How should I structure these gradle task dependencies? - gradle

I have these gradle tasks:
- startTestDatabaseContainer: builds and starts a docker container with a database
- removeTestDatabaseContainer: stops and removes the docker container
- flywayValidate: a task from org.flywaydb.flyway that validates my migration files
I wish to run these three tasks in order. Reading this leads me to this solution:
flywayValidate.dependsOn startTestDatabaseContainer
flywayValidate.finalizedBy removeTestDatabaseContainer
This works ok, but then I can't run gradle flywayValidate from the commandline without startTestDatabaseContainer and removeTestDatabaseContainer also being invoked. I want to be able to run flywayValidate without that happening.
What can I do to accomplish this when I cannot have ordered dependencies in gradle?
My first attempt was simply:
task validateMigration {
dependsOn startTestDatabaseContainer
dependsOn flywayValidate
finalizedBy removeTestDatabaseContainer
But that fails because flywayValidate can run before startTestDatabaseContainer.
Edit: I've setup a demonstration base on Opal's solution here: Clone it and run gradle validateMigration. The migration will fail and the final gradle task won't run (and docker ps will show the container still running). If you fix the migration file then everything works as expected. I'm sure I'm misunderstanding something. Any pointers would be helpful!

The following setup should meet all your requirements:
task startTestDatabaseContainer {
doLast {
println 'startTestDatabaseContainer'
task flywayValidate {
doLast {
println 'flywayValidate'
task removeTestDatabaseContainer {
doLast {
println 'removeTestDatabaseContainer'
task validateMigration {
dependsOn startTestDatabaseContainer
dependsOn flywayValidate
flywayValidate.mustRunAfter startTestDatabaseContainer
finalizedBy removeTestDatabaseContainer
task removeTestDatabaseContainer {
doLast {
println 'removeTestDatabaseContainer'
task startTestDatabaseContainer {
doLast {
println 'startTestDatabaseContainer'
finalizedBy removeTestDatabaseContainer
task flywayValidate { t->
doLast {
println 'flywayValidate'
throw new TaskExecutionException(t, new RuntimeException('whatever'))
task validateMigration {
dependsOn startTestDatabaseContainer
dependsOn flywayValidate
flywayValidate.mustRunAfter startTestDatabaseContainer
Here's a demo.

task validateMigration {
dependsOn startTestDatabaseContainer
dependsOn flywayMigrate
flywayMigrate.finalizedBy removeTestDatabaseContainer
flywayMigrate.mustRunAfter startTestDatabaseContainer
This did the trick! Thank you orzeh for the PR on Github, and thank you Opal for the help!


How to run certain task with gradle

I try to investigate a Gradle and follows some tutorials, but I have confused with the following:
I created are a couple of simple tasks:
task startProcess{
println 'startProcess'
task doStep2{
println 'Step2'
task doStep3{
println 'Step3'
task finishProcess{
println 'finishProcesss'
And try to execute one of them:
gradle finishProcess
Or with defaultTasks with command gradle build:
defaultTasks `finishProcess`
task startProcess{
println 'startProcess'
task doStep2{
println 'Step2'
task doStep3{
println 'Step3'
task finishProcess{
println 'finishProcesss'
In both options, I got the same result:
> Configure project :
How to execute exactly one of them?
You have to use register, I think if you did not use it, You're only asking Gradle to execute these tasks.
for example
tasks.register('startProcess') {
doLast {
println 'startProcess'
tasks.register('doStep2') {
doLast {
println 'Step2'
tasks.register('doStep3') {
doLast {
println 'Step3'
tasks.register('finishProcess') {
doLast {
println 'finishProcesss'
tasks.named("build") { finalizedBy("finishProcess") }
Registering these tasks, you will be able to call each one indivadually.
If you want to link a specific task, with a build task for example.
Then you can use finalizedBy like the following.
tasks.named("build") { finalizedBy("finishProcess") }
This will call the finishProcess task, whenever build is triggered.
I strongly recommend the official gradle documintation for more information about tasks.

Ordering depended tasks for a gradle task

I have a gradle task which has dependencies on the subproject task. For example.
task bigTask(type: JacocoReport, dependsOn: [":module1:task",
":module5:task"]) {
I want to order the depended tasks in a specific way. So that at a time only one task get exeuted. I did like this in the root project. But it is not working.
task (":module1:task") { mustRunAfter (":module2:task") }
task (":module2:task") { mustRunAfter (":module3:task") }
task (":module3:task") { mustRunAfter (":module4:task") }
task (":module4:task") { mustRunAfter (":module5:task") }
Is there some way to order the dependent task in gradle.

