Wrong Pressure #yahoo-weather-api - yahoo

I get currently a pressure of 32306.16 Millibar. What's going on wrong?
My request contains u='c'

It seems that Yahoo has a Problem for at least one and a half year (!):
Good Morning Yahoo!

I think Yahoo got it wrong. So if you requested u=c then it returns millibars but it is not expected value you must convert it to inch then you got the real millibars.
then if you requested u=f then it returns in but it is not as expected value it is a millibars so you must again convert it to an in.


how to convert hash+string to number in free marker

I'm struggling to convert hash+string to number in free marker. How I can resolve this issue:
<#assign varnetweight = varitem.varquantity * example.examplevar />
or "*" right-hand operand: Expected a number, but this has evaluated to a hash+string (wrapper: com.netledger.templates.model.StringModel):
The error message is quite clear: you need two numbers for your multiplication.
I tested your configuration with https://try.freemarker.apache.org/:
This configuration is working as you access a number with example.examplevar.
Here you don't access a number but another data structure that cannot be resolved to a number:
So please provide your complete data for us to see why it is wrong. Or maybe this already helps you.

VBScript - RANDOMIZE (Cbyte(Left(Right(Time(),5),2))) throws 500 for ES locales

Using a standard VBScript Randomize statement (below) which works fine -- most of the time.
...RANDOMIZE (Cbyte(Left(Right(Time(),5),2)))
It took a bit, but in digging thru log files, I've noticed that it throws this 500 error:
Type mismatch: 'Cbyte'
when the users' languages are non-English.
I tried changing the Session.LCID (I'm using Classic ASP) in a test page but no effect.
Any suggestions for fixing or a work-around? Thank you...
It appears you're trying to randomise based on the seconds-within-the-minute value:
12:34:56 AM
56 AM (right(5))
56 (left(2))
Now I have no idea of the top of my head what Time() would return in a Spanish locale, but it may well be something like 12:34:56 de la mañana.
What I do know is that relying on a specific presentation format in a globalised world is a bad idea. In your case, it may involve trying to convert left(right("12:34:56 de la mañana",5),2), or "añ", into a numeric value, something it's not going to be happy with.
If you want a true root cause analysis, I'd suggest catching the conversion error and actually logging what Time() is presenting itself as when it errors.
If you just want to fix it, find a way to get the seconds that doesn't depend on locale, for example:
secs = Second(Time())
As an aside, I'm not sure why you think this is even needed. The documentation for the VBScript Randomise function states that, if an argument is not given, the value returned by the system timer is used as the new seed value. Hence it's already based on the current time.

Possible to have a simple formula within the [value_if] argument? - excel

I'm trying to use a relatively basic IF function but having no luck - i'm sure i just have brackets or parenthesis wrong or something. Reckon it will be childsplay for you guys....
The formula is intended to show how many days a date has passed by. Date is shown in T column.
Basically it was working fine as the following, both for pending and past dates:
=IF(T7<=TODAY(), (TODAY()-T7),-(T7-TODAY()))
But I got greedy and wanted it to return more of a statement when the date has passed, as to how much it has passed by. So I've tried to make this happen with:
=IF(T7<=TODAY(),"EffOut(TODAY()-T7) days ago",-(T7-TODAY()))
Hoping it would enter "EffOut 8 days ago" (when TODAY()-T7 is 8 days) for example.
But it doesnt - it shows the entire argument i.e "EffOut(TODAY()-T7) days ago" in the return cell.
Is it possible to have a kind of embedded formula in the 'value_if' fields, mixed with text in this sense?
Happy to share the document if that would help, but will need to clear the data first so just let me know.
Thanks in advance, any help is much appreciated! Having read other posts I think it will just be a simple fix but its well beyond me! (I only got this far by perusing forums...)
Maybe something like this...
=IF(T7<=TODAY(),"EffOut "&DAYS(TODAY(),T7)&" days ago",-(T7-TODAY()))
=IF(T7<=TODAY(),"EffOut "&(TODAY()-T7)&" days ago",-(T7-TODAY()))
You just need to be careful to put "" around any strings. This is how Excel knows that's not a part of the formula. Remember to out the spaces is to the string like I did above so it looks like a sentence. The & sign combines the results of the calculated parts and the strings.

Convert to E164 only if possible?

Can I determine if the user entered a phone number that can be safely formatted into E164?
For Germany, this requires that the user started his entry with a local area code. For example, 123456 may be a subscriber number in his city, but it cannot be formatted into E164, because we don't know his local area code. Then I would like to keep the entry as it is. In contrast, the input 089123456 is independent of the area code and could be formatted into E164, because we know he's from Germany and we could convert this into +4989123456.
You can simply convert your number into E164 using libphonenumber
and after conversion checks if both the strings are same or not. If they're same means a number can not be formatted, otherwise the number you'll get from library will be formatted in E164.
Here's how you can convert
PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();
String formattedNumber = phoneUtil.format(inputNumber, PhoneNumberFormat.E164);
Finally compare formattedNumber with inputNumber
It looks as though you'll need to play with isValidNumber and isPossibleNumber for your case. format is certainly not guaranteed to give you something actually dialable, see the javadocs. This is suggested by the demo as well, where formatting is not displayed when isValidNumber is false.
I also am dealing with this FWIW. In the context of US numbers: The issue is I'd like to parse using isPossibleNumber in order to be as lenient as possible, and store the number in E164. However then we accept, e.g. +15551212. This string itself even passes isPossibleNumber despite clearly (I think) not being dialable anywhere.

How to get the 'current observation data' from the NDFD (NOAA, NWS) REST service?

I'm trying to use the NDFD (National Digital Forecast Database) to get current temperature and relative humidity given a Lat and Long using their REST based service.
The issue at hand:
I can't match the 'current observation data' WITH the 'results' I get back from the REST-service.
The setup:
* Apple (1-infinite loop, Cupertino, California)
* Lat = 37.33; Lon = -122.03
If I issue the following REST-call:
Note 1: I'm passing the begin and end time in UTC. They're the same because I'm
looking for just a single-point-in-time: the latest observed
temp and relative humidity.
AND, then compare it to what is the closet reporting stations (San Jose International Airport, CA - KSJC - 37.37N 121.93W) # http://www.weather.gov/xml/current_obs/KSJC.xml
** I can never get them to MATCH. **
Note 2: The nearest reporting station is return back from the REST call
as well, so I know I'm comparing Location apples to Location apples.
I've had two ideas:
1: I'm doing something wrong with how I'm passing in the begin/end times into the REST call...
2: You can't get 'current observed data' the way I'm trying to...
I've found a solution using outoftime's NOAA ruby lib , [it parses an observation stations YAML file to find the nearest one given Lat/Lng then goes directly to that station via its identifier i.e. http://www.weather.gov/xml/current_obs/KSJC.xml].... but it just feels like I may be missing something obvious here and would like to use the REST-based interface ;)
Any help or pointers would be appreciated!
It looks like the service you are calling isn't for current data. Judging by the URL and the XML results it seems to be for forecasts. You can also put in future dates to get future forecast data. It expects the dates to be in the -0700 time zone according to the response. I'm not sure which service you should be calling to get the data you want though.
I know that this is an old question, but this is what I'm using to get current weather conditions: http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=43.09110&lon=-79.0162&unit=0&lg=english&FcstType=dwml
Found this api/link yesterday. Its still developmental (operation-mode="developmental"):
If you want the "current" observation, you use the XML here:
If you click on the link you'll get a rendered page. However, if you pull from it using normal rest methods or just wget, it delivers an xml file.
