Appcelerator | 'Android Distribution' Android SDK version 4.1.2 not found - appcelerator

I have pulled an Appcelerator project from our developer group and unable to publish or run the project on a local Android device.
When trying to publish the below error screen immediately pops up.
Android SDK version 4.1.2 not found.
I have checked both in the Appcelerator platform settings and Android Studio config and have the SDK installed.The install SDK screen in Appcelerator Tried uninstalling/reinstalling Appcli and the SDK to no avail.

After a few days of searching all the appecelerator files in my project. I finally found the fix for my problem (for anyone googling this).
There's a hidden file in the root of the Appcli project called .settings
Inside of settings there's a package called
There is an android/sdk_version=4.1.2 that was causing all my issues. Hope that helps someone.

Most likely, your issue seems to be with unsupported Android SDK version as per Ti SDK you are using.
So before doing anything, try to grab what this page says to know all about software compatibilities: Titanium Comptability Matrix
It says that minimum Android version as of latest Ti SDK 6.x.x is API 16.
Now, follow these steps carefully to get a fresh start on your system.
First of all, download Android latest SDK from here: Android SDK
Unzip it & put it in at some simple path like in /Users/username/android-sdk
Download Appcelerator Studio (AS) & install it. It will download all pre-requisites like Java, Python
Open Appcelerator Studio & go to Preferences->Studio->Platforms->Android. Select the path of android sdk you unzipped in step 2.
After all these steps, you can open Android SDK Manager (see screenshot where it is) & install necessary SDK, Tools, etc.
Note: I do not suggest to download SDKs via AS as I have faced path issues in beginning.
Even if these steps do not help you, then provide us the log output after running this command on terminal: appc info
If terminal says this command is not found, then you need to go through the AS installation properly.

I had the same issue. Simply deleting all " Android Play Store Distribution" configurations solved my problem.


Android SDK location in OSX - Has it been actually installed by Unity Hub?

We are using Unity 2018.3.8f1.
We have added Android Build Support from Unity Hub - Add Component:
But if we go to Unity Preferences - External Tools, the Android SDK location is empty:
I have not been able to find the location of the Android SDK folder anywhere. I'm wondering if the component installed by Unity Hub is something different to Android SDK. Maybe it must be installed separately from:
So far I have installed "Command line tools only" from the previous link. Then, I have installed OpenSDK (Vistual Studio did it for me: it asked me to update and install it as one of the things to update).
But when I opened tools/bin/sdkmanager, it said "Java is not installed". So I also installed Oracle Java SDK. Unfortunately tools/bin/sdkmanager returned errors after it. I applied a few workarounds I found by googling the errors. Still not luck.
So I have moved to the easy way: installing the full version of Android Studio. If we choose custom, we'll see that Android SDK Platform is going to be installed:
So it is working, but I still have not idea of how many things I have duplicated on my system wasting space. I have:
The Android component installed from Unity Hub
Android Studio installed, which comes with the emulator and the IDE (I don't need them)
OpenSDK (installed by Visual Studio)
An embedded version of Java in Unity
Oracle Java
Are they all actually needed? I don't think so!
It seems the only thing you are wondering is if the component installed by Unity hub is something different to Android SDK... the short answer is yes. You have to download it on the Android Developer SDK website you linked in the question. You only need the SDK under "Command line tools only" at the bottom of the page. If you do this you also need to download the jdk separatly here.

Issue with Fabric Unity setup. Cannot get past 1st step

I've been trying to setup Fabric on my unity project for analytics and fastlane, but it will not get past Step 1 of the setup.
I have Unity 5.6.3f1 and the plugin installation got through without a hitch on Unity, but it's like the dashboard will not recognize the installation.
I also installed (and reinstalled multiple times) Android Studio with the Android SDK and still nothing.
As per the instructions from Unity, I Built my prototype and ran it on my phone and it worked OK, but still no progress on the Setup.
The Android SDK and JDK point to the correct file path on Unity's preferences as well.
I wanted to try to reinstall the Fabric plugin, but the uninstall instructions on the site's knowledge base is only applicable for Macs and I use a PC. I don't have an option to "quit fabric" nor does it appear in my Android SDK plugin list.
I'm not too sure what to do next.
If I'm missing any info, please let me know.
Edit: forgot to add the screenshot

Xamarin Android SDK Manager doesn't save locations

Using Visual Studio 2017 and Xamarin, I installed the Xamarin Android SDK Manager to replace the default Android SDK Manager, which is now deprecated.
Then I updated JDK to the current x64 version and, using the Xamarin SDK Manager, I installed the most recent version of Android NDK.
I now want to update the locations of these SDK's in the Xamarin Android SDK Manager, Locations tab like so:
Yet, every time I restart the tool, the locations are reset. It also keeps telling me there's 2 components to install, yet when I do, it doesn't complain about any failure.
I have tried running as Admin and cannot seem to figure out what is wrong. Log files seem to be non existent. Is there anyone who has the same problem and found a solution?
This was a bug and has been fixed in 0.1.76.
See for details.
Download the newest version here:

Where is adb located when installing Unity and Android SDK for Mac?

I'm getting Android Build Failures and would like to locate adb to do some queries like adb devices but where is adb installed? I've already installed the Android SDK for Unity.
From #Programmer's answer, this line is no longer true:
You are responsible for downloading, installing and setting up Android SDK and then manually setting the paths in Unity.
Unity now allows and encourages you to install the Android SDK via their Unity Hub:
Use the Unity Hub to install Android Build Support and the required Android SDK & NDK tools:
From the same page, I found adb.exe is located at: /c/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.2.1f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/SDK/platform-tools/adb.exe
Updated answer for 2022:
C:\Program Files\Unity Editors\YOURVERSION\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\platform-tools
For OSX users:
Where is adb installed when it comes with unity?
adb is never installed when you install Unity. You are responsible for downloading, installing and setting up Android SDK and then manually setting the paths in Unity.
You download Android SDK, then JDK and setup the paths in Unity.
That's it. If you want to build for Android with IL2CPP then you must also download the Android NDK and also set the link up in the Editor.
See this post if you have problems setting it up.
If you want to see the SDK path go here:
Go to Edit ---> Preferences --->External Tools then scroll down to SDK under Android, you will see the SDK path there.
Once you find the SDK path, "adb.exe" will be located at <SDK_PATH>/platform-tools.

Xamarin Error: No Android Platforms installed

is anybody familiar with the errors showing in attached screenshot. can anyone help to resolve?There are two errors when i tried to build sample xamarin android app.
Click here for screenshot
Open SDK manager and install API levels on your machine. Search for SDK manager in your programs. And download the Android SDK platform-tools, which is located in Tools folder
For more information take look here
It appears that Visual Studio/Xamarin is not finding your Android SDK installation.
Xamarin.Android Manual Installation
