls $artisan->getThumbnail()
so why dont you in you script first set a thumbnail value you know exists for the getthumbnail() to call.
then you'll know it's a db naming problem
