Send message with Malign via http request - parse-platform

I try to send a message via http request using Mailgun, the system give me back a 200 ok but the message never send.
here my code, (I run my code inside a parse httpReuest function) any idea?
url: '',
params: {
from: '',
to: '',
subject: 'Hello',
text: 'Testing some Mailgun awesomness!'
}).then(function(httpResponse) {
console.log('Request response ' + httpResponse.error);
}, function(httpResponse) {
console.error('Request failed with response code ' + httpResponse.status);

I found the answer... I make a mistake in the api call the right call is.
url: '',
with messages not message
forgot and s and waste the entire day :-(


How to avoid timeout error for cy.request()?

I am using cy.request() method to send API requests and read the response in my cypress tests. But sometimes the tests fail with the following error:
CypressError: cy.request() timed out waiting 30000ms for a response from your server.
I have increased the timeout value by passing in timeout: 50000 option in the request body, but still, it is failing sometimes especially when the response is huge. Is there any other way to avoid the request timeout error?
Below is my code:
method: "POST",
url:"http://localhost:3001/codes/search?searchText=" +searchText.replace(" ", "%20") +"&page[size]=100",
body: {
data: {
type: "ern:code-search-request",
attributes: {
CodeCategory: filterOption
timeout: 50000
}).then((response: any) => {return response;})
You can use responsetimeout in cypress.json file. Cypress docs

Laravel The GET method is not supported for this route

I have laravel-vue application and one of my functions is running on post request but strange is that I get GET request error:
The GET method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: POST.
Route::post('distanceCost', 'Api\Front\CartController#distanceCost');
sendShippingRequest() {
// post request'/api/distanceCost/', this.form, {
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('access_token')
.then(response => {
.catch((error) => {
console.log('error', error);
Any idea?
The problem is, that in response to a POST to /api/distanceCost/, Laravel will respond with a redirect to /api/distanceCost. Your browser will then send a request to /api/distanceCost, but this time, it will use GET and it will not send the post payload. This is why your server replies with an error code.

React js AJAX sends sometimes GET instead of POST and getting 304 strange

I've got a problem and I have no idea why it appears. The circumstances of its appearance are very strange for me...
I've got a POST REST service /login. It expects json {"email":email,"password":password}. I am using ajax and everything works correctly... except for the case when email (is in real format) contains '#' sign and some letters before and after( I know it is strange but only in this case such error appears). When I pass email i.e "" then few things are happening:
I see that browser sends GET request instead of POST and obtains 304 http status
In the browser console I see infomation "The development server has disconnected. Refresh the page if necessary" and page refreshes automatically
The above things happen only when email is in format I described above.When I pass "aaa" or "aaa#" as email everything works correctly(browser sends POST request and I don't get error in console).
I honestly have no idea why this happens... would be extremely grateful for your help and I will answer all your questions concerning this.
When I use REST web service tool in IntellJ everything always works fine.
handleLogin() {
const input = {
password: this.state.password
url: CONST.USER_SERVICE + "/login",
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify(input),
contentType: "jsonp"
.fail(function () {
alert("Wrong data");
.always(function (arg1, arg2, arg3) {
if (arg3.status === 200) {
Try making the ajax request like data: input without stringify. Ajax expects an object.

How to call a https POST method using gatewayscript in IBM Bluemix APIConnect

I am trying to call another API inside Bluemix or any other HTTPS post method using a gateway script inside IBM Bluemix (API Connect) using the code below:
var urlopen = require('urlopen');
var options = {
target: '',
method: 'POST',
headers: {},
contentType: 'application/json',
timeout: 60,
data: {"Message": "DataPower GatewayScript"}
};, function(error, response) {
if (error) {
// an error occurred during the request sending or response header parsing
session.output.write("urlopen error: "+JSON.stringify(error));
} else {
// get the response status code
var responseStatusCode = response.statusCode;
var responseReasonPhrase = response.reasonPhrase;
console.log("Response status code: " + responseStatusCode);
console.log("Response reason phrase: " + responseReasonPhrase);
// reading response data
response.readAsBuffer(function(error, responseData){
if (error){
throw error ;
} else {
session.output.write(responseData) ;
But I am getting the following error:
"httpCode": "500",
"httpMessage": "Internal Server Error",
"moreInformation": "URL open: Cannot create connection to '', status code: 7"
Looks like there is some issue with the SSL Connections. If so, how can I get the SSL Details for the default Sandbox Catalog in IBM Bluemix API Connect? Or, how can I make the HTTPS POST calls to the above sample URL?
Since Version 5.0.6:
IBM API Connect 5.0.x
Forward SSLProxy (and Crypto) is replaced with SSLClient. These new profiles support ephemeral ciphers (DHE and ECDHE), perfect forward secrecy, and Server Name Indication (SNI) extension. Note that DHE ciphers in DataPower SSLServerProfile use 2048-bit DH parameters (as server) and accept 1024-bit DH parameters (as client).
In order for you specific example to work on API Connect using HTTPS you need to specify the sslClientProfile.
For example:
var urlopen = require('urlopen');
var options = {
target: '',
method: 'POST',
headers: {},
contentType: 'application/json',
timeout: 60,
sslClientProfile: 'webapi-sslcli-mgmt',
data: {"Message": "DataPower GatewayScript"}

Using ajax to GET a token from external site returns empty response

I have two sites right now. One that has a token and one that is supposed to allow a user to do stuff with the token.
When I visit the first site that has the token, mySite.local/services/session/token it shows it: OTV4Gu9VQfjIo2ioQ0thajdEJ6nEINoxsLuwgT_6S0w
When I am on the page that is supposed to GET this token, I get an empty response and the error for the ajax function is thrown.
The weird part is that when investigating the issue with firebug, I can see the response for the ajax request is 43B - the same size as the token. So for some reason the page with the token is being hit properly, but the response is not coming through.
Here is a screenshot of the firebug response:
And here is the JQuery with the ajax request:
var nid; //global node id variable
try {
error:function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert('error thrown - ' + errorThrown);
success: function (token) {
//Do some stuff now that token is received
catch (error) {
alert("page_dashboard - " + error);
Your running into the Same Origin Policy which essentially states any request done by client side/browser language like Javascript must be on the same port, with the same domain name and the same protocol. In your case http://mysitemobile.local does not equal http://mysite.local so you're request is being blocked. Firebug's way of displaying that is no response with 43 bytes.
There are two ways to work around this, Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) or JSONP. CORS is a HTTP header that is added to the server you are requesting to and provides a whitelist of acceptable domains that are allowed break the same origin policy. Most recent browsers support this header.
The other option is JSONP, wraps a JSON object into a Javascript function that is called using <script> tags normally. If the other server returns {status: 0} and you have a function called parseStatus() in your code that the remote server would wrap into parseStatus({status:0}); thus calling your function without having to worry about the same origin policy.