How to ignore dependsOn failure because some subprojects don't have the defined task

I have a multi-project gradle build where not all of the subprojects have the same plugin, but I would like to define tasks in the root build.gradle file like this:
subprojects {
task continuousBuild(dependsOn: ["clean", "check", "jacocoTestReport", "integrationTests"]
Not all subprojects have "jacocoTestReport" or "integrationTests" defined, but this task will fail because of that fact. How do I configure this to work, and frankly, why is the default behavior so strict?
This is what ended up working for me:
task continuousBuild(dependsOn: ['clean', 'check']) {
def uncommonTasks = ['jacocoTestReport', 'integrationTests']
dependsOn += tasks
.findAll { uncommonTasks.contains(name) }
And I forgot that I actually needed to run integrationTests in a doLast, which looks like this:
task continuousBuild(dependsOn: ['clean', 'check']) {
dependsOn += tasks
.findAll { 'jacocoTestReport' == name) }
if (tasks.findByName('integrationTests')) {
doLast {

Gradle's mustRunAfter/finalizedBy only for a specific task?

I'm trying to get Gradle's mustRunAfter and finalizedBy to work only for a specific task. Take this example build.gradle:
task removeTestDatabaseContainer {
doLast {
println '\ninside removeTestDatabaseContainer\n'
task startTestDatabaseContainer {
doLast {
println '\ninside startTestDatabaseContainer\n'
finalizedBy removeTestDatabaseContainer
task flywayMigrate { t->
doLast {
println '\n inside flywayMigrate\n'
task flywayClean { t->
doLast {
println '\n inside flywayClean\n'
task testEverything {
dependsOn startTestDatabaseContainer
dependsOn flywayMigrate
dependsOn flywayClean
flywayMigrate.mustRunAfter startTestDatabaseContainer
flywayMigrate.finalizedBy flywayClean
flywayClean.mustRunAfter flywayMigrate
flywayClean.finalizedBy removeTestDatabaseContainer
I'm happy with how testEverything works. I want the output I'm getting from that task:
➜ gradle testEverything
Parallel execution is an incubating feature.
inside startTestDatabaseContainer
inside flywayMigrate
inside flywayClean
inside removeTestDatabaseContainer
Total time: 0.597 secs
However, when I run only flywayMigrate I get unexpected problems. This is the output:
➜ gradle flywayMigrate
Parallel execution is an incubating feature.
inside flywayMigrate
inside flywayClean
inside removeTestDatabaseContainer
Total time: 0.605 secs
This is not the output I want. I would like only flywayMigrate to run. Question 1) How can I make testEverything work as it does and at the same time have gradle flywayMigrate invoke only the flywayMigrate-task?
Question 2)
I'm told this has something to do with the fact that everything inside the brackets of task testEverything {} is configuration, which is always processed by Gradle. So any mustRunAfter/finalizedBy I set within a task will have "global effect". But in that case, why doesn't gradle flywayMigrate invoke startTestDatabaseContainer? (Because of the line flywayMigrate.mustRunAfter startTestDatabaseContainer inside the testEverything task.)
Edit: I was directed to Ordering tasks and Finalizer tasks in the Gradle documentation and they answer question 2: mustRunAfter only takes effect when both tasks are ran. finalizedBy on the other hand takes effect when only the task it is set on is ran. That answers why flywayClean and removeTestDatabasContainer are ran when I execute gradle flywayMigrate.
I'm still struggling to make gradle testEverything work as it does above and at the same time get gradle flywayMigrate to just execute flywayMigrate.
Thanks to the help of eskatos on #gradle on Freenode I found a solution. It was simply to remove the finalizedBy-lines i had. Updated build.gradle that works:
task removeTestDatabaseContainer {
doLast {
println '\ninside removeTestDatabaseContainer\n'
task startTestDatabaseContainer {
doLast {
println '\ninside startTestDatabaseContainer\n'
finalizedBy removeTestDatabaseContainer
task flywayMigrate { t->
doLast {
println '\n inside flywayMigrate\n'
task flywayClean { t->
doLast {
println '\n inside flywayClean\n'
task testEverything {
dependsOn startTestDatabaseContainer
dependsOn flywayMigrate
dependsOn flywayClean
flywayMigrate.mustRunAfter startTestDatabaseContainer
//flywayMigrate.finalizedBy flywayClean
flywayClean.mustRunAfter flywayMigrate
//flywayClean.finalizedBy removeTestDatabaseContainer

