Modifying builtin LUIS "datetimeV2' intent - azure-language-understanding

Wondering if there is a way to extend the DateTime built-in feature of LUIS.
While it handles "before" well, it doesn't seem to handle off versions like
"preceding" or "in advance of" but I can't seem to get into the built-in DateTime to train/extend.

The LUIS recognizer for DateTime is open sourced at You can create an issue there for asking for this enhancement.



I'm currently using LTTng for such performances issues, and I want to use TRACEPOINT_EVENT_CLASS and TRACEPOINT_EVENT_INSTANCE as well.
But I don't understand the 2.10 version's documentation. I wonder why we need to define TP_ARGS in each event instance as well as defining it in the event class.
Because we can't modify TP_FIELDS to change the type of any field, or compose it from many arguments.
The TP_ARGS() portion of a TRACEPOINT_EVENT_INSTANCE is used to validate that each instance matches the TRACEPOINT_EVENT_CLASS. See ust-tracepoint-event.h for more context.
I recommend that you repost your question on our mailing list/irc channel so that we can have an actual discussion regarding this. The maintainer of lttng-ust and lttng-modules, Compudj will surely provide more context and might even be open to the introduction of a new macro allowing event instance declaration without the TP_ARGS() portion.

MvvmCross: What is the purpose of the enum MvxRequestedByType?

Looking at the MvvmCross source code I see this enum, which appears to be used only in MvxRequestedBy. My question is what is that enum there for?
You are right. It is not used for anything currently. They are always set to MvxRequestedBy.Unknown. I don't know the original intention. However, it could be that you could use that in the presenter to design different flows in the app depending of the origin of the request.

I need to create a dynamic query using StreamInsight 2.1 and reactive extensions

I am looking for information about how to create dynamic queries using the newer StreamInsight 2.1 reactive extensions model. Specifically, I would like to use the CreatQuery() method or something similar (within IQueryable) with IQStreamable. Within the workflow I am creating, this new query would be inserted into StreamInsight as a standing query. I have done quite a bit of research but have not found a solution. Also, most of the documentation appears to reference what is now a "legacy" adapter model. Any help would be appreciated.
What do you mean by "Dynamic Query"? Something similar to Dynamic Query Composition, where you could use the output of one query as a stream input into another query? If that's the case, you can use Subjects for this. Subjects allow you to have multiple publishers/subscribers for a stream and also provide the ability to attach/detach publishers and subscribers at runtime.
As far as I remember StreamInsights does not support that concept, the only way to archive that would be to use dynamic compilation to publish to StreamInsights query instance compiled based on dynamically generated code. That is quite possible.

Can you preface advance Where methods with OR in Laravel?

I'm using Eloquent.
Can I preface any advance where method with an 'or'?
I know you can do with with a vanilla where: i.e. orWhere(...)
However what about the other where functions like whereNotBetween() can I simply use the method orWhereNotBetween() or will I have to use whereRaw() to implement this functionality?
Yes you can. All where's I know of have an or version.
However here's how you can check for the future (instead of asking on SO):
Do a full text search for the function name in the framework source (in your project)
specifically look at the source of \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder and search for the method name.

Create a plugin, expose events

How do I expose events to my plugin users?
I know that I should use:
$('#myPluginDiv').trigger('eventName', ["foo", "bar"]);
to trigger the event but I'm looking for best practices describing how to declare and invoke events in plugins.
I think you can inspect some of the most used plugins and make your own assumptions. We have no standards on this, just code convention.
Colorbox (source: defines a prefix and some constants for the event names. It also have a function for triggering and running the callbacks.
jQuery UI (source: also have a common function on the widget class for triggering events (usage:, but you can see that the events are hard coded on the middle of the source, instead of constants on the top like on Colorbox.
I personally think, and do it in my own plugins, that creating constants is much better if you have a lot of events to trigger, but its not necessary if you will fire only 2 or 3 events.
A helper function is a must have and should be part of your template.
The event names I use and see around all follow the standard CamelCase e.g. beforeClose.
Some advocate the use of a prefix for events like on Colorbox's cbox_open or even click.myPlugin (see:
Conclusion: try to follow best practices and conventions for programming in general and watch for the better examples out there.
in plugin create object litereal like
var plugin = {
// code for show()
