ZXingScannerView in the ZXing.Net.Mobile library - barcode

I'm trying to have a custom view in ZXingScannerView of my Xamarin project. The goal is to have to a Target Area (A red Square) so that the end user can focus on the QR Code and a cancel button within the ZXingScannerView, to end the scanning activity.
Any ideas?


How do I add code behind a button in a Detail view Controller of a the Storyboard in a Visual Studio Xamarin.IOS project?

I want a button to update a text field in my app, which runs on an iPad.
I created a Xamarin.IOS master details project, and added a button and textfield.
But can't find out to add the code behind that executes when button clicked.
In Visual Basic, I could just double-click the button and the event handling function (code behind) pops up. Can't figure out how to do this in XAMARIN.
After you add a button or a textfield to the storyboard, you can select the button in the storyboard and then you can give it a name in the properties(right corner of visual studio), you can see the screenshot here:
Then, you can access the button or textField in code behind and add click event for them.
You can read the document for more information :how-the-ios-designer-works and storyboards

Move image around circle to a specific point in Xamarin Form PCL

I am developing one application in Xamarin Form PCL Cross Platform.Here on my landing page,there is one circular menu with 8 menus.What I want is when a user click on any of one menu,the menus should move circular so that the clicked menu should be stop on bottom and open on Page.Anyone have any idea?

xamarin forms start nativ uwp page

any idea how I can start a native UWP page from a Xamarin Forms page?
The reason why I'm asking:
I have a XF application that needs to start a UWP library after a click event.
This library provides a special ORC reader.
Therefore I created a dependency service to run the platform specific function.
What I need now, is to open that UWP page, that contains the "Camera stream" to show the user what he is currently scanning.
And this is where I am hanging at the moment.
In my class that is called from the dep. service, I
myPage mp = new myPage();
But how can I show the new page?
Frame fr = Window.Current.Content as Frame gives me the error, that this page cannot be converted from a XF Frame to a Window Frame.
Or is there generally another way to handle this? Some advice would be great.
This sounds like a custom renderer.
Create a new OcrView class in your shared project inherited from View.
Place it on your Xamarin Forms XAML page.
Handle the OCR component in the UWP renderer.
Have a look at the Implementing a View section on this custom renderer overview

Xamarin Forms: GetBackButton

I have Xamarin App, in the app I have a page which I hide the navigation bar for design purposes. But I still want to show back button. What I could do is that I could make a back icon and put it on the layout and call Navigation.PopAsync() on image tab. However is there a way to get the designated back button from the app?

Is there a Slide Image Gallery for Xamarin Android?

I am looking for a image gallery to use on Xamarin Android for a app i am creating but cant cant find any Gallery that slides left or right, Cant even find any blogs post on creating it to
I found a this one for Android its Called Android Image Slider
But I cant open it Xamarin Studio
Also I am using the free version of Xamarin Studio
Is there any way i can achieve this using Xamarin?
I have implemented a image slider in xamarin android using FragmentStatePager adapter. You need three things
1) Main Activity which implements Adapter (Point #2)
2) Implementation of FragmentStatePagerAdapter for items and instantiate the fragment class (Point#3).
3) You need to implement fragment and set the image on the view. This fragment is then instantiated from the FragmentStatePagerAdapter and displayed on the screen as you scroll.
All you have to do count the no.of images you have in library and then on the activity, you need to shift the images on the view pager at certain time interval.
//displaying image for 2 seconds
Thread.Sleep (2000);
//Updating the view pager with the next image.
this.RunOnUiThread (() => _pager.SetCurrentItem (imageValue, true));
SetCurrentItem method on viewpager will show the display of the fragment.
Full Example and explanation in detail is available on Code Project
Source code can be downloaded from my GIT HUB.