Gradle Task dependencies Execution issue

I am facing an issue related to gradle task dependencies. One of my gradle task is calling another task successfully but it is not executing dependencies on which my second task depends. Please go through the following code to understand the problem statement:
My code is:
task callGradleDeploy <<{
task deployComp (dependsOn: ['setEnvParameter', 'installWeb', 'installService']) <<{
println "Deployment Done"
task setEnvParameter {
//parameter Setting for deployement
task installWeb {
//install Web Code
task installService {
//install Services Code
Now when I run task callGradleDeploy, it is calling deployComp task but it is not installing Web or Service content (Not doing anything with setEnvParameter, installWeb, installService ). and Just printing Deployment Done
Just to notify, when I am individually calling(running) deployComp task, it is installing Web and Service part without any issue.
Please help me to understand how to manage this dependsOn thing while calling a gradle task into another.
Second part:
*//******************* Edited part below, For clear understanding *****************//*
#Opal I have done configuration like below after your suggestion.
For the cases, where only deployService should work. It is still calling deployWeb and deployWebAndService both.
Code is here:
task deploy (dependsOn : ['deployWeb', 'deployService', 'deployWebAndService']) <<{
println "\n\tExecuting respective task"
task deployWeb (dependsOn : ['configureWebApp','stopWebApp','uninstallWebApp','installWebApp','startWebApp']) <<{
println "\n\tExecuting deploy for Web Content"
task deployService (dependsOn : ['configureService','stopService','uninstallService','installService','startService']) <<{
println "\n\tExecuting deploy for Service Content"
task deployWebAndService (dependsOn : ['configureWebApp','configureService','stopWebApp','uninstallWebApp','installWebApp','startWebApp','stopService','uninstallService','installService'/*,'startService'*/]) <<{
println "\n\tExecuting deploy for Web and Service Content"
(WebContent.equals("Yes") && ServiceContent.equals("No")) //fetching "Yes"/"No" values from a separate function
(WebContent.equals("No") && ServiceContent.equals("Yes"))
(WebContent.equals("Yes") && ServiceContent.equals("Yes"))
TL;DR Your build.gradle should look as follows:
task callGradleDeploy(dependsOn: ['deployComp']) {
task deployComp (dependsOn: ['setEnvParameter', 'installWeb', 'installService']) <<{
println "Deployment Done"
task setEnvParameter{
//parameter Setting for deployement
task installWeb{
//install Web Code
task installService{
//install Services Code
First of all you should never call task's execute() method manually, since this highly discouraged and interferes gradle's internal logic (directed acyclic graph). To define dependencies between tasks the following methods should be used:
In your particular case it's enough to substitute execute invocation with dependsOn and it works perfectly. Also please note the << to indicate action is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in version 5.0. Instead use doLast:
task callGradleDeploy {
doLast { println 'action' }
See the solution below. The advantage is that you configure dependencies between tasks once. To check if it works correctly run gradle deploy -Pwc or gradle deploy -Psc
task explodeWarContent {
doLast {
println 'Code to explode war'
task configureWebApp(dependsOn: explodeWarContent) {
doLast {
println 'Code to configure web app'
task stopWebApp {
doLast {
println 'Code to stop web app'
task uninstallWebApp(dependsOn: stopWebApp) {
doLast {
println 'Code to uninstall web app'
task installWebApp(dependsOn: configureWebApp) {
mustRunAfter uninstallWebApp
doLast {
println 'Code to install web app'
task startWebApp(dependsOn: installWebApp) {
mustRunAfter stopWebApp
doLast {
println 'Code to start web app'
task deployWebApp(dependsOn: [uninstallWebApp, startWebApp]) {
onlyIf { project.hasProperty('wc')}
task configureService {
doLast {
println 'Code to configure service'
task stopService {
doLast {
println 'Code to stop service'
task uninstallService(dependsOn: stopService) {
doLast {
println 'Code to uninstall service'
task installService(dependsOn: configureService) {
mustRunAfter uninstallService
doLast {
println 'Code to install service'
task startService(dependsOn: installService) {
mustRunAfter stopService
doLast {
println 'Code to start service'
task deployService(dependsOn: [uninstallService, startService]) {
onlyIf { project.hasProperty('sc')}
task deploy {
dependsOn deployWebApp, deployService
