Create DB2400 external user defined table function? - user-defined-functions

I'm trying to create a UDTF in DB2400
I have a ILE CL program I want to call. The program is created and runs like I want.
I create the UDTF
create function SMLFQA.XAJJUPC_LE(USERID CHAR(10))
returns table (
USED DEC(7, 0),
specific XAJJUPC_LE
language CL
It apparently gets created
I try to run it
select * from table(smlfqa.xajjuc_le('xxxxx')) a
What I get
select * from table(smlfqa.xajjuc_le('xxxxx')) a
[SQL0204] XAJJUC_LE in SMLFQA type *N not found.
Elapsed Time: 0 hr, 0 min, 0 sec, 0 ms.
I'm pretty sure it creates because it does not let me create it again until I first drop it.
Any suggestions about what I'm doing wrong?

String literals in SQL are varchar. You've defined the UDTF as needing a char parameter.
Since SQL allows for function overloading, it's looking for a function that accepts a varchar.
Either change the parm to varchar (which CL doesn't support), or cast the literal.
select * from table(smlfqa.xajjuc_le(char('xxxxx'))) a


How to use Nested functions substr(), cast() and Max() in query builder in laravel 8?

I posted this question yesterday but I think it's unclear so I deleted it and posted it again with more details.
In my oracle database I have a USERS table with id_user defined as varchar and this varchar is like this: '145/1' ...... '145/9' so to add a new user I check the maximum value ('145/9') and add 1 to the second part of id_user (after the slash) so that the id_user is '145/10'.
The steps are like this:
First: I'm using substr() to get the second part (after the slash) of all id_user.
Second: I use Cast() to convert it to Int.
Third: I use Max() to get the maximum value of Int numbers.
Finally in my laravel code I use the result of this query(the result is 9) and add 1 to it and insert a new user in the users table with id_user = '145/10' and so on.
This query works fine but I need it in the Query Builder so I am trying a lot of queries but they didn't work.(please help me)
SELECT MAX(CAST(SUBSTR(id_user, INSTR (id_user, '/') + 1) AS INT)) AS Aggregate
FROM "users"
Finally, this query gives me the correct maximum:
DB::table('users')->select(DB::raw('MAX(CAST(SUBSTR(id_user,INSTR(id_user, \'/\') + 1) AS INT)) as max')) ->where('id_user','like','145'.'/%')->get()[0];

Oracle APEX 5 ITEM value

It's possible to get a Oracle APEX 5 item value inside SQL Developer ?
I know it'possible to use something like that:
FROM apex_050100.wwv_flow_data d
inner join apex_050100.wwv_flow_sessions$ s on d.flow_instance =;
where d.flow_instance = <session_id_from_url>;
But i want to use the V function:
select v('ITEM') FROM DUAL;
Or event better to set this item value like this:
You should use bind variables instead of the v function. Rather than this:
select *
from table
where column = v('PX_ITEM_NAME');
Do this instead:
select *
from table
where column = :PX_ITEM_NAME;
This is safer (not vulnerable to SQL injection), more performant (avoids hard parses and uses shared cursors), and more convenient in that you can copy this over to SQL Developer.
When you run this in SQL Developer, you will be prompted for the values before the query is executed.

Oracle SQL Query Performance, Function based Indexes

I have been trying to fine tune a SQL Query that takes 1.5 Hrs to process approx 4,000 error records. The run time increases along with the number of rows.
I figured out there is one condition in my SQL that is actually causing the issue
AND (DECODE (aia.doc_sequence_value,
NULL, DECODE(aia.voucher_num,
NULL, SUBSTR(aia.invoice_num, 1, 10),
aia.voucher_num) ,
aia.doc_sequence_value) ||'_' ||
aila.line_number ||'_' ||
aida.distribution_line_number ||'_' ||
DECODE (aca.doc_sequence_value,
NULL, DECODE(aca.check_voucher_num,
NULL, SUBSTR(aca.check_number, 1, 10),
aca.check_voucher_num) ,
aca.doc_sequence_value)) = " P_ID"
(P_ID - a value from the first cursor sql)
(Note that these are standard Oracle Applications(ERP) Invoice tables)
P_ID column is from the staging table that is derived the same way as above derivation and compared here again in the second SQL to get the latest data for that record. (Basically reprocessing the error records, the value of P_ID is something like "999703_1_1_9995248" )
Q1) Can I create a function based index on the whole left side derivation? If so what is the syntax.
Q2) Would it be okay or against the oracle standard rules, to create a function based index on standard Oracle tables? (Not creating directly on the table itself)
Q3) If NOT what is the best approach to solve this issue?
Briefly, no you can't place a function-based index on that expression, because the input values are derived from four different tables (or table aliases).
What you might look into is a materialised view, but that's a big and potentially difficult to solve a single query optimisation problem with.
You might investigate decomposing that string "999703_1_1_9995248" and applying the relevant parts to the separate expressions:
NULL, SUBSTR(aia.invoice_num, 1, 10),
aia.voucher_num) ,
aia.doc_sequence_value) = '999703' and
aila.line_number = '1' and
aida.distribution_line_number = '1' and
DECODE (aca.doc_sequence_value,
NULL, SUBSTR(aca.check_number, 1, 10),
aca.check_voucher_num) ,
aca.doc_sequence_value)) = '9995248'
Then you can use indexes on the expressions and columns.
You could separate the four components of the P_ID value using regular expressions, or a combination of InStr() and SubStr()
Ad 1) Based on the SQL you've posted, you cannot create function based index on that. The reason is that function based indexes must be:
Deterministic - i.e. the function used in index definition has to always return the same result for given input arguments, and
Can only use columns from the table the index is created for. In your case - based on aliases you're using - you have four tables (aia, aila, aida, aca).
Req #2 makes it impossible to build a functional index for that expression.

