Database for SonarQube.. MYSQL or Oracle? Same server or external - sonarqube

As my team is planning to install SonarQube on a central platform where it will be used by projects across organization please suggest which database is recommended for handling multiple projects in Sonarqube MYSQL or Oracle ?
Also, does it matter if the db is installed on the same server on which SOnarQube will be installed (considering RHEL platform) in terms of performance or should it be recommended to use external DB with SonarQube .


Can the installation of Oracle APEX on LINUX be accomplished if Oracle DB resides on separate system?

Wonder if this can be achieved. Install Oracle APEX onto a Linux VM and have Oracle DB residing on a separate server to point to it. Is it possible to install Oracle APEX without Oracle currently installed on the same box? Can't find any documentation on the Oracle site for this setup.
No. Application Express (APEX) runs out of the database itself. APEX is a collection of PL/SQL packages and tables.
Now the web tier could most definitely be moved to another machine (linux even). That would be something like Oracle REST Data Services and Apache Tomcat.

Is a dedicated Oracle database required for Artifactory?

In JFrog's Artifactory Installation Documentation, there are 2 conflicting statements under the Configuring the Database, Oracle section:
In the Overview:
For Artifactory to run with Oracle you must create a dedicated Oracle database instance and then configure Artifactory to use it as described in the following sections.
Under Creating the Artifactory Oracle Database, Item #2
Recommendation: With both of the above options (Full DB and DB-Filesystem), it is recommended to create a dedicated table space and use AL32UTF8 encoding.
I bring up this issue, because we were looking to just create a new tablespace in a pre-exisiting repository type database.
Also on the site, under SQLServer is this tidbit, written by a different person:
Optimizing Artifactory when running with MS SQL Server
When running Artifactory with Microsoft SQL Server you may create the Artifactory schema on an existing server used for other applications, however for optimal performance, we recommend creating a dedicated Microsoft SQL Server database instance and then configure Artifactory to use it as described in the following sections.
So I guess my question is this. For Oracle, is it a recommendation or a requirement to have a dedicated database instance?
I have recently upgraded artifactory from version 4.9.0 to 6.1.0 along with DB migration from derby to postgreSQL. Although it is written to have a dedicated host for the postgreSQL server I have tested both the above activities on the same host and it worked fine. For the actual upgrade we have a dedicated DB instance.
But I guess by dedicated host the artifactory might be referring to best pratice.

Replacing mod_plsql with Oracle Rest Data Services

We are in the process of upgrading an application running on Oracle 10g and oracle HTTP server to Oracle 12C.
Due to mod pl/sql being deprecated we have chosen following combination.
oracle 12c + ORDS 3.0 and tomcat. (we are not using APEX)
A major functionality of our application is uploading files via website to the documents table in the database schema.
While doing that we are getting error "500 Internal Server Error" which has been experienced by others on this link
If anyone has got a sucessfull file upload into Documents table via Oracle Rest Data Services config I would like to know.
As far as I could prove, it is not possible to upload files with ORDS without having APEX installed. You will have to install APEX even if you do not use it in your application.
You can try another gateway but most are deprecated, I have started to develop one in Java without APEX dependencies. When I have it ready I will publish it in github.
You might want to have a look at the latest ORDS release as explained my own question related to this topic:
File uploads in a non-Apex PL/SQL application migrated to ORDS

CloudFoundry UAA with Oracle DB

The supported databases listed in the UAA documentation seem to be MySQL, PostgresSQL and HSQL.
I noticed this pull request from 2013 which provided Oracle DB support for UAA - but am unable to find any documentation related to UAA with Oracle DB
Has anyone used UAA with an Oracle DB ?
We currently do not support Oracle. We picked three open source databases for this open source project to stick with and that way have somewhat manageable CI pipelines.
We would however consider contribution if there was a willingness to maintain it.

How do I fix a broken connection to DB2 from a web application?

I support some old web applications, VBScript-based ASP for the UI and VB6 COM modules for the business and data access layers. Last weekend, I installed DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition v8 fixpack 14 on several Windows 2000 servers, and one of the web apps errors out on null data when it calls the built in VBScript function FormatNumber. This numeric data is retrieved by a SQL Server query, but the only way the SQL Server column is populated is with the calculated results returned from a DB2 query earlier in a progression through several pages.
When I installed DB2 Connect EE, one of the components loaded was MDAC 2.7. I followed corporate instructions and had the installation save an ODBC System Data Source, which reported a good connection when I tested it after the install.
For what it's worth, the project references in the production VB6 modules pointed to MDAC 2.5. I have tried recompiling and deploying to COM on my test server new versions of the VB6 modules referencing MDAC 2.7. My development environment is Windows XP Pro, with MDAC 2.8 and DB2 Connect EE v9.5 installed. When I deployed the updated VB6 dlls, the CreateObject fails to instantiate the classes with the error message that "The class does not support automation or the requested interface".
I've rolled the DB2 Connect install back and have reinstall v8 of the DB2 runtime client, which was the previous environment. The problem, however, persists.
I don't really get the picture for how things are connected together - where is the SQL Server and where is the DB2.
There are forums on IBM's site for helping out specifically with DB2 Connect EE, wwhich I think is a pretty pricey product (not sure tho).
One way I have seen people do it is configure a SQL server as the data gateway. You can define DB2 as a linked server, and then perform SQL queries through the SQL server in order to get to DB2. Apps need only to be able to connect to SQL Server, not directly to DB2. They get to DB2 indirectly. Depending on the load on the system this may or may not be feasible for you. You can even do joins across data stored separately in DB2 and SQL with this approach.
It's one more option in the toolbox, along with replication, data federation, and so on. I found that it reduces the variability in connectivity.
