Unable to Submit to iTunes Store with Xcode 9 GM - xcode

Every time I upload my app, I get these messages but I have all the assets in the AppIcon assets and removed the CFBundleIconFiles from my info.plist
I am using CocoaPods for GooglePlayGames, Google Ads and Google Signin

I think maybe the sizes you are putting in the asset spots are off. I use this site for icons its great. https://applypixels.com


App icon not showing after playstore publishing

Iam having an issue, My app is fully ready and good to go, I have published the app on playstore and it's successfully got listed aswell. Know iam seeing that app icon is by default Android icon not my desired our wanted logo. If anyone know how to fix this please consider replying my question. I have attached a picture of it.
I tried to change app icon in launcher image assets in apk mode it's working fine. when iam generating signed bundle for play store publishing aab file is it's the issue.

app-ads.txt tab in AdMob not showing any apps Even though I've published two apps on Google Play

My app-ads.txt tab in Admob console not showing anything Even though I've published two apps on Google Play. I've waited Weeks but no update.
Please help me as soon as possible, I am frustrated and I am very tired of searching a lot on the Internet about the problem and I did not find any solution or even a description similar to this strange problem.
I was having the same problem for some time now, app ads text file was not showing for one of my app in Admob, but for other apps it was visible.
Solution: Today, as I was checking the store settings of my app I realized that I was using a social media link in the place of website. I changed it immediately to my website.
After 10 minutes or so when I refreshed the Admob App Settings page, it found my app ads text file successfully.
Hope that helps!
Only linked apps (Linked to a store) will appear in app-ads.txt tab in AdMob console.
This is how to link an app in AdMob to Google Play:
Go to AdMob console
Select the app you want to connect
Go to app settings from the left menu
Click on ADD from App Store section
Search for your app name and Add it
IMPORTANT Note: you can not unlink your app later so PLEASE be careful and make sure that you are adding your app and not another app.
now it may appear immediately in app-ads.txt tab in AdMob or it could take up to 48 hours

Missing Marketing Icon iTunes Connect

I have uploaded a couple of applications to the app store with ease. Sometimes I noticed this warning in xCode when I uploaded my app:
Missing Marketing Icon. iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px Marketing Icon in PNG format. Apps that do not include the Marketing Icon cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review.
But that was not impeding me to send my app for review in iTunes connect... until now.
I have found a few questions about this but none of those have helped me solving my problem. For example, following advise given here I tried adding my icon width xCode in the AppIcon.iconset file but it doesn't work if I do it after packaging my app with appcelerator (I guess that is the normal outcome). But if I do it and the package again, the icon disappears from the file (I think this is because appcelerator generates those files on its own).
How do I add that icon so appcelerator won't remove it when I package?
Or how do I add it to appcelerator so it generates the iconset including my marketing Icon??
I believe I have followed the guidelines completely (My icon is a .png file, its size is 1024x1024 and has no alpha channels nor transparencies) maybe the naming is not correct but I have not found any specific naming for this case.
Use the latest SDK (6.2.2.GA). It was fixed in 6.2.1.GA (https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/pull/9451).
If you can't use it you could add the changes in the PR to your _build.js file

Xcode9 WARNING ITEMS-90704, ERROR ITMS-90022

ERROR ITMS-90022: "Missing required icon file. The bundle does not
contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120'
pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0."
WARNING ITMS-90704: "Missing Marketing Icon. iOS Apps must include a
1024x1024px Marketing Icon in PNG format. Apps that do not include the
Marketing Icon cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review."
I set the appropriate image (PNG format) in all fields of the xcassets file.
But one error and warning comes out.
Xcode 9.0 release version
Xcode 9 has new icon sizes. Please check the Images.xcassets file: AppIcon
In my case, it indicates a missing of AppStore Icon;
Xcode9 added a new icon in AppIcon called App Store iOS 1024pt, so add the icon missing resolved this issue.
In my case, the 90704 message said, "iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px App Store Icon in PNG format. Without providing the icon in the Asset Catalog or via iTunes Connect, apps cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review." This indicates that having the store icon as part of the store listing as I've always had it is enough. But Apple wouldn't accept my app until I also added the store icon to the app itself (in the AppIcon asset catalog).
My app has a watch extension, and I also had to add the store icon to the watch extension's asset catalog.
Don't forget to increment your build number after adding the icons, or Apple will then reject the app for having a duplicate build number.
We had this issue when tried to submit the app from macOS 10.13 High Sierra.
Everything was okay when we switched to stable macOS 10.12.6
Probably it's a bug of APFS/Xcode 9/CocoaPods...
You can archive your application by Xcode 9 and upload this archive by Xcode 8. Or you can edit Info.plist file in the archive and switch the value of field 'BuildMachineOSBuild' to 16A323. Why this? I don't know, but it works. I found this solution here: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/86290
After uploading you see only warning.
Probably Apple fixed this bug. Now my archives are uploaded correctly without any modifications.

Unable to access WatchKit app assets

I need to use some images in my WatchOS app and its complications. If I put them in the assets catalog inside the watchkit app target group I can't access them from my WatchOS app, but in the extention assets catalog I can.
This is the test image:
This is how I tested the accessibility:
I dropped a png file into watchkit app assets. XCode created an image set ad put the image in the 2x slot.
I copied the name CircularSmallRingImage42mm from Attribute Inspector.
I added the following code in the awakeWithContext() method in my initial InterfaceController:
if let image = UIImage(named: "CircularSmallRingImage42mm") {
} else {
NSLog("doesn't work")
I reset content and settings on the Apple Watch Simulator.
I cleaned and ran the watchkit app scheme on iPhone 6s Plus + Apple Watch 42mm simulator. Doesn't work.
I deleted the image set and repeated the procedure, except for this time I dropped the image in app extension's asset catalog. Works.
The assets catalog in my watchkit app group is targeted only on watchkit app. The assets catalog in my watchkit app extension group is targeted only on watchkit app extension. Everywhere I look people seem to recommend putting static content into an asset catalog bundled with the Watch App target so it gets stored on the watch itself.
Why can't I access the image? Am I doing something wrong? Is the watchkit app bundle not the recommended place for storing static files?
Based on the name of the image, it sounds like it's related to a complication.
Complication images belong in the WatchKit Extension Asset Catalog, since the complication is an "extension" of your app. Your app doesn't have to be loaded or running for the complication to function.
You also need to refer to complication images by their group name if they're stored in the Complication group. E.g.,
UIImage(named: "Complication/Circular")
For more details, see this thread at the Apple Developer forum.
The Assets for iphone app and for watch app is totally different you can't access the images into app asset folder to watch extension. You have to add new images which compatible with the watch kit