PL/SQL array manipulation function

I'm new in PL/SQL. I have a matrix stored in the DB as a nested table. Something like,
the matrix is stored as a TABLE of objects (and objects are t1 number, t2 number, ... t100 number)
To to get the matrix it would be select x.* from test t, table(t.matrix) x where... , returning
I want to create a function that returns the sum over the row to be called using SQL only, something equivalent to
select sum(x.T1),sum(x.T2)...sum(x.T100) from test t, table(t.matrix) x where ...
Something like select bigsum(x.*) from table t, table(t.matrix)
It will be called several times, and I don't want to write the 100 columns every time.
If you want to sum the values from 100 different columns, you're going to have to explicitly list those 100 columns at some point. You can encapsulate that logic for that expression in a view or a function or a pipelined table function or some other construct so that you don't have to repeat the expression many times, you just have to reference the abstraction you've created (i.e. call the function that sums the 100 values).
Although it would likely complicate the problem rather than simplifying it, you could potentially create a solution that uses dynamic SQL to generate the 100 columns names and the expression to add them together if you really, really want to avoid writing out 100 column names. It is highly unlikely, however, that the extra complexity of resorting to dynamic SQL would be beneficial unless there are substantial requirements that you haven't mentioned here that make writing out the column names more than a bit repetitive.
" it'll be called several times, and don't want to write the 100
columns every time"
Why not create a view? Write it once, call it as many times as you like:
create or replace view bigsum
select t.whatever
, sum(x.T1) as sum_t1
, sum(x.T2) as sum_t2
, sum(x.T100) as sum_t100
from test t
, table(t.matrix) x
group by t.whatever
You would need to include identifying columns from TEST to allow you to join the view to other tables. This approach would give you something close to want you want:
select *
from bigsum
where whatever = 23
You can reduce the amount of typing further by processing a result set from the data dictionary view USER_TYPE_ATTRS (or a SQL*Plus description) in a decent text editor with a regex search'n'replace.
you can create a function in the below given form depending on your condition and if you require parameter then you can add them while creating function and use them in the condition required
create or replace function bigsum
return number
sumall number;
select (sum(x.T1),sum(x.T2)...sum(x.T100)) into sumall
from test t, table(t.matrix) x where .(your condition).. ;
return sumall;
and call it in the manner
select bigsum from dual;

birt sql dataset with parameters sql error

I have a birt dataset for a db2 query. My query works fine without parameters with the following query...
with params as (SELECT '2014-02-16' enddate,'1' locationid FROM sysibm.sysdummy1)
from (
FROM params, mytable sos
WHERE sos.locationid=params.locationid
AND sos.repositorytype ='xxx'
AND sos.repositoryaccountability='xxx'
AND sos.terminalid='xxx'
AND DATE(sos.balanceDate) between date(params.enddate)-6 DAY and date(params.enddate)
GROUP BY sos.terminalid,sos.balancedate,params.enddate) t
But when I change the top line to ...
with params as (SELECT ? enddate,? locationid FROM sysibm.sysdummy1)
And make the two input paramters of string datatype I get db2 errors sqlcode -418. But i know that it is not my querty because my query works.
What is the right way for me to set up the parameters so there is no error?
I'm not familiar with DB2 programming, but on Oracle the ? works anywhere in the query.
Have you looked at
Seems that on DB2 it's a bit more complicated and you should use "typed parameter markers".
The doc says:
Typed parameter marker
A parameter marker that is specified with its target data type. A typed parameter marker has the general form:
CAST(? AS data-type)
This invocation of a CAST specification is a "promise" that the data type of the parameter at run time will be of the data type that is specified or some data type that is assignable to the specified data type.
Apart from that, always assure that your date strings are in the format that the DB expects, and use explicit format masks in the date function, like this:
with params as (
SELECT cast (? as varchar(10)) enddate,
cast (? as varchar2(80)) locationid
FROM sysibm.sysdummy1
from params, ...
where ...
AND DATE(sos.balanceDate) between date(XXX(params.enddate))-6 DAY and date(XXX(params.enddate))
Unfortunately I cannot tell you how the XXX function should look on DB2.
On Oracle, an example would be
to_date('2014-02-18', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
On DB2, see Converting a string to a date in DB2
In addition to hvb answer, i see two options:
Option 1 you could use a DB2 stored procedure instead of a plain SQL query. Thus there won't be these limitations you face to, due to JDBC query parameters.
Option 2, we should be able to remove the first line of the query "with params as" and replace it with question marks within the query:
from (
sos.terminalid,sos.balancedate,max(sos.balanceDate) as maxdate
FROM params, mytable sos
WHERE sos.locationid=?
AND sos.repositorytype ='xxx'
AND sos.repositoryaccountability='xxx'
AND sos.terminalid='xxx'
AND DATE(sos.balanceDate) between date(?)-6 DAY and date(?)
GROUP BY sos.terminalid,sos.balancedate) t
A minor drawback is, this time we need to declare 3 dataset parameters in BIRT instead of 2. More nasty, i removed params.endDate from "group by" and replaced it with "max(sos.balanceDate)" in select clause. This is very near but not strictly equivalent. If this is not acceptable in your context, a stored procedure might be the best option.
