Possible ways to run windows batch command from Unix - windows

I am trying to run a windows batch command from CentOS 6. I would like to know the best way to achieve this. I explored PsExec and WinExe utilities in unix to connect to windows machine and run the required commands.
I am trying this on a windows VM which is within company network, hence kindly highlight any specific network issues that I may have to check for the setup to run.
Any pointers would help.

Have you seen the examples from the PowerShell for Linux GitHub pages, as the working examples seem to cover this off nicely?
It will require SSH installed onto your Windows server, but otherwise seems to tick all of your boxes.


How is using WSL bash in vscode through the remote WSL extension different from using it by selecting as default shell while in windows?

Before I knew about the remote WSL extension for vscode, I had been using bash in it by selecting it as the default shell from the terminal option. What is the advantage of using remote WSL if all I wanted was to just use bash as the default terminal?
Hi Rohan and welcome to SO!
I'll have a shot at answering this, though someone more knowledgeable might have better insight.
When you load VSCode in windows, it accesses your various PC resources as windows resources. For example your files will be from the windows folder structure. Even if you use WSL bash as your terminal, VSCode is still acting on a windows basis.
If you use the remote WSL extension, it leverages VSCodes separation of UI and Backend by remotely starting a VSCode backend in the WSL layer, and connecting the windows UI to that backend ('remotely' although on the same PC). Due to running the backend in a linux environment, the files are loaded as linux files and handled via the WSL system, rather than normal windows access.
With regard to the question 'What is the advantage?' I would suggest the advantage is that now instead of having a split between VSCode in windows and command line in WSL, you now have both acting in harmony through WSL. It should provide some benefits (especially when WSL2 hits properly and performance increases) around things not messing in a windows manner on files you are trying to use in a linux way, and just make things feel a bit more connected.
However if you're using WSL bash just as a command line replacement and not using it for it's linux goodness (though I don't know if this would be the case), there may be less of an advantage.
It's a stepping stone to switching to devcontainers, which are really neat.
This page might help more, but that's my understanding! https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/wsl

Send command from batch shell to shell

My structure looks like this:
I have one Windows PC which is running 24/7 in my cellar and I have one Windows PC in my office (at home). Both are in the same network and I have admin privileges on both.
How can I set up a batch-file on my office PC which can send a command to the other PC through the command line? I should be able to turn off and reconnect my office PC without running every time in my cellar.
The SHUTDOWN command can remotely turn off other computers on your network but I am not sure what you mean by reconnect.
Have you taken a look at the tools described here ? If you are not on the latest version (or rather server version) of Windows, then you might have to download the tools mentioned here.

Is it possible to write a script to run an application on Windows VM from your mac?

I am using a RDC Connection from my mac to connect to an application (on windows box) in client network. Is that possible to write a script which does the following:
Open ur RDC. (i am using CoRD for this where my VM credentials are saved in .rdp files.
Login to VM with valid credentials from your .rdp file.
Open your app on that VM (for ex: IE explorer)
Following code in my shell script will connect me to my VM.(First two steps are working)
open rdp://[username[:password]#]hostname
How should I automate third step?
Is there any other way than shell script?
If you install Jenkins on your Mac, then install the Jenkins slave agent on the Windows machine, you can remotely run any command you like on the Windows box via the Jenkins web UI, and get back the results as well. In that scenario there's no need to use RDC at all.
For some more background, see: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Distributed+builds
This might be a simplistic answer, but AutoHotKey is something that will automate your 3rd step. Its free and pretty easy to script. You can have this in your start up routine for your VM, so when you log in, you can have this kick off your job.
I have used it before for testing some Java Swing components on Windows and its been pretty handy (Windows was running on a Virtualbox VM on my Mac).

Is it possible to run a batch script remotely on a Windows machine from Linux without installing ssh?

I am looking for a way in Linux to run a batch script on a remote Windows machine. I already searched some forums and the Internet and found e.g. this question.
It seems that the easiest way so far is using ssh. But do Linux or Windows also offer some built-in tools to solve this problem (something like at-command for Linux-to-Windows)?
Have a look at this. It seems to be the linux counter part to the Windows Sysinternals PsExec tool.
Another option is to use ad-hoc services for remote execution, e.g. Nagios NRPE for windows. It is not exactly what the developers had in mind, but it can be (ab)used in this way.

Invoking windows batch file from Linux

I have an application running only on Windows and a batch file that launches it.
I want to invoke this batch file from Linux, meaning something like Linux batch will launch the windows batch with parameters and this in its turn run my application.
Can I do that? How?
You could install an ssh server in the windows box (Cygwin has one), then from linux do something like:
ssh user#windows-box c:/path/to/batch.cmd
and that should launch your application in the windows box.
The most direct way is probably to install an ssh server on the windows box. Cygwin includes an ssh server.
Depending on how precise your timing needs are, you might be able to have an "at" job on the windows box that runs periodically (every 5 minutes?) and runs if it sees that a particular file exists, deleting the file. Then you could use Samba/smbclient to create the file. You would need to turn on filesharing on the windows box for this to work.
If the windows box has a web server, you could write a CGI, and trigger it using wget or cURL.
Our build process currently goes the other way: a windows sever kicks off things on the Linux server using plink (part of PuTTY). You might be able to set something similar up.
This may cause a security issue. Our information security person did not allow me to invoke any programs directly.
The safer way is to set up server on Windows computer. This can be a web-server for example. And then invoke your process inside PHP/Perl/Python script.
Also look at winexe that allows you to execute windows commands/batch scripts without running ssh server.
