Can I use joomla to build a portal on a website where - joomla

I am new to web development
Can I use joomla to build a portal on a website where each client see information about their purchases


Teams Toolkit SPFX Application not rendering for accounts without Teams Admin or Global Admin

I created an SPFX application with the Teams Toolkit that utilises Microsoft Graph API to get data,after packaging and deploying the manifest folder to Teams Admin Center, it renders well with accounts that have Teams Admin and Global Admin access but accounts without this access are unable to access the application as it shows an error as seen in the image.
The Component ID and version in the message are speaking to the React-dom component id and version in the project.
Please i need suggestions on how to resolve this as i am not sure if its just a permission issue
I have tried updating my spfx version but that didnt work as i was already working with the required version of spfx and all other dependency versions
You can raise an issue in so we can support you better.
I tried to reproduce your issue but failed. The web part displays successfully for account without Teams/Global Admin in my side. Let's clarify the steps before the issue happens:
Create a SPFx project in Teams Toolkit and utilizes Microsoft
Graph API to get data
Click 'Provision in the cloud' to provision
the Teams app (with Teams/Global admin account)
Click 'Deploy to
the cloud' to generate the sppkg and deploy it to SharePoint (with
Teams/Global admin account)
Click 'Publish to Teams' to publish
the Teams app manifest in Teams app catalog (with Teams/Global admin
Approve the submission in Teams admin portal
and open the Teams App in Teams with Teams/Global admin account and
the web part displayed successfully
Install and open the Teams
App in Teams without Teams/Global admin account and the web part
shows error.
Could you help confirm whether you're having the steps above to reproduce the issue?
BTW, after deploying you should be able to use the web part with normal account in regular page in SharePoint. Maybe you can check whether everything is OK in SharePoint app catalog
SPFx solution after deploy to SP app catalog

Shopify 3rd Party SSO WP Shopify Pro plugin

Hello I have a client with a wordpress website using WP Shopify Pro plugin. I only have access to the shopify store is this plugin able to interact with a custom shopify app? The client sells online courses and would like a single sign on solution I have jwt experience but trying to picture how this is gonna integrate being new to shopify. I've only played with adding admin functionality.
We have a Shopify+Thinkific site bridge (we have Thinkific Premium, with SSO available), we want our Shopify customers log into their Thinific account. SSO
How can this be accomplished with jwt token? Anyone done anything similar?
Anyone have any examples of a custom app where they created successful 3rd party SSO interrogation without multipass?

MS teams client custom app uploaded in portal but is not listed in catalog

I have created a Teams App with the App Studio. When I install it with App Studio everything is working? I am now trying to publish the app to the tenant app store
I have downloaded the app packaged from App Studio and uploaded the package to the Teams admin portal. The package uploads without any errors and the app is shown in the catalog list as a custom app
I have enabled
“Allow third party app”,” Allow any new third party apps… ” “Allow interaction with custom apps” on ”org-wide app” settings
-the global Permission policy I have “Allow all apps” on the three subjects
-the Global Setup Policy I have “Upload custom apps” and ”Allow user pinning” on
But my app does not show in the catalogue in the Teams client
After adding and removing the same police, restarting the client multiple times and waiting 48 hours- The app now show up in the catalog

Magento mobile app (Flutter) checkout using website

I have a Flutter Fluxstore app.
Web application is developed in Magento 2.
My website payment gateway is not supported by Flux store.
So, now I want to do checkout process using the website (by loading checkout web URL in Web View).
So here I need a solution for this how-to pass current user session to checkout page and load user cart and checkout stuff to the current logged in user?
Can you please help me on this.

ASP.Net API with OAuth for Google : Access Denied

I've some issues with a ASP.Net API and Google Authentication.
I work with VS 2017 and .net FW 4.6.1.
In this app the login can be made by create a new app user or use a Social network authentication like Google Account.
So I create a Google Project with a Credentials for Web Application and refer my dev env web site and my prod public web site.
In dev mode with Localhost it works perfectly but with my public domain name I get a
The /signin-google?state=.... request, after choosing a google account, take 1 min and redirect to the home page with the access_denied error.
Do I need to regenerate the call to /api/account/externallogin with the publish website ? (I've already change the redirectURI)
Is the Google Project Name important to access to the API ?
Must the client ID be different between Dev and Prod ?
I've followed this tutorial to implement the authentication in my web site for more details :
